16:00 |
0427. |
Isotropic Cardiac MR
Functional Imaging with 3D Variable Density Spiral and
Non-Cartesian Through-time GRAPPA 
Kestutis J. Barkauskas1, Jesse I. Hamilton1,
Yong Chen1, Dan Ma1, Katherine L.
Wright1, Wei-Ching Lo1, Prabhakar
Rajiah2, Vikas Gulani2, Mark A.
Griswold2, and Nicole Seiberlich1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Radiology,
University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH, United States
The feasibility of volumetric coverage of the left
ventricle within a single breathhold at isotropic
reconstructed resolution for cardiac MR functional
imaging was explored. The 3D Stack-of-Spirals trajectory
and 3D through-time non-Cartesian GRAPPA reconstruction
were combined to yield volumetric cine scans with
spatial resolution of 2.47mm3 and
temporal resolution of 32ms. Total 3D scan time was
nearly 4-fold shorter than when acquiring the clinical
standard 2D short-axis functional scan. These 4D images
could be reformatted to arbitrary imaging planes without
prior image registration, demonstrating the potential
assessment of valve patency or the entire length of the
papillary muscle anatomy.
16:12 |
Zoomed cardiac CINE-MRI
using nonlinear phase preparation 
Sebastian Littin1, Maxim Zaitsev1,
Waltraud Brigitte Buchenberg1, Anna Masako
Welz1, Hans Weber1, Feng Jia1,
Frederik Testud1, Daniel Gallichan2,
Jürgen Hennig1, and Walter R. T. Witschey3
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2EPFL
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,
United States
Here we present a method for field-of-view reduction in
cardiac CINE-MRI. A nonlinear prephasing gradient
generated by a high-performance monoplaner gradient
system is used for signal spoiling along phase-encoding
direction. A speed up of 60% without additional SAR is
demonstrated in a clinically relevant application.
16:24 |
0429. |
Highly Accelerated
Free-breathing 4D Cardiac Imaging with CIRCUS Acquisition
permission withheld
Jing Liu1, Li Feng2, and David
1University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2New
York University, NY, United States
An effective k-space undersampling scheme (CIRCUS) for
3D Cartesian imaging with compressed sensing and
parallel imaging has successfully been implemented and
applied to free-breathing 4D cardiac imaging. Our
preliminary results demonstrated the nice features and
great potentials of the proposed acceleration method. We
showed promising whole heart CINE images achieved in 2
minute scan time.
16:36 |
Non ECG-Triggered
Self-Navigated 3D Radial Whole-Heart Cine MRI with High
Spatial Resolution for Simultaneous Multi-Phase Coronary and
Functional Imaging. 
Simone Coppo1,2, Davide Piccini3,4,
Gabriele Bonanno1,2, Jerome Chaptinel1,2,
Gabriella Vincenti5, and Matthias Stuber1,2
1Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Radiology,
University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Advanced
Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare IM BM
PI, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Radiology,
University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL)/
Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne,
Switzerland, 5Division
of Cardiology and Cardiac MR Center, University Hospital
(CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland
A novel self-navigated 3D radial whole-heart cine
sequence for combined coronary anatomy visualization and
ventricular function assessment is introduced. The
sequence is not ECG-triggered and allows for the
retrospective selection of both the acquisition window
duration and its relative position in the cardiac cycle.
In addition, multiplanar reformatting at any
user-defined anatomical level is enabled for these 3D
cine datasets. First combined coronary MRA and
ventricular function data obtained with this approach in
vivo and in humans are presented.
16:48 |
0431. |
Cardiac Multi-Contrast
CINE: Real-Time Inversion-Recovery Balanced Steady-State
Free Precession Imaging with Compressed-Sensing and
Aurelien F. Stalder1, Peter Speier1,
Michael Zenge1, Andreas Greiser1,
Christoph Tillmanns2, and Michaela Schmidt1
1Siemens AG Healthcare Sector, Erlangen,
Germany, 2Diagnostikum
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
CINE and delayed enhancement imaging are widely used in
cardiac MRI to evaluate function and viability,
respectively. In this work, we demonstrate a new
technique to acquire both function and viability in a
short breath-hold of 4 seconds. The technique is based
on highly-accelerated IR real-time CINE 2D bSSFP using
compressed sensing to produce images with high spatial
and temporal resolution. Subsequently, a registration
and motion-propagation strategy is used to reconstruct
CINE series for each of the acquired TI-contrasts. Based
on multi-TI CINE series, it is possible to
retrospectively visualize any TI-contrast as CINE or to
reconstruct CINE pseudo-T1 maps.
17:00 |
0432. |
k-t Reconstruction of
Undersampled Wavelet-space for Real-time Free-breathing
Cardiac Imaging 
Yu Li1, Janaka Wansapura1, Hui
Wang2, Jean Tkach1, Michael Taylor3,
and Charles Dumoulin1
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2MR
Clinical Science North America, Philips HealthCare,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Cardiology,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH, United States
We investigated a new cardiac imaging technique that
uses k-t parallel imaging reconstruction in an
undersampled wavelet-space for real-time free-breathing
data acquisition. This technique decomposes the original
cardiac data into a series of multi-scale k-t data with
a small frequency bandwidth using real-time wavelet
decomposition filters. The bandwidth reduction allows
for the use of neighboring time frames in wavelet-space
k-t reconstruction, providing an approach to improving
SNR without a considerable loss of dynamic information.
The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated.
17:12 |
0433. |
cardiography using a balanced 300MHz loop resonator:
ventricular volume changes influence resonator efficiency at
Friedrich Wetterling1,2
1Faculty of Engineering, Trinity College, the
University of Dublin, Dublin, Leinster, Ireland, 2Tomometrics
Ltd., Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
Standard MRI 300MHz loop resonators when placed on a
human chest can serve to record variations related to
the cardiac cycle with no influence of respiration on a
network analyser. Radio-frequeny cardiography (rf CG)
signals have been correlated with electrocardiographic (ECG)
measurements and one rf-CG sensor was used to record a
cardiac MR image at 7T. This technique proises to work
well during free breathing and requires no tissue
contact. The recorded variations may have to be
considered for fine adjustment of feeding current phase
shifts between multiple transmit resonators during
B1-shimming. The results indicate that double-tuned
resonators could serve as a unique sensor for rf-CG and
detection of the MR signal for cardiac MRI.
17:24 |
Regional Frank-Starling
relations in infarcted swine via dynamic real-time MRI 
Francisco Contijoch1, Walter RT Witschey1,
Jeremy McGarvey1, Madonna Lee1,
Norihiro Kondo1, Toru Shimaoka1,
Chikashi Aoki1, Satoshi Takebayashi1,
Gerald A Zsido1, Christen Dillard1,
Joseph H Gorman1, Robert C Gorman1,
and James J Pilla1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
Current imaging methods provide non-invasive and high
spatial resolution approach, but are load-dependent
since values obtained are influenced by the
end-diastolic volume (preload) and arterial impedance (afterload).
In this work, we developed an MRI method to quantify
regional response to alterations in preload. As a
result, we obtain regional Frank-Starling relations in
infarcted swine.
17:36 |
Complete functional
assessment of the mouse heart with one-minute acquisition 
Guido Buonincontri1, Carmen Methner2,
Thomas Krieg2, T Adrian Carpenter1,
and Stephen J Sawiak1,3
1Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 3Behavioural
and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Long scan duration limits the usage of cine MRI methods
in mice. We employed spatiotemporal compressed sensing
and parallel imaging to accelerate retrospectively-gated
cine MRI of mouse hearts. We found that the scan time
for the whole heart could be reduced to one minute when
using radial sampling. The accuracy in the estimation of
left and right ventricular volumes was preserved for all
tested subjects. This method can be used to perform fast
and accurate functional MRI exams in mice.
17:48 |
0436. |
Retrospectively gated CINE 23Na
imaging of the heart at 7.0 T using density-adapted 3D
projection reconstruction 
Ana Resetar1, Stefan H. Hoffmann1,
Andreas Graessel2, Helmar Waiczies3,
Thoralf Niendorf2,4, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Berlin
Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max-Delbrueck-Center for
Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 3MRI.TOOLS
GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 4Experimental
and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Charité Campus Buch,
Berlin, Germany
A retrospectively gated reconstruction routine for 23Na-MRI
of the human heart using a density-adapted 3D projection
reconstruction sequence with standard and golden angle
sampling scheme is presented. Different heart phases
with temporal resolutions of 0.2s (5 phases) and 0.1s
(10 phases) were reconstructed by filling the k-spaces
retrospectively according to an acoustic trigger signal.
Golden angle sampling yields a more homogeneous
distribution of projections which results in reduced
image artefacts and higher SNR.