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0496. |
Accelerated 4D Flow Imaging
using Randomly Undersampled Echo Planer Imaging with
Compressed-Sensing Reconstruction
permission withheld
Tamer Basha1, Kraig V. Kissinger1,
Beth Goddu1, Sophie Berg1, Warren
J Manning1,2, and Reza Nezafat1
1Department of Medicine, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States, 2Radiology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States
4D flow imaging using phase contrast CMR (PC CMR) allows
visualization and quantification of blood flow. One of
the major limitations of 4D flow imaging is its long
scan time. In this study, we investigate an accelerated
4D flow imaging sequence that combines an efficient data
sampling strategy using echo planar imaging (EPI) with
randomly undersampled 3D k-space sampling pattern. The
randomly undersampled k-space data are then
reconstructed using compressed sensing (CS).
10:12 |
Single Breath-hold Renal
Artery Blood Flow Measurements Using Spiral PCMR With r-r
Interval Averaging 
Jennifer Anne Steeden1, Grzegorz Kowalik1,
Andrew Taylor1, and Vivek Muthurangu1
1Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, UCL
Institute of Cardiovascular Science, London, United
Renal artery blood flow (RABF) can be accurately
measured using phase contrast MR (PCMR), however long
scan times are required. This study proposes averaging
data over an integer number of r-r intervals to measure
RABF with high spatial resolution during a single
breath-hold (~6 seconds). A novel golden-angle spiral
PCMR sequence was tested in-vivo (N=30), and the
limitations of the technique were tested in an in-silico
experiment. In-silico the stroke volumes (SV) measured
were within 6% of the true SV, for all heart rates and
vessel expansibility tested. In-vivo SVs correlated well
with a reference Cartesian PCMR sequence (r=0.9906,
10:24 |
3D quantification of wall
shear stress and oscillatory index using finite-element
interpolations in 4D flow MR data of the thoracic aorta. 
Julio Andres Sotelo1,2, Jesús Urbina3,4,
Cristian Tejos3,5, Israel Valverde6,7,
Daniel Hurtado8,9, and Sergio Uribe3,4
1Biomedical Imaging Center, Pontificia
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Santiago,
Chile, 2Electrical
Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Santiago, Chile, 3Biomedical
Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile, 4Radiology,
School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile, 5Electrical
Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile, 6Pediatric
Cardiology Unit, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla,
Spain, 7Division
of Cardiovascular Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine
Seville (IBIS), Hospital Universitario Virgen de Rocio/CSIC/University
of Seville, Sevilla, Spain, 8Biomedical
Engineering Group, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile, 9Structural
Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile
We propose a novel methodology to compute the WSS in 3D
of whole thoracic aorta from 3D CINE PC-MRI. The
velocity data is interpolated using tetrahedral
finite-elements and the WSS is obtained from a global
least-squares stress-projection method. We report and
compared the WSS with 2D approximation in the aorta of
15 volunteers and one phantom. Our results showed the
local WSS values were in good agreement with the 2D
approximation. To the best of our knowledge this is the
first work that presents the calculation of a 3D WSS map
from 3D PC-MRI data.
10:36 |
Thoracic Aorta 3D Wall
Shear Stress as a Marker of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease in
Pediatric Patients 
Bradley D Allen1, Pim van Ooij1,
Alex J. Barker1, Maria Carr1, Maya
Gabbour2, Michael Markl1,3,
Cynthia K Rigsby2, and Joshua D Robinson4
1Department of Radiology, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's
Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University,
Chicago, IL, United States, 4Division
of Pediatric Cardiology, Ann & Robert H. Lurie
Children's Hospital of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United
Pediatric bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) patients are not
at increased risk of cardiovascular complications during
childhood, but often require surgical management of
their disease to limit progressive ascending aorta (AAo)
dilation and reduce their risk of events in adulthood.
Wall shear stress (WSS) has been shown to lead to
vascular remodeling and may be the hemodynamic driver of
progressive AAo dilation in these patient. In this
study, 4D flow MRI was used to non-invasively quantify
3D WSS in the aorta of pediatric BAV patients, and WSS
was found to correlate with AAo diameter and peak
10:48 |
Flow Characteristics in
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Relatives compared to normal controls
using 4D flow MRI 
Susanne Schnell1, Alex J Barker1,
Pegah Entezari1, A Reza Hornamand1,
Pim van Ooij1, S Chris Malaisrie2,
Patrick M McCarthy2, Jeremy Collins1,
James C Carr1, and Michael Markl1,3
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 2Surgery,
Cardiac Surgery Division, Northwestern University,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Illinois, United States
We evaluated flow dynamics, aorta diameter and geometry
in relatives with a family member expressing a bicuspid
aortic valve (BAV) and compared results to normal
volunteers using contrast enhanced cardiac MRI and 4D
flow MRI. The findings demonstrate subtle but
significant differences in aortic hemodynamics in BAV
relatives compared to age-matched normal controls. Of
note, BAV relatives expressed more cubic shaped aortas,
which may explain the observed differences. In fact, the
significant higher vortex flow in the BAV relatives in
the ascending and descending, as well as the
significantly lower WSS was related to cubic aortic
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0501. |
Quantitative assessment of
splenic hemodynamics at 4D flow MRI in the evaluation of
thrombocytopenia: A pilot study in cirrhotic patients with
portal hypertension 
Jad Bou Ayache1, Zoran Stankovic1,
Edouard Semaan1, James C Carr1,
Michael Markl1, and Jeremy D Collins1
1Radiology Department, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hypersplenism is a well-recognized, treatable cause of
thrombocytopenia. However, the underlying flow
disturbances contributing to platelet sequestration by
the spleen are unknown. Liver donation, hematologic
malignancy and liver cirrhosis predisposes to
splenomegaly associated with various degrees of
thrombocytopenia. We hypothesized that differences in
splenic hemodynamics could explain the increased
filtration effect independent of splenic size. 4D flow
MRI was performed in patients with liver disease and
healthy volunteers, correlating indexed splenic arterial
and venous flow with platelet counts. Our feasibility
study demonstrates significant differences in indexed
splenic hemodynamics between patients with and without
11:12 |
Ventricular Inefficiency in
Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Assessed with 4D Flow MRI 
Daniel Jeong1, Alejandro Roldan-Alzate1,
Sharda Srinivasan2, Luke J. Lamers2,
Petros Anagnostopoulos3, Mark L. Schiebler1,
Oliver Wieben1,4, and Christopher J. Francois1
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Pediatrics,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, United States, 3Surgery,
Madison, United States, 4Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
In this study we compared the efficiency of the right
and left ventricles to generate cardiac output in
subjects with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) and
healthy volunteers. 4D Flow MRI was used to calculate
ventricular kinetic energy and great vessel flow.
Significant differences in ventricular efficiency were
observed between the two cohorts, with subjects with
rTOF much less efficient than healthy volunteers.
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0503. |
4D flow assessment of
pulmonary artery flow and wall shear stress in adult
pulmonary hypertension: results from two institutions 
Christopher J Francois1, Alejandro
Roldan-Alzate1, Oliver Wieben1,2,
Naomi C Chesler3, Sanjiv Shah4,
Pegah Entezari5, James C Carr5,
Michael Markl5,6, and Alex Barker5,6
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI, United
States,3Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, WI, United States, 4Medicine,
Northwestern University, IL, United States, 5Radiology,
Northwestern University, IL, United States, 6Biomedical
Engineering, Northwestern University, IL, United States
This two-center study compares pulmonary artery flow and
wall shear stress (WSS) measurements derived from two
different 4D Flow MRI sequences in subjects with
pulmonary hypertension (PH) and healthy controls.
Significant differences in flow and WSS were observed
between PH and control groups. Interobserver variability
for these measurements were negligible.
11:36 |
Highly Accelerated 4D Flow
using Spiral Sampling and Dynamic Compressed Sensing for
Flow Quantification in Abdominal Vessels 
Hadrien Dyvorne1, Ashley Knight-Greenfield1,
Guido Jajamovich1, Cecilia Besa1,
Aurelien F Stalder2, Julio Garcia Flores3,
Michael Markl3, and Bachir Taouli1
1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States, 2Siemens
AG – Healthcare sector, Erlangen, Germany, 3Radiology,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Univeresity,
Chicago, IL, United States
A new technique was developed to perform fast
acquisition of 4D flow in abdominal vessels. By
combining undersampled spiral sampling and dynamic
compressed sensing reconstruction, 4D flow could be
acquired in significantly shorter time, down to a breath
hold. In 5 subjects, the novel technique shows high
correlation with a standard Cartesian 4D flow
measurement and good agreement with 2D phase contrast.
Accelerated spiral 4D flow has high potential for
comprehensive assessment of hemodynamics in a clinically
acceptable scan time.
11:48 |
Investigation of a
ventricular assist device (VAD) in an in vitro model system
using 4D-phase contrast MRI 
Christoph Müller1, Waltraud Brigitte
Buchenberg1, Christoph Benk2,
Ramona Lorenz1, Stephan Berner1,
and Bernd Jung1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 2Dept.
of Cardiovascular Surgery, Heart Center Freiburg,
University Freiburg, Germany
Since in vivo MR studies of ventricular assist devices (VAD)
patients are not possible, in vitro models are an
important tool to assess flow alterations caused by VADs.
For instance they allow for characterizing the impact of
different cannula positions or different operating
conditions on the hemodynamics. Using an in vitro MR
compatible model system this work investigated the flow
characteristics of a VAD with a blood supply via the
right subclavian artery (SCA) as commonly used in
cardio-thoracic surgery in the recent past. 4D phase
contrast (PC)-MRI was used for qualitative and
quantitative evaluation of flow characteristics.