16:00 |
0682. |
GluCEST imaging of Tumor
Protease Activity 
Mohammad Haris1,2, Anup Singh1,
Imran Mohammed3, Ranjit Ittyerah4,
Kavindra Nath4, Ravi Prakash R Nanga1,
Catherine Debrosse1, Feliks Kogan1,
Kejia Cai1,5, Harish Poptani4,
Damodar Reddy1, Hari Hariharan1,
and Ravinder Reddy1
1CMROI, Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Research
Branch, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar, 3Department
of Pharmacology and Institute for Translational Medicine
and Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 4Molecular
Imaging, Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 5CMRR
3T Research Program, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, IL, United States
We propose a noninvasive MRI method that is capable of
measuring expression of cathepsin proteases in tumors in
vivo. Degradation of L-poly glutamate by cathepsins in
to glutamate or smaller peptide fragments exposes amine
protons, which can be monitored through chemical
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging. In the
current study, we have shown the feasibility of mapping
cathepsins in tumor cells line and rat model of brain
tumor using CEST imaging technique.
16:12 |
0683. |
Developing a nanobiosensor
for non-invasive visualization of the AKT signaling pathways -
permission withheld
Amnon Bar-Shir1,2, Nikita Oskolkov1,3,
Galit Pelled1,3, Jeff W.M. Bulte1,2,
Michael T McMahon1,3, and Assaf A. Gilad1,2
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Institute
for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States
The goal of this study is to develop a non-invasive
platform to visualize the response to protein kinase
inhibitors in brain cancer. For that end, we started
with screening for an ideal peptide that will provide
high CEST contrast that will be reduced only upon
phosphorylation by the enzyme AKT. Three peptides,
substrates of the enzyme AKT, generated CEST contrast.
Adding phosphorus to the threonine residue resulted in
reduction of the contrast. Thus, these finidngs are the
first step in optimizing a peptide with the best
senstivity and specificity toward AKT.
16:24 |
0684. |
pH-nanosensors for
monitoring the cell fate after transplantation into diabetic
mice using CEST MRI 
Dian R. Arifin1,2, Kannie W.Y. Chan1,2,
Peter C.M. van Zijl1,3, Daniel S. Warren4,
Zhaoli Sun4, Jeff W.M. Bulte1,2,
and Michael T. McMahon1,3
1Russell H. Morgan Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Institute
for Cell Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department
of Surgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
Imaging the functionality of transplanted islet cells in
diabetes is important for proper post-treatment
follow-up. Insulin secretion is accompanied by a
decrease in pH, and the ability to image pH changes
could be used to monitor release of insulin. We
investigated the potential of pH-nanosensors
incorporated in alginate microcapsules to sense insulin
release in diabetic mice using CEST MRI, which detects
protons exchanging with water at a rate sensitive to pH.
We show that a decrease in CEST contrast of the
microcapsules may correspond to an increase in insulin
secretion, indicating potential for application to
monitoring cell function in diabetes.
16:36 |
0685. |
MRI guidance of Doxorubicin
release from liposomes stimulated by pulsed low intensity
non-focused Ultrasound in an experimental tumor model 
Silvia Rizzitelli1, Pierangela Giustetto1,2,
Juan Carlos Cutrin1,3, Marta Ruzza1,
Cinzia Boffa1, Daniela Delli Castelli1,
Valeria Menchise4, Filippo Molinari5,
Silvio Aime1,2, and Enzo Terreno1,2
1Department of Molecular Biotechnology and
Health Sciences, Molecular Imaging Center, University of
Torino, Torino, Italy, 2Center
for Preclinical Imaging, University of Torino,
Colleretto Giacosa, Torino, Italy, 3(UBA-CONICET),
ININCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4Institute
for Biostructures and Bioimages (CNR) c/o Molecular
Biotechnology Center, University of Torino, Torino,
Italy, 5Biolab,
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications,
Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Doxorubicin is one of the most effective antitumoral
drugs, which is clinically administered in liposomal
form to improve the therapeutic index and reduce side
effects. Since liposomes are not able to deeply diffuse
in the tumor, several methods to promote the release of
the drug at the target site have been proposed. In this
contribution, we used pulsed low-intensity non-focused
US (pLINFU) as physical trigger to stimulate a mechanic
release of the drug from stealth liposomes. The
co-encapsulation of the MRI agent Gadoteridol provided a
non invasive and efficient MRI guidance to monitor the
drug release.
16:48 |
0686. |
Hot-spot 19F imaging of
stem cell transplantation into the intrathecal space in a
large animal model 
Miroslaw Janowski1,2, Guan Wang1,
Jiadi Xu3, Monica Pearl1,
Gokhuldass Mohandas1, Amnon Bar-Shir1,
Monika Barczewska4, Joanna Wojtkiewicz4,
Aleksandra Habich4, Wojciech Maksymowicz4,
Jeff W.M. Bulte1, Dara Kraitchman1,
and Piotr Walczak1,5
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2NeuroRepair
Department, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre PAS,
Warsaw, Mazovia, Poland, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4Department
of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Warmia and
Mazury, Olsztyn, Varmia and Masuria, Poland,5Department
of Radiology, University of Warmia and Mazury, Varmia
and Masuria, Poland
An intrathecal route was found to be a minimally
invasive and potentially efficient method of stem cell
delivery to the spinal cord. However, that approach is
highly challenging due to uncertain cell distribution.
Cell tracking with proton imaging proved difficult due
to omnipresent magnetic field inhomogeneity. We have
shown that suspending stem cells in a hydrogel improves
the targeted injection. Labeling of the hydrogel with
fluorine nanoparticles enables detailed and quantitative
depiction of stem cell distribution. The use of fluorine
image-guidance enables a very precise deployment of stem
cells within the intrathecal space.
17:00 |
0687. |
Direct cerebral 17O-MRI at
a clinical field strenght of 3 Tesla using a Tx/Rx head coil
Robert Borowiak1,2, Jens Groebner3,
Dmitry Kurzhunov3, Elmar Fischer3,
Iulius Dragonu3, and Michael Bock3
1German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), German
Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg,
Germany, 2Radiology
- Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 3Radiology
- Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
In this work 17O MRI at natural abundance is presented
with a transmit/receive (Tx/Rx) 17O head coil at a
clinical field strength of 3 T. Image data sets are
acquired of the human brain in an acquisition time of 20
min, and data are co-registered to 1H brain data sets.
Data from this preliminary study show that 17O whole
brain MRI is possible in a clinical setting.
17:12 |
0688. |
Earth-field magnetic
resonance imaging - investigating magnetic nanoparticle
contrast in ex vivo liver
Friedrich Wetterling1,2, Eoin K Fox3,
Dermot F Brougham3, and Oliviero Gobbo4
1Faculty of Engineering, Trinity College, the
University of Dublin, Dublin, Leinster, Ireland, 2Tomometrics
Ltd., Dublin, Leinster, Ireland, 3School
of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin,
Leinster, Ireland, 4School
of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Institute of
Neuroscience, Trinity College, the University of Dublin,
Dublin, Leinster, Ireland
In the current study, an earth-field magnetic resonance
imaging (EFMRI) system was used to firstly examine the
effect of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) on the
longitudinal relaxation time in the polarizing field and
secondly to acquire images from ex vivo livers
containing MNPs. The use of MNPs as contrast agents for
relaxation rate enhancement of MRI signal has been
previously reported and was confirmed by our EFMRI
measurements. 3D image data sets were recorded for
control and MNP doped livers. We conclude that
earth-field MRI at 50uT provides a promising tool to
study MNP concentration changes non-invasively with
sufficient spatial resolution as a model system for
developing insights into bio-distribution and changes in
relaxivity on localisation.
17:24 |
0689. |
Distinguishing magnetic
nanoparticles by r2/r1 
Veronica Clavijo Jordan1,2 and
Kevin M Bennett3
1University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI,
United States, 2Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, United States, 3University
of Hawaii at Manoa, HI, United States
In this work we have developed a novel technique to
chemically tune the magnetic properties of the iron
crystal inside apoferritin. By tuning their properties
from paramagnetic to superparamagnetic, we introduce a
set of particles with unique r2/r1 combinations.
These magnetic signatures can be extracted with a unique
scanning technique that result in simultaneous detection
of nanoparticle agents and thus of targets at nM
17:36 |
Modulating Activity in the
Olfactory Bulb Leads to Reversible Changes in Size and Alter
Migration of New Neurons 
Nikorn Pothayee1, Diana Cummings2,
Leonardo Belluscio2, and Alan Koretsky1
1Laboratory of Functional and Molecular
Imaging, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Developmental
Neural Plasticity Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD,
United States
In mammalian, the migrating new neuron precursors play
an important role in maintaining neuronal homeostasis in
olfactory bulbs (OB). Various techniques based on
optical and electron microscopy have been used to study
cell migration and neuronal turnover in OB. However,
none of these techniques enable longitudinal study of
the whole brain within the living subject. We utilized
in situ MRI labeling in combination with MRI volumetry
to address the question of whether change in olfactory
sensory level alter migrating speed and pattern of NPC
integration in OB as well as changes in OB sizes in
response to alteration of activity deprivation and
17:48 |
0691. |
Reduced intracellular
mobility underlies manganese relaxivity in mouse brain in
vivo: MRI at 2.35 and 9.4 T 
Takashi Watanabe1, Jens Frahm1,
and Thomas Michaelis1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie,
Göttingen, Germany
One day after systemic administration of manganese,
increases of the longitudinal relaxation rate ∆R1 in
several brain regions are significantly higher at 2.35 T
than at 9.4 T. In contrast, ∆R1 after
intraventricular Gd-DTPA administration are not
significantly different. The pronounced field dependence
of manganese relaxivities indicates a reduced mobility
of manganese in
vivo by
confinement to a viscous fluid compartment and/or due to
macromolecular binding. This is further supported by a
slow release of manganese from nerve cells post
mortem, which occurs despite a high permeability of
damaged cellular membranes.