16:00 |
Spatiotemporal Encoding
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Breast: Comparison with
SE-EPI-based methodology 
Eddy Solomon1, Noam Nissan1,2,
Amir Seginer1, Edna Furman-Haran3,
Myra Shapiro-Feinberg4, Hadassa Degani2,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Biological
Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Israel, 3Biological
Services, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Israel, 4Radiology,
Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba, Israel
A recently proposed MRI methodology, SPatio-temporal
ENcoding (SPEN), was employed to quantify apparent
diffusion coefficients in breast. SPEN is highly robust
in terms of overcoming B0-inhomogeneities and
heterogeneous chemical shift environments, and hence
could present advantages in these challenging studies.
Diffusion SPEN measurements were carried out at 3T and
included healthy female volunteers and patients with
biopsy-confirmed breast cancer. Substantial advantages
in terms of both anatomical image qualities and
diffusional information vis-à-vis EPI were observed,
confirming SPEN’s ability to yield reliable ADC values
and reveal a reduction of ADC in cancerous tissues.
16:12 |
0703. |
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast Imaging For High Temporal
and Spatial Resolution: Scanning Time Optimization 
Wen Hao1, Bin Zhao1, Hui Liu2,
Marcel D. Nickel3, Elisabeth Weiland3,
and Guangbin Wang1
1Magnetic resonance imaging, Shandong medical
imaging research institution, Shandong University,
Jinan, ShanDong, China, 2MR
Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai,
China, 3MR
Applications Development, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany
We have investigated pharmacokinetic parameters for
various bolus tracking time using CDT-VIBE sequence and
drew the conclusion that a scanning time of 3 min after
the injection of contrast might be adequate to yield
reliable pharmacokinetic parameters and can be used for
the evaluation of enhancing of breast lesions with
reasonable accuracy in clinical setting.
16:24 |
Breast Diffusion-weighted
Imaging at 3 and 7 Tesla: Comparison Study 
Lenka Minarikova1, Wolfgang Bogner1,
Olgica Zaric1, Katja Pinker-Domenig1,
Thomas Helbich1, Siegfried Trattnig1,
and Stephan Gruber1
1High Field MR Centre, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
The purpose of this study was to compare bilateral
breast-DWI with sub-mm-resolution (0.9mm2) at 7T with 3T
(1.4mm2) in the same patients. The results suggest that
breast 7T DWI can be performed with significantly higher
spatial resolution than at 3T, with comparable SNR.
Therefore, 7T DWI in breast cancer has the potential to
improve lesion detection and/or differentiation. In
addition, the high resolution of 7T DWI at b=0s/mm2 has
very similar contrast as STIR and could, therefore,
potentially replace additional T2-weighted MRI and save
measurement time.
16:36 |
0705. |
Compression Effects in
Breast MR Elastography 
Jun Chen1, Kathleen Brandt1,
Karthik Ghosh1, Roger Grimm1,
Kevin Glaser1, Jennifer Kugel1,
Kay Pepin1, and Richard Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
In conventional breast MR Elastography (MRE), the driver
compresses the breasts to maintain mechanical coupling
for wave transmission. This compression could introduce
a significant bias into the measured stiffness of breast
tissue. For the first time, this study reports strong
evidence of breast compression effects in breast MRE.
With 20% breast compression, glandular and adipose
tissue stiffness increased by 53.8% and 103.8%
respectively. Therefore, true breast tissue stiffness
can be measured only when there is no compression, such
as when using the noncompressive breast MRE technique
utilized in this study.
16:48 |
High resolution MRI and
high sensitive 31P MRS of axillary lymph nodes at 7T 
Debra S Rivera1, Jannie P Wijnen2,
Wybe J. M. van der Kemp2, Alexander J
Raaijmakers2, Peter R Luijten2,
and Dennis WJ Klomp2
1Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig,
Germany, 2Univercity
Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands
Lymph node treatment response predicts 5-year survival.
Insufficient monitoring methods slow drug development
and breakthroughs in individualized treatment.
Phospholipid metabolism indicates malignant
transformation, thus preclinical drug development uses
spectroscopy. Combining specialized RF hardware with 7T,
we shrink voxels to clinically relevant volumes in vivo
(1.2 cm isotropic). The setup is safe and compatible
with existing breast coils. We present images of <1 cm
nodes, and the first 31P spectra from an axilla lymph
node in vivo. With signal visible just above the noise
floor in a healthy volunteer, the hardware holds
potential for monitoring treatment response in malignant
lymph nodes.
17:00 |
Breast Cancer Heterogeneity
via Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Histogram Analysis:
Correlation with Prognostic Factors 
Gene Young Cho1, Linda Moy1, Ana
Paula Klautau Leite2, Steven Baete1,
Jim Babb1, Sungheon Kim1, Daniel K
Sodickson1, and Eric E Sigmund1
1Radiology - Bernard and Irene Schwartz
Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, Select, United States,2Radiology,
Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of
São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Advanced imaging methods such as diffusion MRI with
intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) analysis provide
quantification of imaging biomarkers that relate to
physiological tumor characteristics. In this study,
advanced diffusion MRI parameters (ADC and IVIM) and
heterogeneity markers from histogram analysis of the
whole tumor (i.e. kurtosis, skewness, deviation) are
correlated with molecular prognostic factors (i.e. ER,
PR, Her2/Neu, and Ki-67) in breast cancer patients. Such
an analysis may provide useful metrics for breast cancer
heterogeneity, which may play a useful role in
17:12 |
0708. |
Histogram analysis of
intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)-MRI and FDG-PET
parameters in breast cancer patients 
Eric Edward Sigmund1, Linda Moy1,
Jin Ah Kim1, Sungheon Kim1, Akshat
Pujara1, Alana Amarosa1, Komal
Jhaveri2, James Babb1, Christian
Geppert3, Christopher Glielmi3,
Gene Young Cho1, Thorsten Feiweier4,
Kimberly Jackson1, and Amy Melsaether1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States, 2Oncology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States,3Siemens
Medical Solutions, New York, NY, United States, 4Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
Histogram analysis of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)-MRI
and FDG-PET parameters in breast cancer patients
Diffusion-weighted MRI, particularly its
vascular-sensitive variant intravoxel incoherent motion
(IVIM), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission
tomography (FDG-PET) are powerful individual probes of
aggressiveness in breast cancer, with potential
synergies on the simultaneous MR/PET platform. To
investigate their complementarity, we studied the
relationships between metrics from full lesion histogram
analysis (mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation,
skewness, and kurtosis) of their respective parametric
maps, as well as with clinical tumor markers. A cohort
of 14 breast cancer patients with a dedicated breast
coil were included. Results confirm canonical malignancy
trends such the inverse relation between minimum ADC and
maximum SUV (r=0.5), relations between markers’
heterogeneity metrics. Multiple regression models
suggest combinations of mean, extremal, and variance
metrics improve correlation with tumor markers,
suggesting potential for imaging surrogates to tumor
profile evaluation.
17:24 |
Beyond Histopathologic
Prognostication: Can DCE-MRI improve Breast Cancer
Recurrence Risk Prediction? 
Dania Daye1, Brad Keller1, Ahmed
Ashraf1, Sarah Gavenonis1, Carolyn
Mies2, Mark Rosen1, Michael
Feldman2, and Despina Kontos1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Department
of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Emerging studies suggest that imaging features could
complement standard pathologic variables in cancer
prognostic assessment. However, studies on the role of
DCE-MRI in improving breast cancer prognostication are
still limited. The goal of this study was to investigate
the complementary value of morphologic breast DCE-MRI
tumor characteristics as prognostic markers for breast
cancer recurrence risk assessment. DCE-MRI images were
retrospectively analyzed from 57 women with breast
cancer. Oncotype DX score was used as a surrogate for
cancer recurrence. Our results suggest that DCE-MRI
could complement histopathologic factors in predicting
breast cancer recurrence risk and could potentially
improve breast cancer prognostication.
17:36 |
0710. |
Early Responses of Breast
Cancer Patients to Chemotherapy with and without Anti-angiogenic
Pre-treatment Monitored by Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
Limiao Jiang1, Bo Zhang2, Dennis
Lai-Hong Cheong2, Soo Chin Lee3,
and Thian C Ng1,2
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National
University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Clinical
Imaging Research Center, A*STAR & National University of
Singapore, Singapore, 3Department
of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health
System, Singapore
DTI can be used to probe tissue microstructure in vivo.
We used DTI to study vasculature alteration including
“normalization” for enhancing the drug(s) delivery to
breast carcinoma cells in 35 patients pre-treated with
low dose Sunitinib. It showed that patients pre-treated
with anti-angiogenic agent had a more significant
increase in ADC compared to sole chemotherapy group.
This implies that Sunitinib may have enhanced the
chemotherapy effectiveness. The pre-treatment ADC values
and the relative changes in tumor volume after
chemotherapy were also highly correlated, suggesting
that the breast carcinoma with lower pre-treatment ADCs
are likely going to respond better to chemotherapy.
17:48 |
0711. |
Use of DW Imaging as an
Adjunct to Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Breast Cancer at
Sunitha Thakur1, Soledad Milans2,
Sujata Patil3, and Elizabeth Morris3
1Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, United States, 2Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United States, 3Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, United States
DWI has demonstrated potential in discriminating
malignant from benign lesions. In this work we explored
if DWI can improve PPV of contrast-enhanced MRI at 3.0
T. ADC values are significantly lower in malignant
lesions compared to benign lesions yielding 86%
sensitivity, 73% specificity, 86% PPV and 73% NPV with
the optimal ADC threshold of 1.3x10-3 mm2/s
derived from ROC analysis. Higher mean ADC values were
observed in DCIS lesions compared to invasive lesions,
and low-risk benign compared with high risk benign
lesions. DWI of lesion assessment improves the PPV of
breast malignancy and can be used as an adjunct to MRI (PPV=34%)
to avoid unnecessary benign biopsies.