10:30 |
Comparison of regional
ventilation defect distribution between oxygen-enhanced and
hyperpolarized He-3 MRI 
Stanley J Kruger1, Scott K Nagle1,2,
Robert V Cadman1, Kevin M Johnson1,2,
Laura C Bell1, Andrew D Hahn1, and
Sean B Fain1,2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United
Oxygen Enhanced MRI with 3D radial ultrashort echo time
(OE-MRI) is an emerging technique for the evaluation of
lung ventilation with advantages over hyperpolarized
noble gas MRI (HP-MRI) in terms of accessibility and
cost effectiveness. Nonetheless, HP-MRI is an emerging
reference standard for pulmonary MRI of ventilation. The
purpose of this work is to compare the heterogeneity of
ventilation as depicted regionally for the same subjects
with HP-MRI and OE-MRI to evaluate regional distribution
of ventilation defects using the respective techniques.
The whole-lung coverage provided by 3D radial OE-MRI
could be readily compared to HP-MRI as a reference
10:42 |
Introduction of global
specific ventilation as a reference for specific ventilation
derived by Fourier Decomposition MRI 
Andreas Voskrebenzev1, Marcel Gutberlet1,
Lena Becker1, Julius Renne1, Jan
Hinrichs1, Christian Schönfeld1,
Sajoscha Sorrentino1, Frank Wacker1,
and Jens Vogel-Claussen1
1Radiology, Medical School Hannover,
Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Fourier Decomposition (FD) is a method to calculate
ventilation-weighted images of the lung without the need
of any contrast agent. These images can be used to
determine the dimensionless specific ventilation (SV).
We introduce the global SV as the ratio of breathing
volume change to lung volume during mid-position of
respiration. The presented correlation of global and FD
SV could be utilized to normalize the SV maps in
cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Thereby, this
study shows that the combination of MRI and real-time
respiration detection is of relevance for the comparison
of absolute SV values.
10:54 |
Pulmonary Functional MRI to
Phenotype COPD and Evaluate Treatment Efficacy: Intermediate
Endpoints and Predictors of Efficacy when Conventional
endpoints fail? 
Sarah Svenningsen1,2, Gregory Paulin1,2,
Miranda Kirby1,2, Nikhil Kanhere1,3,
Roya Etemad-Rezai4, David G McCormack5,
and Grace Parraga1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Biophysics, The University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Graduate
Program in Biomedical Engineering, The University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada,4Department
of Medical Imaging, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada, 5Department
of Medicine, The University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
In subjects with advanced COPD, we evaluated
hyperpolarized 3He
MRI measurements of emphysema and airways disease in a
study of the 4-week treatment efficacy of a handheld
airway clearance device for mobilizing mucous
secretions. Whereas all subjects reported a modest
improvement in ease of clearing mucous following
therapy, 6/14 subjects showed improved 3He
MRI ventilation (p=0.04), with concomitantly improved
forced vital capacity and 6MWD, and this was not
observed in imaging non-responders. In addition, imaging
measurements of emphysema was a negative-predictor of
response. Non-invasive imaging measurements of COPD can
be used as intermediate endpoints and phenotypes in
therapy trials.
11:06 |
0773. |
Differentiating Injured and
Normal Lungs by the Ratiometric Analysis of
Hyperpolarized-13C-NMR Data 
He N. Xu1,2, Hoora Shaghaghi1,
Stephen Kadlececk1, Harrilla Profka1,
Lin Z. Li1,2, and Rahim Rizi1
1Radiology Department, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Britton
Chance Lab of Redox Imaging, Johnson Research
Foundation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
A non-invasive method for assessing lung injury is
needed. We aimed to identify an early metabolic
predictor of lung inflammation using the hyperpolarized
13C-NMR technique. Rat lung injury was induced by
bleomycin and studied by injecting hyperpolarized
13C-pyruvate to the perfused lung 7 and 21 days after
the treatment. The larger rate constants of the LDH-catalyzed
reaction quantified by the ratiometric analysis of the
time course of lactate/pyruvate ratio indicate
inflammation sped up both the forward and reverse
reaction rates and altered the cellular redox state. Our
results indicate that HP-13C-NMR data can be useful for
probing lung disorders.
11:18 |
Regional Mapping of Gas
Uptake by Lung Tissue and Blood in Subjects with Asthma
using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI 
Kun Qing1, Kai Ruppert1,2, Tally
A. Altes1, Yun Jiang3, Jaime F.
Mata1, G. Wilson Miller1, Yang
Yang1, Yun M. Shim1, Steven Guan1,
Iulian C. Ruset4,5, F. William Hersman4,5,
and John P. Mugler1
1University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA,
United States, 2Cincinnati
Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 3Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 4Xemed
LLC, Durham, NH, United States, 5University
of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States
For this study, we used 3-D Xe-129 dissolved-phase
imaging method to investigate functional changes in the
lungs of 10 asthmatics, as compared to 12 healthy
subjects. The relatively high RBC-to-tissue ratios, low
tissue-to-gas ratios, and normal ADC values found in 7
asthmatics represent a unique combination that has not
been seen in healthy or COPD subjects. These values may
be associated with airway inflammation and remodeling of
both the airways and vasculature. All ratios were low in
two older asthmatics, indicating impaired gas exchange
possibly due to emphysematous tissue destruction and
thickening of alveolar walls, similar to COPD.
11:30 |
0775. |
Dissolved Hyperpolarised
129Xe As A Probe Of Lung Function In Idiopathic Pulmonary
Fibrosis And Systemic Sclerosis 
Neil James Stewart1, General Leung1,
Graham Norquay1, Helen Marshall1,
Juan Parra-Robles1, Andy Swift1,
Jan Wolber1,2, Rolf Schulte3,
Nehal Hussain4, Robin Condliffe4,
Charlie Elliot4, Philip Murphy5,
Moira Whyte4, David Kiely4, and
Jim Michael Wild1
1Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2GE
Healthcare, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom,3GE
Global Research, Garching, Bavaria, Germany, 4Respiratory
Medicine, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, United Kingdom,5GlaxoSmithKline,
Southall, Greater London, United Kingdom
In this work, hyperpolarised 129Xe was assessed as a
functional tool for the study of gas exchange in the
human lungs. The Chemical Shift Saturation Recovery
technique was utilised to quantify changes in lung
microstructure and consequent degradation of lung
function in subjects with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
and systemic sclerosis, via non-invasive measurement of
septal thickening and elevated pulmonary-capillary
transit times. The results of this study correlated well
with dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and hyperpolarised
3He diffusion MRI.
11:42 |
0776. |
Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe
MRI to Quantify Differences in Regional Ventilation in Older
Versus Younger Asthmatics 
Mu He1, Suryanarayanan Sivaram Kaushik1,2,
Scott Haile Robertson1,3, Matthew S Freeman1,3,
Rohan S Virgincar1,2, Holman Page McAdams4,
Denise Beaver5, Monica Kraft5, and
Bastiaan Driehuys1,2
1Center for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC,
United States, 3Medical
Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, NC,
United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
NC, United States, 5Department
of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
Asthma treatment is generally less effective for older
patients. Yet, most published studies exclude subjects
aged over 65 years-of-age to avoid expected confounding
effects from other coexisting obstructive lung
disorders. In this work, hyperpolarized 129Xe
MRI was used to acquire ventilation images in younger
and older asthmatics, as well as healthy controls
matched for body mass, ethnicity, and age. To quantify
differences between groups, test for short-term image
reproducibility and evaluate bronchodilator response, we
introduce an improved semi-automated cluster analysis
method to calculate ventilation defect percentage (VDP).
11:54 |
0777. |
Optimized Strategies for 19F
MRI of Human Lungs and Comparison of UTE and Gradient Echo
Marcus J. Couch1,2, Iain K. Ball2,
Tao Li2, Matthew S. Fox2, Alexei
V. Ouriadov2, Birubi Biman3,4, and
Mitchell S. Albert1,2
1Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario,
Canada, 2Thunder
Bay Regional Research Institute, Thunder Bay, Ontario,
Canada, 3Thunder
Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay,
Ontario, Canada, 4Northern
Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
19F MRI of the lungs is a new pulmonary
imaging modality that uses inhaled inert fluorinated
gases as a signal source to acquire images of the lungs.
The purpose of this study was to investigate optimized
image acquisition strategies by optimizing and comparing
UTE and gradient echo images in both a resolution
phantom and healthy volunteers. Overall, UTE lung images
had a higher SNR than gradient echo images, but also had
poorer edge definition. On the other hand, gradient echo
images had a lower SNR than UTE, but showed more edge
detail and had a higher resolving power.
12:06 |
0778. |
In Vivo Monitoring of Mucus
Obstruction and Ventilation Malfunction in Mice by Combined
1H and Hyperpolarized 129Xe-gas Lung MRI 
Le Zhang1, Rosa Tamara Branca2,3,
Ting He2, and Camille Ehre4
1Curriculum in Applied Science and
Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Physics
and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 3Biomedical
Research Imaging Center, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 4Cystic
Fibrosis/Pulmonary Research and Treatment Center,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC, United States
A combination of ultrashort echo time proton imaging
technique and hyperpolarized 129Xenon MRI was presented
to detect mucus accumulation inside lungs of mice with
cystic fibrosis symptoms. Histology was also performed
to validate the findings.
12:18 |
0779. |
Probing Lung Microstructure
with Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging 
Alexander L Sukstanskii1, James D Quirk1,
and Dmitriy A Yablonskiy1
1Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis,
Missouri, United States
A new approach – Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging (GEPCI)
of lungs – is proposed for simultaneously extracting
information about lung ventilation, alveolar parameters
and blood vessel network structure from a single
multi-gradient-echo experiment. Based on computer
simulations of 3He atoms diffusion in the acinar airway
tree in the presence of inhomogeneous magnetic field
induced by the susceptibility differences between lung
tissue (alveolar septa, blood vessels) and lung
airspaces, we derive analytical expressions relating the
time-dependent MR signal to the geometrical parameters
of acinar airways and blood vessel network. Data
obtained on 8 healthy volunteers are in good agreement
with literature values.