10:30 |
0780. |
Compensation for
thermally-induced loads on PET detectors from MR stimulus in
simultaneous PET/MR imaging -
permission withheld
Chang Kim1, William T Peterson1,
Tesfaye Kidane1, Sri Harsha Maramraju1,
and Craig S Levin2
1GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, CA, United States
We evaluated the impact of gradient-induced thermal
loads on the PET detector ring in a hybrid
time-of-flight PET/MR system developed for simultaneous
whole body PET/MR imaging. Varying temperature profiles
generated due to the high intensity gradient fields
compromise the performance of PET detectors that are in
close proximity of the RF shield. Gradient echo EPI
sequences were used to study the drifts in the 511 keV
energy peak of the PET detectors. A thermal regulation
algorithm was developed and applied to correct the
energy peak drift. Results show that the method
developed compensates well for MR induced thermal drift.
10:42 |
Integration of PET/MR
hybrid imaging into radiation therapy treatment planning 
Daniel H Paulus1, Daniela Thorwarth2,
and Harald H Quick1
1Institute of Medical Physics, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Section
of Biomedical Physics, University Hospital for Radiation
Oncology, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen,
MR and PET imaging have both become an important part in
radiation therapy (RT) treatment planning to improve the
accuracy of target volume delineation. A prototype RT
table and two RF coil holders that each fix one flexible
body matrix RF coil for head imaging are introduced for
hybrid PET/MR imaging and tested towards MR and PET
compatibility. MR and PET image quality has been
validated with phantom scans and attenuation correction
methods are presented. Furthermore, an in
vivo study
on two patients has been included to illustrate the
clinical usage of these RT devices in PET/MR hybrid
10:54 |
Invisible dense-array EEG
net for simultaneous EEG-PET/MR imaging 
Christin Y. Sander1,2, Ciprian Catana1,
Aijun Zhu1, Cathy Poulsen3, Bruce
R. Rosen1,4, and Giorgio Bonmassar1
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Electrical
Geodesics, Inc., Eugene, OR, United States, 4Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States
The simultaneous acquisition of non-invasive human brain
imaging techniques, including EEG, PET and fMRI can give
insights into the connections between neuronal activity,
receptor occupancy and function. However, standard
dense-array EEG caps can cause artifacts in both MR and
PET images, making simultaneous imaging a challenge. We
thus designed a 256-electrode EEG cap based on
conductive polymers, and demonstrate its superior
performance in RF invisibility and reduced photon
attenuation for the use of simultaneous EEG-PET/MR
11:06 |
0783. |
Whole-Body UTE-mDixon: a
potential one-scan solution for PET/MR attenuation
correction and localization 
Lingzhi Hu1, Christian Stehning2,
Holger Eggers2, Zhiqiang Hu1, and
Lingxiong Shao3
1Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2Philips
Research, Hamburg, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, San Jose, United States
MR-based Attenuation Correction (MRAC) is crucial for
PET quantitation and image quality in a hybrid PET/MR
system. An ideal MR sequence for attenuation correction
should at least satisfy three criteria: (1) whole-body
scan capabilities; (2) good anatomical localization; (3)
robust tissue classification. UTE-mDixon (if it is still
meant “generally” here, it should be Dixon, not mDixon,
and you should add some references) sequences have
demonstrated great potential for enhancing contrast of
cortical bone and for water/fat separation within a
single acquisition. Herein we report our initial
experience of utilizing a UTE-mDixon sequence for
whole-body PET/MR attenuation correction
11:18 |
0784. |
Attenuation Correction for
Flexible MRI Coils Using the Ultra-short Echo Time Sequence
in MR/PET Imaging 
Mootaz Eldib1, Jason Bini1,2,
Philip M Robson1, David Faul3, and
Zahi A Fayad1
1Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, The City College of New York, NY, United
States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, New York, New York, United States
In this abstract we investigated a novel method for
attenuation correction for flexible surface coils in MR/PET
imaging. We utilized the UTE sequence to localize a
carotid coil which allowed for accurate registration of
a coil attenuation map. Phantom and clinical data are
11:30 |
Development and Evaluation
of a UTE-based Method for Attenuation Correction in MR-PET
Neurologic Studies 
Meher Juttukonda1, Yasheng Chen2,
Yi Su3, Tammie Benzinger3, Brian
Rubin3, David Lalush1, and Hongyu
1Biomedical Engineering, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States, 2Radiology,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, United States, 3Radiology,
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, United
In this study, we have developed and evaluated a UTE-
and R2*-based segmentation method for performing
attenuation correction and compared it to a published
method. Our results show that the proposed method
outperforms the existing method in the accuracy of
bone/air segmentation as well as in the accuracy of
simulated PET images reconstructed using the attenuation
maps derived from the segmentation methods.
11:42 |
Investigation of the effect
of eddy current artefacts in UTE-derived PET attenuation
maps on PET reconstruction 
Andrew Peter Aitken1, Charalampous Tsoumpas1,
Daniel Giese1, Sebastian Kozerke1,2,
Claudia Prieto1, and Tobias Schaeffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
UTE sequences have been used to provide segmented
attenuation correction (AC) maps for PET. Such sequences
are prone to eddy current artifacts, which lead to
deviations from nominal k-space trajectories and to
misclassifications in the AC maps. These effects can be
corrected for by measuring the true k-space trajectories
using a magnetic field camera. In this study the effect
of misclassifications on PET reconstruction are
investigated using a PET simulation. Uptake in the brain
was overestimated by 12.2% when AC-maps derived using
nominal k-space trajectories are used, which reduces to
0.34% when AC maps derived from measured trajectories
are used.
11:54 |
0787. |
Reconstruction of 18F FDG Accumulation in an Integrated PET/MR
System using MR Dixon Imaging 
Sven Prevrhal1, Susanne Heinzer2,
Bénédicte Delattre2,3, Steffen Renisch4,
Christian Wülker5, Osman Ratib3,
and Peter Börnert1
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Philips
AG Healthcare, Zurich, Switzerland, 3University
Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 4Philips
Research, Hamburg, Deutschland, Germany, 5University
of Heidelberg, Germany
The fusion of the information from PET and MRI can
increase the diagnostic value of both modalities.
Compared to MRI, PET has limited spatial resolution,
which could potentially be improved by using the
information MRI can deliver. In this work the hypothesis
was employed that fatty tissue is metabolically not very
active in terms of glucose consumption. Thus, a PET
tracer like 18F-deoxyglucose (FDG) has limited
accumulation in fatty tissue and should have no
significant PET signal in this compartment. Thus, the
fat distribution measured in water/fat-resolved mDixon
MRI can be used as a prior in an appropriately modified
PET image reconstruction. Phantom and in vivo results
show the basic feasibility of this approach.
12:06 |
A 3D MR-acquisition scheme
for non-rigid bulk motion correction in simultaneous PET-MR 
Christoph Kolbitsch1, Claudia Prieto1,
Charalampos Tsoumpas1, and Tobias Scheaffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, London,
United Kingdom
Positron emission tomography (PET) is commonly used to
detect tumours and assess the progress of cancer
treatment by measuring standardized uptake values (SUV).
Physiological motion such as bulk-motion shifts during
data acquisition can negatively impair obtained SUV.
Here we evaluate a simultaneous PET-MR acquisition to
detect and correct for any non-rigid bulk motion shifts
directly from acquired gradient or spin echo MR data
without the need of additional motion information.
Volunteer studies show an accuracy of 1.71 ± 0.29mm for
the obtained motion information reducing SUV errors in
motion corrected PET simulations from 65% to below 10%.
12:18 |
0789. |
Motion-compensated EM PET
Reconstruction for Simultaneous PET/MR Exams 
Thomas Koesters1,2, Li Feng1, Kai
Tobias Block1, Michael Fieseler3,
Klaus P Schäfers3, David Faul4,
Daniel K Sodickson1, and Fernando Emilio
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, United States, 2CAI2R,
Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research, NYU
Langone Medical Center, New York, New York, United
States, 3European
Institute for Molecular Imaging, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany, 4Siemens
Medical Solutions, New York, New York, United States
This work presents a new technique for motion
compensation of simultaneous PET/MR exams. Motion
information is obtained from the MR data by extracting a
respiration signal, binning the MR data into respiratory
states, and generating a motion operator through
cross-registration of images reconstructed for the
different respiration states. The motion operator is
then incorporated into a modified
expectation-maximization algorithm to directly
reconstruct motion-free PET images without calculation
of intermediate gated PET images. Results from first
in-vivo reconstructions are presented and demonstrate a
clear reduction of image blurring in PET exams acquired
during normal breathing.