08:00 |
0942. |
Improved B1 Homogeneity and
Reduced Transmit Power with 4-channel Regional RF Shimming
for Breast Imaging at 3 T
permission withheld
Kosuke Ito1, Yukio Kaneko2,
Yoshihisa Soutome2, and Masahiro Takizawa1
1Hitachi Medical corporation, Kashiwa, Chiba,
Japan, 2Hitachi
Ltd, Central Research Laboratory, Kokubunji, Japan
The regional RF shimming using 4-channel RF transmit
coil was evaluated for breast imaging in vivo at 3 T.
The homogeneity of B1 and relative RF transmit power
were compared with QD mode, volume RF shimming mode, and
regional RF shimming mode. By using regional RF shimming
mode, B1 homogeneity in breast region was improved about
35%, and relative RF transmit power decreased about 18%
compared to QD mode. These results show the regional RF
shimming can improve B1 homogeneity and decrease RF
transmit power simultaneously.
08:12 |
Fast and robust design of
time-optimal k-space trajectories 
Mathias Davids1, Michaela Ruttorf1,
Frank G. Zoellner1, and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, BW,
Especially 3D parallel selective excitation pulses
require the synthesis of fast non-uniform k-space
trajectories. Since numerical approaches are usually
very time-consuming and impaired by numerical errors, a
novel analytic framework on rapidly designing
time-optimal trajectories was developed. The trajectory
is represented by analytic gradient basis functions that
are symbolically solved to traverse given k-space
control points. The trajectory is then globally
accelerated to fully utilize given hardware constraints
Gmax and Smax, yielding time-optimal analytic gradients.
Furthermore, this optimization uses an analytically
derived Jacobian which guarantees convergence within
seconds. Any arbitrarily shaped 2D/3D trajectory can be
modeled and optimized using the method.
08:24 |
0944. |
A region growing algorithm
for robust kt-points B1+ homogenisation at 9.4T 
Michael Stephen Poole1, Desmond H Y Tse1,
Kaveh Vahedipour1, and N Jon Shah1,2
1INM-4, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich,
Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
B1+ homogenisation was performed at 9.4 T repeatably and
robustly using kt-points and a region-growing algorithm
in a PBS phantom, an ex vivo human brain and in vivo.
DREAM was used to obtain B1+ maps of 8 parallel
transmitters. Small tip-angle gradient echo images were
aquired. We hypothesise that there exists a smooth
continuum from the small region solution (essentially
transmitter phase coherence in the centre) to the
globally optimum solution for the full homogenisation
08:36 |
Parallel-transmission-enabled 3D T2-weighted
imaging of the human brain at 7 Tesla 
Aurélien Massire1, Alexandre Vignaud1,
Alexis Amadon1, Benjamin Robert2,
Denis Le Bihan1, and Nicolas Boulant1
1CEA DSV I2BM NeuroSpin UNIRS, Gif-sur-Yvette,
France, 2Siemens
Healthcare, St Denis, France
We use the gradient ascent pulse engineering algorithm
combined with the kT-point method to design all the
non-selective refocusing pulses of a SPACE sequence that
mitigate severe B1+ and ΔB0 inhomogeneities. The novelty
of the method lays in the optimization of the rotation
matrices themselves rather than magnetization states.
Three healthy subjects were scanned with a 7 Tesla
scanner equipped with an 8-channel transceiver array.
Exploiting the full potential of parallel transmission
with the proposed methodology produced high quality
whole brain T2-weighted images with uniform signal and
contrast, requiring only 10 minutes of subject-specific
data acquisition and pulse design.
08:48 |
0946. |
Radio-frequency pulse
design in parallel transmission under strict temperature
Nicolas Boulant1, Aurelien Massire1,
Alexis Amadon1, and Alexandre Vignaud1
1Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, Ile de France,
Although it seems that there is a general consensus that
temperature is the true relevant safety parameter,
tracking the SAR in MR exams and in RF pulse design has
remained the gold standard, likely due to simplicity
reasons. Here we investigate numerically a parallel
transmission RF pulse design algorithm under strict
temperature constraints. With the example of a 10 min
TOF sequence at 7T, we show that the SAR guidelines in
this instance can be quite conservative and that more
performance at UHF thus is within reach through the use
of these thermo-regulated pulses.
09:00 |
0947. |
pTX Spoke RF Pulses for
Cardiac MRI at 7T: a New Design Robust against Respiration
Induced Errors, based on a Virtual Simultaneous
Exhale-and-Inhale Calilbration Scan 
Sebastian Schmitter1, Xiaoping Wu1,
Kamil Ugurbil1, and Pierre-Francois van de
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Cardiac MRI at ultra-high fields is challenged by the
short RF wavelength that induces flip-angle variations.
We have addressed this problem successfully in 7T
cardiac CINE imaging using parallel transmission (pTX)
with 2-spoke RF pulses. Sometimes, however, we observed
deviations from our expectations. We suspected, that the
subject’s respiratory state during cardiac CINE
breath-hold scans is different than during transmit B1
calibration scans (also breath-hold). Here we
investigate the impact of breath-hold position on 7T
cardiac CINE imaging using 2-spoke pTX pulses and
demonstrate a pulse design strategy to increase the
robustness of spoke pulses to variations in breath-hold
09:12 |
0948. |
3D-FSE Inner Volume Imaging
using 3D selective excitation 
Shaihan J Malik1 and
Joseph V Hajnal1,2
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, Kings College London, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
for the Developing Brain, Kings College London, London,
London, United Kingdom
The 3D Fast Spin Echo sequence offers a very good
candidate for inner volume imaging (IVI) since
magnetization that is not transverse after the
excitation pulse does not contribute any signal
thereafter. In this work 3D localized excitations have
been realised in-vivo using parallel transmission to
achieve reasonable pulse durations (~12ms) with on-line
subject specific optimization. The pulses were coupled
with an otherwise standard T2 weighted 3D-FSE protocol
in the human brain, employing non-selective variable
flip angle refocusing pulses. High resolution IVI
achieved comparable image quality to the standard
sequence with large reductions in imaging time.
09:24 |
Spectral-Spatial Fat Saturation Pulse Design at 3T 
Feng Zhao1, Jeffrey A Fessler2,
and Douglas C Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2EECS,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
The conventional spectrally selective fat saturation
pulse may perform poorly with inhomogeneous B0 and/or B1
fields at high fields, and the pulse length may be too
long for low field applications. We investigated a 4D
spectral-spatial fat sat pulse which mitigates the field
inhomogeneity problem in fat sat and also largely
reduces the pulse length.
09:36 |
Combined T2-Prep and Outer
Volume Suppression Preparation Sequence for Coronary
Jieying Luo1, Nii Okai Addy1, R.
Reeve Ingle1, Brian A. Hargreaves2,
Bob S. Hu3, Dwight G. Nishimura1,
and Taehoon Shin4
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States,3Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo
Alto, California, United States, 4University
of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
A magnetization preparation sequence that efficiently
combines T2-Prep and outer volume suppression is
designed and tested for coronary angiography. The
proposed sequence is composed of a BIR-4 90° tip-down
pulse, two adiabatic refocusing pulses and a 2D spiral
90° tip-up pulse. Its performance is demonstrated with
numerical simulation, phantom and in vivo experiments.
This sequence induces T2 weighting to improve
blood-myocardium contrast while suppressing outer volume
signals to facilitate scan acceleration and reduce
motion artifacts.
09:48 |
Coil Ringdown Suppression
by Broadband Forward Compensation 
David Otto Brunner1 and
Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Coil ringdown due to the high Q resonance of NMR
detectors limits the speed at which the system can
switch from high power transmission to sensitive signal
acquisition and is a consequence of the narrowband
behaviour of the coil. We present an analytic broadband
pulse design approach to shorten the ringdown by
precompensating the Q of the coil with no excess peak
power requirements, no additional SAR deposition and no
changes to the existing RF coil hardware.