08:00 |
0952. |
Stefano Tambalo1, Silvia Fiorini1,
Roberta Rigolio2, Pietro Bontempi1,
Andrea Sbarbati3, Guido Cavaletti2,
Paola Marmiroli2, Stefano Pluchino4,
and Pasquina Marzola5
1Dept. of Neuological and Movement Science,
Università di Verona, Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Dept.
of Surgery and Translational Medicine, Università
Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, 3Dept.
of Neuological and Movement Science, INSTM Firenze,
Verona, Italy, 4Dept
of Clinical Neurosciences, John Van Geest Centre for
Brain Repair, Stem Cell Institute and NIHR, University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5Dept.
of Informatics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a
good model of Multiple Sclerosis in rodents. We have
applied fMRI to invesigate the alteration in functional
response in rats induced with EAE. Cortical activation
is altered in EAE rat brain, compared to controls. fMRI
showed an increase in the activated volume involving
also the cortex ipsilateral and some extra-cortical
areas at the observed time points. These results
demonstrate brain cortex remodeling in EAE, a remakable
feature of MS. The present model seems to be a relevant
tool in preclinical MS studies.
08:12 |
Hyperoxygenation in
combination with susceptibility weighted imaging identifies
vascular lesions in a model of multiple sclerosis 
Nabeela Nathoo1, James A. Rogers2,
V. Wee Yong2, and Jeff F. Dunn1,3
1Radiology, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, 2Clinical
Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 3Experimental
Imaging Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
We showed previously that susceptibility weighted
imaging (SWI) detects two types of lesions in the
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of
multiple sclerosis: 1) vascular lesions, due to
intravascular deoxyhemoglobin, and 2) parenchymal white
matter lesions, due to iron deposition/demyelination. To
identify vascular lesions in vivo, high oxygen was used
during SWI MRI in EAE mice. High oxygen changed the
appearance of vascular lesions, making them either
disappear, become less dark, or become bright. As
hyperoxygenation is well tolerated and safe, this method
could be translated to MS patients to help differentiate
between sources of lesions seen with SWI.
08:24 |
0954. |
Enhanced detection of
cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis using magnetization
transfer and double inversion recovery 
Refaat E Gabr1 and
Ponnada A Narayana1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,
Houston, TX, United States
Double inversion recovery (DIR) is a powerful imaging
technique for detecting cortical lesions in multiple
sclerosis. Yet, the number of lesions detected by DIR is
significantly lower than number of lesions identified on
histology. Here we propose using magnetization transfer
to enhance the suppression of white matter to improve
the depiction of cortical lesions. Experiments on 14
patients show that magnetization transfer DIR (MT-DIR)
doubles the number of detected lesions and improves the
lesion contrast by ~30%.
08:36 |
0955. |
Cortical pathology is
associated to proximal underlying white matte injury in
multiple sclerosis: a multimodal 7T and 3T MRI study using
surface based and tract based analysis. 
Celine Louapre1, Sindhuja T Govindarajan2,
Costanza Giannì2, Julien Cohen-Adad3,
Revere Philip Kinkel4, and Caterina Mainero2
1AA Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2AA
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MA, United
States, 3Institute
of Biomedical Engineering Ecole Polytechnique de
Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, MA, United States
The relationship between diffuse cortical and underlying
white matter (WM) injury in multiple sclerosis (MS) is
not well understood. We used cortical thickness and
intracortical laminar T2* relaxation decay to assess
cortical injury, and to analyse its relationship with
underlying WM pathology as assessed by diffusion tensor
imaging. We found a spatial relationship between cortex
and subcortical WM pathology at the overall brain level,
and as a function of the depth from the white matter
surface within WM tracts.
08:48 |
0956. |
Connected WM lesions are
associated with reduced cortical thickness in long-standing
multiple sclerosis 
Martijn D. Steenwijk1, Marita Daams1,2,
Lisanne J. Balk3, Prejaas K. Tewarie3,
Jeroen J.G. Geurts2, Frederik Barkhof1,
Hugo Vrenken1,4, and Petra Pouwels4
1Department of Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland,
Netherlands, 2Department
of Anatomy and Neurosciences, VU University medical
center, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, 3Department
of Neurology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam,
Noord-Holland, Netherlands, 4Department
of Physics and Medical Technology, VU University medical
center, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Gray matter (GM) atrophy is common in multiple sclerosis
(MS), but the spatial relation with white matter (WM)
pathology is largely unknown. Studies investigating this
topic are often limited to early patients or specific
tracts. We present a new method using an advanced
tractography-based approach to obtain ‘lesion
connectivity’ maps at the cortical surface. Group-level
vertex-wise statistics in a large cohort (n=208) of
long-standing MS patients revealed large areas with
negative associations between lesion connectivity and
cortical thickness, indicating that cortical atrophy in
MS can –at least partly– be explained by axonal damage
or disconnection due to WM lesions.
09:00 |
0957. |
Multimodal imaging analysis
in the assessment of gray and white matter damage in
multiple sclerosis 
Niels Bergsland1,2, Marcella Laganà1,
Eleonora Tavazzi1, Matteo Caffini2,
Paola Tortorella1, Marco Rovaris1,
and Giuseppe Baselli2
1Istituto IRCCS Santa Maria Nascente,
Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan, Italy, 2Dipartimento
di Elettronica, Informatica e Bioingegneria, Politecnico
di Milano, Milan, Italy
The study of the relationship between grey matter (GM)
and white matter damage in multiple sclerosis (MS) is
relevant. This was a cross-sectional MRI study of 30 MS
patients. Probabilistic tractography data and lesion
load of the cortico-spinal tract (CST) were obtained.
Measures of motor cortex (MC) thickness and area were
obtained with Freesurfer. MC thickness correlated with
CST mean diffusivity and lesion volume, and EDSS. MC
surface area correlated with EDSS. Our findings further
characterize the GM damage and confirm its impact of on
disability. CST damage correlated with cortical
thickness supporting the link between GM and WM damage.
09:12 |
0958. |
Improved SIENAX assessment
of WM and GM volumes 
Marco Battaglini1, Mark Jenkinson2,
Antonio Giorgio1, Maria Assunta Rocca3,
Maria Laura Stromillo1, Massimo Filippi3,
jacqueline Palace4, and Nicola De Stefano1
1Medicine, Surgery and Neurosciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Tuscany, Italy, 2Centre
for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB),
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Neuroimaging
Research Unit, Vita-Salute S.Raffaele University,
Milano, Italy, 4Clinical
Neurology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
This work provides a new SIENAX (SIENAX2.0) pipeline for
the assessment of grey matter (GM) and white matter (WM)
volume changes as measured on MR images of Multiple
Sclerosis patients. Multisite datasets were analyzed and
the results compared with those obtained by the SIENAX
and the SPM8. New inhomogeneity correction and method
for relabeling of potentially mislabeled GM clusters
were introduced in SIENAX2.0 In isotropic high-quality
dataset the new SIENAX2.0 allows robust GM and WM volume
assessment halving the error when compared with SIENAX .
In non-isotropic dataset, SIENAX2.0 significantly
improves the robustness of GM and WM volume assessment.
09:24 |
Statistical modeling to
assess the impact of cortical parameters on cognition in
Multiple Sclerosis. 
Vanessa Lippolis1, Daniel Altmann2,
Nils Muhlert3, Egidio Ugo D'Angelo4,
Lucia Della Croce5, Matteo Pardini6,7,
Declan Chard7, David H. Miller7,
Maria Ron7, Fulvia Palesi8,9, and
Claudia A.M. Wheeler-Kingshott7
1Mathematics, University of Pavia, Pavia,
Pavia, Italy, 2Department
of Medical Statistics, LSHTM, London, London, United
Kingdom, 3School
of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 4Dept
of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia,
Pavia, Pavia, Italy,5Mathematics, University
of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 6Department
of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology,
Genetics, Maternal and Child Health, University of
Genoa, Genoa, Genoa, Italy, 7NMR
Research Unit, Department of Neuroinflammation, Queen
Square MS Centre, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
London, United Kingdom, 8Department
of Physics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 9Brain
Connectivity Center, National Neurological Institute C.
Mondino, Pavia, Pavia, Italy
We present a statistical model in the GLM framework to
relate cognitive scores to MRI-based cortical
parameters, using a cohort of patients with MS and
healthy controls. The model determined that patients
were significantly worse in the Stroop test and
presented a significant loss of cortical thickness;
indeed variables that best predict MS status are the
Right Medial Thickness and Right and Left Lateral Area.
Cortical parameters are associated with cognitive
scores, but there is no evidence that pathology of MS
has an effect on these associations. In further works
models can be expanded designing therapeutic
09:36 |
0960. |
permission withheld
Elisabetta Pagani1, Maria A. Rocca1,
Paolo Preziosa1, Matteo Atzori2,
Frederik Barkhof3, Nicola De Stefano4,
Christian Enzinger5, Franz Fazekas6,
Antonio Gallo7, Hanneke Hulst3,
Laura Mancini2, Xavier Montalban8,
Alex Rovira9, Maria Laura Stromillo4,
Gioacchino Tedeschi7, Giancarlo Comi10,
and Massimo Filippi1
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific
Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan,
MI, Italy,2Dept. Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, GB,
United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, Free University Medical Centre, Amsterdam,
NL, Netherlands, 4Department
of Neurological and Behavioral Sciences, University of
Siena, Siena, SI, Italy, 5Division
of Neuroradiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AT,
Austria, 6Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AT,
Austria, 7Department
of Medical, Surgical, Neurological, Metabolic and Aging
Sciences, Second University of Naples, Naples, NA,
Italy, 8Department
of Neurology-Neuroimmunology, Vall d’Hebron University
Hospital, Barcelona, CT, Spain, 9Department
of Radiology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, CT, Spain, 10Department
of Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, MI, Italy
Voxel-wise analysis to high-resolution 3DT1-weighted and
diffusion tensor (DT)-MRI scans were applied to assess
the structural correlates of cognitive dysfunction in
multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and their validity in a
multicenter setting. Twenty-three (37%) MS patients were
classified as cognitively impaired (CI). Compared to
cognitively preserved and controls, CI patients had
atrophy of several deep gray matter nuclei, fronto-parietal
regions and the corpus callosum (CC). Voxel-based
approaches to define the regional distribution of brain
damage in a multicenter setting in MS patients is
feasible, contributing to better characterize disease
clinical manifestations, including cognitive impairment.
09:48 |
0961. |
Tract-Based Spatial
Statistics of Diffusion MRI in Paediatric Multiple Sclerosis 
Kiran K Seunarine1, Kshitij Mankad2,
Michael Eyre2, Cheryl Hemingway2,
and Christopher A Clark1
1Imaging and Biophysics, UCL Institute of
Child Health, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Great
Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Paediatric onset multiple sclerosis (POMS) is known to
result in a slower accumulation of physical disability
over time despite the higher relapse rate than
adult-onset MS. However, the mechanisms associated with
POMS remain unclear. In this study we investigate
microstructural differences between POMS patients and
healthy control children using tract-space spatial
statistics (TBSS). Results show widespread differences
throughout the TBSS skeleton in paediatric MS compared
to controls for all tensor metrics. These differences
are consistent with severe demyelination. In addition to
this, we observe correlations between tensor metrics and
several clinical scores in the POMS patient group.