08:00 |
Simultaneous multi-slice
imaging of multiple metabolites using spectral-spatial
excitation for hyperpolarized 13C experiments 
Angus Z. Lau1,2, William Dominguez-Viqueira3,
Albert P. Chen4, Charles H. Cunningham3,5,
Matthew D. Robson1, and Damian J. Tyler1,2
1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
ON, Canada, 4GE
Healthcare, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
DNP-dissolution MRI is a novel method for imaging in
vivo metabolism in real-time. Spectral-spatial
excitation can be used to obtain full 3D volumes rapidly
in a multi-slice mode, but for substrates with many
downstream metabolites or multiple polarized substrates,
excitation of metabolic resonances one at a time becomes
challenging due to limited available scan time. In this
abstract, we combine simultaneous multi-slice (SMS)
acceleration with spectral-spatial excitation. We
demonstrate the method in a water/acetone phantom
(7-fold acceleration) and in retrospectively aliased 13C
cardiac images (2-fold acceleration). We anticipate the
scan time reduction will enable new applications in
hyperpolarized 13C MRI.
08:12 |
Dynamic Ultrafast 2D
Exchange Spectroscopy (EXSY) of Hyperpolarized Substrates 
Christine Leon Swisher1,2, Peder E.Z. Larson1,2,
Bertram L. Koelsch1,2, Subramaniam Sukumar1,
Renuka Sriram1, Justin Delos Santos1,
Adam B. Kerr3, John M. Pauly3,
John Kurhanewicz1,2, and Daniel B. Vigneron1,2
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2UC
Berkeley-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 3Magnetic
Resonance Systems Research Laboratory, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
We present for the first time a simple ultrafast method
for acquiring dynamic 2D Exchange Spectroscopy (EXSY)
using MAD-STEAM. This technique reconstructs 2D EXSY
spectra from 1D spectra based on phase accrual during
the echo time. Utilizing single-step encoding and
single-shot acquisition, it is ideal for dynamic imaging
of many exchange pathways and applicable to
hyperpolarized substrates. We have validated this method
in simulations, hyperpolarized hydration experiments,
and cell studies where forward and backward exchange of
pyruvate-lactate and pyruvate-hydrate were resolved in
real-time. This new approach could improve specificity
to cancer metabolism via isolation of directionality of
metabolic pathways.
08:24 |
0983. |
In vivo assessment of
diabetes-induced renal oxidative stress and response to
therapy using hyperpolarized 13C dehydroascorbate magnetic
resonance imaging 
Kayvan R Keshari1, David M Wilson2,
Victor Sai2, Robert Bok2, Kuang-Yu
Jen3, Peder Larson2, Mark Van
Criekinge2, John Kurhanewicz2, and
Zhen Jane Wang2
1Radiology and Medical Physics, Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United
States, 2Radiology,
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Pathology,
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, United States
Oxidative stress is proposed as a unifying cause for
diabetic nephropathy. We apply an endogenous redox
sensor, HP 13C-dehydroascorbate (DHA), to interrogate
the renal redox capacity in a mouse diabetes model. The
diabetic mice demonstrate decreased redox capacity, with
lower 13C-DHA reduction to the antioxidant Vitamin C.
This correlates to lower reduced glutathione (GSH)
concentration and higher Nox4 expression, consistent
with increased generation of superoxide and oxidative
stress. ACE inhibition normalizes 13C-DHA reduction to
Vitamin C, GSH concentration, and Nox4 expression. HP
13C DHA enables rapid in vivo assessment of altered
redox capacity in diabetic nephropathy and following
successful treatment.
08:36 |
Quantified pH imaging with
hyperpolarized 13C-Bicarbonate 
David Johannes Scholz1, Martin A. Janich2,
Annette Frank3, Ulrich Köllisch1,
Jan H. Ardenkjaer-Larsen4,5, Rolf F. Schulte2,
Markus Schwaiger3, Axel Haase1,
and Marion I. Menzel2
1IMETUM, Technische Universität München,
Munich, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany, 3Nuclear
Medicine, Technische Universität München, Munich,
Germany, 4Technical
University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5GE
Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark
Hyperpolarized 13C-Bicarbonate
pH mapping enables the opportunity to investigate a key
parameter in many biochemical processes, the pH, which
is relevant for a broad range of disease
characterization such like cancer, inflammatory diseases
(e.g. Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis and
osteoarthritis), hypoxia and many others. In
vitro and in
vivo quantification
of pH, acquired spatially and time resolved helps to
reveal the potential and the limits of the method. pH
mapping was applied in
vivo using
tailor-made spectral-spatial pulse design and
acquisition techniques on rats, investigating induced
metabolic alkalosis in kidneys and sterile inflammation.
08:48 |
Imaging of tumor
metabolism: a longitudinal study of tumor response to
therapies using hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate. 
Heeseung Lim1, Kundan Thind1,
Timothy Pok Chi Yeung1,2, Francisco M
Martinez-Santiesteban1, Eugene Wong2,3,
Paula J Foster1,4, and Timothy J Scholl1,4
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2London
Regional Cancer Program, London Health Sciences Centre,
London, Ontario, Canada, 3Physics
and Astronomy, Western University, London, Ontario,
Canada, 4Robarts
Research Institute, Western University, London, Ontario,
This longitudinal study uses hyperpolarized 13C
MRSI to image and quantify metabolic changes in brain
tumor in response to therapies. Wistar rats showed
significant changes in tumour metabolism within a day or
two after therapy measured by the ratio of lactate to
pyruvate after injection of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate.
This work establishes evidence for the capability of
hyperpolarized 13C
MRSI to detect early metabolic changes in brain tumors
in response to radio- and chemotherapies and the ratio
of lactate to pyruvate as a longitudinal non-invasive
biomarker for therapeutic response.
09:00 |
Reduction of (1-13C)-dehydroascorbic
acid to (1-13C)-ascorbic acid is not correlated
to glutathione in a treatment response model of murine
lymphoma in
Kerstin N Timm1,2, Mikko I Kettunen1,2,
De E Hu1,2, Tiago B Rodrigues1,2,
Timothy J Larkin1,2, Irene Marco-Rius1,2,
and Kevin M Brindle1,2
1Department of Biochemistry, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgshire, United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgshire, United Kingdom
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), the
oxidized form of vitamin C, can be used as a magnetic
resonance marker of redox state in vitro and in vivo.
What limits the reduction of hyperpolarized [1-13C]-DHA
to [1-13C]-ascorbic acid (AA) in vivo and hence which
metabolic process it directly reports on is still poorly
understood. We treated EL4 tumor bearing mice with the
topoisomerase inhibitor etoposide and showed that the
reduction rate of hyperpolarized [1-13C]-DHA in vivo is
highly variable, which was not correlated with
intracellular glutathione levels. This suggests
contribution of other factors such as NADPH from the
pentose phosphate pathway.
09:12 |
Measuring In Vivo
Myocardial Substrate Competition Using Hyperpolarized 13C
Magnetic Resonance 
Jessica A.M. Bastiaansen1, Matthew E. Merritt2,
and Arnaud Comment3
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center,Department of
Radiology,Molecular Biophysics,Biomedical Engineering,
UTSW Medical Center, Texas, United States, 3Institute
of Physics of Biological Systems, EPFL, Lausanne,
Cardiac dysfunction is often associated with a shift in
substrate preference, while current in vivo techniques
only provide direct information on substrate uptake. To
study substrate competition in the rat heart in vivo,
hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]butyrate were
co-administrated as surrogates for carbohydrate and
fatty acid metabolism respectively. The appearance of
downstream metabolites allowed for independent
monitoring of oxidation of both substrates uniquely in a
single experiment. A simple metabolic intervention led
to significant changes in substrate preference.
Combining hyperpolarized 13C technology and
co-administration of two separate imaging agents enabled
the simultaneous monitoring of both fatty acid and
carbohydrate oxidation in the heart in vivo.
09:24 |
Hyperpolarized 13C-acetate
for the detection of metabolic response of the heart to a
stress protocol 
Ulrich Koellisch1,2, Concetta V. Gringeri2,3,
Giaime Rancan4, Markus Durst1,2,
Markus Schwaiger3, Marion I. Menzel2,
Axel Haase1, and Rolf F. Schulte2
1IMETUM, Technical University München,
Munich, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany, 3Nuclear
Medicine, Technical University München, Munich, Germany, 4Technical
University München, Munich, Germany
Acetate metabolism plays an important role particularly
in myocardial cells where acetate gets converted to
acetyl-carnitine (ALCAR) via Acetyl-CoA. Hyperpolarized
MRS using [1-13C]acetate offers the possibility to
investigate its conversion to [1-13C]ALCAR, which could
be a marker for changes of myocardial fatty-acid
metabolism. However the low SNR of ALCAR is the
bottleneck of the proposed method. Adresing this problem
a stress protocol using dobutamine was combined with an
optimized spectrospatial pulse sequence in order to
increase the SNR of ALCAR. The results show a
significant increase of the ALCAR to acetate after
dobutamine administration.
09:36 |
0989. |
[1-13C]acetate kinetics and metabolism in translational
animal model: cardiac real-time detection of metabolic flux
of [13C]acetyl-carnitine in pigs 
Alessandra Flori1, Matteo Liserani2,
Francesca Frijia3, Vincenzo Lionetti1,
Giulio Giovannetti4,5, Giacomo Bianchi6,
Anar Dushpanova1, Jan Henrik
Ardenkjaer-Larsen7,8, Giovanni Donato Aquaro3,
Vincenzo Positano9, Maria Filomena Santarelli4,5,
Luigi Landini9,10, Massimo Lombardi3,
and Luca Menichetti3,4
1Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Institute of
Life Sciences, Pisa, Italy, 2Department
of Physics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 3Fondazione
CNR/Regione Toscana G. Monasterio, Pisa, Italy, 4Institute
of Clinical Physiology, National Council of Research,
Pisa, Italy, 5MRI
Unit, Fondazione CNR/Regione Toscana G. Monasterio,
Pisa, Italy, 6Cardiac
Surgery Department, Ospedale del Cuore "G. Pasquinucci",
Fondazione CNR/Regione Toscana G. Monasterio, Massa,
Italy, 7GE
Healthcare, Denmark, 8Department
of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of
Denmark, Denmark, 9MRI
Lab, Fondazione CNR/Regione Toscana G. Monasterio, Pisa,
Italy, 10Department
of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa,
We present an analysis based on the ratio of total areas
under the curve (AUC), for real-time detection of
metabolic flux and enzymatic reactions using
[1-13C]acetate dissolution-DNP and MRS. Hyperpolarized
sodium [1-13C]acetate (150 mM) was administered in pigs
at rest and during inotropic stress with dobutamine:
[1-13C]acetate and [1-13C]acetyl-carnitine were detected
in a selected heart slice. [1-13C]acetate kinetics
displayed a typical biphasic shape and the ratio of
[1-13C]Acetyl-carnitine/[1-13C]acetate AUC showed a good
correlation with Rate Pressure Product. We proved the
feasibility of cardiac metabolic studies with
hyperpolarized [1-13C]acetate using an approach
alternative to kinetic model-based analysis, relevant
for clinical translation.
09:48 |
Real-time assessment of the
effect of acute and chronic hypoxia on cardiac metabolism in
the control and diabetic rat: an in
vivo study 
Lydia Le Page1, Oliver Rider2,
Victoria Noden1, Andrew Lewis2,
Latt Mansor1, Lisa Heather1, and
Damian Tyler1
1Department of Physiology, Anatomy and
Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Oxford
Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research, Oxford,
United Kingdom
Diabetes is associated with a high risk of
cardiovascular disease and hypoxia is potentially an
important component of this risk. Here, we investigated
thein vivo, real-time metabolic response of the
diabetic rat heart to acute and chronic hypoxia. Acute
hypoxia reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) flux and
increased lactate production in control hearts but this
did not occur in diabetic hearts. Following chronic
hypoxia, neither group showed alterations in cardiac PDH
flux or lactate production. We have shown an acute
metabolic inflexibility in the in
vivo diabetic
heart, which is possibly overcome over a longer hypoxic
period by physiological adaptations.