08:00 |
1011. |
Mapping the Distinct
Single-Vessel Vascular Contribution to BOLD and CBV fMRI 
Xin Yu1, Stephen J. Dodd1, Afonso
C. Silva1, and Alan P. Koretsky1
1National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
United States
Hemodynamic signal from individual venules can be
detected directly with fMRI. Here, the hemodynamic
signal from BOLD and CBV fMRI was measured at high
temporal (100ms) and spatial (150x150µm) resolution in
layers 4/5 of the rat forepaw S1 with a fast
gradient-echo MRI sequence. Distinctly different voxels
were activated in BOLD vs CBV fMRI. In contrast to the
BOLD activated voxels primarily located within
penetrating venules, CBV activated voxels were primarily
located to penetrating arterioles. This result makes it
possible to directly image the CBV and BOLD response at
the level of single-vessels to better understand
neurovascular coupling.
08:12 |
Vessel-specific mapping of
cerebral venous oxygenation of small veins 
Lisa C. Krishnamurthy1,2 and
Hanzhang Lu1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, UT
Southwester Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Dept.
of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, TX, United States
The ability to generate a “small-vessel map” of Yv may
help in better characterizing variations in venous
oxygenation across brain regions, identifying regions at
risk of ischemia attack or stroke, and may find
immediate applications in clinical conditions that
affect specific brain regions. The present study aims to
optimize a sequence called
T2-Relaxation-Under-Phase-Contrst (TRU-PC) MRI to
generate a complete Yv map of the vasculature in the
mid-sagittal brain, including small veins (1-2 mm in
caliber). The optimization includes removing an
eddy-current induced artifact to improve the Yv
quantification, adding additional scans to sensitize the
maps to more vessels, and merging these scans into a
single signal map for T2-fitting.
08:24 |
Simultaneous quantification
of oxygen extraction fraction, vessel radius and cerebral
blood volume by respiratory-calibrated MRI 
Michael Germuska1 and
Daniel Bulte2
1Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging
Centre, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Nuffield
Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, Oxford University,
Oxford, Oxon, United Kingdom
Recently, respiratory-calibrated MRI methods capable of
providing a quantitative assessment of cerebral
physiology have been developed. In this study we combine
hyperoxic and hypercapnic calibration of the BOLD signal
with a simultaneous BOLD measurement of vessel size. The
combination of these methods allows for the elimination
of significant physiological assumptions from each of
the combined techniques. Modelling results show that the
new method produces accurate estimates over a wider
range of physiological states than each of the combined
methods, broadening the scope of such measurements.
Results from pilot data in healthy volunteers agrees
well with expected mean values.
08:36 |
1014. |
Cerebral Blood Flow MRI and
CBF fMRI of Rat Brain up to 50x38x1000μm 
Qiang Shen1, Shiliang Huang1, and
Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States
We previously reported high spatial resolution basal CBF
maps of rat brain at 75x56x1000μm. In this study, we
further pushed the spatial resolution to 50x38x1000μm
for basal CBF imaging. Moreover, we also investigated
lamina-specific CBF fMRI responses in a rat forepaw
stimulation model. Comparison was made with
lamina-specific BOLD fMRI responses. High resolution CBF
map showed remarkable columnar and layer specific
perfusion information in the cortex. Layer IV and VI
showed higher CBF, likely associated with higher basal
metabolic needs. The CBF fMRI responses peaked broadly
in layer IV-V, whereas the BOLD fMRI responses peaked in
the superficial layers.
08:48 |
Measuring Changes in
Arterial and Venous Cerebral Blood Volume in Human Brain at
Laurentius Huber1, Aneurin Kennerley2,
Dimo Ivanov3, Claudine Gauthier1,
Harald E. Möller1, and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Department
of Psychology, The University of Sheffield, United
Kingdom, 3Psychology
and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands
A CBV- and BOLD-sensitive multi-echo VASO sequence is
used to estimate arterial and venous CBV changes.
Separation between vascular compartments can be achieved
by modeling their T2* and oxygenation-dependent signal
contribution across TEs in MR images with and without
selective blood nulling. Spatiotemporal features of
arterial and venous CBV and their interaction with CBF
and BOLD responses is considered with respect to
position across the cortical ribbon, the post-stimulus
undershoot and sustained neural inhibition. It is
concluded that these features differ across time,
stimulus type and vessel type.
09:00 |
Reproducibility of Resting
State Functional Connectivity Maps Derived from ASL CBF Data
and Concurrent BOLD 
Marta Vidorreta1, Amaia Benitez1,
Maria Pastor1, and Maria Fernandez-Seara1
1Center for Applied Medical Research,
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
Arterial spin labeled (ASL) perfusion fMRI offers the
possibility of measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) and
assessing functional connectivity (FC) by means of
evaluating the temporal correlations in the fluctuations
of the CBF time series. The goal of this study was to
evaluate and compare the reproducibility of FC maps
derived from CBF and concurrent BOLD data. The results
of this test-retest study show that FC derived from CBF
data offers better reproducibility of the connectivity
values, although slightly lower reproducibility of the
spatial localization of the identified networks.
09:12 |
Evidence for a cerebral
blood flow post-stimulus undershoot contributing to the BOLD
Valerie E.M. Griffeth1 and
Richard B. Buxton1
1Keck Center for fMRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
Since the discovery of the blood oxygenation level
dependent (BOLD) signal, it has been noted that there is
a post-stimulus undershoot. The source of this
undershoot is often debated as it is unclear whether it
is a neurologic, vascular or metabolic phenomenon. Here
we provide evidence for a post-stimulus CBF undershoot
by combining data from multiple experiments examining
the response in the visual cortex to high contrast
flickering checkerboard stimuli. These results suggest
that previous publications may have missed CBF
undershoots either due to lack of study power or imaging
parameters not optimized for detecting the CBF signal.
09:24 |
Measuring absolute CMRO2 using
Asymmetric Spin Echo and hyperoxic calibrated BOLD 
Alan J Stone1, Kevin Murphy1,
Nicholas P Blockley2, Ashley D Harris3,4,
and Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2FMRIB,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Traditionally calibrated BOLD is used to measure the
maximum BOLD signal change (M) allowing measurement of
relative CMRO2 changes
with task. Here an extension of the dual calibrated FMRI
methodology is presented which allows regional estimates
of absolute CMRO2 to
be made. Asymmetric Spin Echo (ASE) is used to calculate
maximum BOLD signal change (M) through the measurement
of R2'. This is then used in a hyperoxic
calibrated BOLD experiment allowing the measurement of SvO2 and
calculation of absolute CMRO2 using
Fick’s principle.
09:36 |
1019. |
ATP signaling plays a key
role in the BOLD Response 
Jack A Wells1, Isabel N Christie^1,
Nephtali Marina2, Melina F Figueiredo3,
Anya G Teschemacher3, Sergey Kasparov3,
Alexander V Gourine*2, and Mark F Lythgoe*1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Neuroscience,
Physiology and Pharmacology, UCL, London, United
Kingdom, 3School
of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Bristol,
Bristol, United Kingdom
Understanding the mechanisms of neurovascular coupling
is essential to the interpretation of fMRI BOLD signals.
Astrocytes communicate via release of ATP, however its
role neurovascular coupling has not been considered. To
explore the contribution of ATP-mediated signalling in
generation of BOLD responses, we developed a lentiviral
vector that degrades ATP, effectively preventing its
action. During bilateral forepaw stimulation, a smaller
BOLD response was observed in the forepaw region
transduced to express TMPAP relative to the control
side. These novel data indicate that astroglial ATP-signalling
is important for neurovascular coupling in the intact
09:48 |
Simultaneous fPET and fMRI
for Assessing Dynamic Neurovascular and Neurometabolic
Hsiao-Ying Wey1, Marjorie Villien1,
Joseph B Mandeville1, Bruce R Rosen1,
and Jacob M Hooker1
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA, United States
BOLD fMRI only probes neural activity indirectly and the
signal reflects a composite change of neurovascular and
neurometabolic coupling. Complete measurements of
changes in hemodynamic responses and oxidative and
non-oxidative glucose metabolisms in response to stimuli
or tasks will facilitate our interpretation of brain
function. In this study, we circumvent the temporal
limitation of FDG PET and reinvent its use to enable a
truly dynamic detection of glucose metabolism. In
addition, we validate our approaches using global
physiological challenges. Together with simultaneously
acquired BOLD/ASL data and hypercapnic calibration, a
wealth of information can be obtained in one scan.