Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
RF Design & Mapping
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
Joint Design of Continuous
Excitation k-space Trajectory and RF pulse for 3D Tailored
Hao Sun1, Jeffrey A. Fessler1,
Douglas C. Noll2, and Jon-Fredrik Nielsen2
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States
In 3D tailored RF pulse design, one typically
predetermines a k-space (gradient) trajectory and then
designs the corresponding RF waveforms for a target
excitation pattern. Recently, the KT-points method was
proposed as an approach for jointly designing the
trajectory and RF pulses for 3D flip-angle
homogenization (B1 shimming). KT-points models the 3D
pulse design as a sparse approximation problem and
selects sparse phase encoding locations by either a
greedy approach or a simple inverse Fourier transform
ignoring transmit coil sensitivity and field
inhomogeneity. However, with only a few discrete phase
encoding locations, it is difficult to approximate a
non-smooth target excitation pattern in 3D. Also, it is
relatively inefficient to traverse 3D k-space by
discrete gradient blips with no RF transmission along
those blips. In this work, we extend the KT-points
method to a joint optimization of the continuous k-space
trajectory and the RF waveform by: (1) applying local
minimization to further optimize those KT points, and
(2) efficiently ordering those points and generating a
fast gradient waveform to traverse those points. We
evaluate our proposed joint design with and without
local minimization, and compare them with a recently
proposed continuous nonselective spiral (SPINS)
trajectory for 3D cubic excitation.
Multi-slice ultrafast
spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN) MRI by new two dimensional
excitation pulses 
Rita Schmidt1 and
Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel
Two-dimensional (2D) excitation pulses are often used
for localization in spectroscopic imaging and for
in-plane region-of-interest delineation in MRI. Recent
research has shown that these RF manipulations can also
be based on spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN) principles.
SPEN is a spatiotemporal manipulation that has also been
used for single-shot ultrafast MRI. Fast volumetric SPEN
MRI acquisitions, however, are still challenged. The
present work merges the benefits of both 2D SPEN-based
excitation and 2D SPEN single-shot acquisitions,
demonstrating a multi-slice ultrafast sequence.
Experiments testing these ideas were demonstrated on
phantom as well as on brain volunteer imaging
experiments at 3 T.
1440. |
Nonlinear-Phase Multiband
90°-180° RF Pair With Reduced Peak Power
Kangrong Zhu1, Adam B. Kerr1, and
John M. Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
Multiband RF pulses are central to the signal excitation
in simultaneous multislice acquisitions. The peak
amplitude has been a limiting factor in multiband RF
design, especially in multiband spin-echo pulse design.
In this work, nonlinear-phase multiband pulses, which
have reduced peak power compared to linear-phase pulses,
are designed. A pair of 90°-180° nonlinear-phase
multiband pulses are applied to generate a linear-phase
echo. An additional reference phase is applied to each
individual excited band to further reduce the peak power
of the multiband pulse.
1441. |
A Robust and Low-Power
Adiabatic T2 Preparation
for Cardiovascular Imaging at High Magnetic Field
Ruud B van Heeswijk1,2, Kieran R O'Brien2,3,
Jean Delacoste1,2, and Matthias Stuber1,2
1Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and
University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland,3Radiology,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
An adiabatic T2 Preparation
module (T2Prep) at high magnetic field
normally requires too much energy to allow it to be
combined with bSSFP imaging. Numerically optimized
adiabatic pulses were therefore used to design a T2Prep
for cardiovascular imaging at high magnetic field. The
energy efficiency of this optimized T2Prep
was established at 3T and compared to standard adiabatic
T2Prep. Finally, T2-prepared bSSFP
cardiovascular imaging and coronary MRA were
demonstrated in healthy volunteers.
1442. |
MultiPINS: PINS + MultiBand
hybrid RF pulse with reduced SAR for SMS Imaging at Ultra
High Field Strength
Cornelius Eichner1,2, Robert Turner2,
Lawrence L Wald1, and Kawin Setsompop1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Simultaneous Multi Slice (SMS) acquisition enables
increased temporal resolution and acquisition speed.
However, at ultra high field strengths, SAR constraints
of SMS RF pulses can enforce slower acquisition speed.
We propose a novel MultiPINS RF pulse design that
combines PINS and MultiBand pulses to achieve lower SAR.
Slice profiles and off-resonance behavior of this pulse
were evaluated using Bloch simulations. The MultiPINS
pulse achieves similar slice profiles, but significantly
reduced energy transmission and peak RF voltage. In-vivo
high-resolution Blipped-CAIPI SMS diffusion MRI data
with 3x multiband acceleration were acquired at 7T to
show the usefulness of this new pulse design.
1443. |
Susceptibility Conditioned RF Pulse (SCOPE) Design: A Spokes
Wei Feng1, Yang Xuan2, and E Mark
1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States, 2Radiology,
Wayne State University, MI, United States, 3Wayne
State University, MI, United States
A novel multi-dimensional spokes RF pulse design method
is proposed to compensate for bulk
susceptibility-induced phase variations. Under the small
flip angle regime, there is a Fourier relationship
between the excitation pattern and the RF and gradient
waveforms, which traverses the excitation k-space. The
conventional spokes pulse design approach is modified
such that the cost function incorporates both magnitude
and phase constraints inside the desired region of
interest (ROI) based on susceptibility field map, while
the phase is allowed to vary arbitrarily outside the
ROI. Numerical Bloch simulations and imaging experiments
were performed for 1D, 2D and 3D pulse design
applications. It is shown that the proposed method is
viable and could have significant potential in
susceptibility-related imaging applications.
1444. |
Design of a Variable-Rate
Selective Dual-Band FOCI Pulse for Spin Labeling 
Fabian Zimmer1, Frank G Zöllner1,
and Lothar R Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
For pulsed arterial spin labeling (ASL) the quality of
the slice-selective inversion is decisive because of the
inherent low perfusion contrast. Commonly, adiabatic
inversion pulses are used. However, the adiabatic
condition has to be fulfilled, leading to a compromise
between the maximum available coil voltage and profile
quality, i.e. pulse parameters. Especially the high RF
power demand of adiabatic dual-band inversion pulses
normally leads to inversion profiles that are unusable
for ASL. We present a dual-band FOCI inversion pulse
with reduced RF power requirements that conserves the
high quality of a single-band FOCI pulse.
1445. |
Implementation of a
self-refocused adiabatic spin echo pulse-pair modulated
using the power independent of the number of slices (PINS)
technique for simultaneous B1-insensitive multi-slice
Rebecca Emily Feldman1, Haisam Islam2,
and Priti Balchandani1
1Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute, Icah School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, New York, United States, 2Bioengineering,
Stanford University, California, United States
High field MR can be challenging due to limited slice
coverage, B1-inhomogeneity. Adiabatic pulses
can limit sensitivity to B1-inhomogeneity,
however adiabatic pulses deposit quadratic phase that is
difficult to refocus and are SAR intensive. Similarly,
simultaneous multi-slice imaging can accelerate image
acquisition at high fields but RF pulses created as the
superposition of multiple slice RF pulses can rapidly
exceed safe SAR limits. Using a 'Power Independent of
Number of Slices' (PINS) technique, multiple slices can
be excited simultaneously at lower power. We implemented
a adiabatic PINS refocusing pulse with a matched phased
PINS excitation pulse.
1446. |
A General Numerical VERSE
RF Pulse Design Framework
Nii Okai Addy1 and
Dwight G Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
A recent method for a flexible, numerical spiral imaging
trajectory design can be adapted to RF pulse design.
With this general framework, various VERSE RF pulses can
be designed in one or multiple dimensions. This work
presents results for slab-selection and spiral
1447. |
Variable-rate design of
quieter slice-select pulses 
Christopher J. Hardy1, Seung-Kyun Lee1,
and Michael J. Wittbrodt1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United
Slice-select pulses can be made quieter by derating
them, i.e. by reducing gradient slew rate and/or
amplitude (along with RF bandwidth), but this increases
minimum echo time. The variable-rate principle is used
here to design slice–select pulses with improved
acoustic signature and with identical slice profiles
on-resonance, without lengthening pulse duration.
1448. |
RF pulse design for low SAR
simultaneous multislice (SMS) excitation using optimal
Christoph Stefan Aigner1, Christian Clason2,
Armin Rund2, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2Institute
for Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of
Graz, Graz, Austria
Optimal control (OC) is a flexible framework for the
design of RF pulses with arbitrary slice profiles, even
in the presence of relaxation effects and field
inhomogeneities, and is therefore well suited for
simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging. We demonstrate
the ability of this approach to generate RF pulses with
arbitrary (large) flip angles, slice thickness, slice
gaps and slice numbers. The results for two and three
slices of 4mm thickness are validated on a 3T MR scanner
and indicate the applicability of the proposed method.
1449. |
RF Pulse Design using
Linear and Nonlinear Gradient Fields: A Multi-Dimensional
k-Space Approach 
Emre Kopanoglu1, Leo K. Tam1, and
Robert Todd Constable1
1Dept. Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University
School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, United
The effect of using nonlinear gradient fields (NLGFs) on
excitation fidelity is studied, specifically on a
multi-dimensionally selective excitation scheme. For
this purpose, three nonlinear and two linear gradient
fields (LGFs) are used. Two-dimensionally selective RF
pulses are designed utilizing more than two fields
simultaneously, using a multi-dimensional k-space
approach. Using simulations, it is shown that increasing
the number of k-space dimensions beyond the number of
spatial coordinates may yield excitation profiles with
lower error, compared to the target profile. It is also
shown that, NLGFs may improve excitation fidelity, even
for profiles that are more compatible with LGFs.
1450. |
Homogeneous neuroimaging at
7 tesla with short tailored radiofrequency pulses using high
permittivity dielectric bags 
Joep Wezel1, Maarten Versluis1,
Andrew Webb1, Matthias van Osch1,
and Peter Börnert1,2
1C.J. Gorter center for high field MRI,
Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Netherlands, 2Philips
Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
Neuroimaging at 7 tesla is complicated by the high
degree of B1-inhomogeneity within the brain. Spezialized
RF pulses that take the B1 distribution into account can
compensate for the inhomogeneous field. These pulses are
generally longer than the regular pulses, leading to
increased sensitivity to B0 deviations. To counter this
trend we apply high permittivity dielectric pads that
reduce the severity of the flip angle voids. This
potentially leads to the design of shorter RF pulses to
compensate for the remainder of the inhomogeneities. We
have simulated three pulse lengths with and without the
bags and verified this in-vivo.
1451. |
Variable Density 2D Spiral
Excitation with Self Compressed Sensing 
Wenwen Jiang1,2, Michael Lustig3,
John Pauly4, and Peder E.Z. Larson5
1Graduate Group in Bioengineering, University
of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United
States, 2University
of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States, 3Electrical
Enigneering and Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley, California, United States, 4Electrical
Enigneering, Stanford University, California, United
States, 5Radiology
and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San
Francisco, California, United States
2D spiral excitation pulses are potentially valuable for
bolus tracking and reduced FOV imaging. But 2D
excitation pulses are usually long, given the FOV and
resolution requirements, which results in off-resonance
blurring of the spatial profile. Subsampled spiral
trajectories could shorten the duration of the pulse but
resulting in aliasing sidelobes in the excitation
profile. In analogy to the subsampled data acquisition,
subsampled excitation profiles can be designed to
produce incoherent sidelobes. These can be further
reduced by the fact that spin-echoes square the linear
excitation dramatically shrinking the sidelobes. With
the design of appropriate variable density spiral
trajectories, this method will effectively suppress
aliasing sidelobes while resulting in shorter excitation
Optimization of fast
k-space trajectories for 3D spatially selective parallel
Mathias Davids1,2, Bastien Guérin2,
Lothar R. Schad1, and Lawrence L. Wald2,3
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, BW,
Germany, 2Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 3Harvard-MIT,
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
MA, United States
The k-space trajectory, in addition to the RF, possesses
powerful degrees of freedom to enhance 3D parallel
selective excitations. A novel approach on rapidly
designing arbitrarily shaped time-optimal trajectories
was used to simultaneously optimize the trajectory and
RF pulse. The trajectory was defined by shape parameters
that were optimized for a cubic ROI and brain only
excitation. Two trajectories were optimized – a 3D Cross
and a 3D Concentric Shells trajectory – with durations
of less than 7 ms each. The excitation RMSE could be
reduced by up to 60% in an eight channel 7T setup,
yielding applicable 3D selective excitation pulses.
1453. |
On variant strategies to
solve the Magnitude Least Squares optimization problem in
parallel transmission RF pulse design and under strict SAR
and power constraints 
Nicolas Boulant1, Andres Hoyos-Idrobo1,
Pierre Weiss2, Aurelien Massire1,
and Alexis Amadon1
1Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, Ile de France,
France, 2ITAV,
CNRS, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France
Despite the importance of the magnitude least squares
problem in parallel transmission pulse design and the
availability of other powerful numerical optimization
methods, this problem has been faced almost exclusively
with the so-called variable exchange method. Here, we
investigate various two stage strategies and incorporate
directly the SAR and power constraints. Different
schemes such as sequential quadratic programming,
interior point methods, semi-definite relaxation and
magnitude squared least squares relaxations are studied
in the small and large flip angle regimes with B1 and
DB0 maps obtained in-vivo on a human brain at 7 Tesla.
1454. |
Local and global SAR
constrained large tip angle 3D kt points parallel transmit
pulse design at 7 T
Filiz Yetisir1, Bastien Guerin2,
Lawrence L. Wald2,3, and Elfar Adalsteinsson1,3
1Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 3Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States
Explicit SAR constraints have been proven useful for
slice selective small tip angle pulse design. We propose
a nonselective pulse design method that explicitly
constrains local SAR and RF peak amplitude at large tip
angle and demonstrate that when local SAR is controlled
directly rather than via control of peak RF voltage,
safer pulses with better excitation profiles are
obtained. Our method is more practical than Tikhonov
regularized strategies since it only requires one run to
ensure that all the limits (SAR and RF) are satisfied.
1455. |
Three-Dimensional Variant of the DREAM Sequence
Daniel Brenner1, Desmond H. Y. Tse2,
Eberhard D. Pracht1, Thorsten Feiweier3,
Rüdiger Stirnberg1, and Tony Stöcker1
1German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
(DZNE), Bonn, Germany, 2INM-4,
Research Centre Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 3Siemens
AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
A 3D variant of the DREAM sequence, with a spiral phase
encode view ordering, is utilized for B1 mapping at 7T.
Together with short non-selective preparation and
imaging RF pulses this enables whole volume B1 mapping
of the human head in 15s or even a single shot - which
only lasts 3s – at negligible SAR levels (1%). Good
agreement is found with a reference AFI dataset with
degraded quality in a low tip angle regime due to the
low SNR of the STE* image.
1456. |
Optimization of
Amplitude-Modulated Pulses for Bloch-Siegert Based B1 Mapping 
Qi Duan1, Peter van Gelderen1,
Souheil J. Inati2, and Jeff H. Duyn1
1AMRI, LFMI, National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2FMRIF,
National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
This abstract investigates fast simultaneous B0/B1+ mapping
by Bloch-Siegert shift via lowering the off-resonance
frequency of this pulse, as theoretical analysis
indicated that the sensitivity of Bloch-Siegert based
B1+ mapping can be substantially improved when
irradiating closer to resonance. Using optimized
irradiation pulse shape and gradient crushers to
minimize direct excitation effects, in vivo experiments
on human brain at 7T confirmed the improved sensitivity
available with this approach operating with peak B1+ much
larger than the frequency offset. This improved
sensitivity translated into an 80% reduction in B1+ estimation
errors, without increasing tissue heating.
1457. |
Toward B1 estimation using
coil locators
Parnian Zarghamravanbakhsh1, Christopher
Ellenor1, John M Pauly1, and Greig
1Electrical engineering, Stanford university,
Stanford, CA, United States
We propose a method to predict B1 filed using coil
geometry and location in imaging coordinate system
without doing B1 mapping. Most of B1 mapping are done
without any assumption about the coil geometry and
location. Coils location are found by placing markers on
coil conductors, then by acquiring three sets of 1D
projections to localize the markers ,coil plane can be
detected. Having known the coil location and geometry,
B1 field distribution can be obtained by computational
analysis .To validate the method, we compare simulated
with measured results. Field prediction can be used in
auto-calibration and RF pulse design.
1458. |
Lowering the B1 Threshold
for BEAR B1 Mapping
Kalina V Jordanova1, Dwight G Nishimura1,
and Adam B Kerr1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
We redesign the BEAR B1 mapping
method to use HSn pulses, which have lower adiabatic
thresholds. By optimizing the HSn pulse parameters, we
can reliably acquire B1maps for lower nominal
peak B1 than
with the original BEAR method. We validate the
performance of BEAR with HSn pulses via simulation and
in vivo at 3T, with average errors from the original
BEAR method of less than 3%. This method will be useful
for reliably acquiring B1 maps
for lower B1 values.
1459. |
Decoupled RF-Pulse Phase
Sensitive B1 Mapping 
Daniel J. Park1, Neal K. Bangerter1,2,
and Glen R. Morrell2
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah,
United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Utah, SLC, Utah, United
B1 mapping
mapping is an important component of quantitative MRI
and parallel transmission. Although many B1 mapping
methods have been introduced and analyzed, there is no
clear superior method. One method, the Bloch-Siegert
shift method, has potential for improved B1 mapping
of parallel transmit arrays through separation of
excitation and the B1 encoding
pulse. We introduce a modification to the Phase
Sensitive (PS) method that allows similar improvement by
decoupling the compound excitation pulse in the PS
method. We introduce a brief Monte Carlo based
statistical analysis (mean bias and standard deviation)
which illustrates the potential of this method.
1460. |
Reduced-FOV Lumbar Spine T1 MR
Imaging Using High-Low EP-2DRF Excitation Pulse
Qinwei Zhang1, Yi-Xiang J Wang1,
Heather Ting Ma2, Queenie Chan3,
and Jing Yuan1,4
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
N.T., Hong Kong, 2Harbin
Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4CUHK
Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
T1Ï imaging has been proved to be a sensitive biomarker
for disc degeneration while suffering from long scan
time. Large field of view and respiratory motion further
adversely affect the mapping results. We proposed a 2DRF
pulse with novel high-low EP excitation trajectory to
realize reduced field of view (rFOV) T1Ï imaging in
lumbar spine region on a 3T clinical scanner. The scan
time was halved and motion artifact was eliminated. Good
consistency between rFOV and full FOV T1Ï maps was
observed. The proposed 2DRF has potential to be used for
high-resolution spine T1Ï imaging in routine clinical
1461. |
Correction of 2D RF Pulses 
Yuval Zur1
1GE Healthcare, Tirat Carmel, Israel
Two dimensional (2D) RF pulses with EPI excitation
trajectory are extremely sensitive to system
imperfections such as eddy currents and waveform
distortions. These imperfections cause stop band
excitation and pass band saturation. A method to correct
these 2D RF pulses is presented. The correction is done
by adding a phase to even sub pulses and gradient blips
to the oscillatory excitation gradient. The added phase
and the area of the blips are determined by a
calibration done at system installation. The method was
applied successfully to spectral spatial RF pulses at
oblique and non oblique slice orientations.
1462. |
Characterizing the Inherent
and Noise-Induced Errors in Actual Flip Angle Imaging
M Louis Lauzon1,2 and
Richard Frayne1,2
1Radiology, Hotchkiss Brain Institute,
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Seaman
Family MR Research Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada
The flip angle term in an image can be determined using
the TR-interleaved AFI (actual flip angle imaging)
sequence. AFI makes an approximation, which leads to an
inherent bias (a measure of accuracy). Noise
propagation, however, produces an uncertainty bias and
an increase in the variance (a measure of precision).
Here, we analytically and numerically determine the
accuracy/precision of the inherent and noise-induced
errors of the cosine of the flip angle as a function of
various acquisition parameters, and provide an overall
1463. |
Shaped Saturation with RF
Power Efficient 2D Spatially Selective Spiral Design in
Parallel Transmission 
Rainer Schneider1,2, Jens Haueisen2,
and Josef Pfeuffer1
1MR Application Development, Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, TU Ilmenau,
Ilmenau, Thuringia, Germany
Shaped saturation human in-vivo experiments were
realized for the first time on the basis of
multidimensional spatially selective RF pulses in
parallel transmission. For this purpose, a
variable-density 2D spiral trajectory design was
introduced, which offers inherent RF power efficiency by
incorporating the a-priori information of the target
pattern and available B1 magnitude. The design was
evaluated in sagittal head and t-spine experiments,
saturating different patterns at 3T. The proposed
approach was shown to offer up to 32% improved spatial
accuracy and saturation performance under given RF
hardware and SAR constraints.
Acquisition Methods
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
An SSFP Signal Equation
with Finite RF Pulses and Exchanging Water Pools 
Tobias C Wood1, Samuel A Hurley2,
Gareth J Barker1, and Steven C R Williams1
1Neuroimaging, King's College London,
Institute of Psychiatry, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United
We present an SSFP signal equation that includes finite
RF pulse lengths and exchanging components, and then use
this to calculate Myelin Water Fraction maps using
1465. |
Fat-suppressed Alternating-SSFP
for Whole-Brain fMRI Using a Short Spatial-Spectral Pulse 
Tiffany Jou1, Steve Patterson2,
John M. Pauly1, and Chris Bowen2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Physics
and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada
Alternating-SSFP (alt-SSFP) suppresses banding artifacts
and allows for whole-brain fMRI in a single run by using
RF catalyzation to alternate between RF phase-cycling
steady states. However, bright fat signal remains a
problem because of the short TR used. Without an
effective fat suppression technique, artifacts like fat
chemical shift and off-resonance signal instability
result. Our goal was to design a spectral-spatial (SPSP)
pulse short enough to be used for alt-SSFP fMRI, with
reduced fat chemical shift artifacts and improved
temporal SNR (tSNR) time-courses. In this study, we
propose our SPSP fat-suppression method as the first
practical implementation of alt-SSFP and demonstrate
good BOLD sensitivity in both breath-hold and visual
1466. |
A Comparative Study of the
Uhrig Dynamic Decoupling (UDD) and CPMG Pulse Sequences
Jonathan Phillips1 and
Sophie Schirmer2
1Institute of life Science, College of
Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, United
Kingdom, 2Physics
Department, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales, United
It has been suggested that the UDD sequence, originally
developed to extend the lifetime of qubits in quantum
computing, may be used as an imaging sequence to extend
the coherence lifetime in tissues to elucidate different
tissue structures. We performed phantom studies to
investigate these claims. We find evidence of lifetime
extension although the interpretation of the images is
complicated by steady state effects i.e. banding.
However, the sequence may elucidate three-dimensional
structure near tissue boundaries as well enhancing
fat-water contrast at large repetition times.
1467. |
On the feasibility of
hybrid acquisition in SPACE 
Guobin Li1, Maxim Zaitsev1,
Matthias Weigel2, Esther Meyer3,
Dominik Paul3, Jan Korvink4,5, and
Jürgen Hennig1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Radiological
Physics, University of Basel Hospital, Switzerland, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Germany, 4Department
of Microsystems Engineering — IMTEK, University of
Freiburg, Germany, 5Freiburg
Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of
Freiburg, Germany
SPACE employs non-selective RF pulses to achieve short
echo spacing in the imaging with long echo trains.
However, the use of non-selective RF pulses results in a
single slab acquisition in SPACE imaging. In typical
SPACE protocols, the duration of the echo train is only
about 20% of the TR, which means 80% of the time is
purely for waiting. In order to improve the time
utilization ratio, in this work, we investigate the
feasibility of acquiring a second contrast in the
waiting time of the TR in single slab SPACE imaging.
Some preliminary results of the hybrid imaging are
1468. |
FIESTA-flex : removing
banding artifacts and allowing flexible contrast in FIESTA
Bing Wu1 and
Yongchuan Lai1
1GE healthcare, Beijing, Beijing
Municipality, China
A new pulse sequence named FIESTA-flex is proposed.
Comparing to FIESTA(bSSFP), it removes the banding
artifacts and allows flexibility image contrast at the
sacrifice of signal level compared to FIESTA. In vivo
feasibility studies have been performed, and qualitative
inspection agrees with theoretical expectation.
1469. |
Optimization of Flip angle
and TR schedules for MR Fingerprinting 
Maxwell L Wong1, Eric Z.C. Wu2,
and Eric C Wong3
1UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, United
States, 2University
of Southern California, California, United States, 3Department
of Radiology and Psychiatry, UCSD, La Jolla, California,
United States
In this study, we simulate and attempt to optimize
parameters for MR Fingerprinting. We looked for ways to
characterize flip angle and TR schedules that produce
the best estimated T1, T2 and frequency maps. This was
done using frequency filters applied to random
schedules, and comparison to DESPOT1 and DESPOT2 to
assess the effectiveness of MRF. We confirmed higher
sensitivity of MRF compared to DESPOT, and identified
frequency characteristics in the flip angle schedules
that were beneficial.
1470. |
A Serial Artificial Neural
Network Model for TrueFISP Sequence Design 
Nahal Geshnizjani1, Kenneth A. Loparo1,
Dan Ma2, Debra McGivney3, Vikas
Gulani2,3, and Mark A. Griswold2,3
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States, 3Radiology,
University Hospitals of Cleveland and Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
The purpose of this work is to design a system that is
able to extract basic MR sequence parameters such as FA
and TR from TrueFIsp signal evolutions. Artificial
Neural Networks are used as the main tool because of
their ability to be trained and learn and then solve
complicated mathematical equations. We use an efficient
method to predict FAs of TrueFISP signal evolutions one
excitation at a time using the magnetization preceding
and following the excitation. ANNs are trained by
arbitrary initial magnetizations and random flip angles.
1471. |
Field Assessment for Matrix
Gradient coils using SVD
Sebastian Littin1, Feng Jia1, Hans
Weber1, Frederik Testud1, Anna
Welz1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a very usefull
tool to asses encoding fields from matrix gradient
1472. |
Automated Gradient
Conversion Algorithm for Acoustic-Noise Reduction in MRI
David Manuel Grodzki1 and
Bjoern Heismann1,2
1Magnetic Resonance, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany, 2Pattern
Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Acoustic noise is one of the main reasons for patient
discomfort during an MRI examination. High noise levels
are caused by fast-switching gradients during the scan.
By reducing the gradient switching and optimizing
gradients, significant acoustic-noise reductions can be
achieved. In this work, we present an automated gradient
conversion algorithm that optimizes the gradient shape
of any incoming sequence on the fly. Noise reductions of
up to 12 dB(A) were reached. Incorporating further
careful protocol adaptions, further noise reduction of
up to 10 dB(A) was achieved, without sacrificing
diagnostic image quality.
1473. |
An easily controllable
spread spectrum using chirp radio frequency pulse and its
application in compressed sensing MRI
Xiaobo Qu1, Ying Chen1, Xiaoxing
Zhuang1, Zhiyu Yan1, Di Guo2,
and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2School
of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen
University of Technology, Xiamen, Fujian, China
To accelerate imaging, compressed sensing MRI (CS-MRI)
suggests performing randomly undersampling to reduce the
coherence between the encoding matrix and the sparsity
bases. Spread spectrum (SS) is recently introduced to
improves the reconstruction by reducing this coherence.
But SS is achieved via a second order shim coil which
limits modulation intensity and is not convenient to be
operated. In this work, we propose a chirp radio
frequency (RF) pulses to easily control the spread
intensity by choosing a proper bandwidth and apply in
CS. Simulation on the sampled data implies that the
reconstruction error reduces if a proper bandwidth is
1474. |
Reduced FOV excitation
using a SPSP pulse and a static second-order shim gradient 
Haisam Islam1 and
Gary Glover2
1Bioengineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
The use of a spatial-spectral pulse in the presence of a
static non-linear shim gradient has been proposed for
reduced FOV excitation, in particular for exciting thin
disc-shaped regions at isocenter. In this work, we
extend the method to excite regions at an arbitrary
locations and of arbitrary slice thicknesses, allowing
for accelerated 2D or 3D high-resolution imaging.
1475. |
The Effect of 2D Excitation
Profile on T1 Measurement Accuracy Using the Variable Flip
Angle Method 
Bryant T. Svedin1,2 and
Dennis L. Parker1
1Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research,
Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 2Physics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Measurements of T1 using the Variable Flip Angle method
are subject to errors introduced by inaccuracy in the
flip angle used. Simulations were performed to test the
effects of the slice excitation profile on the
dependence of the measured signal on flip angle.
Excitation profiles for several TBP and T1 values were
simulated using the steady state flash equation.
Calculated T1 values are compared with the true values.
1476. |
Volume-Selective Thin Slice
Thickness EPI for Whole Brain fMRI: Comparison with
Z-Shimming EPI 
Xiaodong Guo1
1Brain Research Imaging Center, The
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
The slice thickness of slices in a small region of the
human brain, where large MRI signal loss was experienced
due to susceptibility difference at the air-tissue
interfaces, was set to half the thickness of slices
located at other regions where the static magnetic field
was homogeneous. The MRI signal loss was dramatically
recovered. Compared with z-shimming technique, images
acquired by this volume-selective thin slice thickness
technique have lesser temporal signal to noise ratio.
However, thin slice thickness technique worked better
for slices close to brain stem which cover amygdala and
hippocampus areas.
1477. |
Enhanced Slice Resolution
by Staggered Acquisitions with Z-Deblurring 
Thomas Depew1 and
Qing-San Xiang1,2
1Physics & Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
High resolution 3D MRI is becoming increasingly
desirable for many research and clinical applications.
However, certain MRI pulse sequences (such as EPI) can
only be performed in multi-slice mode, typically with
inadequate through-plane resolution. We present a
technique that allows scalable through-plane resolution
enhancement for multi-slice acquisitions. The method
employs multi-slice acquisitions staggered along Z
refined with novel deblurring algorithms. Isotropic
resolution in 3D is achievable when sufficient data are
1478. |
An interleaved multi-shot
scheme involving self-refocused single-scan SPEN that is
immune to in-plane movement and phase shifts 
Rita Schmidt1, Amir Seginer1, and
Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel
Recent studies have shown the benefits of a single-shot
spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN): reducing magnetic field
inhomogeneity distortions and delivering chemical shift
information. The present work demonstrates that SPEN can
also exhibit substantial motion immunity, even when
executed in interleaved multi-shot schemes. Shots of
SPEN data can be co-processed to generate full FOV
images without requiring extra reference scans. Since no
aliasing is involved, a phase correction from SPEN shots
can be estimated, resolving ghost-free SPEN images, and
eliminating transient phase shifts or in-plane movement
between shots. Preliminary tests confirm the advantages
on phantom and human scans, including functional MRI
1479. |
SALSAS: Spectral Spatial
Excitation Combined with Z-Shimming to Mitigate
Through-Plane Signal Loss in Single-Slice and Multiband
Gradient Echo Imaging 
Anuj Sharma1, Manus Donahue2,3, V.
Andrew Stenger4, and William A. Grissom1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 3Psychiatry,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 4Medicine,
University of Hawaii, HI, United States
An SNR-efficient method to mitigate signal loss
artifacts in single-slice and simultaneous multi-slice
long echo time gradient echo acqisitions is presented.
Signal improvement comes from the use of spectral
spatial pulses to selectively excite regions that are
refocused with Z-shim. Scan time is minimized by
treating the different z-shim acquisitions as additional
slices in a multi-slice stack. Phantom and in-vivo
experiments at 7T and 3T demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed method in reducing signal loss artifacts
in both single-slice and multiband exams.
1480. |
Ultrafast in vivo imaging
by SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) for Bruker MRI systems 
Tangi Roussel1 and
Lucio Frydman1
1Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Since 2010, ultrafast NMR is applied for MRI giving
birth to several ultrafast single-shot SPatio-temporally
ENcoded (SPEN) imaging sequences. Besides important scan
time reduction, SPEN experiments are especially robust
regarding high-field artifacts such as B0
inhomogeneities and susceptibility effects. Zooming
abilities are also built-in into this kind of
experiments. In this paper, we present a SPEN method
developed for Bruker MRI systems. The method includes
single-shot single-slice, multi-slice SPEN and RASER
sequencing options; all with an online reconstruction
and fully integrated in Bruker Paravision as a “method”.
1481. |
Respiratory motion based
dynamic keyhole reconstruction for real-time thoracic MRI
Danny Kyejun Lee1, Sean Pollock1,
Peter Greer2, Taeho Kim1, and Paul
1Radiation Physics Laboratory, Sydney Medical
School, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW,
Australia, 2The
University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
The dynamic keyhole method using respiratory signals has
been demonstrated to reconstruct MR images with the
considerably small amount of central phase encoding
lines, linked to real-time thoracic imaging with minimal
image intensity loss on tumor. These results suggest
that the dynamic keyhole method could be a desirable
technique for image-guided radiation therapy and
MRI-guided radiotherapy that require real-time MR
monitoring in thoracic region.
1482. |
Non-rigid continuous motion
correction in abdominal imaging 
Xingfeng Shao1, Xucheng Zhu1,
Feiyu Chen2, and Kui Ying3
1Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China, 3Department
of Engineering physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
In abdominal imaging, non-rigid and continuous motion
artifacts can be introduced because of breathe and
intestinal peristalsis movement. To reduce this kind of
motion artifacts, we use COCOA to detect and discard
motion corrupted data under PROPELLER trajectory, then
use SPIRiT to reconstruct the k-space. To evaluate our
method, simulated data was generated by adding non-rigid
continuous motion to a reference image. After applying
both proposed method and traditional COCOA to the
simulated data, results show that simulated motion can
be effectively reduced with our method comparing to
traditional COCOA. Conclusion can be made that combining
COCOA with PROPELLER and SPIRiT can effectively reduce
non-rigid continuous motion in abdominal imaging, which
is better than traditional COCOA.
1483. |
Robust 3D SPACE imaging
freely stopped by patient motion 
Guobin Li1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Martin
Büchert1, Esther Meyer2, Dominik
Paul2, Jan Korvink3,4, and Jürgen
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Germany, 3Department
of Microsystems Engineering — IMTEK, University of
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4Freiburg
Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
3D turbo spin echo sequences (e.g. SPACE) suffer from
long acquisition times and are therefore prone to motion
artifacts. Two features are introduced into SPACE
imaging: a) integrated motion detection, which judges
whether a patient’s movement is tolerable or not, and
stops the acquisition immediately when unacceptable
motion is detected; b) a dedicated sampling strategy,
which optimizes the image quality in cases that an
acquisition is interrupted. Comprehensive in vivo
experiments have been conducted to evaluate the
performance of the method.
1484. |
A novel MRI data processing
strategy for the reduction of abdomen motion artifacts
Yajun Ma1, Wentao Liu1, Yang Fan1,
Huanjie Li1, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1MRI Research Center and Beijing City Key Lab
for Medical Physics and Engineering, Peking University,
Beijing, Beijing, China
Date processing techniques such as multiple average
methods and COCOA have been developed recently for
motion artifacts reducing. They employed convolution of
k-space data to reduce localized data inconsistencies.
These data processing techniques can be incorporated
with other techniques, such as respiratory gating,
navigator echoes.And then, better image quality is
obtained. And they can also be used alone for free
breath imaging. A new data processing strategy is
introduced in this work to optimize the date convolution
procedure and take care of different motion characters
exist in multi-coil images to protect the image SNR.
1485. |
Multi-slice imaging of the
abdomen during free breathing using a radial self-gating
Judith Biermann1, Martin Krämer1,
and Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, TH, Germany
To perform multi-slice multi-echo abdominal imaging
during free breathing a radial golden angle self-gating
technique was used applying 1D projection navigators in
an automatically added slice. 1D navigators were
utilized to generate a breathing trigger signal through
correlation analysis. Since each time point of the
trigger signal is directly related to a radial readout
in all slices, respiratory phases could be excluded from
image reconstruction for obtaining breathing corrected
images. Image blurring caused by respiratory motion was
highly reduced.
Self-Gated Fat-Suppressed
Cardiac Cine MRI
R Reeve Ingle1, Juan M Santos2,
William R Overall2, Bob S Hu1,3,
and Dwight G Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2HeartVista,
Inc., Menlo Park, California, United States, 3Palo
Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California, United
A technique for fat-suppressed self-gated cardiac cine
imaging is demonstrated, which enables cardiac cine
imaging without the need for external electrocardiogram
(ECG) gating. Fat suppression is achieved using an
alternating repetition time (ATR) balanced steady-state
free precession (bSSFP) pulse sequence. By redesigning
the slice-select rephaser gradients, one-dimensional
projection navigators can be acquired during the unused
short TR interval. Volunteer and patient results are
presented and compared with ECG-gated ATR and bSSFP
1487. |
Accurate And Reliable
PC-MRI Sequence To Investigate Complex Dynamic Of Cerebro-Spinal
Fluid in the Brain. 
Malek I Makki1, Christoph Ruegger2,
Cyrille Capel3, Catherine Gondry-Jouet4,
and Olivier Baledent5
1MRI Research Center, University Children
Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Neonatalogy,
University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Neurosurgery,
University Hospital, Amiens, France, 4Radiology,
University Hospital, Amiens, France, 5Image
Processing, University Hospital, Amiens, France
An accurate CSF flow measurement through the pontine
cistern is difficult to achieve because of blood flow
artifacts from the basilar artery and surrounding
vessels. We developed a dedicated PCMRI sequence with
pre-saturation double sided bands to suppress signal
from blood with no compromise neither on SNR nor on
spatio-temporal resolution and validated this on 18
patients with hydrocephalus. We compared the results of
the developed sequence in the pontine cistern and
foramen of Magendi which is free of blood flow artifact
and demonstrated its accuracy and reliability to
measuring the stroke volume and the minimum and maximum
1488. |
inversion-recovery EPI (MI-EPI) functional MRI at 7 T
Ville Renvall1,2, Thomas Witzel1,2,
Marta Bianciardi1,2, and Jonathan R. Polimeni1,2
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Multi-contrast inversion-recovery EPI (MI-EPI) was
implemented on a 7T system and was used to study brain
activations simultaneously using T1-, BOLD-,
and multiple inversion-recovery-time-signal changes
following visual stimulation at a 3-s sampling period.
The different contrast images yielded similar activation
maps, with extent of activation roughly proportional to
the signal levels, but less activation with CSF
suppressed rather than gray matter suppressed contrasts.
T1 values
were found to significantly increase during visual
stimulation concordant with blood volume increases
and/or inflow effects.
1489. |
7D velocity phase imaging
with zoomed simultaneous multi-slice EPI reveals respiration
driven motion in brain and CSF 
Liyong Chen1,2, Alexander Beckett1,2,
Ajay Verma3, and David Feinberg1,2
1Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute,
University of California, Berkeley, California, United
States, 2Advanced
MRI Technologies, LLC, Sebastopol, California, United
States,3Biogen Idec, MA, United States
A new highly efficient velocity imaging technique is
developed with simultaneous multi-slice EPI and zoomed
spatial resolution which enables real-time measurement
of CSF and brain velocity. Application of this 7D
imaging technique to normal subjects revealed
respiratory synchronous motion modulating cardiac
waveforms in brain parenchyma and CSF. The brain
pulsations may play a role in clearance of interstitial
fluid in the brain.
1490. |
The gray-white contrast in
spin-echo imaging at 7 T 
Robert Trampel1, Jochen Schmidt1,
Laurentius Huber1, Andreas Schäfer1,
and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Although the contrast between gray and white matter
obtained by spin-echo and turbo spin-echo techniques is
usually referred to as “T2-weighted”, transverse
relaxation mechanisms contribute hardly at all to the
contrast between those brain tissue types. We found that
gray-white contrast in spin-echo brain images at 7T
arises mainly from proton density and T1 relaxation,
depending on TR. Magnetization transfer has a somewhat
smaller influence, while the influence of T2 variations
in tissue is negligible.
1491. |
Simultaneous T1 and T2*
weighted 3D Anatomical Imaging using a Dual-Echo Sequence
Won-Joon Do1, Paul Kyu Han1, Seung
Hong Choi2, and Sung-Hong Park1
1Department of Bio and Brain Engineering,
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, Korea, 2Seoul
National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
In this study we implemented a new dual-echo sequence
for simultaneous acquisition of T1 and T2* weighted 3D
Anatomical images. An echo-specific K-space reordering
scheme was used to separately satisfy T1 and T2*
contrast for the two echoes, which was determined to be
30 and 10-20 for the first echo and second echo,
respectively. The results showed that the proposed
method enables us to acquire both 3D T1 and T2* weighted
images with scan time of ~3 min and a reasonable spatial
coverage and resolution. The technique may be helpful
for accelerating routine clinical studies requiring T1
and T2* acquisitions.
1492. |
On the application of
simultaneous dual contrast weighting using double echo
2in1-RARE in healthy subjects and multiple sclerosis
Katharina Fuchs1, Fabian Hezel1,
Sabrina Klix1, Ralf Mekle2, Jens
Wuerfel3,4, and Thoralf Niendorf1,5
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 2Medical
Metrology, Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt,
Berlin, Germany, 3Institute
of Neuroradiology, University Medicine Goettingen,
Germany, 4NeuroCure
Clinical Research Center, Charité - University Medicine
Berlin, Germany,5Experimental and Clinical
Research Center (ECRC), a joint cooperation between the
Charité Medical Faculty and the Max-Delbrueck Center,
Berlin, Germany
2in1-RARE is a RARE variant which is simultaneously
sensitive to T2* and
proton density contrast. This is achieved by strictly
separating spin echo and stimulated echo magnetization
within a RARE echo train. The performance of 2in1-RARE
is elucidated using point spread function assessment.
2in1-RARE traits for T2* mapping
are validated against conventional mulit-echo gradient
echo acquisitions. The applicability of dual contrast
weighted double echo 2in1-RARE is demonstrated for brain
imaging using susceptibility weighted imaging, T2* mapping
and proton density weighted imaging in healthy subjects
and multiple sclerosis patients.
1493. |
High resolution neuro-imaging
with reduced SAR using radial GRASE 
Melisa Okanovic1,2, Martin Blaimer2,
Felix Breuer2, and Peter Michael Jakob2,3
1Comprehensive Heart Failure Center,
University Hospital of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria,
Germany, 2Magnetic
Resonance Bavaria (MRB), Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 3Department
of Experimental Physics 5, University of Wuerzburg,
Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany
For high resolution images of the human brain a hybrid
sequence with a radial readout is presented. In this
technique gradient refocused echoes replace refocusing
radio-frequency pulses up to a certain level. This
offers a significant SAR-reduced imaging compared to a
turbo-spin-echo technique with the same
echo-train-length. The radial k-space acquisition and a
view-sharing technique (KWIC) for the reconstruction,
allow several arbitrary T2-weighted images. High
resolution in-vivo human brain images are presented.
1494. |
Accuracy of VIBE and TSE
for High Resolution Imaging of the Mandibular Nerve 
Jakob Kreutner1, Andreas J. Hopfgartner2,
Julian Boldt3, Kurt Rottner3,
Ernst J. Richter3, Peter M. Jakob1,2,
and Daniel Haddad1
1MRB-Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 3Prosthodontics,
Dental School, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Recent studies have shown the accuracy of a VIBE
sequence in visualizing the mandibular canal compared to
X-ray based methods. In order to increase resolution
without unnecessarily lengthen acquisition time a small
field of view is needed. This can be achieved by using
regional saturation bands in VIBE or local look
technique in TSE sequences to avoid aliasing artifacts.
Since TSE offers higher SNR and in combination with
local look technique is more comfortable to set up, we
compared both methods by calculating the surface
difference of the mandibular canal.
1495. |
Neuroimaging with INSIDIR:
Integrated Single Inversion and Double Inversion Recovery
Andrew L Alexander1 and
Steven R Kecskemeti1
1Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States
An efficient 3D brain imaging pulse sequence was
developed with a pair of inversion pulses that
simultaneously acquire both single inversion recovery
(SIR) and double inversion recovery (DIR) image data.
Sampling was performed using a spoiled gradient echoes
with a 3D radial k-space readout. A sliding window
reconstruction was used to generate multiple image
volumes with different single and double inversion
times. The SIR volumes included a nulled gray matter
frame and a nulled white matter frames and also more
standard T1-weighted contrast. The DIR sampling yielded
a gray matter specific map with nulling of both white
matter and CSF.
1496. |
Transverse Relaxation
Amplified by Chemical Exchange (TRACE): A New Method for
Mapping Molecular Integrity of Cartilage 
Anup Singh1, Ravi Prakash Nanga1,
Mohammad Haris1,2, Kejia Cai1,3,
Felik Kogan1, Hari Hariharan1, and
Ravinder Reddy1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Research
Branch, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar, 3Radiology,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United
Objective of current study was to develop a new method
for mapping molecular integrity of cartilage based upon
Transverse Relaxation Amplified by Chemical Exchange
(TRACE). This simple and time efficient method provides
a quantitative index of macromolecular content of
cartilage and is less sensitive to fluid changes
associated with pathological conditions of the tissue.
The method was tested in chondroitin sulfate (CS)
phantoms with different concentrations and pH as well as
on human knee cartilage at 3T and 7T whole body MR
1497. |
Apparent Exchange Rate (AXR)
Mapping Using Diffusion MRI: an in vitro and in vivo
Feasibility Study on Breast Cancer 
Samo Lasic1, Savannah C. Partridge2,
Cheng-Liang Liu2, Stina Oredsson3,
Lao Saal4, Daniel Topgaard5,
Markus Nilsson6, and Karin Bryskhe1
1CR Development AB, Lund, Sweden, 2Dept.
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle Cancer
Care Alliance, Seattle, United States, 3Department
of Biology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 4Department
of Oncology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 5Center
for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University,
Lund, Sweden, 6Lund
University Bioimaging Center, Lund University, Lund,
A feasibility study of filter exchange imaging (FEXI)
for detection of apparent exchange rate (AXR) was
performed on breast cancer cell lines and on a breast
tumour patient in vivo. Results suggest that different
breast cancer types could be distinguished with FEXI
based on their AXR values. The AXR could be determined
for the tumour ROI, while in normal tissue the AXR was
outside the experimental range. Low SNR did not allow
voxel based data analysis. Further optimization of FEXI
will be required before FEXI can be evaluated in a
larger group of breast cancer patients.
1498. |
Magnetization Transfer from
Inhomogeneously Broadened Lines (ihMT): Qualitative
Evaluation of ihMT Specificity toward Myelinated Structures 
Valentin Prevost1, Olivier M. Girard1,
Gopal Varma2, David C. Alsop2, and
Guillaume Duhamel1
1CRMBM UMR 7339, CNRS/Aix-Marseille
Université, Marseille, France, 2Radiology
Departement, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
A previously reported new MT approach able to
specifically image the inhomogenous component of the MT
spectrum, and referred as inhomogeneous MT (ihMT),
appeared to be sensitive to tissue with myelin. The
present study proposed a qualitative investigation of
ihMT specificity toward myelin by comparison with DTI
and myelin stained images.
1499. |
Perfusion-Weighted Imaging without Tagging Pulses 
Hyunseok Seo1, Yeji Han1, and
HyunWook Park1
1Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon,
Daejeon, Korea
In this abstract, a novel isotropic perfusion-weighting
approach is proposed, where bi-polar gradients are used
instead of the tagging pulses to obtain a
high-resolution PW image with radial trajectory. By
using a pair of spin-echo (SE) images acquired with
single and double bi-polar gradients from
multi-directions, anisotropic characteristics of the
cerebral perfusion are also considered. Computer
simulations were performed to evaluate the relation
between the proposed method and the cerebral perfusion.
MR experiment results from in-vivo brain imaging show
that the proposed method produces a high-resolution PW
1500. |
Estimation of the arterial
input function using accelerated dual-contrast EPIK: a
multi-modality MR-PET study 
Liliana Caldeira1, Seong Dae Yun1,
Nuno A da Silva1, Christian Filss1,
and N Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4,
Research Centre Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
The arterial input function (AIF) is essential for
quantification in MRI and PET imaging. The ground truth
for AIF estimation is arterial cannulation.
Alternatively, the AIF can be estimated using MRI and/or
PET images, but a reasonable temporal resolution of
dynamic image series is necessary (<2s). In PET imaging,
high temporal resolution is limited (>5s). Here, we
propose a method to acquire data for the AIF based on an
EPI with keyhole (EPIK) sequence. The EPIK sequence
combines both high temporal resolution and high spatial
resolution. Furthermore, dual-contrast EPIK (DC-EPIK)
can also be acquired to provide additional information.
1501. |
Selective MRA for portal
venography using Beam Saturation pulse
Takashi Nishihara1, Hiroyuki Itagaki1,
Kuniaki Harada1, Masatomo Yokose1,
Oka Kuniharu1, and Tetsuhiko Takahashi1
1MRI System Division, Hitachi Medical
Corporation, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
In order to visualize the blood flow in portal vein, we
investigate use of a 2D beam excitation pre-saturationpulse
(hereafter Beam Sat pulse) with the flow phantom and
healthy volunteer.@As a result, the Beam Sat pulse is
able to saturate the portal vein selectively. When
combined with unenhanced portal venography, the Beam Sat
pulse seems to visualize additional information about
the blood flow in portal vein.
1502. |
Improving sensitivity and
specificity for RS fMRI using multiband multi-echo EPI at 7T
Rasim Boyacioglu1, Jenni Schulz1,
Peter Koopmans2, Markus Barth1,3,
and David Norris1,3
1Radboud University, Donders Institute,
Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Recently we have implemented a multiband (MB) multi-echo
(ME) sequence to investigate the potential improvement
in sensitivity at 7T for resting state (RS) fMRI. In
this study we investigated various approaches for
cleaning ME and MB ME RS fMRI data to fully exploit the
rich temporal information of MB ME data. With two
different analysis strategies we have showed that MB
acquisition improves functional connectivity compared a
standard ME sequence after the removal of non-BOLD
related artifactual signals.
1503. |
Multiband spin- and
gradient-echo (SAGE) fMRI 
Heiko Schmiedeskamp1, Eric Peterson1,
Julian Maclaren1, Rafael O'Halloran1,
Thomas Christen1, Samantha J Holdsworth1,
Eric Aboussouan1, William A Grissom2,
and Roland Bammer1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
The combined acquisition of gradient-echo and spin-echo
fMRI signals facilitates the differentiation between
simultaneously acquired BOLD signal changes with
distinct contrast mechanisms at the expense of increased
repetition time or decreased slice coverage. To
facilitate combined gradient-echo and spin-echo fMRI
while maintaining whole-brain coverage without
prolonging TR, we propose utilizing multiband RF
excitation in simultaneous multi-echo spin- and
gradient-echo (SAGE) EPI acquisitions for fMRI, and we
present preliminary results using a breath-hold task as
proof-of-principle for stimulus-based multiband SAGE
fMRI experiments.
1504. |
Speed is Taste
Tom Hilbert1,2, Tobias Kober1,3,
Tilman J. Sumpf4, Zhengguo Tan4,
Jens Frahm4, Pavel Falkovskiy1,3,
Heiko Meyer5, Rolf Bendl6,7,
Jean-Philippe Thiran2, Reto Meuli8,
and Gunnar Krueger1,8
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology,
Siemens Healthcare IM BM PI, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Signal
Processing Laboratory (LTS5) École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3CIBM
- AIT, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Biomedizinische
NMR Forschungs GmbH am Max-Planck-Institut für
biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany, 5Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 6Division
of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, DKFZ
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 7Department
of Medical Informatics, Heilbronn University, Germany, 8Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudoise and Univ. of
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
In this work we investigate the combination of
Model-based Accelerated RelaxomeTry by Iterative
Nonlinear Inversion (MARTINI) with Generalized
Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA)
to further accelerate and improve the reconstruction
quality of T2 maps. GRAPPA is used to interpolate
missing k-space lines of two-fold subsampled blocks of
the MARTINI scheme prior to the MARTINI reconstruction.
Images from an analytical phantom and in-vivo datasets
are investigated. Resulting T2 maps of nominal 10-fold
accelerated whole brain exams (1:40 minutes scans) are
qualitatively and quantitatively compared to the
reconstruction of the fully sampled and conventional
5-fold accelerated MARTINI datasets.
1505. |
Jenni Schulz1, Rasim Boyacioglu1,
and David G Norris1,2
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and
Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
3D-TOF-MRA is commonly used for imaging intracranial
vessels. This NCE-MRA technique is based on inflow
enhancement suppressing stationary tissue.
Unfortunately, it suffers from time-inefficiency. This
problem can be overcome by exciting multiple slabs
simultaneously which can be reconstructed with a fast
low resolution 3D-FLASH reference scan. Acquisition time
will be decreased by a factor almost equal to the number
of simultaneously excited slabs. The obtained results
are comparable to the reference and CNR is maintained
which leads to an increase in CNR efficiency.
Furthermore, by reducing the thickness of the slabs in
the multislab multiband acquisition, in-flow contrast is
1506. |
Accelerated 3D EPI using 2D
blipped-CAIPI for high temporal and/or spatial resolution 
Benedikt A Poser1,2, Dimo Ivanov1,
Stephan A Kannengiesser3, Kamil Uludag1,
and Markus Barth2,4
1Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, 6200MD Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Donders
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud
University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3MR
Applications Development, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany, 4Erwin
L Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
2D CAIPIRINHA greatly improves volumetric parallel
imaging reconstructions by making optimal use of the
available coil sensitivities and distributing the image
alias over the reduced FOV. We demonstrate blipped-CAIPIRINHA
in 3D EPI, where CAIPIRINHA’s ability to freely
distribute the undersampling capability between the two
phase-encoding directions creates the flexibility to:
(a) use maximum through-plane acceleration to achieve
very short TR, (b) use maximum in-plane acceleration to
shorten EPI echo train for high-spatial resolution and
minimal geometric distortion, or (c) any trade-off
between the two. Each case is demonstrated with a total
undersampling factor 16.
1507. |
Constrained Source Space
Imaging: Rapid Point Measurement of fMRI Paramaters 
Karl Landheer1 and
Simon Graham1
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A novel technique to rapidly measure fMRI parameters has
been improved upon. Our technique uses a modified PRESS
sequence to excite three arbitrarily positioned voxels.
SENSE is then used to reconstruct each of the four
voxel’s time-dependent signal. A minimum TR of 73 ms was
achieved, and showed to provide good agreeance between a
single voxel measurement. This technique provides access
to T2, T2* and centre frequency, all which can be used
to monitor functional activity through the BOLD
response. This technique will be used to measure very
fast brain activity for mental chronometry in the
1508. |
In Vivo Compressed Sensing
fMRI using Conventional Gradient-recalled Echo and EPI
Xiaopeng Zong1, Juyoung Lee2,
Alexander Poplawsky3, Seong-Gi Kim3,4,
and Jong Chul Ye2
1Biomedical Research Imaging Center,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, NC, United States, 2Korea
Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Daejon,
Korea, 3University
of Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 4Dept.
of Biological Sciences, SKKU, Suwon, Korea
Compressed sensing (CS) may be useful for accelerating
data acquisitions in high-resolution fMRI. Most of the
existing CS-fMRI studies have been conducted with
synthesized experiments where fully sampled k-space data
were retrospectively down-sampled. However, it is
difficult to determine pulse sequence-dependent artifacts
as well as potential advantages of improved temporal
resolutions using retrospective analyses. Here, we
systematically investigated the properties of CS-fMRI
using computer simulations and in vivo experiments of
rat forepaw and odor stimulations with 2-dimensional
gradient-recalled echo (GRE) and echo planar imaging
sequences. Our results show that CS improves the
statistical performance of fMR with negligible image
1509. |
Phase Encoded Acquisition
with Compressed sEnsing
Marc Rea1, Xavier Boullier2, Ian
Young3, and Donald McRobbie1
1Radiological Sciences Unit, Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2Bioengineering,
Imperial College, London, London, United Kingdom, 3Electrical
Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United
This work investigates the combination of Single Point
Imaging (SPI) with Compressed Sensing reconstruction for
the reduction of artefacts near passive metal implants,
enabling the benefits of SPI to be utilised with much
reduced acquisition times.
1510. |
Extracting MRI Sequence
Response Kernels from Generalized Extended Phase Graph
Cristoffer Cordes1 and
Matthias Günther1,2
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 2MR-Physics
and Spectroscopy, Faculty 1, Universität Bremen, Bremen,
To further investigate the potential of the Extended
Phase Graph algorithm, the reconstruction chain has been
applied to the signal components created by Extended
Phase Graph simulations. The resulting images can then
be used as convolution kernels to simulate the sequence
response to the parameter map of an object or to extract
information about parameter sensitivity and influence
from a sequence. An algorithm has been developed and
utilized to generate images from object parameter maps
to compare simulation results to measured images and to
extract contrast information from a pulse sequence.
1511. |
Murine Cardiac Imaging
Methods at 4.7T 
Matthew Firth1, Marco Mingarelli1,
Hugh Seton1, and Dana Dawson1
1University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United
We describe a gradient echo based imaging technique for
fast murine cardiac gated cine imaging. Using relatively
low strength gradients at 4.7T we have obtained a
multi-slice, multi-frame cine with full ventricular
coverage in just over 5 mins. These images were analysed
to assess ventricular function and the results compared
with images using a slower technique which acquired a
single line of k-space per R–wave. There was no
significant difference between the calculated left
ventricular volumes and the “Fast” technique led to a
reduction in flow artefacts.
1512. |
Noel D. Montgomery1, Goldie R.E. Boone2,
and Jack L. Lancaster2
1Human Effectiveness Directorate, Bioeffects
Division, Radio Frequency Radiation Bioeffects Branch,
Air Force Research Laboratory, 711 Human Performance
Wing, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, Texas, United States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, UT Health Science Center San Antonio,
San Antonio, TX, United States
Spin Echo and Echo Planar imaging of resected nervous
tissue presents a specific challenge due to
susceptibility differences between tissue and air, and
due to high signal from encapsulating media. The
researchers developed an encapsulation method for brain
tissue that minimized susceptibility artifacts in echo
planar images and preserved contrast in spin echo
1513. |
Imaging Battery for Brain
M. Ethan MacDonald1,2, M. Louis Lauzon2,3,
and Richard Frayne2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Calgary, Caglary, AB, Canada, 2Seaman
Family Magnetic Resonance Research Centre, Hotchkiss
Brain Institute, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, AB,
Canada, 3Radiology
and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB, Canada
In this work combined methodologies for rapidly
acquiring parametric maps of the brain are described.
Several parameters in the brain, including: T1, T2, T2*,
magnetic susceptibility and proton density are
calculated, in addition to several machine distortion
parameters, including: B0 and B1 field inhomogeneity,
and coil profiles. The protocol time used to produce
these images was less than 26 minutes, and resulted in
whole brain coverage with 1 mm^3 isotropic resolution.
Collection of these key physiological and machine
distortion parameters will allow for advanced simulation
of the MR system.
1514. |
RARE Sequence Optimization
Parameters for 19F MRI studies of Labeled Neuronal Stem
Cells at 11.7 T 
Alfonso Mastropietro1,2, Annette Tennstadt2,
Nadine Henn2, Andreas Beyrau2,
Maria Grazia Bruzzone3, Giuseppe Baselli4,
and Mathias Hoehn2,5
1Scientific Direction Unit, Fondazione IRCCS
Istituto Neurologico C. Besta, Milan, Italy, 2In-vivo
NMR lab, Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research,
Cologne, Germany,3Neuroradiology Unit,
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico C. Besta, Milan,
Italy, 4Department
of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 5Department
of Radiology, Leiden Medical School, Leiden, Netherlands
Aim of this work is to perform a punctual optimization
of RARE parameters for 19F MRI studies of labeled
neuronal stem cells. This approach is based on
relaxation times estimation and numerical simulations.
The optimization approach was evaluated in different
biological environments at 11.7T MRI scanner.A correct
optimization strategy increases the sensitivity of 19F
MRI technique.
1515. |
Maximally Spaced Projection
Sequencing for Uniform Acquisition of Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance Imaging Projections 
Gage Redler1, Boris Epel1, and
Howard J Halpern1
1Radiation and Cellular Oncology, University
of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
Uniform projection acquisition in electron paramagnetic
resonance oxygen imaging reduces artifacts from changes
during imaging, enables useful real-time reconstruction,
and allows post-factum temporal resolution adjustment. A
novel uniform acquisition method is presented as an
alternative to the commonly used golden ratio (GR)
method. The GR method allows acquisition of arbitrary
numbers of projections, maintaining approximate
uniformity throughout and for subsets of arbitrary size.
In some cases, arrival at a pre-defined final projection
set is necessary, which is impossible using the GR
method. The maximally spaced projection sequencing
method presented enables acquisition of arbitrary
projection sets, maintaining approximate uniformity
throughout acquisition.
1516. |
e-Incubator: MRI Compatible
Huihui Xu1, Vahid Khalilzad-Shargi1,
Karin wartella1, and Shadi F Othman1
1University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln,
Nebraska, United Kingdom
There is a crucial need to assess ex vivo constructs.
MRI helps fulfill this role, but specimens allocated to
a test tube for imaging cannot be returned to
incubators, therefore, are wasted due to transfer
incubation in a less than optimal growth environment. We
present a standalone, miniature MRI-compatible
incubator, termed the e-incubator, which uses a
microcontroller to automatically sense and regulate
physiological conditions for tissues and allow
concurrent tissue culture and evaluation. The
e-incubator offers an innovative scheme to study
multiple applications, including underlying mechanisms
related to the structural and functional changes of
tissues due to growth and maturation.
1517. |
MR Microscopy and DTI of
Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures 
Katharina Göbel1, Jochen Leupold1,
Bibek Dhital1,2, Pierre LeVan1,
Marco Reisert1, Johannes Gerlach3,
Robert Kamberger4, Carola Haas3,
Jürgen Hennig1, Dominik von Elverfeldt1,
and Jan G. Korvink4
1Medical Physics, Dept. of Radiology,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2German
Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany, 3Dept.
of Neurosurgery, Experimental Epilepsy Research,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 4Dept.
of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), Technical Faculty,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Organotypic hippocampal slice cultures are a well
established neuronal culture system that combines the
advantages of cell culturing with a neuronal network
tightly reflecting the in vivo state. They are
frequently used to study morphological, molecular and
electrophysiological changes associated with epilepsy.
Our aim is to investigate these changes during
epileptogenesis, particularly using high spatial
resolution MR microscopy and DTI which allows continuous
monitoring near the cellular level. High resolution MR
images of fixed mouse hippocampi were obtained ex vivo
and directly compared to histology. First trials in 2D
DTI give notion of the structural composition of the
1518. |
New strategy of improving
the image quality of respiratory-gated Projection
Acquisition using 3D k-space spiral trajectory
Jinil Park1, Chanhee Lee1, Soon Ho
Yoon2, Jin Mo Goo2, and Jang-Yeon
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Konkuk
University, Chung-ju, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
A new and simple strategy of improving the image quality
of respiratory-gated PA data was proposed here when
using a 3D spiral trajectory to fill in k-space. Based
on the gradient-view generation algorithm we upgraded.
show that increasing the number of interleaves can
practically be a good and easy way to avoid streak
artifacts as well as blurring due to the non-uniformity
of k-space trajectory when filling in 3D k-space with a
spiral trajectory. Considering the wide use of a 3D
k-space spiral trajectory with interleaves, this method
would be useful in practice.
1519. |
Fat-Suppressed Cardiac Cine MRI
R Reeve Ingle1, Michael V McConnell1,2,
Juan M Santos3, William R Overall3,
Bob S Hu1,4, and Dwight G Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Cardiovascular
Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States,3HeartVista, Inc., Menlo Park,
California, United States, 4Palo
Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California, United
A free-breathing, fat-suppressed cardiac cine pulse
sequence is proposed, allowing multiple respiratory and
cardiac phases to be simultaneously resolved. Fat
suppression is achieved using an alternating repetition
time balanced steady-state free precession sequence. By
redesigning the slice-select rephasing gradients, a 1D
navigator readout is acquired during the unused short TR
interval and used to track respiratory motion. This
technique allows data from a single free-breathing scan
can to be displayed in a standard “cardiac-cine” format
for a fixed respiratory phase, or in a
“respiratory-cine” format for a fixed cardiac phase.
Spectroscopic Acquisition
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1520. |
Compressed Sensing Based
J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Manoj Kumar Sarma1, Rajakumar Nagarajan1,
Paul Michael Macey2, Ravi Aysola3,
and M. Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2School
of Nursing, UCLA School of Medicine, Los angeles, CA,
United States, 3Division
of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common
sleep disturbance affecting the adult population leading
to numerous health problems. Chronic intermittent
hypoxic episodes, hypercapnia and transient blood
pressure elevation in OSAS may damage neural structures
and induce cerebral metabolic changes. Even though many
structural imaging studies have shown brain tissue
changes in OSAS, only a limited number of MRS based
studies can be found so far. In this study, we
investigated neurochemical changes in multiple brain
regions of OSAS patients using compressed sensing (CS)
based Echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (EP-JRESI)
and quantify the metabolites using prior knowledge
fitting (ProFit) algorithm.
1521. |
Comparing Group Sparse
Reconstruction of 4D EP-COSI data with Compressed Sensing,
Total Variation, and Maximum Entropy Reconstruction
Brian L Burns1, Neil Wilson2, and
M Albert Thomas1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Physics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
Scan times for the 4D EP-COSI pulse sequence can be
20-40 minutes depending on scan parameters. To reduce
these scans times to clinically acceptable levels
non-uniform under-sampling of the phase encoded
dimensions coupled with non-linear reconstruction can be
used to accelerate acquisition. This work compares the
reconstruction results of 4X and 8X phantom data from
Compressed Sensing, Total Variation, and Maximum Entropy
with Group Sparse reconstruction, a variant of
Compressed sensing that used a mixed 1-1,2 regularizer.
Group Sparse reconstruction with overlapping groupings
is shown to provide qualitatively and quantitatively
superior results to other methods tested.
1522. |
Comparison of semi-LASER
localized Brain MRS at 3T and 7T using 32-channel head coils
Subechhya Pradhan1, Susanne Bonekamp1,
Joseph Gillen1, Laura Rowland2, S.
Andrea Wijtenburg2, Richard A.E. Edden1,
and Peter B Barker1
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Psychiatry,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
MRS is expected to benefit from moving to high field
strengths such as 7T. However, there are also technical
challenges associated with high fields, such as
increased B0 and B1 field inhomogeneities. Therefore, it
is important to compare 7T measurements to those at
lower field. In this study, SNR, linewidths and
Cramer-Rao lower bounds are compared between 3T and 7T
MRS in 3 brain regions of 4 healthy subjects.
Measurements made with near identical methodology at
both field strengths, including 32-channel head coils
and semi-LASER localization. Improvements at 7T were
found in all metrics examined, and were consistent with
1523. |
Partial Volume Correction
for 23Na
MRI of Human Brain 
Sebastian C. Niesporek1, Stefan H. Hoffmann1,
Moritz C. Berger1, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
The tissue sodium (23Na) concentration is of
great interest in biomedical research. However the 23Na
nucleus has a low MR sensitivity and fast relaxation
times which requires larger voxel sizes in 23Na
MRI. Thus, partial volume effects reduce the accuracy of
concentration measurements. In this work, a partial
volume correction method was transferred to 23Na
MRI, optimized and tested in phantom measurements and
simulations as wells as in 23Na
MRI of the human brain. The study showed good correction
capability for phantom and in-vivo data.
1524. |
Reconstruction of Radial 23Na-MRI-data 
Nicolas G.R. Behl1, Christine Gnahm1,
Peter Bachert1, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
3D-dictionary-learning-CS is applied for the
reconstruction of radial 23Na-MRI-data.
The dictionary used for the sparsifying transform
consists of 3D-blocks learnt on the
gridding-reconstruction of the data. A K-SVD algorithm
is used to learn the dictionary and the corresponding
representation, the self-consistency of the actual image
and the raw-data is enforced through a conjugate
gradient algorithm. The performance of the
reconstruction algorithm is verified with simulated data
(2mm isotropic), phantom 23Na-data
(1.5mm isotropic) and in-vivo 23Na-data
(2mm isotropic), showing significant noise reduction
compared to the corresponding gridding reconstructions,
as well as increased SSIM and reduced RMSE.
1525. |
Anatomically weighted 2nd order
Total Variation reconstruction of 23Na
MRI using 1H
prior information 
Christine Gnahm1, Nicolas G.R. Behl1,
Armin Biller2, Peter Bachert1, and
Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, Germany
23Na MRI is still hampered by low
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and long acquisition times.
We present an iterative reconstruction method using a
priori information from high-SNR high-resolution 1H
MRI through anatomically weighted 2nd order
Total Variation regularization (AnaWeTV). By anatomical
weighting, intensity variations in the 23Na
image are promoted at positions with high confidence of
tissue boundaries. In simulated brain images, it is
shown that the total sodium concentration in small
lesions that are known a priori can be determined more
precisely. Furthermore, we find a 2.2 fold SNR increase
over gridding in 23Na
MRI of a MS patient.
1526. |
A fast method for 31P
localised MRS in vivo
Fabio Ginnari Satriani1, Emiliano Surrentino1,
Alessandro Ricci1, and Rossella Canese1
1Cell Biology and Neurosciences Dept,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
31P MRS offers a powerful approach to non-invasively
measure extracellular pH (pHe) and
intracellular/extracellular pH gradient in vivo. 31P MRS
techniques require long acquisition times.The exogenous
cell-impermeant 31P reporter 3-aminopropyl phosphonate
(3-APP) used for pHe evaluation should be retained
within the tumor for the entire duration of the
measurements. This condition is not always fulfilled in
highly vascularised tumors. We here propose a new
technique for fast 31P MRS in highly vascularised
tumours by improving the localization of the surface
coil (positioned on superficial tumours) with a
saturation band which dephases the signal arising from
the mouse body.
1527. |
NMR signal acquisition in
the Doubly Tilted Rotating Frame
Denis Grenier1, Anne-Laure Perrier1,
Hervé Saint-Jalmes2, and Olivier Beuf1
INSA-Lyon, Université de Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, 2PRISM,
LTSI, INSERM U1099, Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France
In this work we investigate the feasibility of the
acquisition of an NMR signal during a strong RF
irradiation. By acquiring the signal during the RF
excitation, dipolar interaction can be canceled, leading
to a solid state spectroscopy technique suited for in
vivo physiologically sound applications.
1528. |
continuous wave excitation
Kelvin J. Layton1, Bahman Tahayori1,
James Korte1, Iven M. Y. Mareels1,
Peter M. Farrell1, and Leigh A. Johnston1
1Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
The response of the magnetization to amplitude-modulated
continuous wave RF excitation is investigated with
theory and experiments. Proof-of-concept measurements of
the steady-state magnetization waveform demonstrate
substantial frequency components at harmonics of the
modulation frequency, emphasizing the nonlinear nature
of the spin system. Experiments are in excellent
agreement with theoretical expressions derived from the
Bloch equations. Furthermore, experiments show that the
steady-state magnetization is relatively large when the
amplitude of the field matches the modulation frequency,
establishing a secondary resonance condition not
previously observed in magnetic resonance systems.
1529. |
Rajakumar Nagarajan1, Neil Wilson1,
and M.Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, University of
California Los Angeles, LOS ANGELES, CA, United States
Conventional three-dimensional MRSI is time-consuming
because it involves a large number of phase encodings.
Echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) approaches have
been used to reduce the long acquisition time required
for multiple spatial encoding steps, In our study, we
have implemented non-uniform undersampling (NUS) with
compressed sensing (CS) reconstruction to a three
dimensional (3D) EPSI in order to accelerate the data
acquisition. We propose that by 2X nonuniform
undersampling along phase encodings, the 3D EPSI
acquisition time could be significantly reduced without
sacrificing the spectral quality with more metabolite
detection in the prostate phantom.
1530. |
Fast high-resolution
J-resolved correlation spectroscopy in inhomogeneous fields 
Hao Chen1, Zhiyong Zhang1, Shuhui
Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
The inhomogeneity of magnetic fields always affects the
quality of NMR spectra and hampers the spectral
assignment. To circumvent this influence, a new NMR
acquisition scheme based on spatial encoding technique
and intermolecular zero-quantum coherence is proposed to
achieve a high-resolution 3D NMR spectrum in a few
minutes without the peaks broadening caused by field
inhomogeneity. Both homonuclear correlation and
J-resolved information can be obtained from this
spectrum. The new scheme may be useful for the study of
biological tissues.
Non-Cartesian Imaging
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1531. |
Floating slice whole-body
MRI using a continuous moving bed, golden angle radial
acquisition, and compressed sensing reconstruction 
David S Smith1,2, Saikat Sengupta1,2,
and E. Brian Welch1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States
We present results from a rapid, whole-body,
free-breathing MR imaging protocol that uses a
continuous moving bed coupled with a golden angle radial
acquisition and a compressed sensing reconstruction to
achieve high image quality and artifact reduction
despite an equivalent undersampling factor of 7.0.
Additionally, the use of a golden angle radial
acquisition allows slice positions and thicknesses to be
determined after data collection, allowing the
reconstructed images to be tailored to the clinical
application so as to minimize through-slice signal
averaging effects in regions of interest or control the
balance of SNR and spatial resolution.
1532. |
Radial CAIPI-CS for
simultaneous multi-slice cardiac perfusion imaging 
Ganesh Adluru1, Liyong Chen2, and
Edward V.R. DiBella1
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt lake
city, Utah, United States, 2Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States
Myocardial perfusion imaging is an invaluable tool to
diagnose and study coronary artery disease. Complete
coverage of the heart without sacrificing temporal or
spatial resolution is desired. Many approaches aim to
achieve the desired goal by undersampling k-space data
for each time frame and using sophisticated
reconstruction algorithms like compressed sensing.
Another complementary approach to increase coverage
without compromising spatio-temporal resolution is
simultaneous multi-slice imaging in which multiple
slices are simultaneously excited with phase modulation
and acquired simultaneously. Here we combine CAIPI, a
simultaneous multi-slice method, with compressed sensing
for radial myocardial perfusion and present promising
1533. |
Sagar Mandava1, Zhitao Li1, and
Ali Bilgin1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United
A novel view ordering scheme for radial multi-band RF
encoded acquisitions is presented. This view ordering
enables sliding window reconstructions for arbitrary
window positions and lengths. This flexible view
ordering scheme combined with sparsity regularized
reconstructions paves the way for rapid time resolved
simultaneous multi-slice MRI.
Reconstruction of Cardiac Cine Images from
Golden-Ratio-Radial MRI using 1D Navigators 
Martin Krämer1, Karl-Heinz Herrmann1,
Judith Biermann1, and Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, TH, Germany
To perform cardiac cine imaging a single slice is
repeatedly acquired with radial readouts rotated by an
angle based on the golden ratio. Performing correlation
analysis between interspersed 1D navigator projections,
time points corresponding to the same cardiac motion
phases were automatically identified and used for
retrospective combination of radial readouts from
multiple data windows. Analysis of the 1D navigator data
provided a detailed correlation function revealing
cardiac motion over time. Imaging results were
comparable to images reconstructed based on a temporally
synchronized ECG showing low artifact level and good
image quality in terms of CNR.
1535. |
A Preconditioned ADMM
Strategy for Field-Corrected Non-Cartesian MRI
Joshua D. Trzasko1, Armando Manduca1,
Yunhong Shu1, John Huston III1,
and Matt A Bernstein1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Sparse reconstruction of non-Cartesian MRI data remains
computationally challenging since multiple “gridding”
operations must be executed at each iteration of the
reconstruction. Recently, an efficient
alternating-direction-method-of-multiplier (ADMM)
strategy was proposed for sparse MRI reconstruction. For
non-Cartesian MRI, the data fidelity sub-problem must
also be solved iteratively. If off-resonance effects are
accounted for, standard circulant preconditioners cannot
be used to accelerate this task. In this work, we show
that an algebraic reformulation of the ADMM scheme
enables the use of simple but effective diagonal PCs for
non-Toeplitz models, and demonstrate their practical
benefit for undersampled SWIRLS 3D CE-MRA.
1536. |
A Method for Reducing the
Convolution Kernel Size Used in k-Space Channel Combination
for Non-Cartesian Acquisitions
Philip J Beatty1,2
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
An improved method of k-space channel combination for
non-Cartesian acquisitions is described. With the
proposed method, it is possible to simultaneously grid
and perform channel combination in k-space using small
width (4x4) convolution kernels for 2D non-Cartesian
imaging. Enabling good image quality with small
convolution kernels could lead to very fast
non-Cartesian multi-channel image reconstruction.
1537. |
Accelerated Spiral Gridding
Reconstruction using Vectorization
Weiran Deng1 and
V. A. Stenger1
1University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School
of Medicine, Honolulu, HI, United States
This abstract presents a method that uses the vectorized
parallelism in the modern CPUs to accelerate the
reconstruction of images acquired using non-Cartesian
trajectories such as spiral. Modern CPUs have SSE
(Stream SIMD Extension) and AVX (Advanced Vectorization
Extension) features, which are designed to improve the
performance of the applications that have inherent
parallel structures. We show that data acquired using
spiral can be re-arranged and reconstructed using this
approach. The reconstruction speed is four to five times
faster than the conventional approach that uses multiple
1538. |
Self-calibrated gradient
delay correction for golden angle radial MRI 
David S Smith1,2 and
E Brian Welch1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States
We present a model for k-space trajectory shifts due to
independent timing delays in gradient channels. We use
this model to successfully detect and correct for
gradient delays in 3D golden angle radial MRI data
without the need for additional data collection,
calibration, or hardware measurements. The method can
also be used for 2D radial or other non-Cartesian
trajectories with only slight modifications.
1539. |
Compressed Sensing
Reconstructed Radial bSSFP with Asymmetric Views for
Free-breathing Cardiac Cine MRI 
Hasan Ertan Cetingul1, Peter Speier2,
Michaela Schmidt2, Qiu Wang1, and
Mariappan S. Nadar1
1Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Technology, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 2Siemens
AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
2D unsegmented real-time bSSFP cine MRI is used for
non-invasive assessment of the cardiac function without
breath-hold. bSSFP requires short inter-pulse distance
repetition time (TR) for robustness against B0 field
inhomogeneities and flow. In Cartesian bSSFP the TR is
reduced by partial Fourier in the readout direction,
i.e., the early part of the echo is omitted. We develop
CS reconstructed radial bSSFP with asymmetric views for
free-breathing cardiac cine MRI. This technique can
speed up acquisition and stabilize bSSFP signals by
reducing TR by about 12% with only minor degradation in
image quality compared to the conventional full echo
1540. |
GRAPPA-based simultaneous
multislice reconstruction using concentric ring k-space
Alan Chu1 and
Douglas C. Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
A GRAPPA-based reconstruction method for non-Cartesian
simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging is presented. The
method is non-iterative, decreasing image reconstruction
time relative to iterative SENSE-based methods for
non-Cartesian SMS. A concentric ring k-space trajectory
is used, along with z-gradient blipping, to enhance the
accuracy of GRAPPA weight calibration and subsequent
slice separation. Preliminary results suggest good
potential for use in fMRI or DTI experiments.
1541. |
Automated Design of
Time-Optimal SWIRLS-like trajectory Additionally Optimized
for Sampling Uniformity
Thomas W Polley1, YunHong Shu2,
Joshua D Trzasko1, and Matt A Bernstein2
1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
We demonstrate an automated design algorithm for a 3D
non-Cartesian trajectory inspired by SWIRLS. In addition
to being automated, the resulting trajectory maximizes
the uniformity of sampling density through the k-space
volume. Phantom and volunteer acquisitions demonstrate
its feasibility and image quality improvement over the
default SWIRLS trajectory for a fixed scan time. The
algorithm takes as inputs the FOV, resolution, and
hardware gradient limitations, and may be efficient
enough to be done in real time. This would allow it to
be more easily implemented in a variety of clinical and
research situations.
1542. |
A Chaotic K-space
Trajectory for CS-MRI
Ya Li1, Ran Yang1, and Zhongping
1Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou,
Guangdong, China, 2GE
Healthcare, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
In general, the CS-MRI process carries out two main
operations: undersampling in the k-space, which meets
the incoherence condition, and the reconstruction of the
image, which meets the sparsity or compressibility
condition. To meet the incoherence condition, the basic
theory of compressed sensing requires acquisition of
randomized set of measurements. For MRI scanner,
however, random sampling would yield longer sampling
trajectory because of the MR hardware constraints, and
requires bigger changes in amplitudes and polarity of MR
gradients those making it infeasible practically. Here
we introduce a chaotic k-space trajectory for CS-MRI,
which is a good candidate k-space trajectory of
incoherent-like sampling scheme.
1543. |
Sampling pattern design for
2D compressed sensing using a multilevel variable-density
spiral trajectory 
Li Zhao1 and
Craig H. Meyer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United
Compressed sensing has demonstrated notable acceleration
in 3D and dynamic imaging, but it is limited by sample
pattern design in 2D imaging. The flexibility of
variable-density spiral trajectories gives them unique
advantages for optimal sampling pattern design for 2D
compressed sensing. This study demonstrates that these
trajectories can be used to implement a theoretically
optimal multilevel random sampling pattern. Simulations
and experiments using this sampling pattern yield high
acceleration rates with good fidelity with a
single-channel 2D acquisition.
1544. |
An improved algorithm for
trajectory correction in radial MRI
Guido Buonincontri1, Carmen Methner2,
Thomas Krieg2, T Adrian Carpenter1,
and Stephen J Sawiak1
1Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Radial acquisitions can suffer from trajectory errors
leading to reduced image quality. We present a new
method of trajectory correction that uses all spokes of
a radial acquisition, including B0 correction, and
compare it to an existing method that uses a two-spoke
pre-scan calibration, demonstrating this in the mouse
heart. We also compared the quality of navigator signals
obtained from the radial data with each technique. The
typical shading artifacts seen in radial scans were
significantly reduced with our method. Furthermore,
modulation of navigator signals due to the acquisition
angle was significantly reduced with the new technique.
1545. |
Image based correction of
radial trajectory shifts
Judith Biermann1, Martin Krämer1,
and Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany
When performing MR imaging with radial trajectories time
delays of readout gradients cause severe artifacts in
the reconstructed images. A correction algorithm was
implemented using only the acquired data without
additional calibration or template measurements. Radial
data were shifted along their readout direction by
applying a range of discrete readout shifts. By
analyzing the reconstructed image for each shift, a
corrected image was obtained fully automatically. The
proposed method was tested in phantom and in
vivo data
and proved its reliability.
Image Reconstruction
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1546. |
Joint Reconstruction of DCE
Abdominal Images 
Nadine Gdaniec1, Andrea J. Wiethoff2,3,
Peter Börnert4, Mariya Doneva4,
Ivan Pedrosa3,5, and Alfred Mertins1
1Institute for Signal Processing, University
of Luebeck, Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany, 2Philips
Research North America, Briarcliff Manor, New York,
United States, 3Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas, United States, 4Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 5UT
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United
An abdominal dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) examination
typically consists of a series of images acquired with
the same imaging sequence. The resulting images
represent the same anatomy, but differ due to contrast
agent arrival and wash-out. The contrast agent injection
can make it more difficult for the patient to hold their
breath properly, resulting in severe artifacts after
contrast injection. Data are acquired with a modified
adaptive sampling pattern, which implies higher
undersampling for shorter breath-holds. The
post-contrast images should, therefore, benefit from a
joint reconstruction of pre- and post-contrast images,
which is evaluated in this work.
1547. |
ESPReSSo: A Compressed
Sensing partial k-space acquisition and reconstruction 
Thomas Küstner1,2, Sergios Gatidis1,
Christian Würslin1, Nina Schwenzer1,
Bin Yang2, and Holger Schmidt3
1Department of Radiology, Universtity of
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute
of Signal Processing and System Theory, University of
Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany,3Department of
Preclinical Imaging & Radiopharmacy, Universtity of
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
For a clinical feasible Motion Correction setup in a
PET/MR system, one should have accurate and sharp images
which are acquired as fast as possible. Compressed
Sensing promises high acquisition accelerations, whilst
penalizing image quality with regard to sharpness. In
order to sample the high frequencies denser, we propose
a new subsampling scheme which reduces the sampled
k-space region to a smaller subset. The k-space
reduction has to be corrected for during the Compressed
Sensing reconstruction process which uses a combined
FOCUSS and POCS algorithm. The framework is called
ESPReSSo (comprEssed Sensing PaRtial SubSampling).
1548. |
Motion Corrected 3D Liver
undersampled MRI 
Felipe Yanez1,2 and
Pablo Irarrazaval1,2
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,
Chile, 2Biomedical
Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile
We propose a new reconstruction technique tailored for
free-breathing dynamic 3D liver MRI by estimating the
motion between frames to correct inconsistencies in
k-space data. Our approach produced results that
demonstrate it is feasible to achieve a 10x speedup in
acquisition time and remove motion artifacts without
diminishing image quality. The proposed method produced
gains up to 3 dB with respect of traditional CS
1549. |
Novel Sampling Strategies
for Sparse MR Image Reconstruction
Qiu Wang1, Michael Zenge2, Hasan
Ertan Cetingul1, Edgar Mueller2,
and Mariappan S Nadar1
1Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Technology, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 2MR
Application & Workflow Development, Siemens AG,
Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
Compressed sensing or sparsity based MR reconstruction
takes advantage of the fact that the image is
compressible in a specific transform domain, and enables
reconstruction based on under-sampled k-space data
thereby reducing the acquisition time. One requirement
for the compressed sensing theory to work is the data
acquisition in k-space to be incoherent. Although many
random sampling schemes theoretically meet such
requirements good enough, the MR physics or even the
pathophysiology of a patient might impose additional
constraints which have to be taken into account. This is
considered the coherence barrier. In the current work,
we formulate a sampling strategy that promises to
achieve asymptotic incoherence, thus breaking the
coherence barrier. Please notice that both the data
acquisition and the reconstruction which have been used
are investigational prototypes which experience
continuous development. Nonetheless, experimental
results in a phantom and a volunteer demonstrate a
significant improvement of the spatial resolution with
an increasing sub-sampling rate and a constant data
acquisition time accordingly.
1550. |
Data-driven Cartesian
sampling design for Compressed Sensing MRI 
Frank Zijlstra1, Jaco J.M. Zwanenburg1,
Max A. Viergever1, and Peter R. Seevinck1
1Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
We propose a novel, data-driven method for optimizing
Cartesian undersampling patterns for Compressed Sensing.
The method iteratively adds sampling points based on CS
reconstructions of a training set. The performance of
the proposed optimized sampling patterns are evaluated
against the commonly used Variable Density undersampling
methods. Our method shows improvements in both the
Normalized Root Mean Square Error and the mean
Structural Similarity index. The method generalizes to
any reconstruction method that allows Cartesian
undersampling in any number of dimensions and would
enable optimization of patterns for a combination of CS
and parallel imaging.
1551. |
Elastic Net Formulation for
MRI Reconstruction 
Angshul Majumdar1 and
Rabab Ward2
1Indraprastha Institute of Information
Technology, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
This work proposes to employ elastic-net for MRI
reconstruction. The elastic net favours grouping effect
among the stree-structured wavelet coefficients and
thereby yields better reconstruction than straighforward
sparse reconstruction. We propose generalization of the
standard elastic net formulation by introducing an
analysis prior elastic net. The results from our
generalization yields better results than
state-of-the-art techniques in MRI reconstruction.
1552. |
Faster SPEED Imaging with
Ghost Location Information from Central k-Space 
Zhaoyang Jin1 and
Qing-San Xiang2
1Institute of Information and Control,
Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2Radiology
Department, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada
Skipped phase encoding and edge deghosting (SPEED) is an
effective method for scan time reduction. Previously,
three interleaved datasets along PE direction were
acquired to separate the overlapped ghosts by solving a
least-square problem. This study reveals that overlapped
ghosts can be separated by using only two interleaved
k-space datasets since the ghost order index (n1, n2)
can be readily calculated from central k-space data.
Results from phantom and in vivo data demonstrated
feasibility of the proposed method, leading to further
acceleration of SPEED imaging.
1553. |
Achieving Greater SPEED
with Iterations between Object and K-space 
Qing-San Xiang1
1Radiology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Skipped Phase Encoding and Edge Deghosting (SPEED) can
accelerate MRI with a single coil. Previously, SPEED
sparsely sampled 3 interleaved datasets with skip size N
and relative offsets along PE, and resolved aliasing
ghosts by solving linear equations pixel-by-pixel. In
this study, it is demonstrated that SPEED can be
performed with only 1 dataset, similar to that used in
GRAPPA except from only one receiver coil, achieving
greater acceleration. The new algorithm imposes partial
knowledge of the data in both reciprocal Fourier
domains, and finds a global answer through
straightforward iterations between Object and K-space
1554. |
Application of Low-Rank
Matrix-Completion Reconstruction Combined with Segmentation
and Parallel Imaging in Lower Extremities Perfusion Imaging
Jieying Luo1, Taehoon Shin2, Tao
Zhang1, Joseph Y. Cheng1, Bob S.
Hu3, and Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2University
of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3Palo
Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California, United
Perfusion imaging in the lower extremities remains
challenging due to the requirements of large volumetric
coverage and high temporal resolution. A low-rank
matrix-completion reconstruction method has been
proposed for highly accelerated dynamic
contrast-enhanced perfusion imaging. In this work, an
improved reconstruction method that combines low-rank
matrix-completion reconstruction with image-based
segmentation and parallel imaging is developed and
tested in vivo. The proposed method can recover
perfusion dynamics with less temporal blurring, and is
promising for quantitative perfusion imaging in the
lower extremities.
1555. |
Compressed Sensing with
Yudong Zhu1
1Zhu Consulting, Scarsdale, NY, United States
Compressed sensing offers a capacity for accelerating
data acquisition while keeping aliasing and noise
effects subdued. Theories and experiences however are
yet to establish a more robust guidance on random
sampling, sparse model and non-linear solver, to help
manage the challenge of using the technology in
diagnostic MR. In this work we took a new angle and
investigated the feasibility of introducing
self-validation into compressed sensing MR. The goal is
to assist fidelity assessment and improvement in
practice with validation tests that can be automatically
performed on any specific imaging instance itself,
without requiring additional data or comparison
1556. |
Subjective quality
assessment of under-sampled compressed sensing and parallel
imaging MRI reconstructions
Mohammad Kayvanrad1,2, Amy Lin3,
Rohit Joshi3, Jack Chiu3, and
Terry Peters1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada,3Medical Imaging,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
While the quality of under-sampled MRI reconstructions
is commonly evaluated based on quantitative metrics,
such as the error with respect to the fully-sampled
reference, such quantitative measures do not necessarily
correlated with the subjective quality as perceived by
radiologists and other expert end users. Therefore,
unless accompanied by subjective measurements,
quantitative quality metrics will be of limited clinical
impact. This abstract presents the results of our
experiments aimed towards subjective quality assessment
of under-sampled MRI reconstructions for specific
clinical applications. Particularly, it is shown that
the advantages of different reconstructions greatly
depend on the underlying clinical application.
1557. |
Reproducibility and
Consistency of the Fast 3D-MERGE Imaging Using CS
Hao Li1, Li Dong2, Bo Li3,
Bin Chen3, and JUE ZHANG1,3
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Radiology,
Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3College
of Enigneering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
High-resolution 3D-MERGE technique based black-blood
imaging has been reported to quantitatively measure
carotid atherosclerotic plaque morphology and tissue
composition, and receive more and more clincial
concerns. However, it brings about relative long time
consuming due to the use of motion-sensitized
preparation, which can increase the probability of
motion artifacts due to swallowing, respiration or neck
movements. In our previous research, compressed sensing
(CS) is used to improve temporal resolution by
reconstructing images from a dramatically small number
of data without introducing severe image artifacts[1].
The purposes of this study are: (1) to determine the
reproducibility of the fast 3D-MERGE imaging using CS
reconstruction. (2) to determine the consistency of this
method when using different CS acceleration factors.
1558. |
ROICS-PI:Combination of
Region of Interest Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
for Arbitrary k-space Trajectories to Achieve Highly
Accelerated MRI
Amaresha Shridhar Konar1, Divya Jain1,
Shamshia Tabassum1, Rajagopalan Sundaresan2,
Ramesh Venkatesan2, and Sairam Geethanath1
1Medical Imaging Research Center, Dayananda
Sagar Institutions, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2GE
Healthcare, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Compressed Sensing (CS) and Parallel Imaging (PI) are
widely used to reduce MRI scan time and their
combination yields better performance than used
individually. The proposed method implements the
combination of Region of Interest Compressed Sensing (ROICS)
and SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) which applies weighted
CS to a particular ROI and the resulting output is then
reconstructed using SENSE for arbitrary k-space.
Proposed method performs better compared to PI and CS+PI
for 6 channel brain data as validated qualitatively
through images and quantitatively as determined by Peak
Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) parameter by comparing with
existing methods.
1559. |
Incoherence Parameter
Analysis for Optimized Compressed Sensing with Nonlinear
Encoding Gradients
Leo K. Tam1, Gigi Galiana1,
Haifeng Wang1, Emre Kopanoglu1,
Andrew Dewdney2, Dana C. Peters1,
and R. Todd Constable1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare AG, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Incoherence in compressed sensing is known to be
important, but is there new understanding to be gained
beyond the canonical method of selecting k-space
coefficients in a psuedo-random manner. The incoherence
parameter is studied, which dictates the largest subset
of vectors in the sparse domain that may be exactly
recovered via convex optimization with an L1 norm
constraint. Incoherence parameter maps, showing the
pairwise incoherence at each pixel are presented. The
incoherence parameter is optimized using nonlinear
encoding gradients, and experiments with a 3T Siemens
Trio are presented that show an optimized incoherence
parameter leads to reduced MSE.
1560. |
Patch-based dictionaries
for parallel MRI reconstruction 
Jose Caballero1, Anthony N. Price2,3,
Daniel Rueckert1, and Joseph V. Hajnal2,3
1Department of Computing, Imperial College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
Department, King's College London, London, United
Kingdom, 3Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
United Kingdom
Acceleration of Magnetic Resonance (MR) acquisitions
through partially parallel imaging using array coils is
limited by noise amplification. Compressed sensing
regularization has de-noising properties that can
mitigate this effect. Recent results on dictionary
learning have shown that using overcomplete patch-based
frames and adapting them to the object can have a
notable impact on reconstruction by finding sparser
representations and adjusting to the natural features of
the object. However, these results have not yet been
tested for parallel MR. Here we propose an algorithm to
exploit overcomplete and adaptive frames for SPIRiT
reconstruction and demonstrate its superiority to
traditional wavelet regularization.
1561. |
Fast and Simple Patch-Based
Sparse Reconstruction Exploiting Local Image Correlations
Alicia W Yang1,2, Li Feng1,2,
Daniel K Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
States, 2Sackler
Institute for Biomedical Sciences, New York University,
New York, NY, United States
A patch-based sparse image reconstruction method based
on local image correlations is proposed for compressed
sensing. The method divides the image into
non-overlapping blocks and sparsity is enforced in each
block separately by thresholding the Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) representation of a series of small
patches within the block. The method exploits
correlations directly in the image without the need of
an analytical transform and it is reference-less and
computationally efficient, removing the need to search
for similar patches in the whole image. We tested the
performance of the method to reconstruct undersampled 2D
and 3D MSK images.
1562. |
Patch based low rank
constrained reconstruction for diffusion MRI 
Ganesh Adluru1, Yaniv Gur2,
Jeffrey Anderson1, and Edward V.R. DiBella1
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt lake
city, Utah, United States, 2SCI
Institute, University of Utah, Salt lake city, Utah,
United States
Standard diffusion imaging is limited when evaluating
regions with crossing fibers. Higher order diffusion
acquisitions with multiple b-values and multiple
diffusion directions can reveal crossing fiber
information; however it takes a long time to acquire
such data. Acceleration techniques including compressed
sensing can be applied to reduce the readout time by
undersampling k-space and using constraints that exploit
redundancies to remove the undersampling artifacts. Here
we test a patch-based low rank constraint that exploits
redundancies in terms of patches across diffusion
directions for undersampled diffusion data. Promising
results are presented in a multi-shell acquisition in a
stroke patient.
1563. |
Interactive Hip Joint
Cartilage Segmentation 
Pavel Dvorak1,2, Wolf Dieter Vogl3,
and Vladimir Juras4
1Institute of Scientific Instruments of the
ASCR, v.v.i., Brno, Czech Republic, 2Department
of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology,
Brno, Czech Republic,3Computational Image
Analysis and Radiology Lab, Department of Radiology,
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4MR
Centre of Excellence, Department of Radiology, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
This work deals with hip joint cartilage segmentation,
which is an important task in joint diseases diagnosis.
Since the manual segmentation, commonly used nowadays,
is a tedious and lengthy task, this work brings new idea
into its automation and simplification of the medical
expert work. Nevertheless, the proposed method still
preserve the medical expert interaction to enable manual
1564. |
Reconstructing 3D dynamics
based on complementary 2D acquisitions: a preliminary case
study on speech imaging 
Xiaoguang Lu1, Peter Speier2,
Hasan Cetingul1, Marie-Pierre Jolly1,
Michaela Schmidt2, Mariappan Nadar1,
Frank Sauer1, and Edgar Mueller2
1Corporate Technology, Siemens Corporation,
Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 2Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany
We describe a general method for reconstructing a
sequence of volumes representing 3D dynamics of a target
anatomy, e.g., cardiac, tongue, vocal tract, or moving
joint, based on densely acquired complementary 2D
slices. Speech dynamics imaging is used as a case study
for demonstration. Preliminary results have shown
1565. |
Improved k-t GRAPPA for
Phase Contrast Cine MRI by using Modified Artificial
Aiqi Sun1, Rui Li1, Bida Zhang2,
Chun Yuan1,3, and Feng Huang4
1Department of Biomedical Engineering &
Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, School of
Medicine, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Research Asia Shanghai, Shanghai, China,3Department
of radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States, 4Philips
Healthcare, Gainesville, FL, United States
The previous studies have shown phase-contrast cine MRI
is a powerful tool for studying flow-related physiology
and pathophysiology. However, the additional scans for
encoding the flow velocity information increase the
total scan time and limit the achievable spatial and
temporal resolutions within a clinically acceptable
duration. Among kinds of k-t reconstruction algorithms
exploiting spatiotemporal correlation, k-t GRAPPA has
the advantage of self-calibration, but degrades the
temporal resolution when acceleration factor is high.
Here we propose an artificial sparse scheme using static
tissue elimination scheme to improve the temporal
resolution preservation of k-t GRAPPA for blood flow
measurements of thoracic aorta.
1566. |
Highly Accelerated Cardiac
Cine Imaging Using a Combination of k-t Group Sparse and
Feiyu Chen1, Feng Huang2, Dan Zhu1,
Haikun Qi1, Kui Ying3, and Huijun
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Gainesville, FL, United States,3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
In this research, we proposed a k-t GS-SPIRiT method to
combine k-t group sparse and parallel imaging, which can
result in images better than each individual method in
cardiac cine image.
1567. |
k-t ESPIRiT for
Accelerating Proton Resonance Frequency Shift MR temperature
Chen Guang Peng1, Dan Zhu2, Fei Yu
Chen2, and Kui Ying1
1Physics and Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Biomedical
Engineering,Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China
We proposed k-t ESPIRiT for dynamic imaging, and applied
it to PRFS thermometry. Accurate sensitivity maps
computed from k-t ESPIRiT enables a phase preservation
in image reconstruction, which is the prerequisite for
the widely used PRFS on thermometry. Experimentally, we
compare the proposed method with k-t FOCUSS on phantom
under high under-sampled factor. We demonstrated that
phase map reconstructed from K-t ESPIRiT is more
accurate than k-t FOCUSS, and that temperature
estimation of k-t ESPIRiT is closer to the reference.
Therefore, k-t ESPIRiT performs better than k-t FOCUSS
on PRFS acceleration.
1568. |
Highly Accelerated Dynamic
Parallel MRI Exploiting Constrained State-Space Model with
Low Rank and Sparsity
Suhyung Park1 and
Jaeseok Park1
1Department of Brain and Cognitive
Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques [1-4],
which lead to signal recovery from incomplete data, have
been introduced in dynamic imaging to improve
spatiotemporal resolution without apparent loss of image
quality. In this respect, we propose a novel, highly
accelerated dynamic parallel MRI reconstruction method
exploiting a constrained state space model with low rank
and sparsity while jointly estimating spatiotemporal
kernels and missing signals in k-t space in an iterative
fashion. Spatiotemporal kernels stacked across multiple
time frames are estimated using the low rank constraint
due to the nature of smoothly varying spatiotemporal
correlation in k-t space during calibration, while the
solution is projected onto the reconstructed k-t space
with the sparsity constraint imposed on the estimated
dynamic images in x-f space.
1569. |
Real-time cardiac MRI using
manifold sensing 
Sunrita Poddar1, Sajan Goud Lingala2,
and Mathews Jacob1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, United
This work enables free-breathing un-gated cardiac MR
imaging from highly under-sampled k-space data. It
eliminates the need for multiple breath-holds to
evaluate cardiac function, thus increasing patient
comfort. We consider that the images live on a 2D
manifold (parameterized by cardiac and respiratory
phases) embedded in higher dimensional space. K-space
data of images that lie close on the manifold are
combined for reconstruction. The proposed approach does
not require cardiac and respiratory gating or manual
self-gating and can be automated for routine clinical
use. This scheme can work for a range of existing
k-space trajectories, including golden angle radial
1570. |
Acceleration of Perfusion
MRI using Adaptive Artificial Sparsity
Xiaoying Cai1, Feng Huang2, Kui
Ying3, Chun Yuan4, and Huijun Chen4
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Gainesville, FL, United States, 3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China, 4Center
for Biomedical Imaging Research, Beijing, China
We proposed a new framework for reconstruction of
accelerating perfusion imaging. By prediction intensity
change of perfusion images using pre-contrast image and
adaptive weights , the sparsity of dynamic images was
strengthened, which benefits the following regular
imaging reconstruction (k-t GRAPPA, k-t PCA or k-t SLR).
The framework was tested with black blood vessel wall
imaging data. The results showed that our new framework
could result in better image reconstruction and improved
kinetic parameter fitting for all tested reconstruction
methods when acceleration factors were high.
1571. |
K-t PCA GROWL: Sequential
Combination of Partially Parallel Imaging and K-t PCA
Haikun Qi1, Feng Huang2, Xiaoying
Cai1, Dan Zhu1, Feiyu Chen1,
Chun Yuan1,3, and Huijun Chen1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Florida, United States, 3Department
of radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
When multichannel coil is used for data acquisition,
partially parallel imaging can be combined with k-t PCA
to improve reconstruction accuracy. In this study, a
sequential combination of partially parallel imaging and
k-t PCA, which is called k-t PCA GROWL (GRAPPA Operator
for Wider readout Line) is proposed. Compared with k-t
PCA and k-t PCA/SNESE on artificially undersampled
cardiac cine data, the proposed method resulted in the
lowest error level. K-t PCA GROWL is a more efficient
and more accurate scheme to combine k-t PCA and parallel
imaging, and is promising in high spatiotemporal
resolution dynamic MRI.
1572. |
An Extended Matrix Method
for Analysis of Restricted Diffusion in Multi-Compartment
Tissue With Semi-Permeable Nuclear Membranes
Gregory Duane1,2, Yanwei Wang1,
Blake R. Walters1, and Jae K. Kim1
1Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 2University
of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States
The impulse-propagator (matrix) method is extended to a
multi-compartment idealized cell geometry describing
nucleus, cytoplasm, and extracellular fluid, with
semi-permeable membranes. The R matrices now represent
propagation between compartments as well as
intra-compartment propagation, with an approximate
adjustment of the latter. Results are compared with
those of Monte Carlo simulations. For biologically
realistic nuclear membrane permeability, there are
quantitative differences with the Monte Carlo results,
but the contrast between signals for cases of large and
small nuclei is qualitatively similar to the Monte Carlo
contrast. The extended matrix method appears adequate to
optimize q values for sensitivity to nucleus size.
Image Processing & Analysis
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1573. |
Discontinuity Preserving
Convex Image Registration Model for MRI of the Lung 
Ketut Fundana1, Oliver Bieri2, and
Philippe C. Cattin1
1Medical Image Analysis Center, University of
Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2Radiological
Physics, University Hospital of Basel, Basel,
Imaging the structure and function of the human lungs is
of importance for early detection of lung diseases. With
the new development of steady state free precession (SSFP)
imaging concepts in combination with dedicated image
registration methods for fast functional and
morphological MRI, it is expected that we are able to
study the lung functions. We propose a novel method for
image registration of the lung MRI sequences by using a
convex optical flow model. The model is based on
combined local and global optical flow method and
regularized by an anisotropic total variation (TV) norm.
The anisotropy derived from the structure tensor in
order to take into account local variations at each
point and to preserve the discontinuities of the motion
fields. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations are
done to show the robustness of the method.
1574. |
Correlation of MRI and
externally visible findings by external fiducial markers 
Bridgette Webb1, Andreas Petrovic1,
and Eva Scheurer1,2
1Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Clinical
Forensic Imaging, Graz, Styria, Austria, 2Institute
of Forensic Medicine, Medical University Graz, Graz,
Styria, Austria
To improve the correlation of externally visible lesions
in skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue with MRI findings,
external strand-shaped markers were developed and
tested. The visibility of the markers in photography and
MRI, and quality of the final registration were
investigated. Visualization of the markers and internal
soft tissue damage was possible using a combination of
sequences. Using manual feature detection followed by an
affine transformation, MR images were registered to
photographs documenting external and internal damage.
Selected points in the registered MR images and
photographs were used to evaluate the registration,
giving an overall RMSE of 1.05 mm (95%CI[0.46;1.42]).
1575. |
An alternative approach for
the automatic prediction of therapy response from MRI data
sets in small cohorts of experimental High Grade Gliomas 
Ania Benítez1,2, Gerardo Peláez-Brioso1,2,
Alexandra Borges3, Pilar López-Larrubia1,
Sebastián Cerdán1, and Manuel
1Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
"Alberto Sols", Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Computer
Science and Engineering, Escuela Politécnica Superior,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Instituto
Português de Oncologia Centro de Lisboa, Lisboa,
MRI is presently one of the most important non-invasive
methods to investigate and diagnose High Grade Gliomas (HGG)
with the automatic classification of medical images into
different pathological categories or grades playing an
important role. A common problem to both approaches is
many times, the small size of individual observations,
while the data set from each individual is very large.
We propose here an interesting protocol to predict
therapy response in an animal HGG model, from the MRIs
obtained during the first two days of anti-VGEF
treatment. This approach in combination with LDA
predicts therapy response outperformimg the classical
1576. |
Legal Majority Age
Determination from MR Images of the Radius Bone
Darko Stern1, Thomas Ebner1, Eva
Scheurer2,3, and Martin Urschler1,2
1Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision,
Graz University of Technology, Graz, Styria, Austria, 2Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute for Clinical Forensic Imaging, Graz,
Styria, Austria, 3Medical
University of Graz, Graz, Styria, Austria
In forensic practice determination of legal majority age
is getting an increasing interest, e.g. for dealing with
asylum seekers without proper identification.
Traditional methods based on X-ray investigations of
bone ossifications have the drawback of exposure to
harmful ionizing radiation. MR based techniques overcome
this limitation. Together with detection, automatic
feature extraction and age estimation based on machine
learning, MR may eventually become a powerful tool in
this context. A first step in this direction is
presented, by investigating age estimation based on the
ossification of the wrist radius bone in an automatic
1577. |
Application of a fussed
lasso logistic regression classifier to the study of corpus
callosum thickness in early Alzheimer's disease 
Babak A Ardekani1, Sang Han A Lee1,
Donghyun Yu2, Johan Lim2, and
Alvin H Bachman1
1The Nathan S. Kline Institute for
Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, New York, United
States, 2Statistics,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
We describe a multi-atlas-based method for corpus
callosum segmentation and a fused Lasso logistic
regression (FLLR) classifier that is able to
differentiate patients with very mild/mild AD from
normal controls (NC) using their CC thickness profile.
We evaluated this technique using data from 196
individuals (98 AD and 98 NC) in the OASIS database. The
FLLR classification accuracy was estimated to be 84%
using cross-validation. Furthermore, the FLLR method
highlights regions of the CC that are significantly
thinner in AD relative to NC. The FLLR model presented
can be extended to include other imaging or chemical
biomarkers of AD.
1578. |
Improved subcortical
segmentation using multiple MR modalities 
Eelke Visser1, Gwenaëlle Douaud1,
and Mark Jenkinson1
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom
Automated segmentation of subcortical structures is
typically performed using T1-weighted volumes. However,
not all of these structures' boundaries are clearly
visible with T1 contrast. We describe a multimodal
segmentation method that integrates information from
different contrasts: in this case T1-weighted,
T2-weighted and FA volumes. Since the images contain
complementary information, the method does not need to
rely heavily on prior shape knowledge obtained from
training data. We show that, in specific areas, the
method performs considerably better than FIRST, a
segmentation method that only uses T1-weighted volumes.
1579. |
Distributed Computing on
Gadgetron: A new paradigm for MRI reconstruction
Hui Xue1, Peter Kellman1, Souheil
Inati2, Thomas Sorensen3, and
Michael Schacht Hansen1
1Magnetic Resonance Technology Program,
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2National
Mental Health Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 3Department
of Computer Science, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Although non-linear reconstruction has shown potential
for shortening acquisition times, its clinical usage is
often hampered by the lengthy reconstruction time. To
speedup non-linear reconstruction and enable its
clinical usage, we have extended previously published
Gadgetron framework to support cloud computing. With
this extension (named GT-Plus), any number of Gadgetron
processes can run cooperatively across multiple
computers. GT-Plus framework was deployed on Amazon EC2
cloud and NIH’s Biowulf system. We demonstrate that with
the GT-Plus cloud, a multi-slice free-breathing
myocardial cine imaging with the whole ventricular
coverage can be completed within 1min, including data
acquisition and reconstruction.
1580. |
performance: a comparison of modern reconstruction hardware 
Eric A. Borisch1, Paul T. Weavers1,
and Stephen J. Riederer1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
A comparison of the relative performance of multiple
hardware options (CPU, GPU, MIC) available for
accelerating reconstruction software performance is
provided. The performance results were obtained during
the process of implementing of a computationally
intensive MR acceleration prescription-optimizing
calculation across multiple hardware generations.
Implications for purchasing and development activities
where computational throughput as well as development
time must be balanced are discussed.
1581. |
Michael Oluwaseun Dada1, Simona Baroni2,
and Bamidele Omotayo Awojoyogbe1
1Department of Physics, Federal University of
Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria, 2Invento
Laboratory, Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC),
Torino, Turin, Italy
Field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging (FC MRI) allows
switching of the magnetic field during an imaging scan1.
FC MRI has been very successful in relaxometry studies
and there arises the need to offer more theoretical
supports to the rich experimental results available in
NMR laboratories. These theories are expected to offer
new ways of interpreting the results for new
discoveries. In view of this, we have developed a
methodology based on the time – independent Bloch NMR
flow equations for calculating the transverse
magnetization in terms of the applied RF field. The
results obtained in the study is useful for
spectroscopic studies and 3D mapping of tissues
1582. |
Example based brain MRI
Qing He1, Snehashis Roy1, Amod Jog2,
and Dzung L Pham1
1Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the
Advancement of Military Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland,
United States, 2Dept.
of Computer Science, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
An example based brain MRI synthesis method is proposed.
No physical simulation of the image acquisition is
involved and the synthesis is purely based on an example
MR image. Patch based regression is used to predict the
image based on anatomical models constructed from
segmentation fusion. Results show that the synthetic
images generated by our method are more realistic
looking than those from the physics based methods.
1583. |
Noise Estimation in Spiral
Sudarshan Ragunathan1, Dinghui Wang1,
Zhiqiang Li1, and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Current methods estimating noise content in an image
require either multiple acquisitions or selecting an
appropriate background region of the image. This work
does not require either, and provides an estimate of the
noise by eliminating signal content from a single
dataset acquired by spiral or similar trajectories. The
signal elimination was achieved by appropriate
modification of the sampling density correction (SDC)
weights. The modified weights was input to a gridding
algorithm to obtain a noise image.
1584. |
Bayesian Estimation of
Signal Amplitude from Magnitude Data 
Ken Sakaie1
1Imaging Institute, The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Magnitude reconstruction leads to biased signal at low
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The Rician distribution
describes the signal magnitude given an underlying value
from signal amplitude. However, one typically wants the
opposite: the underlying amplitude given the measured
magnitude. We show how to derive this latter, inverse
Rician, distribution and demonstrate some of its
1585. |
Hotelling Observer
Efficiency Image Quality Metric for Compressed Sensing MRI 
Christian G. Graff1
1Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD,
United States
To facilitate dynamic and quantitative MR imaging there
is significant interest in accelerated data
acquisitions. Less data are acquired, which is often
compensated for through iterative reconstruct techniques
such as compressed sensing. These techniques involve
non-linear regularization that complicates image
analysis and challenges the validity of traditional
image quality metrics such as pixel SNR. Here we develop
the concept of Hoteling-SNR efficiency which quantifies
the task-specific efficiency of compressed sensing
reconstructions relative to a fully-sampled acquisition,
measuring the tradeoff between image acquisition speed
and clinical utility, overcoming inherent limitations of
prior image quality metrics when analyzing compressed
sensing techniques.
1586. |
Intensity normalization for
improved MR images analysis 
Florent Lalys1, Sushmita Datta1,
Léorah Freeman1, Stacey S. Cofield2,
Gary R. Cutter2, Fred D. Lublin2,
Jerry S. Wolinsky1, and Ponnada A. Narayana1
1University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston, Houston, Texas, United States, 2University
of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, United
Intensity normalization (IN) is a critical step in image
processing, and particularly in MR image segmentation.
The IN technique described by Nyul et al. has been
routinely used in numerous studies, but never critically
evaluated on large cohorts or optimized for specific
applications. In this study we significantly improved
this IN method by identifying an optimal set of
parameters, and verified it on a large cohort of
multiple sclerosis patients. Our findings support
implementing different parameters than those used in the
majority of published studies.
1587. |
Image-based estimation
method for field inhomogeneity map in brain EPI image
Seiji Kumazawa1, Takashi Yoshiura2,
Hiroshi Honda2, and Fukai Toyofuku1
1Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka,
Japan, 2Department
of Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of Medical
Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
EPI suffers from geometrical distortion due to magnetic
field inhomogeneity. Our purpose was to develop an
image-based method for estimating the magnetic field map
based on the distorted EPI image and T1WI which requires
no additional acquisitions. Our method synthesizes the
distorted image to match the measured EPI image through
the generating process of EPI image by changing the
magnetic field. To evaluate the performance of our
method, we applied it to simulation data. Our
preliminary results demonstrate that the magnetic field
inhomogeneity in EPI image can be estimated by our
method without any additional acquisitions for
estimation of the field map.
EPI distortion correction
for quantitative imaging of the mouse brain at ultrahigh
magnetic field
Xuan Vinh To1, Xin Hong1, Irvin
Teh2, Jian Rui Soh1, and
Kai-Hsiang Chuang1
1Lab of Molucular Imaging, Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2A*STAR
- NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore,
Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) is an ultrafast acquisition
technique widely used in fMRI, diffusion imaging and
perfusion imaging but suffers from geometric and
intensity distortions, especially in ultrahigh field
strength used in small animal imaging. In this study we
compared several distortion correction methods. We found
using a pair of reference EPI images acquired with
opposite phase encoding directions to calculate an
unwrapping field provides the most accurate, robust and
efficient distortion correction for the mouse brain.
1589. |
Improved algorithm for 3D
non-contrast pulmonary MRA 
Chia-Ling Chang1, Tzu-Cheng Chao1,2,
Maria Alejandra Duràn-Mendicuti3, Ming-Ting
Wu4,5, and Bruno Madore3
1Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Medical Informatics, National Cheng-Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veteran General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 5School
of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
In an emergency room context, there is a need for a
reliable non-contrast enhanced pulmonary MR angiography
method to help handle the large number of patients with
suspicion for pulmonary embolism and contra-indication
for CT angiography. A promising method was previously
introduced whose main weakness might have been the
presence of discontinuities at the junction between the
several slabs used to cover the chest volume. The
present work aimed at alleviating this problem, thus
making the overall approach more generally applicable.
Through a specially-tailored registration algorithm as
well as intensity-correction strategies, such
discontinuities have been considerably suppressed here.
1590. |
Prior-based Initialization
for Automated Analysis of 3D MRE
Bogdan Dzyubak1, Armando Manduca2,
Kevin J. Glaser3, and Richard L. Ehman3
1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Physiology
and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States, 3Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States
Our clinical implementation of liver magnetic resonance
elastography (MRE), used for noninvasively staging
hepatic fibrosis, has recently been extended to analyze
wave propagation in 3D using a fast EPI-based
acquisition. This produces images with severe intensity
inhomogeneity, low edge contrast, and fat suppression,
which make fully automated processing, such as that
developed for 2D GRE-based MRE, extremely challenging. A
new method that does not depend on global intensity
values and is able to find large liver areas to
initialize liver segmentation despite severe intensity
inhomogeneity has been developed and evaluated in
clinical images produced by the standard 3D MRE
1591. |
High-quality Multi-contrast
Susceptibility-Weighted Venography using Tissue-dependent
Denoising Method
Tae-joon Eo1 and
Dosik Hwang1
1School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
This study demonstrates that the proposed denoising
method can reduce noise effectively on both the phase
and magnitude data. The magnitude and phase data were
simultaneously denoised by neighboring complex decaying
signals using the tissue relaxation property.
Consequently, the resulting SW venographies showed
substantial improvement.
1592. |
Sorted Compressed Sensing
in MRI 
Felipe Yanez1,2 and
Pablo Irarrazaval1
1Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile, 2École
Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
To improve the traditional Compressed Sensing (CS)
framework for image reconstruction, we propose a CS
technique with variable regularization parameter, which
penalizes the pixels of the recovered image according to
their magnitude. Herein, we present quantitative
susceptibility map (QSM) reconstructions in in-vivo
data, where the Sorted Compressed Sensing (SCS)
technique produced results that demonstrate it is
feasible to reconstruct high quality images. The
proposed method produced gains up to 5-6 dB with respect
of traditional CS.
1593. |
3D GlObally Optimal Surface
estimation (3D-GOOSE) algorithm for fat and water separation
Chen Cui1, Xiaodong Wu1,2, John D.
Newell3, and Mathews Jacob1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 2Radiation
Oncology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United
States, 3Radiology,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
We introduce a robust algorithm to resolve the
ambiguities in fat-water decomposition by utilizing the
smoothness of the field-map in three spatial dimensions.
Many current methods are still sensitive to local minima
effects. We had recently introduced a novel graph cut
algorithm termed as GlObally Optimal Surface Estimation
(GOOSE) that is guaranteed to provide the global
minimum, which was observed to considerably improve the
performance on challenging datasets. However, GOOSE was
restricted to two dimensional and hence not capable of
exploiting the field smoothness between slices. This
work is to extend GOOSE to 3-D therefore to further
improve the robustness.
1594. |
Water Fat Separation with
Multiple-Acquisition bSSFP
Michael Anthony Mendoza1, Raul Villalpando1,
Danny Park1, Daniel Gardner1,
Kevin Perkins1, and Neal Bangerter1
1Electrical Engineering, Brigham Young
University, Provo, Utah, United States
Motivated by the need for reliable and uniform water fat
separation, which is used to improve medical diagnosis,
we present a novel technique for water fat
decomposition. This technique combines the advantages of
balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) MRI with
Dixon reconstruction to produce water fat decomposition
with high SNR in a short imaging time, while
simultaneously reducing banding artifacts that
traditionally degrade image quality. This algorithm
utilizes four phase-cycled bSSFP acquisitions at
specific echo times to generate “in-phase” and
“out-of-phase” images. Linear combinations of the
strongest signals from these images are used to produce
separate water and fat images.
1595. |
Texture Analysis of Muscle
3-Point Dixon Fat-Fraction: Changes Over 1 Year 
Christopher D J Sinclair1,2, Jasper M Morrow1,
Arne Fischmann3, Michael G Hanna1,
Mary M Reilly1, Tarek A Yousry1,2,
and John S Thornton1,2
1MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 3University
of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Fat-water quantification is a promising method for
sensitively measuring changes in muscle in upcoming
clinical trials in neuromuscular diseases. In this work
we applied texture analysis to 3-point Dixon fat
fraction maps to assess fat-infiltration in the
hamstring muscles in 17 patients with the representative
condition inclusion body myositis, measured twice at a 1
year interval. Mean fat-fraction, contrast, homogeneity
run length image texture measures all changed
significantly over 1 year. There were no equivalent
texture parameter changes in a healthy volunteer group
over this period, demonstrating the promise of muscle
fat-fraction texture analysis for measuring longitudinal
fat-infiltration in neuromuscular conditions.
1596. |
Quantitative comparison of
abdominal adipose tissue volume segmentation on MR images
acquired with body and phase array coils. 
Sunil K. Valaparla1,2, Qi Peng3,
Oscar S. E. Nateras1, Feng Gao1,
Timothy Q. Duong1, and Geoffrey D. Clarke1,2
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, NY, United States
Excessive body fat, particularly visceral adipose tissue
(VAT) correlates with diabetes and cardiovascular
diseases. This study compared 3T breath-hold MRI T1W
water-saturated (WS) and 2pt Dixon fat (DF) MRI with
body and phase array coils in the application of
subcutaneous (SAT), (VAT), inter-muscular (IMAT) adipose
tissue volumetric assessment using semi–automated fuzzy
c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm. Results indicate
strong concordance and correlation between the SAT, VAT
and IMAT calculated from different acquisitions. These
methods can be used interchangeably along with FCM
algorithm to effectively assess body fat for large-scale
clinical imaging studies.
Motion Correction
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1597. |
Tracking Discrete
Off-resonance markers with Three Spokes (trackDOTS) – a new
motion tracking methodology
José P. Marques1, Daniel Gallichan2,
and Rolf Gruetter2,3
1CIBM, Department of Radiology, University of
Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2LIFMET,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 3CIBM,
Department of Radiology, University of Lausanne and
Geneva, Vaud, Switzerland
In this work we evaluate the possibility to perform
motion tracking of a subjects head by using small MR
markers containing a liquid which is off-resonance in
respect to water. TrackDOTS is able to determine the
position of various MR markers with 3 orthogonal k-space
readouts by constructing receive coil modes that limit
the sensitivity to regions of the various markers. The
methodology was demonstrated in vivo showing high
correlation between the motion parameters obtained using
conventional MR image co-registration and the proposed
1598. |
Slice-by-slice prospective
hardware motion correction in EPI and simultaneous
multislice sequences 
Paul Wighton1, M. Dylan Tisdall1,
Erez Nevo2, Kawin Setsompop1,
Stephen F Cauley1, Himanshu Bhat3,
Thomas Benner4, Dara S Manoach5,
and André van der Kouwe1
1Radiology, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 2Robin
Medical, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Healthcare
Sector, Siemens, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 5Psychiatry,
MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States
Recent research has shown that head motion can cause
spurious group differences in functional as well as
structural connectivity analyses. We examine
slice-by-slice prospective hardware motion correction in
EPI sequences (BOLD and 3x simultaneous multislice BOLD)
in order to mitigate such differences. Our method incurs
a 7.8% and 15.9% penalty to tSNR due motion in the BOLD
and 3xSMS-BOLD sequences respectively, compared to 38.5%
and 23.8% tSNR penalty respectively in the next best
methods. Additionally, we observe that susceptibility
due to motion has as large an effect as the motion
1599. |
Predictive Filtering for
Improved Robustness in Prospective Motion Correction 
Brian Keating1, Aditya Singh1,
Benjamin Zahneisen1, Linda Chang1,
and Thomas Ernst1
1Department of Medicine, University of
Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, United States
System latencies can reduce the efficacy of prospective
motion correction (PMC) with external optical tracking,
especially during fast movements (50mm/s or 50°/s
range). We integrated a Kalman filter into a
prospectively corrected gradient echo (GRE) sequence in
order to estimate the velocity and acceleration of the
head from lagged optical tracking data. The latency was
accounted for by extrapolating forward in time before
each prospective update. In addition, conjugate
gradient-based retrospective motion correction was
performed in Matlab to correct for residual tracking
errors. GRE images show reduced motion artifacts when
predictive filtering is used as compared to standard
1600. |
Prospective motion
correction of 3D EPI data for functional MRI using optical
Nick Todd1, Oliver Josephs1,
Martina Callaghan1, and Nikolaus Weiskopf1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging,
London, United Kingdom
An approach to using the XPACE camera system for
prospective motion correction of MRI data was
implemented for a 3D echo-planar imaging pulse sequence.
The method uses a high frame rate camera to track the
six degrees-of-freedom movement of a marker that is
attached to the patient. This information is fed to the
scanner host computer to dynamically update the imaging
gradients necessary for rigid body realignment of the
data to be acquired. The PMC method was tested for the
application of acquiring 3D EPI data for functional MRI
studies where high SNR and temporal stability are of
paramount importance.
1601. |
Comparison of BOLD
censoring motion metrics when you know the motion (SimPACE)
Erik Beall1 and
Mark Lowe1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Censoring methods have gained a lot of attention
recently, but, given the importance of head motion
artifact in fMRI and fcMRI, more evaluation is
necessary. Accurate identification of corrupted volumes,
which we evaluate here, is a critical dependency. First
we distinguish between intravolumetric (realistic) and
volumetric (unrealistic) motion and point out that
metrics reported to-date assume volumetric . We simulate
intravolume and volumetric motion with a novel
acquisition (SimPACE), and compare the true and false
positive rates of several motion metrics. We report that
volumetric metrics generally perform poorly, with
negative implications for censoring and global signal
1602. |
Subject-Motion Correction
in HARDI Acquisitions: Choices and Consequences 
Shireen Elhabian1, Yaniv Gur1,
Joseph Piven2, Martin Styner2,3,
Ilana Leppert4, G. Bruce Pike4,5,
and Guido Gerig1
1Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Psychiatry,
University of North Carolina, North Carolina, United
States,3Computer Science, University of North
Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina, United States, 4Neurology
and Neurosurgery, Montréal Neurological Institute,
Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 5Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is known to be
sensitive to motion originating from vibration, cardiac
pulsation, breathing and subject movement, creating
artifacts which require post-imaging correction. Users
often do not fully understand the consequences of
different choices for post-correction schemes for HARDI
such as elimination versus alignment of affected DWIs
with inherent choices of image interpolation, and how
correction would affect ODF estimation, ability to
resolve crossing fibers and final quantitative measures.
We report about an experimental synthetic data platform
and comparison with real data to systematically explore
motion correction schemes under different scenarios to
provide recommendations for best choices.
1603. |
Motion Correction in
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging using Intermediate
Pseudo-Trace-Weighted Images
David Andrew Porter1 and
Stefan Huwer1
1Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen,
This paper introduces a new motion-correction technique
for high-angular-resolution diffusion imaging studies.
The method uses an optimized set of diffusion gradient
vectors, which allows intermediate images to be
calculated with a contrast that approximates to that of
a trace-weighted image. The low contrast variation makes
these intermediate images useful for motion tracking
during the time series. Studies in healthy subjects
suggest that the method delivers motion parameter
estimates that are similar to those provided by
interleaved low-b-value images. The temporal resolution
can be optimized by using a sliding-window method, in
which the intermediate image is updated after each
diffusion-weighted volume.
1604. |
Motion detection for 3D
radial balanced SSFP sequences
Matthias Schloegl1, Clemens Diwoky1,
and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria
A novel method for intrinsic qualitative motion
information detection for 3D radial balanced SSFP
sequences is presented. Validation was performed for
potential applications of correction for rigid head
motion and self-gating cardiac CINE imaging. The
comparison was carried out with low-resolution
navigators and in the second case by comparison to the
matched ECG signal. Results show that the method
effectively captures motion variations or can serve as
an ECG surrogate not requiring any additional external
devices or internal navigators.
1605. |
FID-guided retrospective
motion correction based on autofocusing 
Maryna Babayeva*1,2, Alexander Loktyushin*3,
Tobias Kober2,4, Cristina Granziera5,
Hannes Nickisch3, Rolf Gruetter1,6,
and Gunnar Krueger2,4
1CIBM-AIT, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne and University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 2Advanced
Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare IM BM
PI, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Max
Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen,
Germany, 4CIBM-AIT,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland,5Departments of Clinical
Neurosciences, University Hospital Center (CHUV) and
University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Departments
of Radiology, Universities of Lausanne and Geneva,
This work investigates the possibility of using FID
navigator signals to improve the performance of a
recently proposed autofocusing-based retrospective
motion correction technique. FID navigators were
incorporated into an MPRAGE sequence and 3 subjects were
scanned at 3T while performing head movements. The
acquired data was retrospectively corrected for motion
by exploiting the FID signals to constrain the unknown
motion parameters. The results were compared against the
reconstructions obtained from a non-FID-guided version
of the algorithm, demonstrating that the use of FID
navigators for retrospective motion correction leads to
improvement in both image quality and computation time.
1606. |
Comparison of Different
Motion Correction Methods for PROPELLER MRI
Yilong Liu1, Zhe Liu2, Zhe Zhang1,
Huailing Zhang3, and Hua Guo1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, New York,
United States, 3School
of Information Engineering, Guangdong Medical College,
Guangdong, China
Proper reference for motion estimation is critical for
accurate and robust motion correction in PROPELLER MRI.
In this work, single blade reference (SBR), combined
blade reference (CBR), grouped blade reference (GBR) and
Pipe et al¡¯s latest revised method in which no blade
reference is required (NBR) are implemented and
compared. Simulation results show that all methods above
is accurate enough to generate a good image. For some
special cases of in vivo imaging, SBR, CBR and GBR may
fail to converge, while NBR still maintains relatively
good performance, which indicates NBR is more robust.
1607. |
Patient Motion: Small
Annoyance or Call To Action? 
Jalal B Andre1, Mahmud Mossa-Bosha1,
Michael N. Hoff1, C. Patrick Smith2,
and Wendy Cohen1
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 2Radiology,
Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA, United States
Patient motion frequently degrades clinical MR
examinations, but its prevalence remains unknown. We
sought to assess the prevalence of significant patient
motion in MR examinations of the neuroaxis by manually
evaluating images sent to PACS. 55 of the 175 total
neuroaxis MRI examinations completed in one calendar
week were sent to PACS with at least some motion
degradation (31.4%). We conservatively estimate that
motion-related imaging costs approach $296,092.00/year
at our institution. Since patient motion may be common
in the global MR community, we suggest that attention be
directed toward providing more practical solutions to
this common problem.
1608. |
Retrospective Motion
Correction of T2* Maps Improves Interpretability of Brain
Ulrike Nöth1, Steffen Volz1, Elke
Hattingen2, and Ralf Deichmann1
1Brain Imaging Center (BIC), Goethe
University Frankfurt/Main, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2Institute
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Frankfurt/Main,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
A method for reducing motion artefacts in quantitative
T2* maps is presented, based on repeated acquisitions
with reduced spatial resolution. Raw data are averaged
with weighting factors individually chosen for each
k-space line, so the influence of corrupted lines is
strongly reduced. A study performed on healthy subjects
performing pre-trained motion shows that corrupted lines
are reliably detected and suppressed. In a study on
tumour patients, pathological details visible in a
T2-weighted reference image are replicated in the motion
corrected T2* map, whereas the uncorrected T2* map
yields artefacts that can easily be misinterpreted as
additional lesions.
1609. |
Collapsed FatNav - A 3D
Motion Navigator Using the Chemical Saturation RF-pulse 
Mathias Engström1,2, Magnus Mårtensson1,3,
Ola Norbeck2, Enrico Avventi1,
Axel Hartwig2, and Stefan Skare1,2
1Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Neuroradiology,
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Stockholm,
Sweden, 3EMEA
Research and Collaboration, GE Applied Science
Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden
The chemical saturation pre-pulse is investigated as a
source for rigid-body motion correction, utilizing three
orthogonal, highly accelerated, EPI readouts.
1610. |
Improved Reconstruction of
Free-Breathing Abdominal PROPELLER MRI: A Preliminary Study
Dallas C Turley1, Michael Schär2,
and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Abdominal MRI presents many imaging challenges due to
non rigid-body motion of respiration. Continuous data
acquisition during free breathing is fastest and most
comfortable for patients but respiratory motion must be
corrected in order to obtain high quality images. In a
T2-weighted free-breathing PROPELLER exam, instructing
patients to pause 2-3 seconds after exhalation improved
image sharpness without adding substantial patient
discomfort. Respiratory motion was captured with bellows
and the waveform was used as additional data to weight
PROPELLER reconstruction in favor of blades collected
during end-exhalation, reducing the effects of
respiratory motion.
1611. |
Slice-Localized Soft-Gating
for Non-rigid Motion Correction in Free-Breathing 3D
Cartesian MRI
Joseph Y. Cheng1,2, Tao Zhang1,
Xinwei Shi1, Martin Uecker3,
Marcus T. Alley2, John M. Pauly1,
Michael Lustig3, and Shreyas S. Vasanawala2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 3Electrical
Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley, California, United States
Soft-gating (or motion-based weighting) reconstruction
can reduce motion artifacts in free-breathing MRI.
However, the performance of this method depends on the
accuracy of the motion-based weights. For respiratory
motion, the degree of motion varies throughout space.
For 3D Cartesian imaging, 1D spatial localization can be
achieved by transforming the data into the hybrid
(x,ky,kz)-space. Taking advantage of this, x-slice
specific weights are derived and applied to correct for
the varying non-rigid motion on a slice-by-slice basis.
The proposed technique is applied to free-breathing
abdominal imaging of pediatric patients. Improvement
over no soft-gating and soft-gating with a single set of
weights are shown.
1612. |
Feasibility of entire
cardiac MRI examinations during free breathing using GRICS
motion correction 
Freddy Odille1,2, Bailiang Chen1,2,
Anne Menini1,2, Pauline Ferry1,2,
Marine Beaumont2,3, Jacques Felblinger1,2,
and Laurent Bonnemains1,2
1U947, Inserm, Nancy, France, 2IADI,
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 3CIC-IT
801, Inserm, Nancy, France
Cardiac MRI conventionally relies on a large number of
breath holds. This is relatively inefficient as it
results in a high scanner idle time and motion
inconsistencies (misalignment between sequences). In
this work we evaluate the feasibility and potential
benefits of performing a whole cardiac examination
during free-breathing using GRICS non-rigid motion
correction. The approach was validated in 5 Duchenne
muscular dystrophy patients with a cardiac protocol
including free-breathing function (2D short-axis SSFP
with whole heart coverage) and fibrosis assessment
(post-contrast cine and 3D late enhancement). These
preliminary results indicate diagnostic quality can be
achieved along with good motion consistency.
1613. |
Sensitivity of Modulated
Refocusing Flip Angle Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo to
Impulsive Cardiac-Like Motion
Daniel V Litwiller1, James H Holmes2,
Manojkumar Saranathan3, Andreas M Loening3,
James F Glockner4, Shreyas S Vasanawala3,
and Ersin Bayram5
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Madison,
WI, United States,3Department of Radiology,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 5Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Houston,
TX, United States
Modulated refocusing flip angle single-shot fast spin
echo (SSFSE) is of particular interest for pediatric and
breath-held abdominal imaging. When low minimum
refocusing flip angles are utilized with this technique
in the presence of motion, however, as in the liver,
images may suffer from signal loss due to cardiac
motion. In this work, we characterize the empirical
sensitivity of this modulated SSFSE technique to
impulsive cardiac-like motion and validate our findings
in vivo.
1614. |
Robust automated Navigator
tracker positioning for MRI liver scans 
Takao Goto1, Shiro Ozaki2, Koji
Uchida3, Hajime Kitagaki3, and
Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Hino-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2Shimane
University Hospital, Izumo-shi, Shimane, Japan, 3Department
of Radiology, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine,
Izumo-shi, Shimane, Japan
We present a robust method for automated positioning of
a Navigator tracker for MRI liver scans. Our method
detects the dome peak of the liver and uses it for
Navigator tracker positioning. We used AdaBoost to
extract liver dome shape following detection of the
edges close to the liver dome and identify the dome
peak. During application of our method to 118 volunteers
and 53 patients, the tracker did not show any
significant mistakes and performed slice tracking
successfully. We expect our practical approach to assist
the scanning operator and improve workflow.
Artifacts Correction
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1615. |
Method for B0 off-resonance
mapping by non-iterative correction of phase errors 
Junmin Liu1, David W Holdsworth1,2,
and Maria Drangova1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada,2Department of Medical
Biophysics, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Phase unwrapping techniques are conventionally used for
B0 mapping. However, perfect unwrapped phase images are
still very difficult to obtain. We present a novel
non-iterative phase-unwrapping-based field mapping
method. The method uses a raw fat-fraction map estimated
from multi-echo magnitude images followed by histogram
analysis of phase images to generate an accurate B0 map;
both global and local phase errors are removed. The
method is tested with a large number of data sets,
including all cases from 2012 ISMRM Challenge.
1616. |
Fast low-SAR B0-mapping
along projections at high field using two-dimensional RF
Olivier Reynaud1, Daniel Gallichan1,
Benoit Schaller1, and Rolf Gruetter1
1CIBM, Lausanne, Switzerland
At 7T, conventional static field (B0) projection mapping
techniques (FASTMAP, FASTESTMAP) suffer from elevated
SAR and force long acquisition times (TA). Here the
series of adiabatic pulses needed for pencil selection
is replaced by a single 2D-RF pulse in the small tip
angle regime. After in-vivo characterization of the
selection profile, results (N=7, 6 VOIs) show no
significant difference between the water spectral
linewidths obtained with the conventional adiabatic (TA
= 4 min) and the optimized 2D-RF FASTMAP sequence (TA =
42 s). In addition, SAR is reduced by two orders of
magnitude without impact on shimming or spectrum
1617. |
Bilateral shimming of the
breast at 7T 
Vincent O. Boer1, Mariska P. Luttje2,
Peter R. Luijten1, and Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2radiotherapy,
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Bilateral shimming of the breast puts higher restraints
on shimming capabilities as compared to unilateral
shimming. Where unilateral shimming can be performed
well with 2nd order spherical harmonics, we show that up
to fourth order spherical harmonics do not reach the
same field homogeneity for bilateral shimming. A
midplane shimcoil was designed and used to generate a
locally varying field, which was able to compensate the
fields in bilateral shimming to a degree beyond that
possible with fourth order shimming.
1618. |
Correction of B0 field
fluctuations in the breast at 7 tesla by fitting a dipole
field to field probe data – A simulation study
Tijl A. van der Velden1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1,
Peter Luijten1, and Vincent O Boer1
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Respiration causes motion of boundaries with large
susceptibilities differences, such as the shoulders, the
heart and the diaphragm. These motions can cause
artefacts in a variety of MR scans. With field probes
the field fluctuations caused by this motion can be
observed. However, these probes measure the field
outside the body. In this simulation study we suggest to
fit a dipole to field probe measurements to translate
field fluctuations from outside the body to field
fluctuations inside the breast.
1619. |
Off-resonance correction of 23Na
spiral trajectories based on a 1H
B0-map at 7T
Paul W. de Bruin1, Maarten J. Versluis1,
Sebastian A. Aussenhofer1, Peter Börnert1,2,
and Andrew G. Webb1
1Radiology Department, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Innovative
Technologies Research Laboratories, Philips Technologie
GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Off-resonance correction of spiral 23Na trajectories
using a 1H B0-map is used to achieve a completely free
modest increase in SNR which is beneficial for
quantitative 23Na imaging.
1620. |
Correction of B0 Phase
Errors for Spiral-in/Spiral-out Acquisitions 
Ryan K Robison1, Zhiqiang Li1,
Michael Schär1,2, and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Spiral-in/spiral-out acquisitions can be affected by
artifacts that manifest differently between the
spiral-in and spiral-out portions of the acquisition. If
uncorrected these artifacts will be accentuated in the
final combined image. Time dependent phase errors from
B0 eddy currents are one source of artifacts that
manifest differently between spiral-in and spiral-out
acquisitions. These phase errors were measured and
corrected. The resulting images demonstrate improvements
in apparent resolution.
1621. |
High-accuracy off-resonance
estimation from EPI, with application to volumetric
navigators (vNavs) enabling real-time motion and frequency
M. Dylan Tisdall1,2 and
André J. W. van der Kouwe1,2
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
Massachusetts, United States, 2Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United
The phase-correction navigators of EPI sequences have
previously be shown to enable real-time estimation and
prospective correction of resonance frequency drift. In
the present work we describe a novel algorithm that
provides more accurate estimates than previous methods.
We also demonstrate how a small modification to our EPI-based
volumetric navigator (vNavs), allows us to use it not
just for prospective motion correction, but also
prospective frequency correction. Results from a vNav-enabled
MPRAGE sequence are shown.
1622. |
Joint Field Map and
Metabolite Image Reconstruction Framework for Hyperpolarized 13C
Spiral CSI
Ulrich Koellisch1,2, Rolf F. Schulte2,
Markus Durst1,2, Axel Haase1, and
Florian Wiesinger2
1IMETUM, Technical University München,
Munich, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany
An algorithm for IDEAL spiral CSI reconstruction of
hyperpolarized 13C metabolites is presented. It
calculates field maps or CS frequencies and metabolite
images with a joint estimation approach. The field maps
gets estimated by a set of polynomials. The estimation
of the CS-frequencies decreases the number of necessary
excitations, because no extra spectra have to be
recorded. The application of the off-resonance
correction on in-vivo datasets has shown, that this
approach increases the image quality due to a reduced
amount of blurring in the metabolite maps.
1623. |
Evaluation of dynamic
off-resonance correction of respiratory instability in MRI
signals for high-order spherical harmonic basis set and
multivariate modeling of respiratory sources
Marta Bianciardi1, Jonathan R Polimeni1,
Kawin Setsompop1, Cornelius Eichner1,
Berkin Bilgic1, and Lawrence L Wald1
1Department of Radiology, A.A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States
Chest motion due to respiration produces off-resonance
(OR) effects in the brain, resulting in
signal-instability in both structural and functional
MRI. Previous work performed dynamic OR-correction using
a second-order spatial model, and a univariate temporal
respiratory model. Aim of this work was to evaluate
dynamic OR correction for increased degrees-of-freedom
in both spatial and temporal domain. Our results
demonstrate the benefits of higher order (up to the
fifth) spatial models combined with the use of bivariate
temporal modeling of respiratory effects. These findings
show the expected dynamic capabilities of high-order
shim-arrays at high magnetic field and on a whole-brain
1624. |
Simulation of
Respiration-Induced B0 Shifts
in the Heart 
Anjali Datta1, Reeve Ingle1, Bob
Hu1,2, and Dwight Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Cardiology,
Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, California,
United States
Respiration-induced B0 variations
are of interest because they may lead to off-resonance
artifacts in free-breathing acquisitions and may
contribute to variable image quality across patients.
Using the XCAT1 4D computational phantom to generate
susceptibility models, we simulate the main field map
over the heart in several respiratory frames and in
different anatomies to determine if B0 variations
across the breathing cycle and between individuals may
be significant. This work suggests that respiration
induces spatially-variant B0 shifts
in the heart and that the magnitude and distribution
depend on the left ventricular long-axis orientation.
1625. |
Dynamic Slice-Optimized
Shimming in Continuous Moving bed MRI
Saikat Sengupta1,2, David Smith1,2,
and E. Brian Welch1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Continuous moving bed MRI (COMBI) is a high throughput
imaging technique for rapid whole-body examination. A
primary limitation of COMBI is that the frequency and B0
shims are typically optimized for only one body
location. As a result, image quality and parameter
quantification suffers from field variations along the
extent of the body. In this abstract, we present
slice-specific zeroth and first order dynamic B0
shimming in COMBI. Slice-optimized shimming is
demonstrated on a 1.500 meter field of view phantom
setup with significant field homogeneity gains
throughout the full field of view over a static single
station shim.
A Structured MRI Phantom
with the Magnetic Susceptibility of Air
Simon Gross1, Christoph Barmet1,2,
Thomas Schmid1, and Klaas Paul Prüssmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH
and University Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Skope
Magnetic Resonance Technologies, Zurich, Switzerland
By doping epoxide-resins with paramagnetic substances,
solid materials with widely adjustable magnetic
susceptibility can be produced. With this method, we
built an MR phantom whose susceptibility is matched to
air (including the liquid filling). It has the unique
properties of not affecting the magnetic field
homogeneity, neither internally nor externally, turning
it into a versatile tool for sequence development and
quality assurance in MR imaging and spectroscopy.
Furthermore, the excellent mechanical properties of this
material allow the construction of NMR equipment and
consumables that are invisible within the magnetic
1627. |
Artifact Correction in
Temporal Bone Imaging with GS-bSSFP 
Michael N Hoff1, Greg J Wilson1,
Qing-San Xiang2,3, and Jalal B Andre1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada,3Department of Physics, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The geometric solution (GS) is clinically applied to
correct artifacts in balanced steady state free
precession (bSSFP) images of the temporal bone at 3T.
Four phase cycled bSSFP brain images are acquired from a
patient, and a pixel-by-pixel GS is computed in the
complex plane and compared with a complex average of the
images. The solution not only eliminates bSSFP banding
and dependence on signal off-resonance, it also shows an
insensitivity to motion. Further testing is planned in
order to determine the GS’ capacity for correcting
motion artifacts.
1628. |
Homodyne Reconstruction for
Single-Echo Dixon Imaging
Eric G. Stinson1, Joshua D. Trzasko1,
and Stephen J. Riederer1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United
Dixon-based methods avoid errors by accounting for B0 inhomogeneities
during the fat-water separation, but can extend scan
time. Single-echo Dixon techniques avoid this
limitation, but have yet to use partial Fourier
sampling. Homodyne reconstruction for partial Fourier
single-echo Dixon imaging is derived and experimentally
demonstrated. The processing is performed within the
framework of a phase constrained reconstruction and
accomplishes fat-water separation and homodyne phase
correction in a single step. Partial Fourier sampling
with homodyne processing can reduce scan time by a
factor of almost 2 and shows promise for time-resolved
Dixon imaging for dynamic applications such as CE-MRA.
1629. |
Robust Partial Fourier
Parallel Imaging Using ESPIRiT and Virtual Conjugate Coils 
Martin Uecker1 and
Michael Lustig1
1Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, University of California, Berkeley,
California, United States
ESPIRiT is a recently developed algorithm for
auto-calibrated parallel MRI. It is based on an
eigenvalue analysis of the calibration data. The present
work describes an extension using virtual conjugate
coils, which allows the estimation of sensitivity maps
which include image phase. Such maps can be used in a
phase-constrained SENSE reconstruction for acceleration
with partial Fourier sampling. In contrast to other
methods, high-frequency phase is not simply discarded
but taken into account by a second eigenvector map in
affected image regions. This map can be used in an
extended soft-SENSE reconstruction which is robust
against errors from high-frequency phase.
1630. |
A phase constrained
reconstruction method in compressed sensing 
Guobin Li1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Esther
Meyer2, Dominik Paul2, Jan Korvink3,4,
and Jürgen Hennig1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Germany, 3Department
of Microsystems Engineering — IMTEK, University of
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4Freiburg
Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Half Fourier acquisition has widely been used for a long
time to shorten the measurement time in turbo spin echo
sequences.The combination of half Fourier acquisition
with compressed sensing has also been investigated. One
drawback of typical Homodyne and POCS based methods is
that they brutally replace the phase of the resulting
images by an estimate. We introduce a relaxed phase
constraint term in the regularized reconstruction, to
encourage the phase consistency between the result and
the estimation, instead of an overall phase replacement
in the compressed sensing reconstruction with half
Fourier acquisition.
1631. |
Phase Correction for 3D
Fast Spin Echo Imaging With Compressed Sensing 
Weitian Chen1, Peng Lai1, and
Yuval Zur2
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA - California, United States, 2GE
Healthcare, Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Fast spin echo imaging plays a central role in clinical
imaging. Eddy current and other factors, however, can
introduce phase error in FSE sequences, which causes the
violation to CPMG condition and result in image
artifacts. The existing phase correction method works
well for 2D FSE, which assumes a linear phase error
along readout direction. However, to extend this
approach to 3DFSE, we may need assume a linear phase
error along both readout and slice direction, which may
not always be the case. Data acquisition with phase
cycling can be used to address this problem at the cost
of doubled scan time. In this work, we investigated
compressed sensing acceleration of data acquisition for
3DFSE phase correction using phase cycling.
1632. |
3D EPI Phase Maps for Real
Time EPI Distortion Correction
A. Alhamud1, Paul A. Taylor1,
André J.W. van der Kouwe2, and Ernesta M.
1Human Biology,MRC/UCT Medical Imaging
Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,
Western Cape, South Africa, 2Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
Single- or multi-shot Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) is the
first choice for several imaging modalities such as
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional MRI (fMR)
etc, due to its ability to acquire images very rapidly.
EPI is affected by several artifacts such as distortion
from magnetic field inhomogeneity. Although several
techniques have been reported for correcting the B0
homogeneity, these methods have some limitations and
drawbacks. In this work we introduce a sophisticated
method using the 3D EPI phase maps to correct TR-by-TR
in real time the distortion in B0 for any imaging
modality that implement EPI.
1633. |
Distortion Correction in
DW-EPI using an Extended PSF Method with a Reversed Gradient
Myung-Ho In1, Oleg Posnansky1,
Erik B. Beall2, Mark J. Lowe2, and
Oliver Speck1,3
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany,
Magdeburg, Germany, 2Radiology,
Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA,
OH, United States, 3Leibniz
Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany,
Magdeburg, Germany
In echo-planar imaging (EPI), compressed distortion is a
more difficult challenge than local stretching as
spatial information can be lost in strongly compressed
areas. To resolve this problem, two EPIs with opposite
phase-encoding (PE) polarity were acquired and combined
after distortion correction. A modified point spread
function (PSF) mapping and distortion correction method
was developed. A single PSF reference acquisition was
extrapolated to reverse PE (extended) for reverse PE
correction and an improved weighted combination of the
two distortion-corrected images that properly accounts
for the differential loss of information in forward and
reverse PE images.
1634. |
EPI distortion correction
using highly under-sampled point-spread function estimation
based on Finite Rate of Innovation 
Rita G. Nunes1,2 and
Joseph V. Hajnal2,3
1Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon,
Lisbon, Portugal, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
United Kingdom
With the drive to higher B0 magnetic fields, geometric
distortion correction of Echo Planar Images (EPI)
becomes essential. Point Spread Function (PSF) mapping
has been shown to be more robust than B0 field mapping,
however previous attempts to accelerate acquisition,
still required a minimum of 10 EPI repeats. We
demonstrate that by using a pattern search approach it
is possible to estimate the peak of the PSF at each
voxel from as little as 2 EPI repeats, one of which is
the EPI image itself. This would enable estimation of
distortion maps to be incorporated in standard EPI
preparation phases.
1635. |
Slice-specific frequencies
can reduce ghosting artifacts in T2*-weighted single-shot
Jürgen Finsterbusch1,2
1Department of Systems Neuroscience,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Neuroimage
Nord, Hamburg-Kiel-Lübeck, Germany
In regions with magnetic field inhomogeneities, e.g.
close to significant susceptibility differences as in
the vicinity of major air cavities, T2*-weighted
single-shot EPI with GRAPPA is susceptible to ghosting
artifacts. To some extend, these artifacts seem to be
related to the offset of the resonance frequency that is
not handled appropriately by the GRAPPA reconstruction
algorithm. Here, it is shown that with slice-specific
frequencies for the data acquisition, i.e. the
analog-to-digital converter’s demodulation frequency and
phase settings, these artifacts can be reduced or even
1636. |
Slice-specific navigator
correction for multiband imaging
Steen Moeller1, An T Vu1, Edward
Auerbach1, Kamil Ugurbil1, and
Essa Yacoub1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
The use of a slice specific navigator correction for
both the SENSE/GRAPPA algorithm and the slice-GRAPPA
algorithm is demonstrated and compared with high quality
data from the Human Connectome project.
1637. |
Slice-wise Nyquist Ghost
Correction for Slice-Accelerated EPI 
Eric Peterson1, Samantha Holdsworth1,
Rafael O'Halloran1, Julian Maclaren1,
Eric Aboussouan1, William Grissom2,
and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, United States
When using slice-accelerated echo planar imaging (EPI),
slice-wise Nyquist ghost correction requires extra scan
time because it necessitates an additional pre-scan
(reference scan) in addition to parallel imaging
calibration. This work presents a method to perform
slice-wise Nyquist ghost correction using the parallel
imaging pre-scan. This obviates the Nyquist ghost
correction pre-scan and also allows for Nyquist ghost
correction before the parallel imaging is performed,
which allows for standard parallel imaging
reconstructions. More importantly, by not requiring an
additional pre-scan scan, it allows for a faster, more
streamlined scan session.
1638. |
Improved ghost-correction
in multi-shot EPI using PLACE and GESTE
W Scott Hoge1,2, Huan Tan3, Robert
A Kraft4, and Jonathan R Polimeni2,5
1Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States, 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department
of Surgery (Neurosurgery), University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 4Virginia-Tech
Wake Forest School of Biomedical Engineering,
Winston-Salem, NC, United States, 5A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH,
Charlestown, MA, United States
This works seeks to further improve the correction of
Nyquist ghosting in multi-shot (or segmented) echo
planar imaging. EPI is vulnerable to static local field
inhomogeneity and eddy current effects induced by the
EPI readout, which results in Nyquist ghosting.
Multi-shot EPI is further complicated by phase
inconsistencies that often occur between the acquisition
of each segment. PLACE and GESTE have been shown
previously to provide superior ghost correction in
single-shot EPI images. We demonstrate their further
effectiveness in segmented EPI with in-vivo brain data
acquired at 7T using a 32-channel head coil.
1639. |
A comparison of the static
and dynamic phase correction methods in timeseries EPI with
parallel imaging
Wanyong Shin1, Sehong Oh1, and
Mark J Lowe1
1Radiology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States
To correct Nyquist ghost artifacts in single-shot EPI, 2
or 3 lines of readout acquisition without a phase
encoding gradient is commonly applied. While the phase
correction information is updated for each measurement
for timeseries of EPI, the phase shift could be
corrected either by using single phase correction scan
(called static here) or each phase correction scan
(dynamic). In the abstract, we evaluated the performance
of the dynamic and static phase correction in timeseries
EPI. We found the static phase correction provides
higher tSNR and less spatial variation of tSNR than the
dynamic phase correction with parallel imaging
1640. |
Simultaneous Nyquist ghost
and Geometric distortion correction based on reversed
readout strategy in EPI
Victor B. Xie1,2, Adrian Tsang1,2,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong SAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Echo planar imaging (EPI) has been used in many
applications such as fMRI and DWI. However, EPI images
are prone to Nyquist ghost and geometric distortion.In
this study, we proposed a new scheme based on reversed
readout strategy to correct both Nyquist ghost and
geometric distortion artifacts on EPI images
simultaneously. We have demonstrated the proposed method
can effectively remove Nyquist ghost and correct
geometric distortion both in phantom and rat brain. This
method may be paticularly suited for dynamic EPI
protocols such as fMRI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
Reconstruction of Spatiotemporally-Encoded Imaging Data 
Amir Seginer1, Rita Schmidt1, Eddy
Solomon1, Avigdor Leftin1, and
Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics Department, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Single-shot sequences utilizing spatiotemporal encoding
(SPEN) provide robust alternatives to single-shot EPI
with similar acquisition durations and comparable
resolution, provided that specialized super-resolved
reconstruction algorithms are used in the image
retrieval. Acquisition imperfections known to cause
ghosting artifacts in EPI, can also give rise to
artifacts in processed Hybrid-SPEN images. We
demonstrate that these experiments, unlike EPI, do not
require a reference scan to correct for these
imperfections. A self-referencing algorithm based on the
fact that under-sampling along the SPEN direction does
not generate aliasing, but rather lower resolution
images, is developed. The referenceless algorithm and
sample results are presented.
1642. |
Reception sensitivity
inhomogeneity correction at ultra high field using a fast
gradient echo sequence 
Franck Mauconduit1, Aurélien Massire2,
Nicolas Boulant2, Alexis Amadon2,
and Alexandre Vignaud2
1Siemens Heathcare, Saint Denis, France, 2CEA,
DSV, I2BM, Neurospin, LRMN, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Ile de
france, France
UHF suffers from significant inhomogeneity artifacts
originating from transmission RF and reception
sensitivity coils. In vivo measurement approaches have
been proposed earlier. Based on these approaches, we
suggest a very short TR GRE sequence to reduce image
unihomogeneity. On a Siemens 7T Magnetom scanner, a B1
field map (AFI) and a GRE sequence with minimal tissue
contrast are acquired. Then the GRE sequence is low pass
filtered and a post processing corrects reception
sensitivities on an MPRAGE acquisition. Our result shows
a significant improvement using a GRE sequence with TR=9ms
and 10 sec acquisition therefore providing a fast
correction method.
1643. |
A simple method for cusp
artifact removal by gradient optimization
weiwei zhang1, Bing Wu1, and
Yongchuan Lai1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China
In this abstract, we proposed an easy-to-implement
method to eliminate cusp artifacts, or called annefact,
by optimizing the pulse sequence design in FSE. The
gradient polarities for excitation and refocusing RF
slice selection are the same. However, the amplitudes of
excitation and refocusing gradients are optimized
individually so that location shift of excited spins by
the two RF is minimized, whereas the annefact regions
correspond to the two RF are separated. The former
ensures no signal drop takes place. The latter ensures
no cusp artifact is formed. This method requires no
additional post-processing and hardware modification.
1644. |
Spatiotemporally encoded
single-shot MRI based on de-convolution reconstruction on
3.0 T human scanner 
Jianfeng Bao1,2, Congbo Cai2,
Zhong Chen2, and Jianhui Zhong1
1Department of Imaging Sciences, University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States, 2Department
of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen,
Fujian, China
Spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) imaging is an emerging
ultrafast MRI method that can be used to obtain 2D image
in a single shot, with much less sensitivity to B0
inhomogeneity compared with EPI. However, a
super-resolved reconstruction method is needed to
improve spatial resolution of the SPEN image. Recently,
we have demonstrated that the de-convolution
reconstruction method is superior to other existing
methods in simulations and studies on 7 T small animal
scanner. Here, we show that the de-convolution can
obtain artifact-free and high resolution images on human
brain at 3.0T. This emerging ultrafast MRI method may be
applied to reduce artifacts caused by B0 inhomogeneity
in fMRI and DTI images.
1645. |
Non-Linear Correction of 3D
R2* Maps with Fast through-Plane Gradient Mapping
Chemseddine Fatnassi1,2, Gunnar Krueger2,3,
Reto Meuli1, and Kieran O'Brien2,4
1Université de Lausanne/Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2CIBM
- AIT, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Advanced
Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare IM BM
PI, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Hôpitaux
Universitaires de Genève, Genève, Switzerland
In 3D GRE, B0macro field gradients due to air/tissue
interfaces lead to an apparent increase in the
intravoxel dephasing and leads to large signal loss or
inaccurate R2* estimation. If these B0macro are
measurable, their influence can be removed. The
algorithms normally assume the phase evolves linearly
with time; however, in the presence of a large B0macro,
this assumption is broken, Furthermore, the central
difference approximation used to estimate gradient leads
to edge artifacts at the brain's edges. To overcome
these problems, we hypothesize a non-linear phase
evolution including a fast computation of the
through-plane gradient.
1646. |
Image entropy-based phase
correction for closely-spaced slices in simultaneous
multi-slice imaging 
Angus Z. Lau1,2, Elizabeth M. Tunnicliffe1,
Damian J. Tyler1,2, and Matthew D. Robson1
1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Blipped CAIPI acquisitions reduce g-factor noise
amplification in simultaneous multi-slice (SMS)
experiments by introducing inter-slice image shifts
using through-plane phase encoding gradients during the
image readout. For closely-spaced slices, large Gz blips
result in N-fold image ghosts (where N is the SMS
factor), which overlap with the desired multlband
aliasing pattern. In this abstract, we introduce a
simple deconvolution model and novel image entropy-based
approach to correcting phase errors in a SMS scan. The
method does not require an additional reference scan,
and we anticipate that this development will enable SMS
accelerated scans of the heart with closely spaced
1647. |
Deblurring in View angle
tilting imaging
Min-Oh Kim1, Semin Kwak1, and
Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Seoul, Korea
View angle tilting (VAT) technique was proposed to
correct chemical shift artifact and in-plane field
inhomogeneity artifact. In spite of its advantages, VAT
suffers from blurring artifact. In this study,
post-processing methods that can alleviate VAT blurring
based on VAT signal equation are presented.
1648. |
A technique to eliminate
artifacts in 3D Fast Spin Echo Imaging 
Yuval Zur1 and
Weitian Chen2
1GE Healthcare, Tirat Carmel, Israel, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, California, United States
3D Fast Spin Echo (3DFSE) with flip angle modulation is
used for high resolution T2 weighted imaging due to high
T2 contrast and the ability to reformat the data in any
desirable plane. Unavoidable violations of the CPMG
condition due to system imperfections generate
artifacts. In this work we present a technique to
overcome this problem using a post processing method
applied in conjunction with a two excitations approach.
The drawback of the method is that two excitations are
required. However, in many applications this method is
necessary in order to acquire reliable high quality
Fat Suppression, Separation & Quantification
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1649. |
A New Fat-suppressed
Spin-Echo Imaging Using Hyperbolic-Secant Pulses 
Yoojin Lee1, Jang Yeon Park2, Yeji
Han3, ChangHyun Oh3, and HyunWook
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2School
of Biomedical Engineering, Konkuk University, Chungju,
Korea,3Department of Electrical Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Daejeon, Korea
In this study, a new fat-suppressed spin-echo imaging
technique using hyperbolic secant (HS) RF pulses for π/2
excitation and π refocusing in a conventional SE
sequence is proposed. This technique utilizes the fact
that non-linear phase profile across slice created by HS
pulses is not compensated in the regions where the
frequency offset exists. Phantom and in vivo experiments
were performed at 3T to demonstrate this technique.
1650. |
Shaped Fat Saturation with
2D Spatially Selective Multi-Frequency RF Pulse Design in
Parallel Transmission 
Rainer Schneider1,2, Jens Haueisen2,
and Josef Pfeuffer1
1MR Application Development, Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, TU Ilmenau,
Ilmenau, Thuringia, Germany
Shaped fat saturation was realized for the first time on
the basis of multi-frequency optimization of
multidimensional spatially selective RF pulses in
parallel transmission. Shaped fat saturation pulses were
optimized based on a target-driven variable-density 2D
spiral trajectory and evaluated in phantom and human
in-vivo experiments and compared to the commonly used
Gaussian FATSAT pulse. The fat saturation performance of
the proposed RF pulses was found to be similar to the
FATSAT pulse, but allowed also for the simultaneous
saturation of other frequency bands. Furthermore, less
interference with the water band was observed.
1651. |
Fat Suppression Using
Random Encoding Pulse Sequences 
Haifeng Wang1, Yihang Zhou2,
Yuchou Chang3, and Dong Liang4
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, The
State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, United
States, 3Barrow
Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 4Shenzhen
Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Many methods of fat suppression are applied, but the
cost is more computational time or sequence durations.
In this abstract, a novel fat suppression method, named
as Hybrid, is proposed to suppress the fat signal and
enhance the image contrast. The method exploits
non-Fourier random encoding pulse sequences to generate
inhomogeneous B1 filed, thus the signal contrast of fat
and other tissues has been changed comparing the
conventional Fourier encoding method. The actual in vivo
human knee experiments illustrate the proposed method
augment the signal contrast of fat and other tissues,
suppress more the fat signal than the conventional
Fourier method, and has no growth of imaging time and
decoding computational complexity.
1652. |
Simultaneous Fat Saturation
and Magnetization Transfer Preparation with Steady-state
Incoherent Sequences 
Feng Zhao1, Jeffrey A Fessler2,
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen1, and Douglas C Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2EECS,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Combining fat saturation and magnetization transfer (MT)
preparation is beneficial in many clinical applications.
The use of both fat sat and MT with steady-state
incoherent (SSI) sequences may be limited by long
minimal TR. Also, the conventional fat sat is sensitive
to field inhomogeneity. We investigated a
multi-dimensional spectral-spatial fat sat pulse for SSI
sequences, i.e., small-tip fast recovery imaging (STFR)
and spoiled GRE, to produce B0 insensitive fat
suppression and MT preparation simultaneously. The
methods were applied to cartilage imaging or MR
angiography in brain at 3T.
1653. |
Water or Fat selective
3D-bSSFP imaging combined with banding artifact correction
for MSK imaging at 3T 
Emeline Julie Ribot1, Jean-Michel Franconi1,
and Sylvain Miraux1
1CNRS/University Bordeaux, RMSB, Bordeaux,
Musculo-skeletal MRI with fat signal suppression
techniques are usually performed in 2D to shorten
acquisition time and obtain sufficient signal and induce
restrictions in echo time or flip angle values. Due to
high SNR acquired in short acquisition time in 3D, bSSFP
sequence was combined to a frequency-selective binomial
pulse at 3T. Centering the frequency of this pulse to
the resonance frequency of water or fat protons
generated fat-free or water-free images, respectively.
To remove banding artefacts, four images acquired at
different resonance frequencies were summed using «
Sum-Of-Square ». This new sequence allowed to obtain 3D
high-resolution knee images without fat signal and
banding artefacts.
1654. |
Water or Fat selective
3D-bSSFP imaging combined with banding artifact correction
on small-animal at 7T 
Emeline Julie Ribot1, Didier Wecker2,
Jean-Michel Franconi1, and Sylvain Miraux1
1CNRS/University Bordeaux, RMSB, Bordeaux,
France, 2Bruker
Biospin, France
To obtain fat-free MR images on small animals, several
techniques have been developed. Low SNR, susceptibility
arfetacts and echo time value restrictions limit their
application at high magnetic field. 3D-bSSFP MR
sequence, generating high signal in short acquisition
time, was performed after a frequency-selective binomial
pulse at 7T. Water-selective or fat-selective mouse
whole-body 3D-bSSFP images were obtained with no banding
artefacts due to the combination with « Sum-Of-Square »
technique. Chemical shift artifact was removed allowing
for better delineation and quantification of lymph node
volumes. In addition, tumors growing in the renal
sup-capsule were easily identified from abdominal fat.
1655. |
Jointly-Processing Fast
Spin-Echo Triple-Echo Dixon Images with a Two-Point Dixon
Phase Correction Algorithm 
Jong Bum Son1, John Hazle1, and
Jingfei Ma1
1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
Fast spin echo triple-echo Dixon (fTED) acquires one
in-phase (IP) and two out-of-phase (OP) images in a
single acquisition without interleave. A two-point Dixon
processing algorithm is then used to independently
process two pairs of IP/OP images. A potential drawback
is that any processing failure in each processing will
lead to incomplete local or global water and fat
separation. In this work, we proposed and developed a
jointly-processed region growing based two-point Dixon
phase correction algorithm. The proposed approach was
capable of reconstructing uniformly separated water and
fat images even when anatomic regions are separated by
large signal-void.
1656. |
Off-Resonance Correction in
PROPELLER using Dixon Water-Fat Separation 
Holger Eggers1, Michael Schär2,3,
and James G. Pipe3
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Neuroimaging
Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ,
United States
Combinations of PROPELLER and Dixon methods have
recently been proposed to achieve motion insensitive
water-fat imaging. They perform the water-fat separation
after the PROPELLER reconstruction so far. However,
applying the water-fat separation to single blades
instead potentially offers several advantages. In this
work, the feasibility of this approach is demonstrated
in abdominal T2-weighted TSE imaging. By exploiting the
Cartesian k-space sampling in single blades, an
off-resonance correction for image quality enhancement
is shown to become simpler in this way.
1657. |
Variable Bandwidth Turbo
Spin-Echo Dixon Imaging 
Holger Eggers1
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany
The echo shifts commonly applied in turbo spin-echo
Dixon imaging for chemical shift encoding affect the
signal-to-noise ratio in the resulting in-phase and
water images not only directly through the noise
propagation in the water-fat separation, but also
indirectly through the turbo spin-echo sequence. In this
work, an optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio is
proposed under the constraint of a fixed spacing between
successive refocusing pulses. On the example of
dual-echo Dixon imaging, it is shown to lead to shorter
optimal echo shifts and to suggest a variable readout
gradient strength, bandwidth and sampling window length
per echo shift, which permits enhancing the
signal-to-noise ratio.
1658. |
Fat-water separation in the
abdomen during free-breathing by using stack-of-star (SOS)
3D radial TrueFISP Imaging 
Riad Ababneh1, Thomas Benkert2,
and Felix Breuer2
1Physics Department, Yarmouk University,
Irbid, Jordan, 2Research
Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria,
We used a stack-of-stars 3D radial acquisition with
non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) gridding to
separate fat and water signals of different respiratory
phases in free-breathing.
1659. |
Iterative Field Map
Extraction for Spiral Water-fat Imaging 
Dinghui Wang1, Nicholas R. Zwart1,
Zhiqiang Li1, Michael Schär1,2,
and James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Spiral water-fat imaging suffers from blurring caused by
B0 inhomogeneity and chemical shift of fat. Long spiral
readout is efficient but often results in blurred and
erroneous B0 field map at the interface of water and
fat, and/or in regions of rapidly varying B0. We propose
two approaches to iteratively correct and refine the
initial field map obtained from Dixon water-fat imaging.
Both methods employ a previously presented approach that
simultaneously separates and deblurs water and fat. In
vivo experiment results have demonstrated the
feasibility of both approaches.
1660. |
Spiral CG Deblurring and
Fat-Water Separation using a Multi-peak Fat Model 
Nicholas Ryan Zwart1, Dinghui Wang1,
and James Grant Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Blurring in spiral images can be caused by both field
inhomogeneity and chemical shift. The method presented
in this work addresses both by simultaneously separating
fat-water signal and deblurring. A multi-peak fat model
has been added to the previously presented algorithm,
making the algorithm more robust while maintaining the
same reconstruction time as the single-peak model.
1661. |
Joint Water-fat Separation
and Deblurring with Spiral In-out Sampling 
Dinghui Wang1, Zhiqiang Li1, Ryan
K. Robison1, Nicholas R. Zwart1,
Michael Schär1,2, and James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Spiral in-out is an efficient sampling scheme,
especially for spin echo and T2* weighted sequences. Two
images can be reconstructed from the spiral-in and
spiral-out parts respectively. Based on a previous
conjugate gradient method, we propose an iterative
approach to simultaneously separate and deblur water and
fat using these two images with known B0 inhomogeneity.
Ringing artifacts can arise at sharp boudaries since
different frequences at the k-space converge at various
speeds. In-vivo data have confirmed that the ringing
artifacts can be eliminated by the assumption that water
and fat are in phase at time 0.
1662. |
Analytical Three-point
Water-fat Imaging with Multi-peak Fat Model 
Dinghui Wang1 and
James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
We propose an analytical approach of three-point
water-fat Dixon imaging with a known multi-peak fat
model. This approach works with flexible even and uneven
TE increments. By selecting appropriate TE points,
spatial phase unwrapping can be avoided. This method
solves the quadratic equations of water and fat. If the
TE points are selected such that the magnitude of fat
fluctuates significantly, a substantial portion of pure
water and pure fat voxels can be identified according to
the asymmetry between water and fat. The efficiency and
robustness of the subsequent post-processing will thus
be enhanced.
1663. |
A Parallelizable
Multi-threaded and Multi-leveled Region-Growing Based
Algorithm for Phase Correction in MRI 
Jingfei Ma1, Jong Bum Son1, and
John Hazle1
1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
We present a parallelizable region growing algorithm for
phase correction in MRI. An image is divided into
sub-images in which region growing is independently
initiated from seed pixels and temporarily halted at a
pre-defined quality threshold. Results from different
sub-images are compared and then merged to form
consistent pixel islands. Finally, region growing is
resumed from the pixel islands by gradually relaxing the
quality threshold used for controlling the region
growing process and merging the different pixel islands
whenever possible. The algorithm is demonstrated for
generating in vivo two-point Dixon images.
1664. |
Assessing the Performance
of Homodyne Combined with 2-point Dixon Reconstruction
Brady Quist1,2, Evan G. Levine1,2,
Bruce L. Daniel1, Brian A. Hargreaves1,
and Manojkumar Saranathan1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
The 2-point Dixon and Homodyne method each rely on
certain assumptions of the underlying phase in the image
to work correctly. Here we analyze a published method of
combining both reconstruction techniques into one,
effectively performing fat/water separation while
regaining lost resolution from a partial k-space
acquisition. New echo times with improved phase
characteristics are proposed which are shown to reduce
the artifact associated with the method. The Homodyne
Dixon method along with the new echo time choice can
enable improved temporal or spatial resolution in
time-sensitive scans such as DCE or breath hold imaging.
1665. |
A single point, echo time
independent water/fat separation method
Sjoerd Crijns1, Bjorn Stemkens1,
Alessandro Sbrizzi1,2, Jan Lagendijk1,
Peter Luijten2, Nico van den Berg1,
and Anna Andreychenko1
1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Radiology,
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dixon water/fat separation sequences usually need at
least two images acquired at different TEs constrained
to specific values, causing prolonged repetition and
acquisition times and complicating application in
dynamic imaging (e.g. DCE-MRI). We propose a single
point water/fat separation method based on alternation
of two RF pulses that introduces a spatial shift of fat
with respect to water in the reconstructed image. We
demonstrate the feasibility of this method and obtain
in-phase water/fat separated images at an arbitrary echo
time in a single acquisition.
1666. |
An artifacts reducing
approach for fat-water separation in spatiotemporally
encoded single-shot MRI 
Lin Chen1, Congbo Cai1, Shuhui Cai1,
Jing Li1, Miao Zhang1, Ting Zhang1,
and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Separation of fat and water signals in MRI is very
important for many clinical applications. Usual methods,
such as Dixon and IDEAL, will lead to a long scan time.
Spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) single-shot MRI is an
alternative method to separate fat and water in
subsecond. For SPEN approach, super-resolved
reconstruction is indispensable. However, existing
algorithms will result in artifacts. In this abstract,
compressed sensing is applied to the reconstruction to
reduce the artifacts and improve the image quality. This
reconstruction algorithm would benefit the application
of SPEN single-shot MRI to fat-water separation.
1667. |
Water Fat Separation from a
Single Spatiotemporally Encoded Echo Using k-space Peaking
and Joint Regularized Estimation 
Ying Chen1, Congbo Cai1, Jianhui
Zhong2, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronics Science,Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Department
of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester,
New York, United States
This abstract proposed a high-resolution water fat
separation algorithm using single spatiotemporally
encoded echo. The overall field inhomogeneity in each
spatiotemporally encoded signal line was evaluated; then
spatial smoothness regularization was imposed to the
signal equation set to estimate water and fat profiles
in these lines; by evaluating the phase linearity of the
output, the regions where intermingling may exist can be
identified and were constrained with adaptive filtering
regularization in the second estimation for better
output. Experiment results show this technique can
deliver more efficient water fat separation in many
cases that is challenging or intractable for
conventional methods.
1668. |
MR Fingerprinting :
Fat-Water separation imaging 
Su-Chin Chiu1,2, Hsiao-Wen Chung2,
Martin Buechert1, and Michael Bock1
1Radiology - Medical Physics, University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
The MR fingerprinting (MRF) has recently been introduced
to generate various quantitative parameter maps in a
single image acquisition. In this study we extend MRF to
apply it to fat/water separation. In addition to
acquiring parameter maps of T1 and T2, fat and water
fraction maps were created with a dedicated MRF pulse
sequence and an orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm
with 3 iterations. In a phantom experiment the fat/water
separations shows a good agreement with data from an MR
spectroscopic method.
1669. |
Comparison of fat content
measured by MRI water-fat separation, MR spectroscopy and
chemical analysis on salmon 
Julien Picaud1,2, Guylaine Collewet1,
Giulio Gambarota3,4, and Jerome Idier2
1UR TERE, IRSTEA, Rennes, France, 2IRCCyN,
CNRS, Nantes, France, 3UMR
1099, INSERM, Rennes, France, 4LTSI,
Universite de Rennes 1, Rennes, France
The purpose of this study was to compare fat
quantification on fish using MRI water/fat separation
with localized spectroscopy (MRS) and with chemical
analysis. 36 samples inside a wild salmon were used for
MRI vs. MRS and 15 salmon cutlets for MRI vs. chemical
analysis. MRI images and MRS spectra were acquired at
1.5T. We used GRE with 6 echoes and the VarPro
reconstruction method proposed by Hernando (MRM 2010,
63-1). High correlations were found in both cases. Very
good agreement was found between MRI and MRS while and
overestimation of fat content was observed for MRI
versus chemical analysis.
1670. |
On the confounding effect
of temperature on chemical shift-encoded fat quantification
Diego Hernando1, Samir D. Sharma1,
Harald Kramer1,2, and Scott B. Reeder1,3
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany, 3Medicine,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
The proton resonance frequency (PRF) of water depends on
temperature, whereas the PRF of triglycerides is
temperature independent (aside from bulk susceptibility
effects). This leads to a temperature dependence of the
frequency shift between fat and water resonances, which
may introduce errors in chemical shift-encoded (CSE) fat
quantification methods that assume a known relative
shift between the PRF of water and fat. In this work, we
characterize the confounding effect of temperature on
CSE fat quantification. Further, we demonstrate that a
temperature-corrected spectral model of fat can be used
to avoid these errors.
1671. |
On the Effect of Fat
Suppression via Chemically Selective Saturation (CHESS)
Pulses on R2* Measurements
in Patients with Transfusional Iron Overload 
Axel Joachim Krafft1, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
Xiao Bian1,2, Ruitian Song1, Beth
M. McCarville1, Jane S. Hankins3,
and Claudia M. Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Rhodes
College, Memphis, TN, United States, 3Hematology,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN,
United States
Fat is a confounder in R2* based liver iron assessment
as fat-water modulations in multi gradient echo imaging
eventually affect the T2* evaluation. A simple solution
could be the inclusion of fat suppression (FS) via
chemically selective saturation (CHESS). However,
decreasing T2* times as observed with increasing liver
iron correspond to spectral profiles which overlap with
the CHESS frequency band. This partial saturation
potentially alters R2* leading to a biased iron
evaluation. Here, the effect of CHESS FS on R2* is
measured in 65 transfusional iron overload patients. A
phenomenological model is presented to explain and
correct the observed changes.
1672. |
Signal Model Consistency
Analysis of Different Protocols and Spectral Models in Multi
Gradient Echo Liver PDFF and R2* Quantification
Mario A. Bacher1,2, Xiaodong Zhong3,
Brian M. Dale4, Marcel D. Nickel2,
Berthold Kiefer2, Mustafa R. Bashir5,
Rudolf Stollberger1, and Stephan A.R.
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Technical
University Graz, Graz, Austria, 2MR
Applications Development, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany, 3MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 4MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Cary, NC, United
States, 5Department
of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
NC, United States
Multi gradient echo quantification of liver proton
density fat fraction (PDFF) and transverse relaxation
rate (R2*) was analyzed using model consistency metrics.
Different acquisition protocols and fat spectral models
as reconstruction parameters were compared. Data from
twenty healthy volunteers showed no significant
differences in PDFF for different protocols, but
significant differences in PDFF and R2* for different
protocols and spectral models. With respect to fitting
error, the protocols were significantly different,
whereas the spectral models were not significantly
different from each other. Model consistency analysis is
a useful tool for evaluating multi gradient echo imaging
with advanced quantification
1673. |
Fat Quantification with an
Interleaved Bipolar Acquisition
Abraam S Soliman1,2, Curtis Wiens3,
Trevor Wade2,4, Ann Shimakawa5,
Terry M Peters1,2, and Charles A McKenzie1,4
1Biomedical Engineering, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging
Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute,
London, Ontario, Canada, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
States, 4Medical
Biophysics, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 5Global
MR Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo
Park, California, United States
Chemical-shift based multi gradient echo sequences have
been widely used for water/fat separation. Typically, 6
unipolar readout gradients are applied over multiple
shots in order to achieve optimal echo-spacing. Although
single shot bipolar readout acquisition can offer
optimal echo-spacing with shorter scan time, phase
errors can significantly corrupt water/fat separation.
To overcome this problem, a new interleaved bipolar
acquisition is proposed. Accurate fat quantification is
demonstrated in phantom and in-vivo experiments compared
to the well-established unipolar sequence. The proposed
bipolar acquisition scheme offers accurate fat fraction
maps with shorter acquisitions and higher SNR efficiency
compared to unipolar sequences.
1674. |
14 T NMR and 7 T MRI in
vitro investigation
of cold stimulation of abdominal WAT, inguinal WAT and BAT 
Alexander Brunner1, Daniela Strzoda2,
Karel D. Klika3, Mathies Breithaupt1,
Vanessa Stahl1, Stephan Herzig2,
and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Molecular
Metabolic Control, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
Heidelberg, Germany, 3Molecular
Structure Analysis, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
Heidelberg, Germany
Based on its unique thermogenic capacity, brown adipose
tissue (BAT) shows very high potential to serve as a
therapeutic node in the treatment of metabolic
disorders, e.g., obesity. Recently, the BOLD effect
T2*-weighted MRI during cold stimulation was used to
detect cold-activated BAT in human individuals [1]. In
this work, we compared 14 T NMR spectra and, for the
first time, water fat fraction (WFF) [2], T1, T2 values
measured in vitro by 7 T MRI between BAT, inguinal white
adipose tissue (iWAT) and abdominal white adipose tissue
(aWAT) in cold-stimulated mice and normal mice.
Imaging Metal Implants
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1675. |
Polarized Multi-Channel
Transmit MRI to Reduce B1-Shading near Metal Implants 
Theresa Bachschmidt1,2, Peter Jakob2,
Markus Vester1, Jürgen Nistler1,
and Mathias Nittka1
1Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Susceptibility-induced artifacts in MR imaging of metal
hip implants can be addressed by methods like SEMAC.
Hence, B1 effects like shading and banding become more
prominent at 3T. This work systematically analyzes B1
modulations and investigates a new approach to reduce
those by means of B1 polarization, using
state-of-the-art multi-channel transmit MRI systems. An
analytical model is verified numerically and in phantom
measurements. It is also used to predict and optimize
signal intensity patterns for spin-echo based sequences
and verified in vivo. This model helps to avoid signal
loss or sharp transitions between hypo- and
hyper-intense signal close to hip implants.
1676. |
MAVRIC-SL with 3x2 parallel
imaging and a hexagonally sampled calibration region
Bragi Sveinsson1, Valentina Taviani1,
Kevin Koch2, Garry Gold1, and
Brian Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Applied
Sciences Laboratory, General Electric, Waukesha, WI,
United States
MAVRIC-SL is routinely used for clinical imaging close
to metallic orthopedic devices. MAVRIC-SL collects
multiple off-resonant 3D volumes acquired under a
constant slab selection gradient. The collection of
multiple 3D volumes presents challenges in maintaining
short scan times. Previous work has demonstrated how
hexagonal sampling can substantially reduce scan time
when employing 2×1 parallel imaging. In this work, we
demonstrate a variation of this method that allows
hexagonal sampling in conjunction with 3×2 parallel
imaging for more rapid imaging.
1677. |
Quantified Estimates of
Artifact Regions near Metal-on-Poly and and Metal-on-Metal
Hip Replacements at 1.5T and 3T
Kevin Koch1, Adriana Kanwischer1,
and Robert Peters1
1GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, United States
An artifact quantification study is presented on
metal-on-metal and metal-on-poly total hip replacements
at 1.5T and 3T. Computational models and known
theoretical performance limitations are used to quantify
artifact volumes in 2D-FSE and 3D-MSI imaging
approaches. Analysis of these results demonstrates the
expected performance differences across different pulse
sequences, joint replacement constructions, and field
strengths. Simulated images are presented using an
anatomic hip model to demonstrate practical clinical
impact of the predicted artifacts.
Approach to characterize
magnetic inhomogenities for development of MRI sequences
near metallic prostheses
Matthew R. Smith1, Nathan S. Artz1,
and Scott B. Reeder1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
United States
Metallic implants induce extremely large B0 field
perturbations that cause severe signal distortion. The
purpose of this work is to examine the theoretically
induced field map perturbation using the digital
representation of commercially available metallic joint
prostheses. Simulations presented here demonstrate that
both RF excitation and frequency encoding is highly
problematic for these implants using current 3D-MSI
methods at both field strengths. Fully phase encoded
methods may help with the frequency-encoding distortion
but not with RF excitation limitations.
1679. |
On the Feasibility of
Overcoming Frequency Encoding Limitations Near Metal
Implants with Broadband Single-Point Imaging on Clinical MR
Kevin Koch1 and
Graeme McKinnon1
1GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, United States
It has been established that all frequency encoded
imaging acquisitions have encoding limitations that are
reached near commonly encountered implants at 3T. Here,
we present a study whereby the known limitations on
clinical MR scanners are modeled in the context of
broadband single-point imaging. The resolution, scan
time, and T2* signal loss of such a clinically viable
single-point-imaging implementation are discussed. It is
shown that such an implementation may provide signal
directly near metal implants that cannot be acquired via
any conventional readout-driven sequence
1680. |
Geometrically undistorted
imaging of orthopedic implants using compressed sensing
accelerated phase encoded imaging 
Jetse S. van Gorp1, Chris J.G. Bakker1,2,
Frank Zijlstra1, Jouke Smink3, Job
G. Bouwman1, and Peter R. Seevinck1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands,3Philips Healthcare,
Best, Netherlands
In this work 3D imaging was performed in the presence of
a titanium hip implant using conventional frequency
encoded and purely phase encoded spin-echo sequences.
Phase encoded images were shown to avert geometric
distortion and to improve image quality in the proximity
of the implant compared to conventional images. The
total acquisition time could be successfully decreased a
factor six by undersampling k-space in all three phase
encoded dimensions followed by compressed sensing
1681. |
A hybrid multi-spectral
approach for near metal imaging: combining the best of phase
and frequency encoding 
Jetse S. van Gorp1, Chris J.G. Bakker1,
and Peter R. Seevinck1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In this work the feasibility of a new hybrid
multi-spectral method is investigated using two
orthopedic implants. The method combines on-resonance
frequency encoded with off-resonance reduced field of
view fully phase encoded images, to exploit the
efficiency of frequency encoding and the geometrical
accuracy of phase encoding. Hybrid images were compared
to MAVRIC-type images, showing that the hybrid method
was able to improve the image quality adjacent to metal
implants. Large excitation bandwidths and a reduced
field-of-view could be used for the phase encoded
images, decreasing the number of necessary off-resonance
acquisitions and reducing the acquisition time compared
to solely phase encoded imaging.
1682. |
Hybrid structure design for
implants: dramatic reduction of the metal artifacts 
Toru Yamamoto1, Yanhui Gao2, and
Kazuhiro Muramatsu2
1Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Saga
University, Saga, Japan
MR artifacts caused by implants are hindering proper
diagnosis. Lowering the susceptibility of the material
has been being developed, but even titanium is not
enough for several diagnoses. To reduce these metal
artifacts to a small area to enable diagnosis, we
propose a new structural design of implants with hybrid
of paramagnetic outer shell and diamagnetic inner core.
The hybrid structure of paramagnetic and diamagnetic
materials reduces the metal artifact of the implant
dramatically. This structural design would be applied to
various orthopedic implants.
1683. |
Off-resonance Artifact
Reduction Methods for Imaging with Electrodes 
JaeJin Cho1, Yeji Han1, and
HyunWook Park1
1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Daejeon, Korea
This paper proposes the method that reduces the artifact
caused by the electrode used in deep brain stimulation
or electroencephalogram
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1684. |
Continuous vibration single
shot magnetic resonance elastography for fast wave image
Florian Dittmann1, Sebastian Hirsch1,
Jing Guo1, Jürgen Braun2, and
Ingolf Sack1
1Institute of Radiology, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We propose a single shot MRE sequence synchronized to
continuous mechanical vibrations by adaptive measurement
block shifting. As a result, measurement time is
significantly reduced compared to former single shot MRE
sequences without compromising SNR and data quality. The
new sequence is demonstrated for high resolution
elastography of the brain by applying 15 frequencies in
the range from 25 to 60 Hz and multifrequency wave field
inversion. For 7 slices, 8 wave dynamics and three field
components data acquisition for 15 frequencies was
accomplished within 9:40 min which is to our knowledge
the fastest MRE sequence currently available.
1685. |
Simultaneous Acquisition of
the 3D Displacement Vector in Magnetic Resonance
Elastography of the In Vivo Human Brain 
Dieter Klatt1, Curtis L. Johnson2,
Temel K. Yasar3, Joseph L. Holtrop2,4,
Bradley P. Sutton2,4, Thomas J. Royston1,
and Richard L. Magin1
1The Richard and Loan Hill Department of
Bioengineering, The University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, Illinois, United States, 3Mechanical
and Industrial Engineering, The University of Illinois
at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States,4Bioengineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,
Illinois, United States
SampLe Interval Modulation Magnetic Resonance
Elastography (SLIM-MRE) enables the simultaneous
acquisition of the 3D displacement vector through
direction-dependent shifting of motion encoding
gradients relative to the applied vibration. In this
study, we have embedded a SLIM-MRE acquisition scheme
into a multishot, variable-density spiral imaging
sequence and have determined the cerebral mechanical
properties of three volunteers. Our findings suggest
that SLIM reduces MRE scan time and allows immediate
co-registration of the three displacement components
without compromising inversion results.
1686. |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography with a Wireless Synchronization Pneumatic
Vibration System 
Tomokazu Numano1, Kazuyuki Mizuhara2,
Yoshihiko Kawabata3, Toshikatsu Washio4,
and Kazuhiro Homma4
1Radiological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Arakawa, Tokyo, Japan, 2Mechanical
Engineering, TOKYO DENKI UNIVERSITY, Adachi, Tokyo,
Japan, 3Takashima
Seisakusho Co.,Ltd, Hino, Tokyo, Japan, 4National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
In this work a new MR Elastography (MRE) technique which
can be performed on conventional MRI was developed. A
wireless TR synchronization system consists of
high-frequency radio receiver and a plain dipole antenna
tuned to the RF excitation frequency was developed. The
leak RF signal received via the dipole antenna, in the
magnet room was available as the TR synchronization
trigger then any electrical wiring from the MRI
electronics is required. The fusion of the simple MRE
sequence and the wireless synchronization pneumatic
vibration system make it possible to construct the MRE
system in any conventional MRI system.
Multi-Direction Excitation
for Magnetic Resonance Elastography to Increase the Fidelity
of Mechanical Properties 
Aaron T Anderson1, Curtis L Johnson2,
Joseph L Holtrop2,3, Elijah EW Van Houten4,5,
Matthew DJ McGarry5, Keith D Paulsen5,6,
Bradley P Sutton2,3, and John G Georgiadis1,2
1Mechanical Science & Engineering, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United
States, 2Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Bioengineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 4Département
de Génie Mécanique, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
QC, Canada, 5Thayer
School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH,
United States, 6Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, United States
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) has seen many
advances in shear wave drivers, imaging techniques, and
material property reconstruction but continues to have
issue with specificity of properties within anisotropic
microstructures due to the isotropic assumption.
Sections within the brain with highly ordered structure
behave very differently depending on the direction of
applied shear, longitudinal compared to transverse.
Adding multiple shaking directions, within the existing
isotropic framework, shows promise of increasing the
fidelity of all reconstructed material properties and
throughout the brain. The increase in fidelity will help
improve diagnosis of diseases affecting the
microstructure of the brain.
1688. |
Tabletop magnetic resonance
elastography for the measurement of viscoelastic properties
in soft tissue micro samples
Selcan Ipek-Ugay1, Michael Ledwig2,
Toni Drießle2, Jing Guo3, Ingolf
Sack3, and Jürgen Braun4
1Radiology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Pure
Devices GmbH, Würzburg, Germany, 3Radiology,
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Medical
Informatics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin,
A tabletop magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) system
was developed based on a 0.5T permanent magnet for the
analysis of viscoelastic properties of tissue samples.
The system allowed us the measurement of viscoelastic
parameters in soft tissue samples in a frequency range
of 500-1000 Hz. The data are in good agreement to
published data acquired in a 7T-highfield
superconducting magnet. Acquiring the same
viscoelasticity information by low costs with little
requirements for space and maintenance might support MRE
developments towards mechanics based histopathology
capable to links viscoelastic constants with the
etiology and pathogenesis of diseases.
1689. |
MR-Rheology - A feasibility
study with phantoms 
Anna-Lisa Kofahl1, Jakob Bindl1,
Deniz Ulucay1, Sebastian Theilenberg1,
Judith Wild1, Sylvia Napiletzki1,
Alexandra Vohlen1, Jürgen Finsterbusch2,
Bernd Weber3, Carsten Urbach1, and
Karl Maier1
1HISKP, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 3Life
& Brain GmbH, Bonn, Germany
The knowledge of the viscoelastic properties of the
human brain tissue may aid in the diagnosis of diseases
like Alzheimer’s disease, brain cancer or multiple
sclerosis. A novel method to image the viscoelastic
properties of the brain in vivo and non-invasively with
a good spatial resolution is Magnetic Resonance Rheology
(MR-R). MR-R uses an acceleration and creep experiment
inside an MRI, where a motion encoding EPI sequence is
used to measure the relaxation movement of the substance
under investigation. To prove the feasibility of this
novel method and to estimate its potential agar-phantoms
with and without inclusions are investigated.
1690. |
Magnetic Resonance Rheology
of the human brain 
Sebastian Theilenberg1, Jakob Bindl1,
Anna-Lisa Kofahl1, Deniz Ulucay1,
Judith Wild1, Alexandra Vohlen1,
Sylvia Napiletzki1, Jürgen Finsterbusch2,
Bernd Weber3, Carsten Urbach1, and
Karl Maier1
1HISKP, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 3Life
& Brain GmbH, Bonn, Germany
Magnetic Resonance Rheology is a novel method to image
the viscoelastic properties of tissue in vivo using MRI
phase images. By introducing a free fall over a small
height the steady state of the brain tissue is
disturbed, causing the tissue to move relative to the
cranial bone. The exact trajectory of this motion is
dependent on the local viscoelastic properties.
Measuring these using a motion sensitive single-shot EPI
sequence synchronized to the free fall creates a phase
contrast. By varying the point in time of measurement
the whole trajectory can be investigated.
1691. |
Effects of Fiber Curvature
on Anisotropic Inversions in Waveguide Elastography 
Anthony Romano1, Varsha Viswanath2,
Jing Guo3, Michael Scheel3,
Sebastian Hirsch3, Jürgen Braun4,
and Ingolf Sack3
1Physical Acoustics, The Naval Research
Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of California at
Davis, Davis, CA, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin, Berlin,
Germany, 4Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin,
Berlin, Germany
Previously, we introduced a method called Waveguide
Elastography and implemented this to analyze the
anisotropic stiffnesses of the Corticospinal Tracts of
both healthy volunteers and patients suffering from ALS.
In these previous studies, we inverted the Orthotropic
equations of motion along the local tangent vectors of
the fiber tracts. Here, we invert along the principal
direction of fiber tracts while including the effects of
curvature. It was observed that the effects of curvature
in the calculation of the Laplacians bias the “inherent”
stiffness in a similar fashion as wave velocities are
altered by an index of refraction in ray theory.
1692. |
Power-Law Multi-Frequency
MRE Reconstruction 
Elijah EW Van Houten1, Curtis L Johnson2,
Aaron T Anderson2, Joseph L Holtrop2,
Bradley P Sutton2, John G Georgiadis2,
Matthew D McGarry3, John B Weaver3,
and Keith D Paulsen3
1Univ. de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Univ.
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States, 3Dartmouth
College, NH, United States
A multi-frequency magnetic resonance elastography image
reconstruction method is presented with power-law
frequency dependency for the elastic properties. The
method is based on a nonlinear inversion framework and
uses a generalized Rayleigh damping model for the soft
tissue elastic energy absorption. Comparative
reconstructions in a healthy brain, based on three
frequencies of excitation, show improved fidelity and
definition within the power-law multi-frequency image.
Structures such as the ventricles and the falx cerebri
are clearly defined and possess material property values
in line with expectations.
1693. |
Remotely induced cerebral
strain for enhanced safety and acceptance of MR elastography
of the brain 
Andreas Fehlner1, Sebastian Papazoglou1,
Jing Guo1, Kaspar-Josche Streitberger1,
Sebastian Hirsch1, Jürgen Braun2,
and Ingolf Sack1
1Department of Radiology, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
A new driver for brain MRE is introduced which avoids
the direct application of vibrations to the head without
compromising sufficiently high extrinsic wave amplitudes
needed for MRE. Waves are introduced into the cranial
cavity by a chest cradle mounted to a piezo-based
actuator which was placed at the end of the patient
table. The new driver is particularly suited for low
drive frequencies (25–40 Hz) which are capable to
resolve anatomical details and provide viscoelastic
parameters in agreement to previous work. The new method
is demonstrated in ten healthy volunteers for 8 driving
frequencies and two 3D views.
1694. |
Waves as biosensor for
Simon A. Lambert1,2, Peter Nashölm3,
Lauriane Juge1, Lynne Bilston4,
Bojan Guzina5, Sverre Holm3, and
Ralph Sinkus2
1INSERM U1149, 1- Center for research on
inflammation, Université Paris 7, Clichy, Ile de france,
France, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, KCL, BHF
Centre of Excellence, london, London, United Kingdom, 3Informatics
Department, University of Oslo, oslo, Norway, 4University
of New South Wales, Neuroscience Research Australia,
Randwick, Australia, 5University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States
Recently in vivo experiments using Multifrequency MRE (MMRE)
have shown that the exponent of the power law derived
from MMRE data fitting with a power law could be more
sensitive to specific pathologies such as fibrosis,
steatosis or even inflammation. However these works lack
fundamental understanding of the relation existing
between the tissue microstructure with its macroscopic
nature. In this study we develop a full theoretical
model of shear wave propagation at the microscopic scale
in phantoms containing wave obstacles and demonstrate
that shear waves are able to reveal at the macroscopic
scale the hidden micro-architectural properties of the
1695. |
3D Gradient Echo MRE of the
Liver with CLEAR Parallel Image Reconstruction 
Roger C Grimm1, Joshua D Trzasko1,
Armando Manduca1, and Richard L Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Clinical 2D GRE Elastography is acquired and processed
as 2D data sets. Commonly, four slices of stiffness
estimates can be obtained in four breath-holds. A true
3D wave field sample with 3D processing would provide a
more accurate estimate of the tissue stiffness. The
proposed 3D GRE sequence can provide similar slice
throughput with four to six 3D processed images obtained
in four breath-holds. Due to the nature of the
acquisition, the GRE scans provide fewer artifacts
compared to similar EPI scans. The CLEAR reconstruction
algorithm is used to provide superior ghost reduction
compared to ASSET while providing additional
1696. |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography of cysts and fluid filled cavities 
Jing Guo1, Sebastian Hirsch1,
Sebastian Papazoglou1, Kaspar-Josche
Streitberger1, Andreas Fehlner1,
Juergen Braun2, and Ingolf Sack1
1Department of Radiology, Charite -
Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Medical Informatics, Charite - Universitaetsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
MRE can differentiate small lesions based on their
stiffness or softness compared to surrounding healthy
tissue. However, in tissue with fluid filled cavities
the obtained elastograms are biased due to effects of
the lesion's geometry to the refracted wave field,
resulting an overestimation of stiffness values. We
analyze this effect by numerical simulations and MRE
data of phantoms and in vivo cysts in the abdomen and
brain. Our results indicate severe overestimation of
viscoelasticity in cysts unlike other fluid filled parts
of the tissue. We show that this effect is a result of
resonances in oscillating cavities with regular
1697. |
Displacement field
normalization in MR-elastography: phantom validation and in
vivo application
Marion Tardieu1, Marie Poirier-Quinot1,
Ralph Sinkus2, Luc Darrasse1, and
Xavier Maître1
1IR4M (UMR8081), CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Orsay,
France, 2Imaging
Sciences & Biomedical Engineering Division, King's
College, London, United Kingdom
MR-elastography aims at characterizing the mechanical
properties of living tissues by probing wave propagation
therein. Displacement fields are recorded over a
mechanical cycle by encoding the inferred motion along
the three spatial directions. Thus the complex shear
viscoelastic moduli can be computed after inversion of
the wave equation. Patients' motion during the MR-acquisition
usually results in unrestrained spatial transformations
of the targeted organ. It may also yield unwanted
mismatch of the components of the acquired displacement
fields. Spatial normalization of the phase image along
the magnitude image tackles the correcting linear or
non-linear transformations but, as numerically showed
recently, displacement field normalization is required
to fully recover the phase information in
MR-elastography and improve the parametric
reconstruction. Here, we experimentally validate the
approach by applying these corrections on a breast
phantom after MR-elastography exams for arbitrary
three-dimensional rotations. This double normalization
scheme was advantageously applied on a brain
MR-elastography data set where the subject had
involuntary moved during the acquisition.
1698. |
MR elastography of MPTP-induced
Parkinson’s disease in the mouse 
Ingolf Sack1, Barbara Steiner2,
Charlotte Klein2, Elisabeth Hain2,
Kerstin Riek3, Jing Guo3, and
Jürgen Braun4
1Radiology, Charité-Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Neurology,
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Radiology,
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Medical
Informatics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin,
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) was applied to a
murine model of neurotoxin-induced Parkinson's disease
and compared to histological findings. For the first
time, a significant increase of cerebral elasticity was
observed in response to disease. We found an increase in
the storage modulus of the brain at day 6 after
treatment with the neurotoxin MPTP which parallels the
proliferation of new neurons predominantly in the
hippocampal region. The results provide insight into the
crucial role of neurons for the constitution of the
viscoelastic matrix and motivate further applications of
MRE in patients as a new biomarker for neurodegenerative