Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
MR-Guided Interventions: Techniques & Acquisitions
Wednesday 14 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2313. |
Backflow variability shows
importance of MR monitoring of CED infusions 
Ethan K. Brodsky1,2, Benjamin Grabow1,
Martin L. Brady3, Raghu Raghavan3,
Chris D. Ross4, and Walter F. Block1,2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
United States, 3Therataxis,
LLC, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Engineering
Resources Group, Inc., Pembroke Pines, FL, United States
Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) is a neurosurgical
procedure for delivering large molecular and viral
vectors into the brain. Its effectiveness has been
somewhat limited, however, by unexplained variability,
with two identical infusion protocols sometimes
generating very different drug distributions. We have
completed a comprehensive study on the use of real-time
MR monitoring to unravel often conflicting
recommendations on the design of infusion catheters,
flow rates, and other techniques to minimize variance in
drug distribution. Specifically, we present results here
regarding an investigation to minimize variations in
drug distribution due to unwanted loss of infusate
through a low pressure escape route along the exterior
of the catheter, termed “backflow”.
2314. |
Novel intervention for
acute migraine headache investigated by BOLD fMRI 
Tie-Qiang Li1, Yanlu Wang1, Rolf
Hallin2, and Jan-Erik Juto3
1Department of Medical Physics, Karolinska
University Hospital, Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department
of Neurophysiology, Karolinska University Hospital,
Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Department
of CLINTEC, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, Stockholm,
The purpose of the study was to investigate the
dynamical functional response in hypothalamus to a novel
therapeutic intervention which has been shown to be
extraordinarily effective for treating migraine headache
and narcolepsy. BOLD fMRI experiments were carried out
under a non-invasive intervention for clinical patients
with acute migraine headache attack. The BOLD responses
under different interventional conditions indicate that
restoring the physiological homeostasis in hypothalamus
and associated functional network at the basal of the
brain, which is the control center of the autonomic
nervous system (ANS), provides an efficient approach for
the treatment of central nervous system disorders.
2315. |
In vivo evaluation of
simultaneous MR-Electrophysiology in large animal model.
Delphine Elbes1, Julie Magat1,
Assaf Govari2, Yaron Ephrath2,
Delphine Vieillot3, Christopher Beeckler2,
Pierre Jais1, and Bruno Quesson1
1CRCTB/IHU LIRYC, University of Bordeaux,
Pessac, Gironde, France, 2Biosense
Webster, Israel, 3PTIB,
University of Bordeaux, Pessac, Gironde, France
Cardiac electrical dysfunction can be assessed by
mini-invasive electrophysiological (EP) mapping. Being
able to collect electrical data simultaneously to MR
acquisition would simplify the interventional procedure,
allow for reduction of examination duration for the
patients and clinicians, and reduce registration errors.
This study presents simultaneous MR-EP using a 10 poles,
circular, EP catheter. Evaluation of the
MR-compatibility is presented, together with
simultaneous MR-EP measurements obtained in vivo on a
large animal model. The electrograms obtained in the MR
scanner operating at 1.5 T were compared to measurement
performed under identical conditions in the adjacent
catheter lab under X-Ray fluoroscopy.
2316. |
Water Relaxation Parameters
and the State of Coagulation of a Protein for Vascular
Ming Zhao1,2 and
Jerome L. Ackerman2
1University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell,
MA, United States, 2MGH/MIT
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States
As part of a project to develop MR coagulation (MR-induced
RF heating of a coagulable biomaterial) for minimally
invasive repair of vascular lesions, we investigate the
relationship between the heat coagulation behavior and
MR relaxation properties of egg white. This protein
solution is a good model for the analogous behavior of
human serum albumin solution, an optimal (but expensive)
biomaterial for MR coagulation. We find that large
changes in both T2 and T1rho clearly indicate the
temperature at which the coagulation process occurs, as
validated by light scattering measurements.
2317. |
Dual echo balanced SSFP for
positive contrast of passive nitinol devices in MRI-guided
cardiovascular interventions 
Adrienne E Campbell-Washburn1, Toby Rogers1,
Hui Xue1, Michael S Hansen1,
Robert J Lederman1, and Anthony Z Faranesh1
1Division of Intramural Research, National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
In order to perform MR-guided cardiovascular
interventions, imaging must be fast, interactive and
provide good visualization of devices. A dual echo bSSFP
sequence is implemented to image commercially available
passive devices. This sequence generates a positive
contrast device image and an anatomical reference image
in a single acquisition (3 frames/second), and reduces
SAR using a variable flip angle scheme. Graphical color
overlay of the device is provided as visual feedback to
operator. In vivo data of a nitinol guidewire in a pig
shows utilization of this technique for improved
visualization of commercially available passive devices
without device modification.
2318. |
Cylindrical Encoding in MRI 
Taner Demir1, Ali Caglar Ozen2,
Emre Kopanoglu3, and Ergin Atalar1,4
1Umram, Bilkent University, Ankara, Ankara,
Turkey, 2University
of Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 3Yale
University, Connecticut, United States, 4Dept.
of EE Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Ankara,
The cylindrical encoding as a novel method for high
resolution imaging without requiring the use of high
strength gradients is introduced. Phase encoding in the
circumferential direction is obtained by alternating
transmission using a loopless catheter antenna and a
birdcage coil in two shot fast spin echo pulse sequence.
The readout is carried out in the direction of main
magnetic field. The MR signal is received as the radial
projection of the spins. The image is reconstructed by
inverse Fourier transforming the rearranged projection
2319. |
Real-time distortion
correction of spiral MRI using the gradient system impulse
response function 
Adrienne E Campbell-Washburn1, Hui Xue1,
Robert J Lederman1, Anthony Z Faranesh1,
and Michael S Hansen1
1Division of Intramural Research, National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
Spiral MRI is fast and low SAR, and therefore has
potential utility for MR-guided interventions. To remove
distortions in spiral MR images, gradient waveform
imperfections must be corrected. In this abstract, the
measured gradient system impulse response function is
used to correct k-space trajectories in real-time for
arbitrary image orientations and is demonstrated to
remove image distortions in a phantom. In addition, an
interactive off-resonance reconstruction is used to
de-blur image regions of interest. In vivo, spiral
imaging is performed with 10-15 frames/second. The
introduction of these real-time distortion corrections
will make spiral MR-guided interventions feasible.
2320. |
Development of a
Magnetohydrodynamically Driven Actuator for Use in MRI 
James Box1, T. Stan Gregory1,
Alexander Squires1, Yabiao Gao1,
and Zion Tse1
1College of Engineering, The University of
Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States
Microscopic medical robots capable of translating in a
bloodstream or similar liquid represents a new type of
therapeutic technology for endo-vascular interventions.
Local drug delivery of diagnostic and chemotherapeutic
agents could be delivered to tumors, blood clots, and
infections. Microcapsule control in such a situation
presents a barrier for the implementation of this
technology. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) voltages are
created in major vasculature when blood ejected into the
aortic arch during early systole interacts with the
strong magnetic field of the MRI. By utilizing the MHD
effect within the strong magnetic field of the MRI (Fig.
1), the opportunity to propel a device and provide
imaging is presented simultaneously. We hypothesized
that a wireless MHD-driven thruster could be developed
for the application of controlling microscopic endo-capsules
within the strong magnetic field of the MRI scanner.
A new method for MR
compatible actuation: Solid Media Flexible Transmission 
Nicholas C von Sternberg1, Junmo An1,
Karen Chin2, Dipan J Shah2, and
Nikolaos V Tsekos1
1University of Houston, Houston, Texas,
United States, 2Houston
Methodist, Houston, Texas, United States
This work briefly describes the purpose, implementation
and results of a new method of linear force transmission
that has been developed to address the specific needs of
MR compatible actuation. Described within are the
strengths and weaknesses of current actuation techniques
and how a novel new technology can better fulfill the
actuation needs of image guided interventions without
sacrificing image quality. The described method of force
transmission can be used to transform standard robotic
actuators and control hardware solutions into MR
compatible solutions and has been developed using only
off-the-shelf hardware.
2322. |
Haptic Guidance Platform
for MR-guided Cardiac Electrophysiology Therapy
Yue Chen1, Ka-Wai Kwok1, Thomas CP
Chau2, Wayne Luk2, Kent Ronald
Nilsson1, Ehud J. Schmidt3, and
Zion Tsz Ho Tse1
1Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens,
GA, United States, 2Computing,
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Radiology,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
A catheter control device is developed, which is capable
to simulate force and tactile feeling of interaction
between the cardiovascular structure and catheter tip.
The objective is to improve radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
safety and reliability for MR-guided cardiac
electrophysiological (EP) therapy. This MR-conditional
haptic interface can be integrated with the
clinically-used catheters and kits for MR-guided EP.
Detailed validation was conducted in simulated RFA tasks
performed by 12 subjects to evaluate the effect of such
haptic feedback on improved catheter manipulation and
lesion RFA. The task improvement in terms of in safety,
accuracy and RFA sufficiency demonstrates the clinical
2323. |
A System for Real-time
MRI-guided Transperineal Interventions 
Santhi Elayaperumal1, Juan Camilo Plata2,
Andrew Holbrook3, Bruce Daniel3,
Mark Cutkosky1, and Kim Butts Pauly3
1Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
Stanford University, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Stanford University, CA, United States
We present a feasibility study of a system for MR-guided
interventions including a passive manipulator to steer a
needle from outside a closed bore scanner, demonstrated
by a prostate biopsy in a canine. The system comprises
of a shape sensing needle with fiber optic strain
sensors such that the full 3D shape of the needle can be
reconstructed and used to inform the physician about the
tool trajectory in real-time. Real-time imaging,
tracking and tool annotation is integrated with a web
browser based guided user interface, which allows the
physician visualization and scanner control
intraoperatively from inside the MRI suite.
2324. |
Multi Planar Reconstruction
Technique for MR-endoscope System based on Scope Tip
Tracking with Gradient Field Sensor
Akihiro Takahashi1, Etsuko Kumamoto2,
Yuichiro Matsuoka3, Yoshinori Morita4,
Hiromu Kutsumi5, Takeshi Azuma5,
and Kagayaki Kuroda6,7
1Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe
University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Information
Science and Technology Center, Kobe University, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan,3Center for Information and
Neural Networks, National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Suita, Osaka, Japan, 4School
of Medicine, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 5Graduate
School of Medicine, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 6Kobe
International Frontier Medical Center, Kobe, Hyogo,
Japan,7Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai
University, Hiratsuka, Japan
A multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) technique based on
the endoscope tip tracking information for MR-endoscope
system is proposed. Cross sectional images of
arbitrarily extracted sagittal, coronal, axial and
oblique planes are readily reconstructed from the MR
volume data according to the endoscope tip location and
orientation detected by a gradient magnetic field
sensor. The geometry data are annotated in the endoscope
images as a digital watermark. The proposed technique
enables smooth presentation of the region of interest in
the MR images simultaneously superimposed on the
endoscope images during operation.
2325. |
Evaluation of an novel
RFID-based navigation system for MRI-guided interventions
and surgery
Felix V. Güttler1, Andreas Heinrich1,
Michael Sonnabend1, and Ulf Teichgräber1
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
Jena, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the suitability
of a novel RFID-based tracking system for intraoperative
MRI. Therefore the spatial accuracy and SNR according to
the NEMA standard MS 1-2008 was quantified. The
installation of an RFID system including transponders
and receivers in the magnet room in close distance to
the magnet has low of non-relevant influence on MRI.
However the spatial accuracy have to be improved for an
application as tracking system in intraoperative MRI.
2326. |
Localization and tracking
with RF coils that are optically detuned by the control of
an MR compatible manipulator 
Junmo An1, Nicholas von Sternberg1,
Karen Chin2, Dipan J. Shah2,
Andrew G. Webb3, and Nikolaos V. Tsekos1
1University of Houston, Houston, Texas,
United States, 2Houston
Methodist, Texas, United States, 3Leiden
University, Leiden, Netherlands
The aim of this work is to investigate localization and
tracking techniques to automatically select which
MR-visible markers are required to be visible on the MR
image by the robot control module. To unambiguously
distinguish the markers, each marker can be selectively
visible or invisible on the MR image for monitoring the
motion of the MR-compatible manipulators. The described
technique can be used for robust and fast tracking with
two-dimensional images or one-dimensional projections of
multiple markers on an interventional device, such as
the shaft of steerable catheters and the end-effectors
of MR-compatible manipulators.
2327. |
Micro Resonant Marker for
Endovascular Catheter Tracking in Interventional MRI: In
Vitro Imaging at 3T
Bradford RH Thorne1, Prasheel Lillaney1,
Aaron Losey1, Xiaoliang Zhang1,
Yong Pang1, and Steven Hetts1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States
The purpose of this study was to design and manufacture
a miniature resonant structure for use as a bright
marker on endovascular catheters for use in
interventional magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI)
procedures. Resonant markers were positioned Parallel
with B0 in
a water phantom and imaged using a spoiled gradient echo
sequence with a low flip angle. Prior to imaging, a
network analyzer was used to tune the markers to the
desired frequency of 127.72 MHz for operation at 3T. The
marker provides an opportunity to safely and accurately
perform MR guided procedures with smaller devices than
previously possible.
2328. |
Local Refinement for
Automatic Probe Detection in 3T MRI 
Xinyang Liu1, Kemal Tuncali1,
William M Wells III1, and Gary P. Zientara1
1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
The purpose of this study is to develop an automatic
approach to detect multiple 3D probes in 3T abdominal
HASTE images obtained during MRI-guided cryoablation.
The detected probes can be used to guide automatic
iceball segmentation during the freeze cycles of the
procedure. We introduced a novel template to model the
probe artifact, and an extra local refinement process to
improve accuracy of the detection. Retrospective
experiments based on 13 MRI-guided cryoablation cases
show that our automatic probe detection method with
local refinement is accurate and robust, compared with
results determined manually, and is feasible for
clinical use.
2329. |
Real-Time Imaging Plane
Control using Tip Tracking Coils and Motion Prediction
Peng Wang1 and
Orhan Unal1,2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States
MRI-guided RF ablation is a promising method for guiding
and conducting thermal therapies such as
electrophysiology (EP) procedures and relies on accurate
temperature monitoring. Proton resonance frequency (PRF)
shift MR thermometry, which is the choice of method, is
very sensitive to motion. In this work, a novel method
that employs active tip tracking coils and Extended
Kalman Filter is proposed for motion prediction and
compensation. Compared with previously described MR
thermometry methods, the proposed method can be
particularly advantageous for correcting through-plane
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Wednesday 14 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2330. |
Integration of an Inductive
Driven Axially Split Quadrature Volume Coil with MRgFUS
System for treatment of Human Brain 
Ronald D Watkins1, Rachelle Bitton1,
and Kim Butts Pauly1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
A volume brain coil has been developed that allows the
upper half of the coil to reside inside a focused
ultrasound brain transducer. The upper half is
inductively driven by the lower coil half obviating the
need for electrical wire connections across the membrane
into the acoustic water path. The coil transmits in the
local region of the head reducing total SAR from a whole
body coil and improves signal to noise ratio and
temperature uncertainty by 300%
2331. |
RF Shimming in an MRgFUS
Brain Transducer with a High Permittivity Material
Kim Butts Pauly1, Ron Watkins2,
Rachelle Bitton2, Wyger Brink3,
Andrew Webb3, Beat Werner4, and
Pejman Ghanouni2
1Radiology, Bioengineering, Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 4University
Children’s Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
During MRgFUS neurosurgery at 3T, dielectric resonances
occur in the integrated water bath that is required for
coupling and to cool the scalp. These resonances result
in heterogeneous MR signal intensity across the brain.
Here, we investigate RF shimming with a high
permittivity material to mitigate this effect.
Simulations and experiments for pads of barium titanate,
placed outside but in contact with the water bath, show
that the pads improve the homogeneity of the B1+ field
2332. |
Correction for the Oblique
Focus in MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of
Essential Tremor
Yuexi Huang1, Alec Hughes2,
Michael L. Schwartz3, Andres M. Lozano4,
and Kullervo Hynynen1,2
1Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON,
Canada, 2Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada, 3Division
of Neurosurgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Division
of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, ON,
Magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound has shown
promising results in the treatment of essential tremor.
MR-based targeting and temperature monitoring ensured
precise lesioning of the ventral intermediate nucleus
(VIM) in the thalamus. However, although the centres of
VIM were precisely targeted, oblique lesion volumes
angled to the main acoustic axes were observed in our
initial patients, with the two most severe ones close to
45 degrees in the coronal plane. In this study, we
investigated the reason for this oblique focus,
reproduced results in a skull phantom, and demonstrated
solutions for correcting the obliqueness using MR
2333. |
Transient Permeability/
Perfusion Change during Microbubble-Facilitated Focused
Ultrasound Blood-Brain Barrier Opening: A Small-Animal
Wen Yen Chai1,2, Po Chun Chu2, Yu
Chun Lin1, Jiun Jie Wang3, Yau Yau
Wai1, and Hao Li Liu2
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Chang Gung University,
Taoyuan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Image and Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
The purpose of this study is to evaluate perfusion
change caused by FUS-BBB opening, and evaluate the
correlation with the permeability change. And the result
is that permeability increase after BBB opening highly
correlates with the cerebral blood volume increase, and
independent of the cerebral blood flow. This information
provides useful insights in understanding the
pharmacodynamic behavior when intending to apply this
approach to deliver drugs into the brain.
2334. |
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Short Term Neuron Activity
after Transcranial Focused-Ultrasound Induced Blood-Brain
Barrier Opening in Small Animal
Po-Chun Chu1, Hong-Yu Chiu2, Wen-Yen
Chai1,3, Yu-Cheng Pei4,5, You-Yin
Chen6, and Hao-Li Liu1
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Chang-Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Department
of Life Sciences, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, hang-Gung University and
Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Taiwan, 4Department
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chang-Gung
University and Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan,
Taiwan, 5School
of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan,
Taiwan, 6Department
of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang-Ming
University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan
This study is to observe the effect and the relationship
between the diffusion imaging (ADC mapping) and
neuroactivity (SSEP waveform) after blood brain barrier
opening by focus ultrasound with microbubbles. The
result showed that the lower exposure make both ADC
value and the SSEP waveform decrease but recovered in
two days. However, the higher exposure make them both
significant decrease and come back slower. We want to
reveal more details need to be considered in the future
neurophysiological, neuromodulation, or BBB issues.
2335. |
MR-ARFI for Characterizing
transcranial FUS in the Rat Model
Benjamin Goggio Cohn1, Patrick Ye2,
and Kim Butts Pauly3
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Stanford University, CA, United States
MR guidance of transcranial FUS using MR-ARFI allows for
precise targeting of specific brain regions and
visualization of the focal region. The target location
itself can strongly affect focal intensity and size;
assuming constant intensity and spot size can result in
ultrasound dose error. MR-ARFI enables more accurate
quantification of ultrasound physical effects for
ultrasound neuromodulation and other transcranial FUS
2336. |
Fast Dynamic
Whole-Brain-Coverage MR Thermometry Using Simultaneous
Multi-slice Echo Planar Imaging for MR-guided Focused
Feiyu Chen1, Kangrong Zhu2, Urvi
Vyas3, Rachelle Bitton3, Karen
Ying4, John M Pauly2, and Kim
Butts Pauly3
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States, 4Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
We validate the feasibility of simultaneous multi-slice
EPI to monitor the volumetric temperature of the target
tissue with high temperature accuracy during MRgFUS
treatment. The average uncertainty of the measured
temperature is less than 0.4°C for an ex-vivo porcine
tissue. This approach allows researchers to monitor the
temperature of the whole brain, especially the brain
surface and scalp. It can be used to prevent undesired
heating during MRgFUS treatment of the brain.
2337. |
Pharmacodynamic analysis of
gadodiamide’s diffusion through the focused-ultrasound
blood-brain barrier opening in non-human primates in vivo
using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Gesthimani Samiotaki1, Sachin Jambawalikar2,
and Elisa E Konofagou1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University,
New York, NY, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Columbia University, NY, United States
In this study, pharmacodynamic analysis of gadodiamide’s
diffusion through the focused-ultrasound blood-brain
barrier opening in non-human primates in vivo was
performed. Physiologic properties, such as the volume of
opening and the concentration of gadodiamide in the
opened area, were studied and quantified using T1
relaxivity and ΔR1 mapping.
2338. |
Sympathetic Renal
Denervation using MR guided Focused Ultrasound in a Porcine
Model: a Feasibility Study 
Allison Payne1, Matthias Koopmann2,
Jill Shea3, Joshua de Bever4, Jose
Reyes2, Emilee Minalga5, Robb
Merrill5, J. Rock Hadley5, Dennis
L. Parker5, and Nassir Marrouche2
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT, United States, 2Cardiology,
University of Utah, Utah, United States, 3Surgery,
University of Utah, Utah, United States,4Computer
Science, University of Utah, Utah, United States, 5Radiology,
University of Utah, Utah, United States
Renal sympathetic denervation has been shown to be
effective in reducing drug-resistant hypertension.
Presented is a feasibility study performing renal
denervation using MR guided focused ultrasound in a
porcine model. Two animals were underwent unilateral
renal denervation. A mean systolic and diastolic blood
pressure change of -11.5±13.4 and -23.5±0.7 mmHg was
observed. There were distinct differences in the
histological appearance of the nerve bundles between the
treated and non-treated sides and no indication of
damage to either arterial wall demonstrating that MRgFUS
can be effectively and safely used to perform renal
denervation in a porcine model.
2339. |
Prior Baseline Thermometry
for Improved Thermal Dose Prediction in MRgFUS of Soft
Tissue Tumors
Rachelle R Bitton1, Taylor Webb2,
Pejman Ghanouni1, and Kim Butts Pauly1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
MRgFUS treatment efficacy is quantified during treatment
using PRF thermometry calculated dose, and immediately
after treatment by measuring the non-perfused volume
(NPV) of contrast-enhanced (CE) images. However,
conventional PRF thermometry dose volume often
under-predict treatment, when compared with NPV. The
purpose of this work was to investigate how much of the
under-prediction was due to errors in baseline
temperature assumption of PRF thermometry. We propose
the use of a prior baseline method to better predict
MRgFUS treatment volume. The method searches previously
acquired baselines images to determine a match based on
magnitude and phase similarity criteria. Using prior
baselines, we calculated thermal dose volumes that were
more similar to post treatment CE non-perfused volume
than the immediate baseline method.
2340. |
Near-field management
during MR-HIFU ablation in highly perfused organs
Joost Wijlemans1, Martijn de Greef2,
Gerald Schubert3, Maurice van den Bosch1,
Chrit Moonen2, and Mario Ries2
1Dept. Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Image
Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Philips
Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland
During MR-HIFU ablation, heat accumulation in near-field
tissues (i.e. between transducer and target) can cause
thermal damage to healthy tissues. In seven porcine
liver ablation experiments we studied a strategy for
managing this risk. Active external tissue cooling was
used to reduce the risk of thermal damage, while T2
thermometry was used to monitor heat accumulation in
near-field tissues. This method can be used to adjust
the re-sonication intervals during the procedure,
reducing the risk of thermal damage while optimizing
ablation speed. Unlike modeling methods, this strategy
is effective regardless of ultrasound beam geometry,
near-field tissue composition, and perfusion variations.
2341. |
Analysis of
Three-dimensional Liver Deformation under Free Breathing
based on Branching Structure of Potral Vein for MR-guided
Focused Ultrasound Surgery 
Tatsuhiko Matsumoto1, Etsuko Kumamoto1,2,
Daisuke Kokuryo3, and Kagayaki Kuroda4,5
1Kobe university, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Information
Science and Technology Center, Kobe, Japan, 3Molecular
Imaging Center, National Institute of Radiological
Sciences, Chiba, Japan, 4Tokai
University, Hiratsuka, Japan, 5Kobe
International Frontier Medical Center, Kobe, Japan
Three-dimensional (3D) deformation of the liver under
free breathing was analyzed using branching structure of
portal veins. A series of sagittal, multi-slice fast
steady-state (FIESTA) images were acquired in a healthy
volunteerfs liver under slow-paced free respiration and
were reconstructed to isotropic volume data. Branching
points of the portal veins included in the volume were
extracted by using our in-house 3D image processing
software. The software-extracted branching points
exhibited that the liver constricts in right-left (RL)
direction for about 12 mm when came down to inferior
with maximum inhalation.
2342. |
Real-time tracking of
temperature, T1 and T2* during the onset of thermal damage
in ex vivo and in vivo rabbit thigh muscle
Nick Todd1, Allison Payne2, and
Dennis L Parker2
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging,
London, United Kingdom, 2Radiology,
UCAIR, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
A hybrid PRF/T1/T2* sequence is used to measure tissue
temperature and the relaxation parameters T1 and T2* in
real time during MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS)
heating of in vivo and ex vivo rabbit thigh muscle. T1
and T2* are analyzed as functions of temperature and
thermal dose to investigate whether they are sensitive
to the various processes that occur during the onset and
progression of tissue thermal damage.
2343. |
MRI Guided HIFU of Visceral
Fat: Effect of Heating on T2 Relaxation of Fat
Patrick Winter1, Matthew Lanier1,
Ari Partanen2, and Charles Dumoulin1
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital,
Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
MR-HIFU uses MRI to precisely target a HIFU beam to heat
small areas of tissue and to monitor tissue temperature
at the target and surrounding regions. A novel
application of MR-HIFU is the ablation of fat depots to
reverse the progression of obesity and other associated
diseases. However, typical MRI thermometry methods
cannot monitor temperature changes in fat because there
is no shift in the proton resonance frequency. As an
alternative, we utilized T2 mapping to assess HIFU
ablation of fat under MRI guidance.
2344. |
Spatial and Temporal
Characteristics of Soft Tissue Heating in MR-HIFU Treatment
of Bone Metastasis 
Taylor D Webb1, Rachelle Bitton2,
Pejman Ghanouni2, and Kim Butts Pauly2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
We investigated the impact of heat radiation from bone
during the high intensity focused ultrasound treatment
of a patient with metastatic tumor in the bone. Extra
images were acquired post sonication to allow for better
understanding of the temporal characteristics of the
temperature in the soft tissue. We show that temperature
rise in the soft tissue adjacent to the bone is delayed
with respect to the sonication. Additionally, our
spatial analysis of the temperature over time reveals
that radiation from bone causes slower temperature
decay, leading to higher dose accumulations and
necessitating longer cooling times between sonications.
2345. |
Real-time Monitoring of
Focused Ultrasound Inertial Cavitationon on Microbubbles by
Gradient Echo MRI
Chen-Hua Wu1, Chih-Kuang Yeh1,
Chung-Hsin Wang1, Shih-Tsung Kang1,
Wen-Shiang Chen2,3, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Department
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan
University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Division
of Medical Engineering Research, National Health
Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan
In this study, a gradient echo based sequence was used
to observe the signal intensity (SI) changes during FUS
cavitation for in vitro gel phantom experiments. We
investigated SI changes under different concentrations
of MBs, FUS powers, and imaging slice thicknesses. Even
with conditions of diluted MBs of 0.001X, low FUS power
of 2W in a burst mode, or thicker slice of 8 mm, reduced
SI still can be observed. The pulse sequence of gradient
echo has been proved to be a useful technique for
real-time monitoring of SI changes when transmitting FUS
to MBs.
2346. |
Accelerating 3D spiral MR
thermometry with the Kalman filter
Samuel Fielden1, Li Zhao1, Wilson
Miller2, Xue Feng1, Max Wintermark2,
Kim Butts Pauly3, and Craig Meyer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United
States, 3Radiology,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States
MRgFUS is a promising non-invasive technique with a wide
range of applications; however, acquiring fully sampled
3D volumetric data with sufficient spatial and temporal
resolution for adequate dose monitoring and guidance is
difficult. Here, we present initial results using a 3D
spiral sequence for MR thermometry and accelerate
imaging in order to improve temporal resolution through
the application of a Kalman filter.
2347. |
Simplifying MR-guided
focused ultrasound experiments by using the water bath as an
intrinsic high mode dielectric resonator. 
Andrew Webb1
1Radiology, C.J.Gorter Center for High Field
MRI, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
The standard setup for MR-guided FUS includes a
transducer, water bath integrated into the patient
table, and either a specialized RF coil placed close to
the patient, or else the body coil is used as the
receiver. However, the body coil has low sensitivity and
a local RF coil can interfere with ultrasound
irradiation. Here a completely new approach is presented
in which an RF coil is not needed at all: the dimensions
of the water bath are adjusted so that a high order
dielectric mode is excited, resulting in efficient MR
excitation and reception at the transducer focal point.
Thermotherapy & Thermometry
Wednesday 14 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2348. |
The Feasibility of
Asymmetrical Loopless Antennas for Therapeutic Ultrasound
Catheter Cardiac Ablation Therapies 
Mathew Carias1,2, Kevan Anderson1,
Graham Wright1,2, and Kullervo Hynynen1,2
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
In this study we propose the use of therapeutic
ultrasound as a therapy delivery technique combined with
a local asymmetrical loopless antenna for treatment
monitoring. It was determined that a 10 mm distal whip
length and 80 mm proximal whip length would be best
suited for such a catheter. These asymmetrical designs
show a decreased SNR when compared to symmetrical
loopless antennas, however, SNR measurements are still
adequate which enables one to place a transducer on the
device. These results suggest that such a catheter can
provide a minimally invasive platform for both therapy
delivery and treatment monitoring for cardiac ablation
2349. |
Monitoring local heating
around an interventional MRI probe with RF radiometry 
Mehmet Arcan Erturk1,2, AbdEl-Monem M.
El-Sharkawy2, and Paul A. Bottomley1,2
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Active interventional loopless antenna may heat locally
during MRI, or when they are used for thermal ablation
therapy. Here we develop a novel MRI-less thermometry
method employing the internal MRI detector as an RF
radiometer at the 3T MRI frequency. Local temperature is
monitored by a loopless antenna, based on the magnitude
of its RF noise voltage. The radiometer is calibrated in
a gel phantom to an accuracy of <0.3°C at two
measurements/sec. The radiometer tracks the temperature
probe with high local sensitivity. RF radiometry
provides thermometry without MRI’s confounding factors
or the need for additional sensor probes.
2350. |
Methods for 3D treatment
envelope evaluation in transcranial MRgFUS
Henrik Odéen1,2, Nick Todd1, Josh
de Bever3, Scott Almquist3,
Allison Payne1, MarJanna Dahl4,
Kurt Albertine4, Douglas Christensen5,6,
and Dennis L Parker1
1Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research,
Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 3School
of Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 4Department
of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 5Department
of Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States, 6Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Methods for 3D intracranial treatment envelope
evaluations for magnetic resonance guided focused
ultrasound applications are described. A 3D segmented
echo planar imaging pulse sequence is used to acquire
k-space data that is subsampled in the ky-phase encode
direction with a reductions factor of R=4. The data is
reconstructed with a temporally constrained
reconstruction algorithm and temperature maps are
created with the proton resonance frequency shift
method. The 3D treatment envelope is evaluated in terms
of relative near-field heating, and hydrophone scans are
used to investigate amount of phase aberration and
intensity loss due to US-focusing through the skull
2351. |
Comparison of single- and
multi-echo PRF-shift thermometry and method for
penalized-likelihood multi-echo temperature reconstruction 
Pooja Gaur1,2 and
William A Grissom2,3
1Chemical and Physical Biology, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States
Single echo scans with low bandwidth are commonly used
in guiding thermal therapies, but are susceptible to
distortions caused by both heating-induced and static
off-resonance effects, resulting in distorted
temperature maps. We show that multi-echo scans with
higher bandwidths can alleviate distortions without
sacrificing temperature SNR. A penalized-likelihood
temperature reconstruction algorithm is also proposed
for multi-echo thermometry, that produces more accurate
temperature maps than previous methods, and does not
require phase unwrapping.
2352. |
Fast Double-Echo EPI Pulse
Sequence for Thermal Focal Spot Localization During MR-guided
Regional Hyperthermia Treatment 
Tetiana Dadakova1, Johanna Gellermann2,
Otilia Voigt2, John Matt Pavlina1,
and Michael Bock1
1Medical Physics, Department of Diagnostic
Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
Regional hyperthermia is used as a supplementary therapy
during cancer treatment to improve chemotherapy and
radiotherapy effect. The temperature of the cancerous
and healthy tissue is typically monitored with
temperature probes inserted into catheters. MR
thermometry with the proton resonance frequency method
allows for a non-invasive temperature monitoring, and
often conventional gradient echo techniques (FLASH) are
used to measure the phase changes during heating. In
this work, a double echo segmented EPI sequence (DEPI)
for MR thermometry during hyperthermia was developed.
The higher acquisition speed of DEPI can be exploited to
localize unwanted thermal focal spots in the body of the
patient, which can make the hyperthermia procedure safer
and more reliable.
2353. |
A Hybrid T1/T2*/PRF Pulse
Sequence with Improved Spectral Resolution 
Florian Maier1, Christopher J. MacLellan1,
Ken-Pin Hwang1,2, David Fuentes1,
John D. Hazle1, and R. Jason Stafford1
1Department of Imaging Physics, The
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare Technologies,
Waukesha, WI, United States
Real-time multi-parametric MR temperature imaging using
a multi-echo gradient-echo (MGE) can simultaneously
provide temperature information from PRF as well as
information on tissue damage. This work is focused on an
extended MGE sequence. By using echo-shifting, higher
spectral resolution data can be accumulated over
multiple time points to provide higher resolution PRF
and R2* measurements and un-aliasing capabilities along
with dynamic PRF, R2* and T1 mapping for interventions.
Temperature mapping in
Human Brown Adipose Tissue Using Fat-Water MRI with Explicit
Fitting of Water Peak Location
Aliya Gifford1,2, Theodore F Towse1,3,
Malcolm J Avison1,4, and E Brian Welch1,5
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Chemical
and Physical Biology Program, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 3Department
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Department
of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 5Department
of Radiology & Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
This work aims to apply a novel fat-water MRI (FWRMI)-based
thermometry method to observations of both activated and
non-activated brown adipose tissue (BAT) in adult human
subjects, to demonstrate the method’s ability to
distinguish between the two states of BAT. This FWMRI-based
thermometry method explicitly models the frequency shift
of the water peak due to temperature changes in regions
with both fat and water, such as BAT. FWRMI and PET-CT
scans were performed twice for each subject, after cold
and warm exposure. FWMRI mFFE scans were able to detect
temperature increase in BAT regions of subjects with
PET-confirmed BAT activation.
2355. |
Comparison of GRAPPA,
SPIRiT and ESPIRiT for the Acceleration of Model-based PRF
Temperature Mapping 
Yuxin Hu1, Feiyu Chen1, Dan Zhu1,
Chenguang Peng2, Shi Wang2, and
Kui Ying2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
We validate the feasibility of currently-used parallel
imaging methods (GRAPPA, SPIRiT and ESPIRiT) for the
reconstruction of temperature maps using model-based PRF
methods. All of GRAPPA, SPIRiT and ESPIRiT result in
temperature errors lower than 2¡æ and ESPIRiT has the
best temperature accuracy with a value of 1.55¡æ at a
reduction factor of 4.
2356. |
Accelerated Model-based
Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Temperature Mapping Using
Echo-Based GRAPPA Reconstruction
Feiyu Chen1, Xinwei Shi2, Shuo
Chen3, Bingyao Chen4, Gang Ren4,
Xing Wei4, Shi Wang3, and Kui Ying3
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China, 4Department
of Orthopedics, First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General
Hospital, Beijing, China
In this research, we proposed an acceleration method for
model-based PRF temperature mapping using Echo-based
GRAPPA. The method can accelerate the MR temperature
monitoring at a net reduction factor of 2.3. The
temperature uncertainty and temperature RMSE is less
than 1.4°C based on the ex-vivo goose liver experiment.
This technique is also insensitive to inter-frame motion
compared with other MR temperature measurement methods.
When combined with other traditional methods, the
combined method can measure the temperature of tissue
with multiple composition.
2357. |
Preliminary study on motion
correction in model-based MR thermometry
Dengrong Jiang1, Dan Zhu2, Shuo
Chen2, Shuo Chen1, and Kui Ying1
1Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing,
Goal of this work is to correct intra-frame motion
induced errors in model-based MR temperature mapping.
Model-based temperature mapping exploits multi-echo
signal model to estimate temperature information, thus
eliminates the effects of field drifting and
inhomogeneity, and is robust to inter-frame motion.
However, it is sensitive to intra-frame motion due to
its relatively long acquisition time. We addressed this
problem by incorporating motion models into multi-echo
image reconstruction to compensate for motion induced
phase distortions and image artifacts. A prototype
framework of motion correction was proposed in this
work, and simulations were performed to validate its
2358. |
A Real Time Approach to
Baseline Library Size Recommendations for Hybrid MB+R
Ron Instrella1, Michael Marx1, and
Kim Butts Pauly2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
This study presents a simple, preliminary, real-time
temperature processing method for determining
pre-treatment baseline library size recommendations for
Hybrid MB+R Thermometry. Temperature data collected from
3 volunteer brain scans are analyzed using the real-time
method to produce recommendations that are consistent
with retrospective analysis. If implemented clinically,
this method shows promise as a practical approach to
ensuring sufficient baselines are collected
pre-treatment to improve temperature estimates, while
minimizing the amount of time spent scanning.
2359. |
MR thermometry of frozen
tissue using signal intensity: a feasibility study at 11.7T 
Christiaan G. Overduin1, Yi Sun1,
Tom W.J. Scheenen1, and Jurgen J. Fütterer1
1Radiology, Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Our study investigates the relation between MR signal
intensity and tissue temperature using ultrashort TE
imaging and demonstrates feasibility of a
high-resolution MR temperature map of frozen tissue at
11.7T. For subzero temperatures, the signal decay is
fitted by SI = 0.47e0.04T+1.16e0.24T.
Mean temperature error of the fit is 3.9°C. Using the
fit, SI values are converted to temperatures to
construct temperature maps of the frozen tissue. MR
thermometry of frozen tissue using signal intensity is
feasible, allowing assessment of temperatures within the
cryoablation iceball as low as -40°C. Further work into
the accuracy and consistency of this method is required.
2360. |
Effects of model
inaccuracies in Model Predictive Filtering MRTI
Henrik Odéen1,2, Nick Todd1, Chris
Dillon3, Allison Payne1, and
Dennis L Parker1
1Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research,
Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 3Department
of Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States
The effect of errors in the thermal properties (thermal
conductivity and power density) in the previously
described model predictive filtering (MPF) algorithm for
reconstruction of magnetic resonance temperature change
maps is investigated. Simulations and focused ultrasound
heatings in ex-vivo pork muscle are performed, using a
3D segmented EPI pulse sequence. Effects of k-space
reduction factor (ranging from 4 to 12) and temperature
rise rates (ranging from 0.28 to 0.75 °C/s) on the
temperature measurement accuracy are also investigated.
Both simulations and experiments show that the accuracy
decreases with increasing R and increasing temperature
rise rates.
2361. |
Evaluation of
respiration-induced magnetic field disturbance correction of
MR thermometry in volunteers and in patients for MR-HIFU
ablation of breast cancer: the effects of conscious sedation
Roel Deckers1, Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2,
Gerald Schubert3, Laura G. Merckel1,
H. H.B. Vaessen4, Maurice A.A.J. van den
Bosch1, Chrit T.W. Moonen1, and
Lambertus W. Bartels1
1Imaging Division, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2IMB,
UMR 5251 CNRS/Université Bordeaux 1/INRIA, France, 3Philips
Healthcare, Vantaa, Finland, 4Department
of Anesthesia, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
When using PRFS-based MR thermometry for temperature
monitoring respiration induced magnetic field
fluctuations can cause significant temperature errors
for organs close to the lungs such as the breast. Here
we evaluate the performance of a LUT-based and a
model-based correction method for MR thermometry in
healthy free-breathing volunteers and in breast cancer
patients under conscious sedation. Both methods showed
significantly improved temperature precision compared to
the uncorrected case for volunteers. In contrast, in
patients both correction methods resulted only in minor
or no improvement of the temperature precision. In
conclusion, conscious sedation improved the quality of
MR thermometry.
2362. |
Temperature map
reconstruction directly from k-space with compensation for
heating-induced geometric distortions 
Pooja Gaur1,2 and
William A Grissom2,3
1Chemical and Physical Biology, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States
A temperature reconstruction algorithm that compensates
for chemical-shift distortions that result from heating
is presented for proton resonance frequency-shift
thermometry. A hybrid multibaseline and referenceless
temperature change model is fit directly to k-space data
and iteratively updated to determine the heating-induced
phase shift at the echo time while compensating for
off-resonance phase accrual throughout the readout. The
method is evaluated in simulation and phantom
experiments. It is able to correctly reconstruct the
simulated temperature and has a large impact on thermal
dose measurements.