2697. |
Whole-brain distortion-free
pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling using multiband
turbo-FLASH at 3 and 7T
Yi Wang1, Steen Moeller2, An T. Vu2,
Kamil Ugurbil2, Essa Yacoub2, and
Danny JJ Wang1
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Center
of Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota,
MN, United States
Multiband imaging or simultaneous multi-slice excitation
has recently been applied for arterial spin labeling
perfusion MRI using Blipped-CAIPI based EPI readout. It
has been shown that this technique can expedite ASL
imaging acquisition, improve image coverage and/or
resolution with little penalty or even gain in SNR.
Another advantage of MB acquisition for ASL is shortened
T1 relaxation of the label, which degrades ASL signal in
conventional sequential 2D EPI readout. However, MB EPI
still suffers from susceptibility, N/2 ghosting and
other distortion artifacts, especially at high and
ultrahigh magnetic fields. In this work, we present a MB
turbo-FLASH based pseudo-continuous ASL sequence that is
able to provide whole-brain distortion-free perfusion
images at both 3 and 7T.
2698. |
Whole-brain Perfusion
Measurements at 7T using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling and
Simultaneous Multi-slice Multi-echo Echo Planar Imaging
Dimo Ivanov1,2, Benedikt A Poser1,2,
Laurentius Huber3, Josef Pfeuffer4,
and Kâmil Uludağ1,2
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Maastricht
Brain Imaging Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
Despite potential advantages of performing ASL at 7T,
its successful implementation poses significant
technical challenges related to SAR constraints and
B1-inhomogeneities. In this work, we propose a
combination of FAIR QUIPSSII labelling scheme, utilizing
optimized tr-FOCI inversion pulses, and simultaneous
multi-slice, multi-echo EPI readout for high-SNR
whole-brain perfusion measurements. This approach offers
high temporal resolution simultaneous CBF and BOLD
measurements that can find application in both
neuroscientific and clinical studies at 7T.
2699. |
Whole-brain High-resolution
ASL at 3T 
Marta Vidorreta1, Evelyne Balteau2,
Ze Wang3,4, Enrico De Vita5,6,
David L. Thomas5, John A. Detre4,7,
and María A. Fernández-Seara1
1Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, CIMA,
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, 2Cyclotron
Research Centre, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium,3Department
of Phsychiatry, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 5Academic
Neuroradiological Unit, Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom,6Lysholm Department of
Neuroradiology, National Hospital for Neurology and
Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom, 7Department
of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
Recent technical developments have significantly
increased the SNR of ASL perfusion MRI. Despite this,
typical ASL acquisitions still employ large voxel sizes.
Here, we implemented two optimized ASL sequences that
allow whole-brain high-SNR high-resolution ASL
acquisitions without increasing scanning duration,
featuring pseudo-continuous labeling and segmented 3D
readouts with background suppression. Two readout
schemes were tested, with Cartesian and spiral-based
in-plane trajectories. Perfusion maps were acquired in
15 volunteers with resolution 2x2x4mm3, and quality was
assessed via SNR and GM-WM contrast. The spiral-based
readout yielded higher SNR due to its inherent central
k-space oversampling, and shorter effective TE and
readout time.
2700. |
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with Off-Resonance
Cheng Ouyang1, Aiming Lu1,
Xiangzhi Zhou1, and Mitsue Miyazaki1
1Toshiba Medical Research Institute USA,
Vernon Hills, IL, United States
The single-artery, or vessel-selective, pCASL sequence
has demonstrated to provide regional perfusion maps
non-invasively. However, similar to the original pCASL
labeling, vessel-selective pCASL is also sensitive to
off-resonance effects, which introduce phase errors in
the labeling RF train and thus compromise in tagging
efficiency. In this work, we propose to restore the
signal loss due to off-resonance effects by applying a
modified multiple phase correction method in the
vessel-selective labeling sequence.
2701. |
Improving perfusion
quantification in Arterial Spin Labeling for delayed arrival
times by using optimized acquisition schemes 
Johanna Kramme1, Johannes Gregori2,
Volker Diehl1,3, Vince Istvan Madai4,5,
Federico C von Samson-Himmelstjerna1,4,
Markus Lentschig3, Jan Sobesky4,5,
and Matthias Günther1,6
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 2Mediri
GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, 3ZEMODI,
Bremen, Germany, 4Center
for Stroke Research Berlin, Charité Universitätsmedizin,
Berlin, Germany, 5Department
of Neurology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin,
Germany, 6University
of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
SNR loss due to T1 decay at long TIs can be partly
compensated by redistributing the acquisition schemes,
resulting in improved perfusion quantification
especially for patients with prolonged BATs. Varies
redistribution schemes are presented where the number of
averages is reduced at short TIs and increased at long
once. The impact of the redistribution on perfusion
estimation in cases of long BAT is studied and compared
to the standard acquisition method. Such a correction is
of high clinical relevance in cerebrovascular diseases
or elderly patients showing prolonged BAT, as
demonstrated in patients and in comparison to
2702. |
Spin labeling MRI with
Look-Locker readout for improved portal venous perfusion
Marijn van Stralen1, Hanke Schalkx2,
Nicky H.G.M. Peters2, Wouter Veldhuis2,
Maarten S Van Leeuwen2, Maurice A.A.J. van
den Bosch2, Josien P.W. Pluim1,
and Esben T. Petersen2
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
Spin labeling (SL) MRI of the liver has not yet been
widely investigated. Previously used single time point
readout does not take bolus arrival time differences
into account, hampering quantification. Therefore,
SL-MRI with Look-Locker (LL) readout was investigated
with pulsed and pseudo-continuous labeling strategies in
healthy volunteers. We found regional and intersubject
differences in bolus arrival time. Hepatic SL-MRI with
LL readout could successfully quantify portal venous
perfusion, with both labeling strategies, and was
comparable to flow-based perfusion.
2703. |
Arterial Spin Labeling
Using 3D Spiral TSE with A Distributed Spiral-In/Out
Zhiqiang Li1, Michael Schär1,2,
Dinghui Wang1, Nicholas R Zwart1,
and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Various segmented 3D acquisitions have been developed
for Arterial Spin Labeling. Conventional spiral TSE ASL
uses a spiral-out readout to collect data on a stack of
spiral trajectory. So not only the spin echo is not
aligned with the center of k-space, but it also requires
the number of slices be equal to (or a multiple of) ETL.
Here a 3D spiral TSE sequence is proposed by employing a
spiral-in/out readout on a distributed spiral
trajectory. The preliminary results demonstrate that the
proposed technique can produce comparable or better
image quality when compared to 3D GRASE ASL.
2704. |
Reducing blurring artifacts
in 3D-GRASE ASL by integrating new acquisition and analysis
Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo1, Michael A Chappell2,
David L Thomas3, Xavier Golay3,
Paolo Manganotti1, and Enrico De Vita3,4
1Department of Neurological and Movement
Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 3Academic
Neuroradiological Unit, Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom, 4Lysholm
Department of Neuroradiology, National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom
3D-GRASE is one of the most efficient readout schemes
for Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) when whole brain
coverage is desired. Due to the length of the echo
train, single-shot 3D-GRASE images exhibit severe T2
blurring along the partition-encoding direction. We
present a procedure to reduce the blurring effect in
single inversion-time data, combining a multi-shot
3D-GRASE-ASL sequence with a post-acquisition deblurring
algorithm. The application of this algorithm allows a
reduction of the number of shots needed for each image.
As more averages can be collected for a fixed
acquisition time, this method improves the available
signal-to-noise ratio and data quality.
2705. |
Comparison of Transit Delay
Sensitivity between Pseudo-Continuous ASL, Pulsed ASL and
Velocity-Selective ASL
Jia Guo1 and
Eric C. Wong2
1Bioengineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla,
California, United States, 2Radiology
and Psychiatry, UC San Diego, California, United States
Transit delay (TD) sensitivity remains the main source
of error in local CBF quantification using ASL. Compared
with PASL and PCASL, Velocity-Selective ASL (VSASL)
labels spins on the basis of flow velocity instead of
location. In theory, VSASL eliminates the gap between
the tagging and imaging regions and the associated long
and heterogeneous TDs. However, it has not been verified
by direct measurement of TDs in VSASL. This study is the
first one to provide direct experimental evidences of
VSASL being insensitive to TD, in contrast to PASL and
PCASL. The averaged TDs of PCASL, PASL and VSASL were
1.28±0.28s (mean±std), 1.09±0.28s and 0.24±0.07s
respectively, via multi-TI experiments.
2706. |
Robust, Accurate and
Automated Normalization of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling Brain
Weiying Dai1 and
David Alsop1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) has proven to be useful
tool both in clinical and research applications.
Transforming ASL images of multiple subjects to a common
space is first critical step for any statistical
inference. However, the low SNR of ASL and bright voxels
outside the brain complicate accurate and automated
normalization. Here, we propose a robust and automated
normalization procedure by taking advantage of the
recent advancements of T1 based normalization. The
normalization method is very robust and accurate and has
been tested in all 146 subjects scanned in a
representative elderly cohort.
2707. |
Globally Correlated Brain
Signals Using Resting State Arterial Spin Labeling
Weiying Dai1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2,
and David Alsop1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States
Brain resting state fluctuation networks has been
reported contributing to the variability in Arterial
Spin Labeling (ASL) measurements. However, a larger,
globally correlated fluctuation appears to be the
greatest contributor. Here we employ cardiac and
respiratory cycle measurements during repeated ASL
measurements to assess the systemic physiologic
contribution to ASL fluctuations and to separate them
from fluctuations with more brain specific origins. Five
healthy volunteers were scanned using resting state ASL
imaging with physiological monitoring of cardiac and
respiratory signals. Global ASL signals was associated
with cardiac phase but not with respiratory phase. After
removing the cardiac noise, a large globally correlated
fluctuation still exists, suggesting the presence of a
global brain network independent of other resting state
2708. |
Decomposing cerebral blood
flow MRI into functional and structural components
Benjamin Kandel1,2, James C. Gee3,
Jiongjiong Wang4, and Brian B Avants3
1Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Penn
Image Computing and Science Laboratory, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 3Penn
Image Computing and Science Laboratory, University of
Pennsylvania, PA, United States, 4University
of California Los Angeles, CA, United States
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is partially determined by
brain structure. Current methods for analyzing CBF
imaging techniques, such as arterial spin labeling, only
take into account limited anatomical information. We
propose a method that uses a dictionary learning
approach to provide a more rigorous decomposition of CBF
images into a component that can be predicted by
structural information and a "purely functional"
component that cannot be predicted using brain
structure. This technique has shown to predict a greater
proportion of CBF than segmentation maps, and can be
used for assessing the relative contributions of CBF and
structural imaging.
2709. |
An automated post
processing analysis to increase detectability of cerebral
blood flow arterial spin labeling images in the presence of
head motion 
Zahra Shirzadi1, David E Crane1,
Benjamin I Goldstein2,3, Sandra E Black1,4,
and Bradley J MacIntosh1,5
1HSF Canadian Partnership for Stroke
Recovery, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 2Evaluative
Clinical Sciences, Brain Sciences Research Program,
Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3Departments
of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Division
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 5Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) can be used to provide
quantitative cerebral blood flow (CBF) images; however,
the intrinsic low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limits its
clinical applications. We propose a novel analysis
approach that works in automated fashion by rejecting
portions of the ASL data based on whether head motion
during the individual difference image reduced the CBF
sensitivity. Compared to conventional ASL analysis, our
approach improved SNR by 9% (p-value<0.001) among 67
participants ranging in age from 14 to 88 years old. We
also conducted between groups comparison to assess the
impact of age and brain disorders on image quality.
2710. |
Signal-to-noise ratio of
perfusion mapping using multiphase pseudocontinuous arterial
spin-labeling MRI
Wen-Chau Wu1,2, Shu-Fen Jiang3,
and Shu-Hua Lien3
1Graduate Institute of Oncology, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Medical
Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
In pseudocontinuous arterial spin-labeling (PCASL),
labeling efficiency (  )
is sensitive to field inhomogeneity. Multiphase PCASL
(MP-PCASL) calibrates by
tracking image intensities with varied phase offsets (  )
in the labeling pulses. In the present study, we
investigated the feasibility of generating flow maps by
combining the MP-PCASL images obtained at a subset of  's.
Results show that the measurements of individual  's
in MP-PCASL can be combined to provide perfusion mapping
with an SNR 0.6-fold
of the value provided by single-phase PCASL. The gain of
SNR is expected to appear when the background-induced
phase exceeds 50 0.
2711. |
ATLES: AuTomatic Labeling
efficiency EStimation
Marco Battiston1, Marco Castellaro1,
Carlo Boffano2, Maria Grazia Bruzzone2,
and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 2Neuroradiology
Department, IRCCS Foundation Neurological Institute
"C.Besta", Milano, Italy
Labeling efficiency is a critical parameter in pseudo
Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling since it directly
scales quantitative estimates of Cerebral Blood Flow,
but is subject to several sources of variability, that
make difficult its assessment with numerical
simulations. Phase Contrast MRI offers a way to estimate
labeling efficiency in vivo. In this study a fully
automated tool for labeling efficiency estimation is
proposed, and tested on a group of healthy subjects. It
provides labeling efficiency estimates in agreement with
commonly accepted values for pCASL, and improves a
previous method allowing reproducible analysis, useful
in quantitative comparisons between different studies.
2712. |
Consistency Checks for
Partial Volume Correction of ASL perfusion maps 
Joost P.A. Kuijer1, Alexandra De Sitter1,
Maja A.A. Binnewijzend2, Frederik Barkhof2,
and Rudolf M. Verdaasdonk1
1Physics and Medical Technology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands
Partial volume correction (PVC) is regularly applied to
quantify the cerebral perfusion of grey and/or white
matter. PVC methods are usually validated with simulated
datasets, however these might not model all aspects of
real ASL data. In this study two checks are proposed to
evaluate a PVC method: downsampling or spatial low-pass
filtering of both perfusion and PVE maps should not
alter the perfusion for each tissue type. These checks
were applied to ASL data of six healthy volunteers and
the linear regression PVC method. While the simulated
data suggest a proper PVC, real ASL data fail the
proposed check.
2713. |
Improved CBF Quantification
with Flow-adaptive Model Function for Multiphase PCASL – A
Monte Carlo Simulation Study 
David D Shin1, Youngkyoo Jung2,
Ho-Ling Liu3, and Thomas T Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North
Carolina, United States, 3Department
of Medical Imaging & Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
MPPCASL is a promising technique for mitigating the
adverse effects of off-resonance fields and gradient
imperfections on the inversion efficiency in PCASL. In
MPPCASL, the blood magnetization is modulated with
multiple RF phase offsets, and the resulting signal is
then fit to a model function to generate a CBF estimate.
In the original MPPCASL approach, a model function
assuming a fixed flow velocity was used. Here we
investigate a fitting procedure that fits for both flow
velocity and CBF. We find that the new fitting approach
provides more accurate estimates of CBF over a wide
range of velocities and also provides an estimate of the
flow velocity.
2714. |
New data processing pathway
for automatic detection of vascular territories and source
vessel locations using random VEASL
Yi Dang1, Jia Guo2, Jue Zhang1,3,
and Eric Che Wong4
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego,
CA, United States,3College of Enigneering,
Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 4Department
of Radiology and Psychiatry, University of California
San Diego, CA, United States
Random vessel-encoded arterial spin labeling was
proposed to simultaneously measure perfusion territories
and detect feeding arteries without prior knowledge of
their positions. However, the source location of a
territory is often blurred so that it is difficult to be
manually identified. In addition, mixed supply in one
territory may lead to incorrect vessel detection and
decoding of perfusion territories. In the present study,
we propose a new data processing pathway for R-VEASL
based on region growing and matching pursuit for
automatic detection of vascular territories and source
vessel locations. This RG-MP method also can resolve
mixed supplies.
2715. |
A bootstrap approach to
detect corrupted volume in ASL data 
Marco Castellaro1, Denis Peruzzo2,
Carlo Boffano3, Maria Grazia Bruzzone3,
and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroimaging, Research institute IRCCS "E. Medea",
Bosisio Parini, Lecco, Italy, 3Neuroradiology
Department, IRCCS Foundation Neurological Institute
"C.Besta", Milano, Italy
Since ASL technique has been proposed, is necessary to
and compute the average of a high number of repetitions
to achieve a good SNR. This process can be affected by
the presence of outliers in the data that could be
caused by several artefacts or physiological tissue
signal fluctuation. These outliers can highly impact
estimation of perfusion. This work presents a novel
method to exclude corrupted volumes and achieve more
reliable estimates of perfusion. The method proposed was
able to distinguish between corrupted and uncorrupted
volumes on both simulated and real data.
2716. |
Robust and Fast
Quantification of CBF measures for Multiphase PCASL using
Bayesian Nonlinear Model Fitting 
David D Shin1, Michael A Chappell2,
and Thomas T Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering & FMRIB Centre, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Multiphase PCASL is a variant of PCASL that mitigates
the tagging efficiency loss resulting from off-resonance
fields and gradient imperfections. Instead of acquiring
the ASL data at two RF phase offsets, the signals from
multiple phase offsets are acquired and then fit to an
expected inversion response curve to form an estimate of
the perfusion signal. In this work, an alternate
Bayesian nonlinear method is presented that incorporates
a spatial prior on the model parameters. Using ten
healthy subjects, the quantified CBF maps from the two
methods are compared within gray matter, white matter,
and in regions where the original fitting approach
greatly overestimates CBF.
An improved arterial model
for QUASAR ASL that permits estimation of arterial flow
Marco Castellaro1, Esben Thade Petersen2,
Xavier Golay3, Alessandra Bertoldo1,
and Michael A Chappell4
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy, 2Departments
of Radiology and Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Institute
of Neurology, University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 4Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom
QUASAR is an established sequence for the study of
perfusion that uses arterial spin labelling principles.
It exploits the use of a vascular crushing gradient to
extract signals from blood both in arteries and in
tissue. Model-free and model-based approaches have been
proposed to estimate perfusion and other parameters of
interest. In this work a more realistic relationship
between the crushing gradients and the blood flow is
introduced based on the principles of perfusion tensor
imaging. It is able to provide quantification of flow
speed in arteries exploiting information already present
in the data, which might be valuable in pathologies.
2718. |
Assessment of Water
Diffusion Compartmentation in the Non-Human Primate Brain
Ramesh Paudyal1, Chun-Xia Li1,
Edward J. Auerbach2, and Xiaodong Zhang1
1Yerkes Imaging Center, Yerkes Regional
Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 2Center
for MR Research, University of Minnesota, MN, United
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) can be used to study stroke
and other cerebrovascular diseases. Biexpoential fit to
the signal decay data arising from the vascular and
tissue compartments acquired using a modified diffusion
weighted (DW) - ASL perfusion technique yields the fast
and slow diffusion components and their respective
volume fractions. In this study, we demonstrated the
differences in the fitted parameter in both the slow and
fast diffusing components in the white and gray matter
in non-human brain primates using diffusion weighted (DW)
- ASL perfusion data.
2719. |
Quantification of cerebral
arterial and venous blood T1 during
hyperoxia and hypercapnia 
Steffen N Krieger1,2, Claudine J Gauthier2,
Parnesh Raniga1,3, Dale Tomlinson1,
Paul Finlay4, Richard McIntyre1,4,
Robert Turner2, and Gary F Egan1
1Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash
University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2Max-Plank
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany,3The Australian
e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO Preventative Health
Flagship, CSIRO Computational Informatics, Herston,
Queensland, Australia, 4Monash
Medical Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Several inversion recovery MRI sequences have started to
use hyperoxic or hypercapnic gas breathing challenges in
order to study brain physiology. Increased inhaled
concentrations of O2 and
CO2 can,
however, lead to changes in blood T1 which
might influence the accuracy of these techniques. We
used an IR Look-Locker EPI MRI sequence to estimate
cerebral arterial and venous blood T1 changes
during the inhalation of 7 gas mixtures. Our results
indicate that hyperoxic-hypercapnic as well as
normoxic-hypercapnic breathing challenges with high CO2 contents
lead to decreased blood T1 which
might be a useful information for eg ASL and calibrated
BOLD studies.
2720. |
Changes in arterial arrival
time (AAT) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) with hypercarbia
and hypercarbic hyperoxia
Manus Joseph Donahue1, Carlos Faraco1,
Lindsey Dethrage1, Swati Rane1,
Megan Strother1, Jeroen Hendrikse2,
and Jeroen Siero2
1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States, 2University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
We perform multi-TI ASL measurements to simultaneously
quantify CBF and AAT in multiple brain regions in
response to different types of common gas stimuli: (i)
room air, (ii) 5% CO2 / 95% room air (i.e., CO2/air),
and (iii) 5% CO2 / 95% O2 (i.e., carbogen). Relative to
room air, in all lobes, CBF was higher with CO2/air
(P<0.05; range=14.9-24.5%) and carbogen
(range=9.3-21.6%) stimulus, and AAT lower (P<0.05;
CO2/air range=-13.4 - -20.6%; carbogen range=-9.2 -
-12.1%). Values can be used as an exemplar for
understanding how hypercarbia-induced CBF changes are
influenced by blood water arrival time.
2721. |
Combined use of arterial
spin labeling and MRS to determine the severity of injury in
neonates with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
Magdalena Sokolska1,2, Maia Proisy3,
Cristina Uria-Avellanal3, Alan Bainbridge2,
Ernest Cady2, David Thomas1,
Nicola Robertson3, and Xavier Golay1
1UCL Institute of Neurology, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2UCH
Medical Physics and Bioengineering, London, London,
United Kingdom, 3UCL
Institute for Women's Health, London, United Kingdom
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) reflects cerebral metabolic
demand, and can be altered in neonates with brain
injury. Proton MR spectroscopy (MRS), in particular
thalamic Lac/NAA peak ratio, has been shown to be the
best predictor of clinical outcome so far1. Adding
estimation of CBF to MR spectroscopy (MRS) has the
potential to both increase understanding of the injury
cause and progression and to help develop and assess new
neuroprotective treatments. CBF can be quantified
non-invasively using Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL). The
aim of this study was to investigate neurophysiological
changes in babies with suspected hypoxic ischaemic brain
injury using MRS and ASL.
2722. |
Accuracy and precision of
pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion during
baseline and hypercapnia: a head-to-head comparison with 15O
H2O positron emission tomography 
Dennis F R Heijtel1, Henri J M M Mutsaerts1,
Esther Bakker2, Patrick Schober3,
Markus F Stevens4, Esben T Petersen5,
Bart N M van Berckel2, Charles B L M Majoie1,
Jan Booij6, Matthias J P van Osch7,
Ed T vanBavel8, Ronald Boellaard2,
Adriaan A Lammertsma2, and Aart J Nederveen1
1Radiology, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Radiology
and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Anesthesiology,
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Anesthesiology,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5Radiology,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 6Nuclear
Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 7C.J.
Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Radiology, Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 8Biomedical
Engineering and Physics, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
In this study we assessed the accuracy and precision of
quantitative pCASL-based CBF and CVR measurements by
performing a head-to-head comparison with 15O
H2O PET, based on quantitative CBF
measurements during baseline and hypercapnia. We
demonstrate that pCASL CBF imaging is accurate during
both baseline and hypercapnia with a precision
comparable to 15O
2723. |
Arterial spin labelling
characterization of cerebral perfusion during normal
maturation from late childhood into adulthood: normal
‘reference range’ values 
Patrick W Hales1, Jamie M Kawadler1,
Sarah E Aylett2, Fenella J Kirkham3,
and Christopher A Clark1
1Imaging & Biophysics Unit, Institute of
Child Health, University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Great
Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom,3Neurosciences
Unit, Institute of Child Health, Univsersity College
London, London, United Kingdom
We used arterial spin labelling MRI to measure changes
in cerebral haemodynamics during normal development,
between 8-32 years of age. We present mean and normal
reference ranges for T1, M0 (equilibrium longitudinal
magnetization), cerebral blood flow (CBF), bolus arrival
time and bolus duration. A negative correlation with age
was seen in CBF and T1 throughout cortical grey matter.
Increased bolus dispersion with age was observed in the
anterior and posterior arterial territories, and gender
differences were seen in the evolution of M0. These data
will help when optimizing ASL protocols for paediatric
imaging, and identifying age-matched perfusion
abnormalities in pathologies.
2724. |
A Reproducibility Study of
Arterial Spin Labeling based Glomerular Filtration Rate
BIN CHEN1, Hao Li1, Ya Cao1,
Chengyan Wang1, Xiaoying Wang1,2,
JUE ZHANG1,3, and Jing Fang1,3
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Radiology,
Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) measurements have been
studied with various kinetic models, however, all these
techniques are based on gadolinium contrast agent.
Arterial blood spin labeling MR imaging uses the water
spins of blood as an endogenous tracer, therefore it is
completely noninvasive. In this study, we aimed to
investigate the variable-TE based FAIR-ASL technique in
measuring GFR in human kidneys. Volunteer experiments
show good reproducibility of the established method in
renal function estimation.
2725. |
Repeatability and
Variability of Pre-Clinical Hepatic Arterial Spin Labelling 
Rajiv Ramasawmy1,2, Adrienne E.
Campbell-Washburn3, Sean Peter Johnson1,
Jack Anthony Wells1, Rosamund Barbara Pedley2,
Mark Francis Lythgoe†1, and Simon
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, Greater London,
United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Institute, University College London, London, Greater
London, United Kingdom, 3National
Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
Hepatic ASL (hASL) is an emerging area of research
interest. We present repeatability and variability
analysis of a respiratory-triggered flow-sensitive
alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) Look-Locker
arterial spin labelling (ASL) technique to measure mouse
liver perfusion. To evaluate the liver ASL technique,
repeatability and variability statistics were produced
for repeat measurements within a single imaging session
and between imaging sessions separated by one week. We
show that the repeatability of the technique is
potentially sufficient to allow longitudinal monitoring
of pre-clinical liver perfusion in models of diseases
such as cancer and cirrhosis.
2726. |
Selective ASL delineates
borderzone territories in patients with stenosis of the
middle cerebral artery 
Andrea Federspiel1, Mirjam Rachel Heldner2,
Urs Fischer2, Jan Gralla3, and
Roland Wiest3
1Psychiatric Neurophysiology, University
Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern, Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 2Department
of Neurology and Stroke Center, University of Bern,
Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology,
University of Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland
In the present study the relationship between cerebral
blood flow (CBF) and CBF velocity was investigated in a
cohort of twenty patients with intracranial stenosis.
After rigorous treatment physiology-related artefacts of
vessel-selective arterial spin labeling (sASL) time
series a significant positive linear relationship
located within the anterior and posterior watershed
areas of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The findings
of the present study suggest that regional CBF measures
along watershed territories as measured by sASL are
reliable markers of sufficient collateral supply.
2727. |
Comparison of velocity and
acceleration selective arterial spin labeling with 15O
H2O positron emission tomography. 
Sophie Schmid*1, Dennis F.R. Heijtel*2,
Henri J.M.M. Mutsaerts2, Ronald Boellaard3,
Adriaan A. Lammertsma4, Aart J. Nederveen2,
and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands,3Radiology,
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Department
of Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University
Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The aim of this study was to compare AccASL and VS-ASL
with 15O
H2O PET. Quantitative VS-ASL overestimated GM
CBF by 17% compared to PET. A comparable correlation
coefficient for Dual VS-ASL and pCASL with PET CBF was
found, evaluated voxelwise at the single subject level;
AccASL and Single VS-ASL showed lower correlation with
PET CBF. The change in the correlation coefficient by
including a fraction of PET aCBV was minor for all
2728. |
Slice Accelerated Spin and
Gradient Echo (SAGE) Perfusion Imaging 
Eric Peterson1, Heiko Schmiedeskamp1,
Julian Maclaren1, Nils Forkert1,
Samantha Holdsworth1, Rafael O'Halloran1,
Eric Aboussouan1, William Grissom2,
Salil Soman1, and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, United States
Spin and Gradient Echo (SAGE) imaging has been recently
developed in order to more robustly generate perfusion
parameters, as well as incorporate the ability to
determine tissue leakage in vivo. These properties make
it a very potent imaging sequence, however by acquiring
both spin and gradient echo images, the repetition time
is significantly increased. This necessitates acquiring
fewer slices with a longer repetition time than would be
necessary for either spin or gradient echo imaging
alone. This work presents increased slice coverage and
acceleration of SAGE using simultaneous multi-slice
2729. |
Slice Accelerated
Gradient-Echo Spin-Echo Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast
Imaging with blipped CAIPI for Increased Slice Coverage
Cornelius Eichner1,2, Kourosh Jafari-Khouzani1,
Stephen Cauley1, Himanshu Bhat3,
Pavlina Polaskova1, Ovidiu C Andronesi1,
Otto Rapalino1, Robert Turner2,
Lawrence L Wald1, Steven Stufflebeam1,
and Kawin Setsompop1
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare Sector, Boston, MA, United States
Gadolinium contrast based dynamic susceptibility
contrast (DSC) MRI of combined gradient and spin echo (GESE)
is an important clinical method to quantify perfusion in
healthy and tumorous brain tissue. High temporal
sampling is necessary to sufficiently resolve bolus
passage, however limits slice-coverage. This work
proposes a blipped CAIPI simultaneous-multiple-slice (SMS)
method to improve slice range. DSC data with and without
SMS were acquired on three tumor patients. SMS DSC with
two-fold slice acceleration achieves similar SNR and
perfusion metrics as standard acquisitions, whilst
allowing doubled slice coverage. The results also point
to improved temporal sampling rate with constant
Advanced Analysis of USPIO
Injection in Normal Volunteers
Thomas Christen1, Deqiang Qiu1,
Wendy Wei Ni1, Heiko Schmiedeskamp1,
Michael E Moseley1, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States
It has been recently suggested that following a bolus of
contrast agent (CA) with a combined spin- and
gradient-echo sequence can bring valuable information
about vessel architecture and oxygenation. While
promising, the approach might however suffer from low
signal to noise ratio as well as contrast agent leakage
if a gadolinium based CA is used. As an alternative, we
propose to follow an injection of ferumoxytol, an
FDA-approved ultra-small paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)
compound. We scanned 10 volunteers to study the
feasibility of approach and combined the results with
bolus perfusion and quantitative BOLD analyses.
2731. |
Mapping blood volume
fraction and vessel size index at steady-state: Impact of
contrast agent dose and spin-echo time 
Benjamin Lemasson1, Nicolas Pannetier2,
Thomas Christen3, Greg Zaharchuk3,
Norbert Schuff2, and Emmanuel Barbier1
1U836, Iserm, Grenoble, France, 2Va
medical center, Centre for neurodegenerative des eases,
San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Stanford
University, Department of Radiology, Stanford, CA,
United States
Cerebral blood volume fraction (BVf) and vessel size
index (VSI) can be mapped with a steady-state approach.
To optimize the protocol in the brain, we evaluated the
impact of three different doses of contrast agent and
three different MRI sequences on the results obtained in
healthy rats (n=5). When mapping BVf and VSI at 4.7T,
the use of an echo time beyond 60ms decreases the CNR.
Regarding the CA dose, no significant changes has been
observed on BVf map whereas the use of 200µmol of Fe/kg
yields the best CNR at the Spin-echo time but two-third
of the dose appears almost equivalent in term of CNR.
2732. |
Correction of Bolus
Dispersion in the quantification of perfusion and
haemodynamics using DSC-MRI 
Amit Mehndiratta1, Fernando Calamante2,
Bradley J MacIntosh3, David E Crane3,
Stephen J Payne1, and Michael A Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg,
Victoria, Australia, 3Medical
Biophysics, Sunnybrook Research Institute, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Bolus dispersion can be a significant source of error in
estimation of both perfusion and tissue residue function
in DSC-MRI. In this study the recently proposed
non-parametric CPI method was extended with
dispersion-kernel (DK) to address dispersion effects.
Three DKs were evaluated to identify the appropriate
model for dispersion in-vivo. The performance of the
proposed approach was assessed using simulations.
In-vivo data from a patient with arteriosclerotic
disease was also analysed. Addition of a DK in perfusion
analysis was found to be useful both in simulations and
in-vivo, but with no consistent benefit of one DK over
other was observed.
2733. |
Tracer-kinetic field
analysis in DCE-MRI and DSC-MRI: theory and examples 
Steven P. Sourbron1
1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conventional tracer-kinetic analysis of DSC- and DCE-MRI
assumes that all voxels are isolated systems supplied by
the same arterial concentration. Here a more general
tracer-kinetic field theory is developed that models
voxels as interconnected systems that only exchange
indicator with their immediate neighbours. Explicit
field models are derived for total blood flow,
microvascular blood flow, endothelial permeability and
interstitial diffusion. With these models, the spatial
structure of the measured concentration can be exploited
to characterize perfusion anisotropy, and to eliminate
systematic errors due to bolus dispersion and
large-vessel contamination.
2734. |
Tracer-kinetic field
analysis in DCE-MRI and DSC-MRI: the reconstruction problem 
Steven P. Sourbron1
1University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Tracer-kinetic field theory models indicator transport
as an exchange between voxels and thus eliminates
bolus-dispersion errors caused by the assumption of a
global AIF. Here a numerical approach is proposed to
reconstruct the parameter fields from the measured
concentrations. Initial simulations are performed to
investigate practicality and stability with respect to
noise and temporal undersampling. The results suggest
that the reconstruction is feasible on standard PC’s and
provides accurate results at realistic levels of noise
and temporal resolution. A practical advantage is that
the boundary concentrations can be reconstructed,
eliminating the need for a separate AIF measurement.
2735. |
Brain blood volume
assessment using DCE in comparison to DSC methods 
Moran Artzi1,2, Guy Nadav1,3,
Gilad Liberman1, Orna Aizenstein1,
and Dafna Ben Bashat1,4
1Functional Brain Center, Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2Sackler
Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Israel, 3Faculty
of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 4Sackler
Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Cerebral blood volume (CBV) obtained using DSC is an
important parameter for brain tumor assessment. DCE can
also be used to extract blood plasma volume (Vp). This
study investigated the relationship between DSC-CBV and
DCE-Vp. A high correlation between cerebral DCE-Vp and
DSC-CBV was detected in 22 healthy subjects. In three
patients with brain tumors, similar maps were obtained
with values above the threshold of 1.75, indicating
malignant tumors. These results suggest DCE as
preferable to DSC for blood volume assessment; this
method has high spatial resolution, is less sensitive to
susceptibility artifacts and provides additional
information regarding tissue permeability.
2736. |
Sources of errors in
pharmacokinetic analysis of DCE-MRI 
Andre Hallack1, Michael A. Chappell1,
E. Mark Anderson2, Fergus V. Gleeson2,
Mark J. Gooding3, and Julia A. Schnabel1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Oxford
University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology and Biology, Oxford University,
Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Mirada
Medical, Oxford, United Kingdom
This work presents a study on relaxation time (T10)
estimation on variable flip angle SPGR sequences for
pharmacokinetic analysis of tumours on DCE-MRI using the
Tofts model. Its aim is to assess the amount of patient
motion found during these acquisitions and its effects
on T10, Ktrans and
kep estimation.
21 rectal tumour SPGR sequences were registered to
estimate motion. Moreover, while using synthetic data, T10 e,
Ktrans and
Kep estimation
error was evaluated for various degrees of deformation.
Overall, an average motion of 0.42mm was found, which
translates into 10% T10, 16% Ktrans and
5% kep mean
2737. |
Impact of tissue porosity
in DCE-MRI: a numerical simulation study
Thomas Perret1,2, Clément Debacker1,2,
Nicolas Pannetier3,4, and Emmanuel L Barbier1,2
1U836, INSERM, Grenoble, France, 2Grenoble
Institut des Neurosciences, Université Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France, 3Radiology,
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco,
California, United States, 4Center
for Imaging of Neurodegenerative diseases, Veterans
Affairs Medical Centre, San Francisco, California,
United States
Using numerical simulation of DCE-MRI experiments, we
investigated the interstitial space fraction (porosity)
effect on MR signal. The strategy proposed estimates
both permeability and porosity using multiple echo
times. Simulations demonstrate that porosity has a
strong impact on MR signal therefore on permeability
estimates. Results show the feasibility of a method to
obtain improved estimates of permeability and of tissue
2738. |
Joint estimation of
precontrast T1 and
DCE-MRI perfusion and permeability parameters significantly
improves precision of parameter estimates 
Ben R Dickie1, Anita Banerji2,3,
Catharine M West4, and Chris J Rose2,3
1Christie Medical Physics and Engineering,
Christie Hospital, Manchester, Greater Manchester,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Imaging Sciences, Manchester Academic Health Science
Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, United
Kingdom, 3Biomedical
Imaging Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom, 4Institute
of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
A novel method for estimating DCE-MRI parameters is
presented. Precontrast T1, M0, and model parameters are
estimated jointly, differing from current practice where
precontrast T1 and M0 are estimated prior to the model
parameters (sequentially). The precision of the two
methods were compared using a software phantom capable
of simulating realistic abdominal anatomy, contrast
enhancement (as modelled with the two-compartment
exchange model) and non-linear local motion. Joint
estimation led to significant improvements in the
precision for all model parameters. In data with motion
corruption, significant improvements in precision were
observed for estimates of plasma perfusion and relative
interstitial volume only.
2739. |
Comparing the relative
effect of input parameter errors on the accuracy of the
pharmacokinetic parameters in Tofts’ model.
Cristina Lavini1
1Department of Radiology, Academic Medical
Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Simulations are presented that aim at assessing the
relative effect of input parameters (i.e. parameters
describing the Arterial Input Function or the parameters
needed to calculate the tissue contrast agent
concentration) on the calculated pharmacokinetic
parameters in Tofts’ modelling of DCE-MRI. It highlights
the fact that for accurate measurement of the
pharmacokinetic parameters, the accuracy of the
parameters describing the initial part of the AIF is
significantly more important than that of the slow
decay, and that an accurate T1 measurement and a correct
scaling of the AIF with respect to the tissue
concentration is essential for accurate Ktrans
2740. |
Investigation of Weighted
Fits applied to Compartment Models of Dynamic Contrast
Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Frank G Zoellner1, Philip Schmidt1,
and Lothar R Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
(DCE-MRI) in conjunction with pharmacokinetic modelling
can be used to assess physiological parameters like
perfusion and permeability. The aim of this study was to
investigate the effect of weighted fits applied to
DCE-MRI data, using both simulated and measured samples,
and the overall goal was to quantify if weighting leads
to a better fit performance.It could be shown that in
most of the studied tissues the errors of the fit
parameters decreased when linear weights were applied.
Initial results of the in vivo data of the rat shown
made clear that weighting has a small but positive
effect on the fit performance in living tissue
2741. |
Information Criteria
weighted Parameter Estimates in DCE-MRI 
Tammo Rukat1,2 and
Stefan A Reinsberg1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, 2Institut
für Physik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin,
The benefits from mixed model inference in
pharmacokinetic models of DCE-MRI by means of Akaike and
the Bayesian information criterion is investigated. Data
is simulated based on published mouse and human AIFs and
the MMID4, that approximates true tissue physiology. Ktrans estimates
are shown to benefit in accuracy and precision for a
variety of investigated tissues.
2742. |
Precision of
two-compartment exchange model parameter estimates:
dependence on tissue physiology 
Ben R Dickie1, Catharine M West2,
and Chris J Rose3,4
1Christie Medical Physics and Engineering,
Christie Hospital, Manchester, Greater Manchester,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Imaging Sciences, Manchester Academic Health Science
Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, United
Kingdom,4Biomedical Imaging Institute,
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
The two-compartment exchange model can be fitted to DCE-MRI
signal-time curves yielding estimates of plasma flow (Fp),
plasma-interstitial exchange flow (FE) and relative
plasma volume (vp) and relative interstitial volume (ve).
The precision of these estimates is not likely to be
uniform for all tissue types and this variation has not
been studied in the literature. We present an evaluation
of such errors for data with SNR of 5 and temporal
resolution of 2.5s and show that as the plasma flow of
the tissue of interest decreases below 0.1 ml/ml/min,
relative errors in Fp and FE begin to rapidly increase.
2743. |
Comparison of contrast
concentration conversion methods for pharmacokinetic
analysis of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI in the thin
vessel wall: T1 mapping is not worthwhile by introducing
more variance
Tingting Wu1, Jinnan Wang2, Yan
Song3, Xiaotao Deng3, Xihai Zhao1,
Rui Li1, Anqi Li3, Shuo Chen1,
Chun Yuan1,4, and Huijun Chen1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Research North America, Briarcliff Manor, New York,
United States, 3Beijing
Hospital, Beijing, China, 4Dept.
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington, United States
We evaluated the reproducibility of pharmacokinetic
measurement by using contrast concentration conversion
with pre-T1 mapping in DCE-MRI of experimental thin
vessel wall (thickness < 1mm). We found that
concentration conversion with pre-T1 mapping has poorest
reproducibility, compared with normalized intensity
curves and contrast concentration conversion with fixed
pre-T1. Thus, adding pre-T1 mapping for concentration
conversion in the analysis of DCE-MRI is not worthwhile
on thin vessel wall imaging. Both concentration
conversion with assumed pre-T1 or directly using the
normalized signal curves are more preferable.
2744. |
Rapid DCE-MRI parameter
generation using principal component analysis and clustering
Martin Lowry1, Lawrence Kenning2,
and Lindsay W Turnbull1
1Centre for MR Investigations, Hull York
Medical School at University of Hull, Hull, East
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for MR Investigations, University of Hull, Hull, East
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Volumetric quantification of pharmacokinetic parameters
for from DCE-MRI data is hampered by low SNR and
computational time. An algorithm using principal
component analysis and k-means clustering was developed
which simultaneously alleviates both these factors to
rapidly produce parameter maps with increased precision.
The method reduced processing times by 60-fold with no
change in mean parameter values. Maps of vb appeared
more homogeneous with far fewer non fitting voxels. The
proposed algorithm could remove the need for off-line
processing thus making quantitative DCE-MRI more
clinically acceptable
Effect of k-Space Weighted
Image Contrast with golden-angle view ordering on diagnostic
accuracy for lesion discrimination 
Melanie Freed1 and
Sungheon Kim1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
In this study, we quantitatively evaluate temporal
blurring of DCE-MRI data sets generated using a k-space
weighted image contrast image sharing technique with
golden-angle view ordering (GA-KWIC) by examining the
effect on estimated pharmacokinetic model parameters in
simulation. Estimated Ktrans values have a larger bias
for smaller lesions and higher true Ktrans values,
resulting in errors in estimated diagnostic accuracy for
discrimination of benign and malignant lesions. However,
the errors incurred are small compared to other sources
of error in clinical studies. Therefore, GA-KWIC can be
used to improve temporal resolution of DCE-MRI data
without negatively impacting diagnostic accuracy
2746. |
Assessment of Scan-Rescan
Variability in DCE-MRI Parameters Using Multiple Models 
Edward Ashton1, Jean Tessier2, and
Oliver Krieter3
1Imaging Science, VirtualScopics, Inc.,
Rochester, NY, United States, 2F.
Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland, 3Roche
Diagnostics GmbH, Penzberg, Germany
This study examines the scan-rescan variability of five
parameters obtainable from DCE-MRI scans. The analysis
models examined are the Standard Tofts, Extended Tofts,
and Distributed Parameter. Two model-free parameters are
also reviewed. Data were acquired from six GBM patients,
each scanned twice within a single week. Coefficients of
variability were calculated for each of six parameters:
KTrans (Standard Tofts), KTrans (Extended Tofts), PS
(Distributed Parameter), as well as IAUC90 and AUCBN90,
which do not require an analysis model. Results show
KTrans (Standard) and AUCBN90 to be the least variable
assessments, while PS shows the highest variability of
the parameters studied.
2747. |
Prostate cancer
localization by magnetic resonance dispersion imaging 
Massimo Mischi1, Simona Turco1,
Cristina Lavini2, Marcel Breeuwer3,
Jean de la Rosette4, Mark Engelbrecht2,
and Hessel Wijkstra1,4
1Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University
of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 3Philips
Healthcare, Netherlands, 4Urology,
Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam,
MR dispersion imaging (MRDI) is proposed as a new method
for characterization of the microvascular architecture
by assessment of contrast intravascular dispersion in
DCE MRI. Dispersion is estimated by fitting a new model
that integrates the Tofts’ model for extravascular
leakage together with a solution of the
convective-dispersion equation. Based on the established
link between angiogenesis and cancer growth, this method
is evaluated for localization of prostate cancer by
comparison with histology results following radical
prostatectomy. Without need for an arterial input
function, MRDI enables accurate localization of prostate
cancer, as confirmed by our initial validation with 90
MRI slices in 15 patients.
2748. |
Evaluation of Vascular
Transfer Constants using Dynamic T1-Mapping during Contrast
Agent Administration
Uwe Klose1, Sotirios Bisdas1,
Herbert Köstler2, and Johannes Tran-Gia2
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute
of Radiology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
A new fast T1 mapping method, based on the acquisition
of 1000 single radial trajectories within a time of 6 s,
allows the direct observation of T1 changes during DCE
measurements. A single slice of a patient with a primary
brain lymphoma was examined. In four regions, the
dynamic T1 values were evaluated and Patlak plots were
calculated, using the signal in the superior sagittal
sinus to estimate the plasma concentration Cp(t).
Ktransvalues could be estimated as slopes of
fitted straight lines in the Patlak plot. Remarkably low
residuals between data points and fitted lines were
2749. |
Quantification of subtle
blood-brain barrier permeability in white matter using
Anna K Heye1, Michael J Thrippleton1,
Maria del C Valdés Hernández1, Paul A
Armitage2, and Joanna M Wardlaw1
1Brain Research Imaging Centre, Division of
Neuroimaging Sciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2Academic
Unit of Radiology, Department of Cardiovascular Science,
Medical School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield,
England, United Kingdom
This study uses T1-weighted DCE-MRI to quantify subtle
blood-brain barrier permeability in normal-appearing
white matter and white matter lesions of patients with
mild stroke. We calculated Patlak’s pharmacokinetic
parameters and two model-free measurements, all of which
suggest that permeability is enhanced in white matter
lesions when compared to normal-appearing white matter.
Moreover, we investigated the relationship between
model-free and pharmacokinetic parameters, showing
moderate to strong correlations.
2750. |
Clinical implementation of
the Linear Reference Region Model for Dynamic
Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Adam Bernstein1, Phillip H Kuo2,
Mark D. Pagel3, and Julio Cardenas-Rodriguez3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,
United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering and Arizona Cancer Center,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
In this work we analyzed retrospectively DCE MRI data of
17 patients. A comparison between the Linear Reference
Region Model (LRRM) and the standard non-linear
Reference Region Model (NLRRM) was performed. Clinical
DCE MRI can be processed 90-400 times faster with the
LRRM than with the NLRRM. The fitting RMSE was
systematically 6-7 times higher for the NLRRM compared
to the LRRM. Our results suggest that the LRRM is more
reliable than the NLRRM when DCE MRI data with low SNR
and temporal resolution is available.
2751. |
DCE-MRI and T2*
Measurement in Women with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Treated
with Dexamathasone 
Lucy E Kershaw1, Gillian MacNaught2,
Mayank Serge Madhra3, Hilary O Critchley3,
and Scott IK Semple2
1Christie Medical Physics and Engineering,
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, Gtr
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2CRIC,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3MRC
Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The aim of this study was to develop a DCE-MRI and T2*
measurement protocol for monitoring dexamethasone
therapy in women with heavy menstrual bleeding. A high
spatial resolution protocol was developed that
differentiated between inner and outer myometrium.
Uptake curves could be markedly different in shape
between patients, but T2* and DCE-MRI parameters were
found to be similar to those described in previous work.
No significant differences were found pre and post
therapy but quantitative blood loss is not yet available
for correlation with the measured parameters.
2752. |
The relationship between
the quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters of DCE-MRI and
the types of uterine fibroids based on T2WIs 
Chenxia Li1,2, Hao Fu1, Rong Wang1,
Jiayin Tong1, Supin Wang2, and
Jian Yang1,2
1Department of Radiology, The First
Affiliated Hospital of Xi' an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an, Shan Xi Province, China, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, School of Life Science and
Technology of Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shan Xi
Province, China
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship
between the quantitative pharmacokinetic parameters of
DCE-MRI and 3 fibroid types based on T2WIs. 23 fibroids
(11 cases of type 1, 7 cases of type 2, 5 cases of type
3) in 23 females underwent T1WIs, T2WIs and DCE-MRI. It
demonstrated that the Ktrans were no significant
difference among the 3 types, suggesting the similar
capillary permeability among them. Kep of type 3 was
higher than type 1 and 2,which indicated that the
wash-out of type 3 is faster and more heat energy may be
taken away during ablation. Therefore, the quantitative
pharmacokinetic parameters of DCE-MRI provide sensitive
method in the patients selection for MRg HIFU.
2753. |
Influence of
respiration-induced signal variations on the quantification
of pulmonary perfusion parameters in free-breathing MRI 
Olaf Dietrich1, Michael Ingrisch1,
Felix Schwab1, Daniel Maxien2,
Konstantin Nikolaou2, and Maximilian F.
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology, LMU Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Institute
for Clinical Radiology, LMU Ludwig Maximilian University
of Munich, Munich, Germany
Recently, the feasibility of free-breathing dynamic
contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI for quantification of lung
perfusion has been demonstrated. The purpose of our
study was to analyze the influence of breathing-induced
signal variations on the accuracy and precision of
calculated perfusion parameters. Lung DCE-MRI data of 5
healthy volunteers were analyzed to determine typical
data properties; signal curves in lung tissue were
simulated and evaluated using a 1-compartment model. If
analyzed without noise, the statistical variations of
determined flow and volume parameters show clearly the
influence of respiration-induced signal variations; at
realistic noise levels, however, the influence of
respiration is relatively low.
2754. |
Blind Multichannel
Deconvolution for Estimation of a Parametric AIF in DCE-MRI
of Mice 
Radovan Jirik1, Karel Soucek2,3,
Eva Drazanova1, Lucie Grossová1,4,
Michal Standara5, Jirí Kratochvíla4,
Ondrej Macícek4, Aneta Malá1,
Torfinn Taxt6, and Zenon Starcuk, Jr.1
1Institute of Scientific Instruments of the
ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic, 2Department
of Cytokinetics, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic, 3Center
of Biomolecular and Cellular Engineering, International
Clinical Research Center, Brno, Czech Republic, 4Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Brno Univ. of Technology,
Brno, Czech Republic, 5Dept.
of Radiology, Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno,
Czech Republic, 6Dept.
of Biomedicine, Univ. of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
The contribution presents a new method for estimation of
the arterial input function in dynamic contrast-enhanced
MRI. A new parametric AIF model is introduced and a new
blind multichannel deconvolution scheme is proposed. The
esimated AIF is then used to provide perfusion-parameter
maps. The method is evaluated on synthetic and real
mouse data.
2755. |
Dynamic Contrast-enhanced
MRI Perfusion in a Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction (UUO)
Mouse Model 
Wei Zha1, David J. Niles1, Shannon
Reese2, Arjang Djamali2, and Sean
B. Fain1
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Medicine,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, United States
Quantitative renal perfusion is promising for the
diagnosis and prognosis of kidney function. This study
used DCE-MRI to monitor renal perfusion changes during
obstructive nephropathy in a 7-day unilateral ureteral
obstruction mouse model. A 3-compartmental model was
used to quantify the tissue perfusion with gamma-variate
curve fitting. Decreased cortical perfusion was found in
the obstructed kidney in both NADPH oxidase isoform2
(NOX2) knock out (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice on Day 7.
Results suggest the alteration in renal perfusion may be
an early, sensitive indicator of the progression of
renal fibrosis.
Evaluation of flow and
permeability weighting in the volume transfer constant
obtained by DCE-MRI using contrast media with different
molecular sizes
Cheng-He Li1, Fang-Hsin Chen1,
Yu-Shi Lin2, Ji-Hong Hong1,3, and
Ho-Ling Liu1
1Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences,
Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung,
Taiwan, 3Radiation
Oncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital - Linkou, Taoyuan,
This study aimed to evaluate the different flow versus
permeability weighting in volume transfer constant (Ktrans)
when using contrast media with different molecular sizes
and the extended Tofts model (ETM). Fourteen mice bred
with tumors underwent DCE-MRI with either Gd-DTPA or
Gadomer. The data were analyzed by using both ETM and
the adiabatic approximation to the tissue homogeneity (AATH)
model from which permeability-surface-area-product (PS)
and plasma flow (Fp) were obtained. This
study found that Ktrans was
more correlated with PS (r2=0.72) than Fp (r2=0.09)
when using Gadomer, and more correlated with Fp (r2=0.64)
than PS (r2=0.47) when using Gd-DTPA.
2757. |
Acute changes in
cellular-interstitial water exchange rate in DB-1 Melanoma
xenografts after lonidamine administration as a marker of
tumor energetics and ion transport 
Kavindra Nath1, Ramesh Paudyal2,
David S Nelson1, Stephen Pickup1,
Rong Zhou1, Dennis B Leeper3,
Daniel F Heitjan1, Charles S Springer4,
Harish Poptani1, and Jerry D Glickson1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 2Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 3Thomas
Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United
States, 4Advanced
Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, Oregon, United States
The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether the
changes in ATP levels after lonidamine (LND)
administration in DB-1 melanoma xenografts correlated
with changes in tumor i, a measure of mean lifetime of
intracellular water protons using the Shutter Speed
Model (SSM) in addition to Ktrans and ve. LND is a small
molecule that inhibits the monocarboxylate transporter-1
(MCT-1) that reduces tumor pH and bioenergetics. We
observed a significant decrease in Ktrans but increase
in i following LND administration, which is associated
with a change in cell size and membrane permeability or
ion transport. Changes in Ktrans and i might serve as
surrogate biomarkers, indicating that DCE-MRI not only
measures tissue vascular hemodynamics, but also the
transport activity and transmembrane water exchange or
2758. |
Application of a
biodegradable, macrocyclic, polydisulfide-based contrast
agent for monitoring tumor angiogenesis using dynamic
contrast enhanced MRI
Anthony S. Malamas1, Erlei Jin1,
John Haaga2, and Zheng-Rong Lu1
1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States, 2University
Hospital Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United
A novel biodegradable polydisulfide-based macrocyclic
contrast agent was developed for dynamic contrast
enhanced (DCE) MRI. The new macromolecular agent
selectively extravasates from leaky tumor vessels, while
minimizing potentially toxic side effects due to
cleavage of disulfide bonds incorporated into its
backbone. This agent was utilized to study anti-angiogenic
effects of Bumetanide, an inhibitor of NKCC
cotransporters that has recently exhibited anti-tumoral
capabilities, in colon cancer xenografts. DCE-MRI
revealed that the polydisulfide contrast agent is able
to detect significant reductions in the permeability and
plasma volume fraction parameters, which were then
verified by a decrease in CD31 expression upon IHC
2759. |
Combined evaluation of 18F-FDG
PET Metabolic Parameters and MRI Perfusion Parameters for
the Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in
In ok Ko1, Byung Hyun Byun2, Ji-ae
Park1, Kyeong Min Kim1, and Sang
Moo Lim2
1Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical
Science, seoul, nowon-gu, Korea, Democratic People's
Republic of, 2Department
of Nuclear Medicine, Korea Institute of Radiological &
Medical Science, seoul, nowon-gu, Korea, Democratic
People's Republic of
We evaluated the potentials of 18F-FDG PET metabolic
parameters and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI
perfusion parameters to predict the histologic response
after neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery in
patients with osteoscarcoma, using sequential PET/CT and
MR imaging system. The cutoff values, sensitivity,
specificity, and accuracy for predicting good histologic
response were < 5, 92%, 58%, and 75%, respectively, for
SUVmax from
the 18F-FDG PET after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and <
0.03 min-1, 58%, 83%, and 71%, respectively, for Ktrans from
the DCE-MRI after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. By using the
combined criterion of SUVmax <
5 and Ktrans <
0.03 min-1, sensitivity, specificity, and
accuracy were 67%, 100% and 84%, respectively. Our
results suggest that combining 18F-FDG PET metabolic
parameters and DCE-MRI perfusion parameters should be an
effective method to predict the histologic response to
NAC in osteosarcoma.
2760. |
Absolute quantification of
CBF on rodent brain with D2O as tracer of 1H
Chin-Tien Lu1, Zi-Min Lei1, Sheng-Min
Huang1, Shin-Lei Peng1, Kung-Chu
Ho2, Chi-Shiun Chiang1, Chu-Fang
Wang1, and Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Department
of Nuclear Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,
Linkou Medical Center, Linkou, Taiwan
Due to the characteristic of free diffusion, the local
volume of distribution of D2O can be assumed
as the whole voxel space, and hence make it as a
suitable tracer for measuring the CBF. In this study, we
aimed to investigate the feasibility of absolute
quantification of CBF on rat brain via indirect
detection of deuterium by 1H MRI. CBF maps by Single
exponential fitting on the washout curve and SVD
deconvolution of AIF was showed.