Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
Hyperpolarized MR: C-13 & Others
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:30 - 12:30 |
2761. |
Overhauser-enhanced MRI
with SENSE Acceleration in the Johnson Noise Dominated
Cristen D LaPierre1, Mathieu Sarracanie1,2,
Brandon Dean Armstrong1,2, Jonathan R
Polimeni1,3, and Matthew S Rosen1,2
1Department of Radiology, A.A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 2Department
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United
States, 3Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Low SNR and long acquisition times are the primary
hindrance to deployable low-field MRI scanners. .Due to
low Boltzmann polarization, enhancement techniques such
as Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and image
acceleration techniques like SENSitivity Encoding
(SENSE) will be vital to obtaining high quality images
in reasonable times. In this study an eight-coil
receive-only array for 6.5 mT was used with a 14 cm
saddle coil and 30 cm NMR Transmit coil to acquire DNP +
SENSE images of a structured phantom. Future work will
improve SENSE reconstruction as well as compare it to
incoherent random undersampling strategies.
2762. |
Investigation of Cell
Membrane Transport and Compartmentalisation of
Hyperpolarised Metabolites using a GdDO3A Relaxation Agent
Markus Durst1,2, Ulrich Koellisch1,2,
Francesca Reineri3, Valeria Daniele3,
Concetta Gringeri4, Annette Frank4,
Marion I. Menzel2, Axel Haase1,
Rolf F. Schulte2, and Silvio Aime3
1IMETUM, Technische Universität München,
Garching, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Garching, Germany, 3Department
Chemistry I.F.M. and Molecular Imaging Center,
University of Torino, Torino, Italy, 4Klinikum
rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München, München,
Dynamic nuclear polarisation has enabled the analysis of
metabolic pathways in real-time using hyperpolarised
substrates. The conversion of [1-13C]pyruvate to
downstream metabolites such as lactate and alanine can
provide an important tool for studying diseases with
abnormal cellular metabolism such as cancer or ischemia.
In this work, an extracellular relaxation agent (GdDO3A)
was used to quasi-instantaneously quench the
extracellular compartment of the metabolites. In
combination with a substrate saturation sequence,
transporter rates for the cell membrane transport of
hyperpolarised metabolites could be quantified for the
first time in vivo.
2763. |
Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C
MRS in a Spontaneous Mouse Model of Thymic Lymphoma 
Marc S Ramirez1, Jaehyuk Lee1,
Avinashnarayan Venkatanarayan2, Elsa R Flores2,
and James A Bankson1
1Department of Imaging Physics, The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, United States, 2Department
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United
In this work, we evaluate the initial feasibility of
detecting elevated aerobic glycolysis in a spontaneous
transgenic mouse model of thymic lymphoma, which is
challenging due to the close proximity of the thymus to
the heart, where high levels of pyruvate and its
metabolites could confound data analysis. Dynamic MRS
using hyperpolarized [1-13C] pyruvate was
performed on p53-/- mice at various stages of disease
progression. High correlation between tumor volume and
normalized lactate confirms that hyperpolarized
measurements are indeed modulated by tumor metabolism,
establishing the initial feasibility for metabolic
investigations in a spontaneous transgenic model of
2764. |
In vivo Hyperpolarized 13C
MRS using DPPH as polarizing agent
Emine Can1, Mor Mishkovsky2,3,
Rolf Gruetter2,4, and Arnaud Comment1
1Institute of Physics of Biological Systems,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging (LIFMET), École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3Department
of radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 4Department
of radiology, University of Lausanne and Geneva,
The present study demonstrates the use of the
hydrophobic radical 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
to polarize acidic metaboilc precursors such as acetic
acid (AcOH) and pyruvic acid (PA). Additional, we
describe a complete atumated protocol that includes
rapid dissolution and transfer, filtration and infusion
of radical free solution to an animal. Polarization
efficiency is quantified and the aplicablitiy to in
vivo 13C
MRS study of hyperpolarized AcOH and PA metabolism is
2765. |
Development of a Novel 2DRF
Pulse Sequence to Achieve Improved Localization in
Hyperpolarized 13C
Shuyu Tang1, Hsin-Yu Chen1, Robert
A. Bok1, Daniel B. Vigneron1, and
Peder Larson1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, California, United States
Hyperpolarization of metabolically active compounds
labeled with 13C
is an emerging approach for imaging metabolic processes
in vivo. We designed a new two-dimensional
spatially-selective radiofrequency (2DRF) pulse for
bolus tracking in hyperpolarized 13C
imaging. Advantages of applying 2DRF in hyperpolarized 13C
imaging include reducing polarization loss and
shortening acquisition time. Due to the use of a spiral
excitation trajectory, our design allows for minimal
perturbation of other off-resonance metabolites. Since
our 2DRF pulse was developed for a 3T clinical scanner
with conventional gradient performances, rapid
translation of our design to human studies is possible.
2766. |
Evaluating the Efficiency
of Concentric Rings Trajectory for Hyperpolarized 13C
MR Spectroscopic Imaging 
Wenwen Jiang1,2, Michael Lustig3,
Martin Uecker3, and Peder E.Z. Larson4
1Graduate Group in Bioengineering, University
of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United
States, 2University
of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States, 3Electrical
Enigneering and Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley, California, United States, 4Radiology
and Biomedical Imaging, University of California, San
Francisco, California, United States
The short-lived effect of hyperpolarization of 13C
poses severe challenges to develop rapid and robust
imaging techniques. The concentric rings trajectory is
such a technique for 13C
spectroscopic imaging because 1) it is as twice
efficient as Cartesian trajectory; 2) it exhibits
robustness to minor system imperfections; 3) it retains
the ability of variable density and good parallel
imaging properties; 4) and it is insusceptible to
pulsatile flow artifacts. Preclinical studies have been
performed for evaluation. Concentric rings trajectory
shows great potential to be applied for accelerated
hyperpolarized 13C
2767. |
In vivo imaging of tumor
physiological, metabolic and redox changes in response to
the anti-angiogenic agent sunitinib: Longitudinal assessment
to indentify the transient vascular re-normalization. 
Shingo Matsumoto1, Keita Saito1,
Jeeva P Munasinghe2, Herman D Morris2,
Martin J Lizak2, Shun Kishimoto1,
Nallathamby Devasahayam1, Sankaran
Suburamanian1, James B Mitchell1,
and Murali C Krishna1
1National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 2National
Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke, Bethesda,
MD, United States
Anti-angiogenic therapies of solid tumors frequently
proceed in two steps: transient normalization of
structurally and functionally aberrant tumor blood
vessels with increased blood perfusion, followed by
pruning the tumor blood vessels and resultant cessation
of nutrients and oxygen delivery required for tumor
growth. We investigated if imaging of redox status
governed by redox sensitive metabolic couples in tumors
can serve as non-invasive surrogate makers for the
vascular normalization window. Multimodal imaging
approach of tumor physiological, metabolic and redox
changes is useful to distinguish different stages in the
course of anti-angiogenic treatment.
2768. |
High Resolution Imaging of
pH in an Isolated Perfused Rat with Hyperpolarized
Bicarbonate Produced via Chemical Reaction 
Rajat K. Ghosh1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1,
Mehrdad Pourfathi1, and Rahim R. Rizi1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
Synopsis: Several medical conditions such as acute lung
injury, cancer, ischemia, and inflammation result in
alterations to the acid-base balance in tissue.
Hyperpolarized bicarbonate has been able to determine
the pH in-vivo. However the highest polarization of
bicarbonate is achieved using cesium salts. This is not
translatable to a clinical setting, as cesium ions are
highly toxic. We generate hyperpolarized bicarbonate by
decarboxylating the hyperpolarized pyruvate. This leads
to a high polarization without the use of cesium, and
allows for increased imaging resolution. We demonstrate
imaging with 1.2mmx1.2mm in plane resolution, which
could be increased to 0.5mmx0.5mm.
2769. |
Hyperpolarized Ketone Body
Metabolism in the Perfused Rat Heart 
Damian J Tyler1, Angus Z Lau1,2,
and Daniel R Ball1
1Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Dept.
of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford,
Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Hyperpolarization of [1-13C]pyruvate provides
a unique insight into various aspects of carbohydrate
metabolism. However, alterations in the metabolic
pathways of other key fuel molecules (e.g. fatty acids
and ketone bodies) are a common feature of many
diseases. This work aimed to produce a reliable method
to hyperpolarize the ketone bodies, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate,
and to investigate their metabolism in the perfused rat
heart. Following successful polarization of both
substrates, perfusion into the isolated rat heart
enabled direct visualization of the interconversion
between the ketone bodies along with observation of
their downstream metabolism in the Krebs cycle.
2770. |
Hyperpolarized [2-13C]-D-fructose
Uptake and Metabolism in Brain Tissue 
Kamil Lorenc1, Eugen Kubala2,3,
Concetta V. Gringeri2,4, Markus Durst4,5,
Ulrich Koellisch4,5, Annette Frank2,
Markus Schwaiger2, Steffen J. Glaser3,
Rolf F. Schulte4, and Marion I. Menzel4
1Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and
Biomedical Engineering, PAS, Warsaw, Poland, 2Klinikum
rechts der Isar, TU München, Munich, Germany, 3Department
of Chemistry, TU München, Munich, Germany, 4GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany, 5Institute
of Medical Engineering, TU München, Munich, Germany
Recently, there is growing evidence that D-fructose
plays a role in neuroenergetics. Depending on tissue
D-fructose is metabolized through Fructose-1-phosphate,
or Fructose-6-phosphate metabolic pathway, however, in
brain Fructose-6-phosphate metabolic pathway is used
exclusively. The aim was to find out if hyperpolarized
[2-13C]-D-fructose is able to cross blood
brain barrier in sufficient amount enabling the
measurement using 13CMMR. We observed a very clear
signal in all of the measurements, meaning that
D-fructose was able to cross blood brain barrier in
sufficient amount. In future D-fructose is a good
candidate for functional imaging studies, and due to
non-toxicity it may be applied in human.
2771. |
Kinetic modeling of
Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate with Arbitrary RF flip angles in
Naeim Bahrami1, Christine Leon1,
Cornelius Von Morze1, Daniel B. Vigneron1,
and Peder E.Z. Larson1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California, San Francisco,
California, United States
The primary purpose of this research was to model the
kinetics of hyperpolarized (HP) pyruvate and urea to
provide improved characterization of cancerous tissues
when using arbitrary RF flip angles in dynamic MRSI.
This modeling has the ability to detect metabolic
conversion and perfusion. The conversion constant of
metabolites will increase in tumor with respect to
healthy tissues. In this study, we measured T1 values of
metabolites including pyruvate, urea, alanine, and
lactate in tumor and healthy tissues.
2772. |
Thermal T1 measurements
for frequently used 13C
hyperpolarization agents at clinically available field
Stephan Düwel1,2, Patrick Christ1,3,
Ulrich Köllisch1,3, Markus Durst1,3,
Concetta V Gringeri3,4, Franz Schilling4,
Marion I Menzel3, Rolf F Schulte3,
Steffen Glaser2, Markus Schwaiger4,
and Axel Haase1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Technische
Universität München, Garching, Germany, 2Department
of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Garching,
Germany, 3GE
Global Research, Garching, Germany, 4Institute
of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich,
Through hyperpolarized 13C
MRSI, the labeled compounds pyruvate, alanine, lactate,
urea and acetate allow real-time in-vivo studies of
energy metabolism, perfusion and short chain fatty acid
metabolism, respectively. In hyperpolarized experiments,
the signal-to-noise-ratio is independent of the magnetic
field strength B0, but spectral resolution
and spin-lattice relaxation times T1 can
strongly depend on B0. We measured T1 for
the five aforementioned compounds at clinically
available field strengths (1T, 3T, 7T) and 14T with
constant pH and temperature in a buffer solution. Within
the statistical uncertainty, T1 decreases
with increasing B0 for
all substances, but the degree depends on the compound.
2773. |
Survival from Brain
Metastasis of Breast Cancer is Inversely Correlated with
Hyperpolarized 1-13C Lactate/Pyruvate ratio: Preliminary
Study in Nude Mouse Model. 
Young-suk Choi1, Joon-Sung Lee2,3,
Han-Sol Lee3, Hyun-Jin Park1,
Ju-Hyun Lee1, Eun-Kyung Wang1,
Seung-Wook Yang3, Eun-Hae Joe3,
Dong-Hyun Kim3, and Ho-Taek Song1
1Department of Radiology, Yonsei University
College of Medicine, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, Korea, 2SIRIC,
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seodaemun-Gu,
Seoul, Korea,3Department of Eletrical &
Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seodaemun-Gu,
Seoul, Korea
In brain metastasis from breast cancer mouse model, we
evaluate the pyruvate to lactate conversion ratio to
monitor the alteration of metabolism by metformin by
hyperpolarized 13C metabolic MRS imaging. The inhibition
of tumor growth by metformin was not proved by
conventional imaging and hyperpolarized 13C MRSI.
Individual conversion ratio of 13C pyruvate to 13C
lactate showed inverse correlation with survival
regardless of experimental group. Hyperpolarized 13C
MRSI may be useful tool to predict the prognosis cancer
2774. |
Detection of Hyperpolarized
[5-13C]-Glutamine in Brain
Concetta Valeria Gringeri1,2, Eugen Kubala1,2,
Ulrich Koellisch2,3, Annette FranK1,
Rolf Schulte2, Axel Haase3, Markus
Schwaiger1, Steffen Glaser4, and
Marion Irene Menzel2
1Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum
rechts der Isar, TUM, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 3IMETUM,
TUM, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 4Department
of Chemistry, TUM, Munich, Bayern, Germany
A change in neurotransmitter levels (glutamate,
glutamine and GABA) was demonstrated recently in the
striatum at Parkinson’s disease models using 1H MRS.
Glutamine is able to cross the BBB by facilitated
diffusion, however compared to other neutral amino acids
this process is slower. Therefore brain distribution of
hyperpolarized [5-13C]-glutamine was imaged in Lewis
healthy rats. A sufficient glutamine signal was detected
in different brain areas. In the main future 13C-MRI
might provide novel and more selective tools to study
the transport systems and evaluate their regulation in
vivo. In this sense hyperpolarized glutamine can be
considered a promising candidate.
2775. |
Measurements and Modeling
of Hyperpolarized 1-13C in the Perfused Lung in Relation to
Organ Redox State
Stephen J. Kadlecek1, Hoora Shaghaghi1,
Mehrdad Pourfathi1, Sarmad Siddiqui1,
Jennia Rajaei1, Profka Harrilla1,
and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
We present the measurements of lactate pool labeling
rates in the isolated, perfused rat lung using
hyperpolarized 1-13C pyruvate. The rates are shown to
vary strongly with perfusate constituents (unpolarized
lactate and pyruvate, as well as hyperpolarized pyruvate
concentration and can be accurately reproduced using a
three-compartment model which incorporates previously
measured transport and enzymatic activity measurements,
as well as concentrations of enzyme and cofactors. We
conclude that intracellular conditions (e.g., redox
state) are strongly perturbed during a typical
hyperpolarized pyruvate measurement, and that
consideration of metabolic flux through LDH is not
necessary to reproduce experimental results.
2776. |
Cerebral Angiography in
Rats: Comparison of 1H
TOF-MRA, SPIO Enhancement and Hyperpolarized 13C
Kasper Wigh Lipsø1,2, Peter Magnusson1,
Lise Vejby Søgaard1, and Jan Henrik
1Danish Research Centre for Magnetic
Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre,
Hvidovre, Denmark, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of
Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 3GE
Healthcare, Brøndby, Denmark
We compare non-contrast enhanced MRA, SPIO enhanced MRA
and hyperpolarized 13C
MRA in rat cerebral regions, and demonstrate how venous
structures can be imaged with acquisition times less
than a second. We describe optimized sequence designs
for each of the techniques. The hyperpolarized 13C
shows promising results for angiographic imaging where
short acquisition time is essential, such as imaging
within a single heartbeat or breath hold.
2777. |
In vivo real time metabolic
imaging using frequency selective bSSFP and hyperpolarized
Najat Salameh1, Jean-Noël Hyacinthe2,
Andrea Capozzi1, and Arnaud Comment1
1Institut de Physique des Systèmes
Biologiques, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Haute
École de Santé, University of Applied Sciences Western
Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland
The specific constraints of hyperpolarized (HP) MRI are
linked to the single-shot nature of the experiments due
to the polarization decay. Several acquisition
strategies have been developed to rapidly image the
spatial distribution of multiple compounds in order to
track the metabolism of HP substrates in vivo. Some
techniques use RF pulses properties for interleaved
acquisition of different substrates by
frequency-specific excitation, whereas other approaches
use the inherent frequency selectivity of MRI sequences
using multi-echo or SSFP-based techniques. From these
developments, we propose an improved strategy for real
time imaging of HP substrates and metabolites in mice
brain and liver.
2778. |
High-resolution 2D MRI of 1H
and 13C
hyperpolarized contrast agents at 0.0475 T
Aaron M. Coffey1,2, Roman V. Shchepin2,
Danila A. Barskiy3,4, Kirill V. Kovtunov3,4,
Igor V. Koptyug3,4, Kevin W. Waddell2,5,
Ping He6, Kirsten A. Groome6,
Quinn A. Best6, Fan Shi6, Boyd M.
Goodson6, and Eduard Y. Chekmenev1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology,
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,
Nashville, TN, United States,3International
Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian
Federation, 4Novosibirsk
State University, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian
Federation, 5Physics,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 6Chemistry
and Biochemistry, Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, IL, United States
Nuclear spin polarization P is
a key factor for MRI sensitivity, with various
hyperpolarization techniques permitting orders of
magnitude increases beyond that afforded by static
magnetic fields. Low-field, resonance frequency
optimized rf coils can allow imaging of such
polarization with greater sensitivity than at high
field. High-resolution 0.0475 T proton and 13C
2D GRE imaging is demonstrated for pyridine and 13C-succinate
hyperpolarized via SABRE and PHIP respectively in a 5.75
mT parahydrogen polarizer. Proton in-plane resolution
was 94 μm for P ~ 0.5%, and 13C
in-plane resolution was 250 μm with P ~ 13%.
2779. |
In vivo Hyperpolarized 13C
Chemical Shift Imaging using Variable Flip Angle and Centric
Phase Encoding of Stimulated Mouse Muscle 
Tangi Roussel1, Avigdor Leftin1,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
MR spectroscopic imaging of hyperpolarized 13C1-pyruvate
is a promising technique for in vivo mapping of
metabolic information. This method is based on dynamic
nuclear polarization (DNP) and on a rapid dissolution
process to produce a highly polarized metabolic contrast
agent. After injection, 13C1-pyruvate and its metabolic
products 13C1-lactate, 13C1-alanine and 13C1-bicarbonate
can be mapped using a Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI)
sequence. In this study, a Variable Flip Angle (VFA)
Centric Phase Encoding (CPE) CSI sequence was
implemented and applied on hyperpolarized 13C1-pyruvate
for imaging the metabolism of mice skeletal muscles
during functional stimulations mimicking exercise.
2780. |
Hyperpolarization of a
bisfluorinated phenylalanine derivative using PHIP and
examination of the interaction with -cyclodextrin 
Markus Plaumann1, Thomas Trantzschel1,
Denise Lego2, Claudia Köhn1, Grit
Sauer3, Torsten Gutmann3, Joachim
Bargon4, Gerd Buntkowsky3, Ute
Bommerich2, and Johannes Bernarding1
1Department for Biometrics und Medical
Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg,
Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, 2Special
Lab Non-Invasive Brain Imaging, Leibniz Institute for
Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, 3Institute
for Physical Chemistry, Technical University Darmstadt,
Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany,4Institute of
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University Bonn,
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Amino acids are highly relevant in biological pathways
and for protein and enzyme structures or for the
synthesis of neurotransmitter. An essential amino acid
is L-phenylalanine (Phe). The use of fluorinated amino
acids are of great interest in medical chemistry and
diagnostics especially for the investigation of amino
acid metabolism, protein structures and protein-ligand
interactions. The disadvantage of low spin density in
vivo can be overcome by hyperpolarization methods like
Parahydrogen Induced Polarization. We present the
hyperpolarization of a bisfluorinated phenylalanine
derivative and studies of the interaction between Phe
and  -cyclodextrin.
2781. |
PHIP of valproic acid and
related structures 
Thomas Trantzschel1, Denise Lego2,
Markus Plaumann1, Grit Sauer3,
Torsten Gutmann3, Joachim Bargon4,
Gerd Buntkowsky3, Johannes Bernarding1,
and Ute Bommerich2
1Department for Biometry and Medical
Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke Univerität Magdeburg,
Magdeburg, Germany, 2Leibniz
Institute for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany,3Eduard-Zintl-Institute
for Inorganic Chemistry, Technical University Darmstadt,
Darmstadt, Germany, 4Institute
of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Bonn, Germany
Parahydrogen Induced Polarization (PHIP) is increasingly
used as a promising tool for medical/biological
applications in magnetic resonance as it can increase
MR-sensitivity by orders of magnitude. So far only a few
number of molecules acting as metabolic sensors were
already hyperpolarized with PHIP, but the direct
hyperpolarization of drugs used in the treatment of
neurological disorders was not achieved so far. In this
study the feasibility of applying PHIP to valproate
(used in epilepsy treatment) and structurally related
molecules with different side chains was examined in NMR
and MRI experiments.
2782. |
Determination of Diffusive
and Transport Processes of Hyperpolarized [1,1,2,2-D4,
1-13C]-Choline in the Rat Kidney
Trevor P. Wade1,2, Lanette Friesen-Waldner2,
Curtis N. Wiens3, Kevin J. Sinclair2,
Rachel Katz-Brull4,5, and Charles A. McKenzie1,2
1Robarts Research Institute, The University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, The University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada,3Radiology, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 4Radiology,
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem,
Israel, 5BrainWatch
Ltd., Tel-Aviv, Israel
Choline is important in cellular membrane construction,
so there is interest in developing an MRI choline
molecular probe. This study determined if uptake of
hyperpolarized [1,1,2,2-D4, 1-13C]-Choline
(CMP1) in rat kidneys is due to a saturable cellular
transport process or an extracellular diffusion process.
Dynamic, 1D images of rat kidneys were obtained after
injection of four different doses of CMP1. If CMP1
uptake in kidneys was due solely to diffusion, the
kidney signal would increase linearly with
concentration. Instead, it began to plateau. This
implies a saturable transport process occurs, and uptake
is not limited to diffusion.
2783. |
A Multi-compartment Phantom
for Controlled and Heterogeneous Conversion of
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate to Lactate
Christopher M Walker1, Mark S Ramirez1,
Jaehyuk Lee1, and James A Bankson1
1Imaging Physics, M.D. Anderson, Houston,
Texas, United States
One barrier to efficient development and validation of
advanced imaging techniques for hyperpolarized agents is
then current lack of a practical model for the complex
biology probed by hyperpolarized MR. To fill this need
we propose a multi compartment single enzyme phantom
that allows repeatable conversion of pyruvate to lactate
in a tunable manner for mimicking different tissue
states. We have demonstrated the phantoms spatial
dependence with both multichannel spectral measurements
and cumulative spectral Imaging. This platform has the
potential to speed development and implementation of
complex imaging strategies for efficient hyperpolarized
2784. |
Field dependency of
Parahydrogen Induced Hyperpolarization (PHIP) of 1H
and 19F
in Earth’s Magnetic Field 
Claudia Köhn1, Thomas Trantzschel1,
Markus Plaumann1, Ute Bommerich2,
Denise Lego2, and Johannes Bernarding1
1Biometrics und Medical Informatics,
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg,
Sachsony-Anhalt, Germany, 2Special
Lab Non-Invasive Brain Imaging, Leibniz Institute for
Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Sachsony-Anhalt, Germany
To increase the SNR in earth's magnetic field NMR the
macroscopic spin order of parahydrogen can be used to
produce hyperpolarization. Therefore after an
unsaturated substrate is hydrogenated with parahydrogen
field cycling has to be applied. Here, we show that a
preparation field in the regime of mT switched on for
several seconds enables the transfer of PHIP-generated
hyperpolarization from parahydrogen to 19F
and that this process is field dependent. For the
measurement a self built coil based earth field
spectrometer was used.
2785. |
Metabolism of
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate to Plasma Glucose
in the Rat Liver
Karlos X Moreno1, Eunsook Jin1,
Jian-Xiong Wang1, A Dean Sherry1,
Matthew E Merritt1, and Craig R Malloy1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States
In vivo hepatic metabolism of hyperpolarized
[1-13C]pyruvate is not known to produce 13C-enriched
blood glucose. Rats were either infused simultaneously
with [3-13C]pyruvate and [U-13C]octanoate or saline
before injection with hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Hyperpolarized [13C]bicarbonate was observed in several
animals. Carbon-13 isotopomer analysis of purified blood
glucose showed a large amount of 13C enrichment from
pyruvate/octanoate infused animals. Saline infused
animals showed a small amount of 13C-enrichment. Also
evident were spin-spin 13C couplings was observed as
being derived from two molecules of [1-13C]pyruvate
forming one molecule of glucose. Integration of
hyperpolarized and conventional 13C-NMR is a powerful
method for monitoring liver metabolism.
2786. |
Chemical Shift Enhanced
Acquisition of in vivo Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolism in 9.4T 
Seungwook Yang1, Joonsung Lee2,3,
Eunhae Joe1, Hansol Lee1, Young-Suk
Choi4, Ho-Taek Song4, and
Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2Nano-Medical
National Core Research Center, Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea, 3SIRIC,
Yonsei, Seoul, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University,
Seoul, Korea
A method for frequency-selective, high-resolution
acquisition of hyperpolarized substrate and its
downstream metabolites in vivo in 9.4T is presented. The
spatial displacement caused by the chemical shift is
utilized in the acquisition of metabolite-selective
images by modifying the slice-selection gradients’
duration and polarity. By doing so, spectral bands of
neighboring resonances can be pushed outside the subject
while acquisition is done in a frequency-interleaved
manner. In this work, a simple implementation of this
concept into a conventional 3D CSI sequence is
presented, along with initial application results from
in vivo mouse kidney experiment in 9.4T.
2787. |
Improved throughput of
hyperpolarized substrates by 1H 13C
cross-polarization DNP
Sami Jannin1,2, Aurélien Bornet1,
Jonas Milani1, Basile Vuichoud1,
Roberto Melzi3, Angel J. Perez Linde1,
Patrick Hautle4, Ben van den Brandt4,
Joost Lohman5, and Geoffrey Bodenhausen1,6
1EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Bruker
BioSpin AG, Fallanden, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Bruker
Italia, Milano, Italy, 4PSI,
Villigen, Switzerland, 5Bruker
UK Limited, Coventry, United Kingdom, 6Département
de Chimie, ENS, Paris, France
We show an efficient route for rapidly generating 13C
hyperpolarization on molecules such as pyruvate at
polarization levels exceeding P(13C)>40% in less than 30
minutes. The method begins by the rapid and efficient
hyperpolarization of 1H spins (P(1H)>80% in less than 5
minutes) at low temperature and high field (T = 1.2 K
and B0 = 6.7 T) using the inexpensive polarizing agent
TEMPOL, in combination with rapid 1H→13C polarization
transfer by cross-polarization (CP) at low temperature
in typically less than 2 ms.
2788. |
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Metabolism in a
Mouse Model of Breast Cancer 
Roberta M Strigel1, Erin Adamson2,
David J Niles2, Amy Rapaich Moser3,4,
Jeremy W Gordon2, Elizabeth S Burnside1,4,
and Sean B Fain1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
States, 3Human
Oncology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
States, 4Carbone
Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
United States
Hyperpolarized(HP) carbon-13(13C) MR
spectroscopic imaging was performed to detect the
metabolic features of tumorigenesis in a mouse model of
mammary malignancy. 11 mice with tumors were imaged on a
4.7T small animal MR system. Dynamic 13C
imaging was performed after intravenous (IV) injection
of HP 13C-pyruvate
followed by dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI using IV
gadodiamide. Lactate was identified as a metabolite of
HP 13C-pyruvate
in 2/11 mice. Preliminary results demonstrate
inconsistency between contrast-enhanced perfusion and HP 13C-lactate,
suggesting that HP 13C
imaging may identify spatial heterogeneity in
metabolism, within and between tumors, which differs
from perfusion with DCE MRI.
2789. |
A Survey On The Effect Of
Antioxidant And Metabolism Modifiers On Lung Metabolism
Using Hyperpolarized 13C NMR
Hoora Shaghaghi1, Stephen Kadlecek1,
Mehrdad Pourfathi1, Sarmad Siddiqui1,
Profka Harrilla1, and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
In order to develop a more comprehensive understanding
of lung metabolism, we investigated the underlying
mechanism of pulmonary metabolic changes in the presence
of several notable compounds with a known effect on the
biochemical activity of perfused lungs. These compounds
included dichloroacetate, a PDK inhibitor; glutathione,
an antioxidant and a LDH inhibitor; ascorbate, an
antioxidant; dehydroascorbate, the oxidized form of
ascorbate; and alpha-lipoic acid, a metabolism modifier.
Among these compounds, ascorbate had the most
significant effect on PDH flux. In a comparison of the
effects, we concluded that the mechanism of ascorbate
effect is not due to its antioxidant properties.
2790. |
From Minutes to Hours:
Extending the T1 of Xe-129 DNP in the Solid-State
Caroline D. Keenan1, Mehrdad Pourfathi1,
Nicholas N. Kuzma1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1,
and Rahim Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Recent advancements in the production of hyperpolarized
gases via solid-state DNP methods offer an attractive
alternative for in-vivo lung magnetic resonance imaging.
On evaluating the effect of the sample composition on
the Xe-129 DNP time constants we find that simple
reductions in the radical concentration leads to
significant gains.
2791. |
Checks and Balances: Using
129Xe as a Self-Reporting Probe of Sample Homogeneity in
Solid Mixtures
Caroline D. Keenan1, Mehrdad Pourfathi1,
Nicholas N. Kuzma1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1,
and Rahim Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Building on recent advances in low temperature DNP
methods for producing hyperpolarized (HP) Xe-129 for MRI
applications, we explore DNP efficiency of homogeneously
mixed Xe/1-propanol/trityl radical mixtures in the
solid-state using a newly developed apparatus and
evaluate the utility of NMR observables as probes of
sample heterogeneity.
2792. |
Suppression of unwanted
resonances in hyperpolarized MR studies with neat [1-13C]lactic
Cornelius von Morze1, Peder EZ Larson1,
Hong Shang1, and Daniel B Vigneron1
1Dept. of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging,
UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
Similar to pyruvate, neat [13C]lactic acid
appears to be the best form of lactate for dissolution
DNP. Unfortunately the neat acid is prone to form a
lactide dimer which overlaps spectrally onto product
alanine. We investigated the use of a spectrally
selective pre-saturation pulse sequence to eliminate
dimer signal prior to hyperpolarized metabolic
experiments in vivo.
2793. |
Detection of metabolic
changes in SCC tumor by mTOR inhibition using hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate
Keita Saito1, Shingo Matsumoto1,
Yoichi Takakusagi1, Masayuki Matsuo1,
H Douglas Morris2, Hellmut Merkle2,
Martin J Lizak2, Jeeva P Munasinghe2,
Nallathamby Devasahayam1, Sankaran
Subramanian1, James B Mitchell1,
and Murali C Krishna1
1Radiation Biology Branch, National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2National
Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke, Bethesda,
Maryland, United States
We investigated effects of an mTOR inhibitor rapamycin
on pyruvate metabolism in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
implanted in mice leg using 13C-MRI
with hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate. The
signal of [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate
were detected in SCC tumor immediately after
hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate injection. [1-13C]lactate
to [1-13C]pyruvate ratio (Lac/Pyr) in the SCC
tumors increased as tumor grew in non-treated control
mice, whereas it significantly dropped after 2 days of
rapamycin treatment. So, mTOR inhibition causes decrease
of LDH activity in SCC tumor, and lactate to pyruvate
ratio monitored using hyperpolarized 13C-MRI
would become a useful marker for tumor response to
2794. |
Multi Gradient and
Spin-Echo Radial Acquisition for Hyperpolarized 13C
Marc S Ramirez1, Jaehyuk Lee1,
Yunyun Chen2, Christopher M Walker1,
Stephen Y Lai2, and James A Bankson1
1Department of Imaging Physics, The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, United States, 2Department
of Head and Neck Surgery, The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center, TX, United States
Spin-echo sequences offer several advantages for
hyperpolarized MRSI, yet are challenging due to
potential signal loss from the combination of flowing
spins and lengthy 180° refocusing pulses. In this work,
we developed and evaluated a multi-echo radial MRSI
sequence in which a gradient-echo is used to measure the
vascular input function of HP [1-13C]
pyruvate in the blood and a train of spin-echoes is used
to enhance the signal-to-noise of tumor measurements.
The initial feasibility of this sequence was evaluated
in dynamic HP phantoms ex vivo and in a murine model of
anaplastic thyroid cancer in vivo.
2795. |
Solvent effects of
hyperpolarization drugs using signal amplification by
reversible exchange (SABRE) 
Haifeng Zeng1,2, Jiadi Xu1,2,
Joseph Gillen1,2, Michael T. McMahon1,2,
Dmitri Artemov2, Jean-Max Tyburn3,
Joost A.B. Lohman4, Ryan Mewis5,
Kevin D. Atkinson5, Gary G.R. Green5,
Simon B. Duckett5, and Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2
1Kirby Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States,3Bruker
BioSpin GmbH, Silberstreifen, Rheinstetten, Germany, 4Bruker
UK Limited, Banner Lane, Coventry, United Kingdom, 5Department
of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York,
United Kingdom
Hyperpolarization can provide improved sensitivity for
NMR, recently enabling the real-time monitoring of
metabolism in vivo. Among the parahydrogen polarization
techniques, the signal amplification by reversible
exchange (SABRE) approach does not require chemical
modification of substrate to polarize. Traditionally,
methanol-d4 was used as solvent, which is not suitable
for injection into animals. We therefore investigated
the possibility of SABRE polarization in more compatible
solvents namely DMSO, ethanol and water. In this work,
we polarized 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine, pyrazinamide and
isoniazid. In methanol-d4, up to -1400 times enhancement
was obtained, corresponding to 8% polarization. In
water, up to -65 times enhancement was obtained.
2796. |
Bolus Tracking for Improved
Metabolic Imaging of Hyperpolarised Compounds
Markus Durst1,2, Ulrich Koellisch1,2,
Concetta Gringeri3, Martin A. Janich2,
Giaime Rancan2,3, Annette Frank3,
Florian Wiesinger2, Marion I. Menzel2,
Axel Haase1, and Rolf F. Schulte2
1IMETUM, Technische Universität München,
Garching, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Garching, Germany, 3Klinikum
rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München,
München, Germany
Dynamic nuclear polarisation has enabled real-time
metabolic imaging of pyruvate and its metabolites.
Conventional imaging sequences do not account for
intersubject variations in biological parameters such as
perfusion. A fully automatic realtime bolus tracking
sequence for hyperpolarised substrates is presented
which starts the imaging acquisition at a defined point
on the bolus curve. This reduces artefacts, allows for a
more efficient use of hyperpolarised magnetisation and
enables a more reliable and consistent quantification of
metabolic activity. Using a copolarised urea and
pyruvate injection, spectrally selective tracking on
urea allows obtaining localised bolus tracking
information without depleting the pyruvate signal.
2797. |
Highly Efficient Xe-129 DNP
in the Frozen State via Pellet Formation
Mehrdad Pourfathi1,2, Caroline D. Keenan1,
Nicholas N. Kuzma1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1,
and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, Universtiy of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Universtiy of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
DNP of 129Xe has the potential to be used for clinical
application in MR imaging of the lung parenchyma and
structure. Achieving high polarization values are
paramount to achieving this goal. Here we demonstrate
the utility of pellet formation (on the mm scale) for
substantial gains in DNP efficiency in the solid state.
2798. |
Non-invasive measurement of
cellular membrane pH gradient in brain tumors using
hyperpolarized 13C-bicarbonate
MSRI and CEST imaging
Heeseung Lim1, Nevin McVicar1,
Francisco M Martinez-Santiesteban1, Robert
Bartha1,2, and Timothy J Scholl1,2
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, Western University, London, Ontario,
The pH gradient between intracellular and extracellular
space changes in tumor. Tumors have a more alkaline pHi
and a more acidic pHe. In the current study, pHi and pHe
spatial distribution maps are measured in a glioma brain
tumor rat model using CEST 1H-MRI
and hyperpolarized 13C-MRS
respectively. Measured pHi and pHe in normal and tumor
tissue are consistent with previous work. The pH maps
demonstrate an increased transmembrane pH gradient, ∆pH
≈ 0.14 in the glioma compared to contralateral brain
tissue, ∆pH ≈ -0.34. This work represents to the
author’s best knowledge the first in vivo quantitative
pH-gradient mapping.
2799. |
SNR comparison between CSI
and spectral-spatial EPI acquisitions for hyperpolarized 13C
metabolic imaging
Albert P Chen1 and
Charles H Cunningham2,3
1GE Healthcare, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
ON, Canada, 3Deptartment
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
In the first in human hyperpolarized 13C metabolic
imaging study in prostate cancer patients, spectroscopic
based chemical shift imaging technique was utilized to
acquire spatially localized hyperpolarized [1-13C]
pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate images from a single imaging
window. Imaging based approaches utilizing selective
excitation of a specific metabolite has been developed
in recent years to enable acquisition of temporally
resolved 13C metabolic imaging data throughout the time
course of substrate infusion and its metabolic
conversions. In this study, a comparison between a
spectral-spatial EPI sequence designed for dynamic
hyperpolarized 13C metabolic imaging and the standard
CSI technique was performed in vivo.
2800. |
A new low volume NMR tube
for in-vitro hyperpolarized 13C
experiments of prostate cancer cell suspensions 
Vincent Breukels1, Cees F.J. Jansen2,
Jack J.A. van Asten1, Jan W.M. van Os3,
Andrea Capozzi4, P. Jan M. van Bentum3,
Arnaud Comment4, and Tom W.J. Scheenen1
1Radiology, Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Urology,
Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland,
Netherlands, 3Institute
for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 4Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
In-vitro experiments
of hyperpolarized 13C
substrates is a valuable tool to study normal and
pathogenic metabolic processes. Commonly these
experiments are performed in cell suspensions containing
between 25 – 100 million cells. We developed a low
volume, low number of cells setup. Using two prostate
cancer cell lines we show that accurate quantification
of metabolic conversion and perfect resolution (< 1Hz
linewidth) can be obtained with as little as two million
cells. Our setup expands the use of hyperpolarized MR
beyond immortalized cell lines, such as primary cell
cultures, for which high number of cells cannot be
2801. |
Detection of prostate tumor
metabolism using hyperpolarized [1-13C]-acetate
Concetta Valeria Gringeri1, Ulrich Koellisch2,3,
Annette Frank4, Rolf Schulte3,
Axel Haase2, Markus Schwaiger4,
and Marion Irene Menzel3
1Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum
rechts der Isar, TUM, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 2IMETUM,
TUM, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 3GE
Global Research, Munich, Bayern, Germany, 4Institute
of Nulcear Medicine, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM,
Munich, Bayern, Germany
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the elderly
men and the second leading cause of cancer death in men.
Prostate tumor as well as other cancers is characterized
by altered energy metabolism and up-regulation of fatty
acid synthesis. Hyperpolarized 13C-acetate can be used
to investigate prostate tumor metabolism through
measurement of the tracer uptake and the metabolic
conversion to Acetyl-carnitine (ALCAR) by developing a
SNR optimal pulse sequence. An increase by time of
acetate uptake was detected in the tumor region allowing
to define the time evolution of the signal in tumor and
blood vessels. This study reveals that the visualization
of prostate cancer with HP 13C-acetate is feasible in
rats. Such baseline data could be important when
following the modifications in metabolism and to monitor
FAS expression in prostate cancer. Further
investigations have to be done to evaluate the
possibility to correlate cancer aggressiveness with
quantitative analysis of prostate cancer metabolism and
HP 13C-acetate tumor uptake.
Molecular Imaging: MEMRI, Cell Tracking, etc.
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:30 - 12:30 |
2802. |
MRI of histological tumor sections using a double tunable
surface coil
Gunthard Lykowsky1, Thomas Christian
Basse-Lüsebrink1, Thomas Kampf2,
Michael Hess3, Stephanie Weibel3,
Aladar A. Szalay4, Peter Michael Jakob1,2,
and Daniel Haddad1
1Research Center for Magnetic Resonance
Bavaria e.V., Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Department
for Experimental Physics 5, University of Würzburg,
Bavaria, Germany,3Department of Biochemistry,
University of Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 4Genelux
Corporation, San Diego, CA, United States
Within the last few years, 19F MRI was successfully
applied to numerous research questions. For 19F-based
cell tracking, ex-vivo MRI in combination with
immunohistochemistry is often performed to validate
in-vivo findings. Unfortunately, due to different sample
geometries and sizes, the correlation of the different
imaging modalities is limited. For 1H MRI, coils
optimized for imaging of histological samples have been
successfully applied. The current work expands the
concept of 1H MRI on histological tissue samples to
1H/19F MRI using a double-tunable surface coil, thus
allowing correlation between the 1H/19F MR data and
2803. |
Tumor-specific expression
and detection of a CEST reporter gene
Il Minn1, Amnon Bar-Shir1,2, Jeff
W. M. Bulte1,2, Paul B. Fisher3,
Assaf A. Gilad1,2, and Martin G. Pomper1
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Cellular
Imaging Section, Institute for Cell Engineering, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Massey
Cancer Center, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA, United States
We developed a molecular-genetic imaging approach to
accomplish tumor-specific expression of a reporter gene
based on chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
MRI. The lysine-rich protein (LRP), a CEST reporter, was
expressed under the control of the PEG-Prom, which is
tumor-specific, in 9L rat glioma cells (9LPEG-LRP).
9LPEG-LRP cells
transplanted to a mouse brain showed higher CEST
contrast compared to those from wild type cells. Here we
show the feasibility of using a CEST-reporter gene under
a tumor-specific promoter. This is the first step toward
a systemic delivery of a PEG-Prom:LRP vector, which
allows visualization of malignant tissues with CEST MRI.
2804. |
MRI Tracking of
Transplanted Cell Viability and Function Using a Multimodal
Quadruple Fusion Gene Reporter
Anna V Naumova1,2, Nathan J Palpant2,3,
Niranjan Balu1,2, Xia Shen1,4,
Chun Yuan1,5, and Charles E Murry2,3
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 2Center
for Cardiovascular Biology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 3Pathology,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 4Medicine,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 5Bioengineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
We propose an integrative approach to monitor
transplanted cells non-invasively by combining MRI based
structural and functional evaluation with other imaging
modalities such as bioluminescence imaging, fluorescence
and PET. For this, we engineered a novel
genetically-based sensing system consisting of ferritin,
luciferase, GCaMP3, and HSV1-tk, which makes graft
detectable by multiple imaging modalities. Human
embryonic stem cell line expressing quadruple gene
reporter demonstrated T2 shortening effect in MRI,
strong bioluminescence and fluorescence properties as
well as ganciclovir sensitivity. This integrative
approach enables longitudinal non-invasive monitoring of
the transplanted cells.
2805. |
Quantification of Dendritic
Cells entering the Lymph Nodes in Mice using 19-F MRI 
Conrad Steven Martin1, Min-Chi Ku1,
Stefano Lepore1, Helmar Waiczies1,2,
Andreas Pohlmann1, Jan Hentschel1,
Matthias Dieringer1,2, Thoralf Niendorf1,2,
and Sonia Waiczies1,3
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch,
Berlin, Germany, 2MRI.TOOLS
GmbH, Berlin, Germany, Berlin-Buch, Berlin, Germany, 3Experimental
and Clinical Research Center, Berlin, Germany,
Berlin-Buch, Berlin, Germany
19F MRI is used to track the movement of dendritic cells
labeled with 19F nanoparticles in their progression
through the lymphatic system in the hindquarters of
mice. Specific quantitative and temporal data is
collected by the use of Point resolved 19F spectroscopy.
This has significant implications in human dendritic
cell treatments.
2806. |
Enhanced contrast of
punctuate paramagnetic structures through zero-padding 
Clemens Diwoky1, Daniel Liebmann2,
Dirk Strunk3, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Graz University of Technology, Graz,
Austria, 2Stem
Cell Research Unit, Dept. of Hematology, Univ. Clinic of
Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz,
Austria,3Experimental and Clinical Cell
Therapy Institute, Paracelsus Medical University,
Salzburg, Austria
Within this study we show that for punctuate
paramagnetic structures the positioning of the perturber
relative to the imaging sampling grid has a notable
impact on the signal decrease of the acquired voxel.
This effect can be employed in order to boost the
contrast of labelled cells if the underlying 3D GRE
dataset is zeropadded and a minimum intensity projection
between the sub-voxel sampling points is calculated.
Simulations and in-vitro cell phantom experiments are
used to confirm our theory. The results show a
remarkable gain in negative contrast for iron-oxide
labelled cells.
2807. |
Ferumoxytol labeling of
human neural progenitor cells for tracking with MRI in the
porcine spinal cord
Jason Lamanna1,2, Juanmarco Gutierrez2,
Lindsey Urquia2, Natalia Grin2,
Jonathan Riley2, Jaclyn Espinosa3,
Thais Buchman2, John Oshinski4,
and Nicholas Boulis2
1Biomedical Engineering, Emory University and
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United
States, 2Neurosurgery,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States,3Surgery,
Emory University, GA, United States, 4Radiology,
Emory University, GA, United States
Clinical investigations of cell-based therapies
transplanted in to the spinal cord do not have a
reliable method of confirming graft delivery or
survival. We demonstrate a straightforward approach to
label human neural progenitor cells with ferumoxytol and
track them in the spinal cord of a large animal.
2808. |
Transverse Relaxation Rate
(R2) Dependence on Interecho Time (2 )
in Gene-based Iron-labeled Cells
Casey Y. Lee1,2, R. Terry Thompson1,2,
Frank S. Prato1,2, Donna E. Goldhawk1,2,
and Neil Gelman1,2
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, ON, Canada, 2Imaging
Program, Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON,
We have investigated the dependence of transverse
relaxation rate (R2) on interecho time (2τ) in cells
labeled with iron using expression of MagA, a putative
iron transport gene. This dependence was analyzed using
a mathematical model previously developed for
iron-containing tissues. The model provided values for
the “spatial correlation length” (distance scale of
microscopic magnetic field variation), in
iron-supplemented MagA-expressing cells, that were
smaller than those previously obtained in
iron-containing tissues. In addition to improving our
understanding of iron distribution in these systems, our
results should provide insight into the development of
more iron-specific strategies to detect these cells.
2809. |
re-cellularization of acellularized organs with iron oxide
nanoparticles and T2W-MRI
Joseph E Kobes1, George I Georgiev2,
Anthony V Lewis3, Horacio L Rilo3,
Zain Khalpey3, and Mark D Pagel4
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Department
of Surgery, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States, 3Department
of Surgery, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United
States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, United States
Re-seeding organ scaffolds with a patient’s own cells is
a promising approach to improve organ transplant
procedures. This study investigated whether T2-weighted
MRI can track the reseeding of murine liver scaffolds.
Liver cells were labeled with iron oxide nanoparticles
that were coated with polystyrene, fluorophore,
protamine sulfate, and glutamine. An acellularized mouse
liver was re-perfused with the iron-labeled cells.
T2-weighted MRI monitored initial sparsely populated
cell loading, and heavily populated cell load after 8
days of cell growth, which was confirmed with confocal
microscopy and SEM of liver biopsies. These findings
demonstrate that MRI can track re-cellularization of
acellularized organs.
2810. |
In vivo quantitative
cellular MR imaging guided by in vitro relaxation parameter
measurements of magnetic labeled cells
Ulysse Gimenez1, Michèle El Atifi2,
Hélène Lajous1, Marie Bidart2,
Pascal-Henry Fries3, Francois Berger1,
and Hana Lahrech1
1CEA-Clinatec, Grenoble, France, 2Grenoble
Institute of Neurosciences, La Tronche, France, 3Inac,
CEA, Grenoble, France
This study is focused on the cellular MRI using
ultra-small super-paramagnetic (USPIO) nanoparticles.
U937 macrophages are labeled with Molday Ion RhodamineB
(MIRB). Cell labeling was characterized in vitro, cell
proliferation and viability were not affected by the
MIRB internalization. In vitro experiments were
conducted at different cell concentrations and a
longitudinal in vivo study was achieved. This study
shows which MRI parameter (T2*, T2, or T1) is more
suitable to track magnetically labeled cells in vivo and
attests the ability to quantify labeled U937 cell
concentration in a longitudinal study.
2811. |
Tracking cell transplants
in vivo using a dual modality MRI/bioluminescence tomography
Moussa Chehade1,2, Amit K. Srivastava2,3,
and Jeff W. M. Bulte2,3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Cellular
Imaging Section, Institute for Cell Engineering, The
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 3Department
of Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
Among the current challenges in cell transplantation
research is the need to monitor cell targeting and
survival in pre-clinical models using in
vivo imaging.
To improve upon current techniques, we developed a
method to co-register BLI and MR images of transplanted
cells using a specialized animal holder and an a
priori spatial
transformation paradigm. In
vivo testing
using ES cell transplants in mice showed that this
multimodal approach can visualize cell location with
higher accuracy and resolution while providing a more
sensitive measure of cell survival than could be
obtained with a single imaging modality.
2812. |
Neil C Talbot1, Paul Graninger1,
Dwayne Roach1,2, Erik M Shapiro2,
Wesley M Garrett1, and Thomas J Caperna1
1Beltsville Agricultural Research Center,
USDA, Beltsville, MD, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
MI, United States
Many severe, progressive liver diseases may be amenable
to hepatocyte transplantation. PICM-19 cells are
bipotent liver parenchymal cells derived from pig ESCs
and are promising for swine regenerative medicine models
of liver disease and for potential human
xenotransplantation. Here we demonstrate that magnetic
labeling of PICM-19 hepatocytes with MPIOs does not
impact the phenotypic or functional properties of these
cells, paving the way for their use in MRI-based cell
tracking of liver regenerative medicine paradigms.
Further, these experiments demonstrate the usefulness of
functional assays, rather than detection of cell-surface
CD markers for studying effects of magnetic particles on
labeled cells.
2813. |
In-vivo tracking of 19F-labeled
natural killer cells with MRI in lymphoid tumor model 
Kai D. Ludwig1, Jeremy W. Gordon1,
Myriam N. Bouchlaka2, Christian M. Capitini2,
Bryan P. Bednarz1,3, and Sean B. Fain1,3
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Pediatrics,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States,3Radiology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Tumor-specific immunotherapy is emerging as a novel
treatment paradigm for patients with metastatic tumors
that are incurable with conventional therapies. Natural
killer (NK) cells have shown anti-tumor effects against
hematological and non-hematological cancers. Often, lack
of knowledge on trafficking patterns limits the efficacy
of adoptively transferred NK cell’s anti-tumor response.
We propose to use an MRI tracer perfluoropolyether agent
to detect immune cells in-vivo. Isolated, 19F-labeled
NK cells were injected into a mouse and 19F
MRI detected signal accumulation in a lymphoid tumor.
However, 19F
signal contamination was observed from isoflurane
anesthetic requiring ketamine/xylazine as an anesthetic
in future work.
2814. |
Development and evaluation
of labeled islet cells using iron oxide nanoparticles and
DNA hybridization
Ryusuke Nakai1,2, Narufumi Kitamura1,
and Hiroo Iwata1
1Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2Kokoro
Research Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
In this study, we developed a labeling method for islet
cells with superparamagnetic iron oxide particles
(SPIOs) based on DNA hybridization, which has been
successfully applied to cell surface modification. The
labeling efficiency of this method was evaluated by MRI.
The SPIO-labeled islet cells could be clearly detected
as dark spots by T2*-weighted MR image, whereas
non-labeled islet cells could not be detected. The
method is also likely to be applicable for use with
other cells, such as stem cells, and for labeling at
multiple sites by changing the DNA sequence.
2815. |
Investigation of Vertical
Translatability of Awake Pharmacological MRI in Non-Human
Primate - A Buprenorphine Challenge Study 
Stephanie Seah1, Abu Bakar Ali Asad1,
Richard Baumgartner2, Dai Feng2,
Donald S. Williams3, Elaine Manigbas4,
John D. Beaver4, Torsten Reese1,
Brian Henry1, Jeffrey L. Evelhoch3,
and Chih-Liang Chin1
1Translational Medicine Research Centre, MSD,
Singapore, Singapore, 2Biometrics
Research, BARDS, Merck & Co. Inc, Rahway, New Jersey,
United States, 3Imaging,
Merck & Co. Inc, West Point, Pennsylvania, United
States, 4Imaging,
Maccine Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore
We have established an awake non-human primate (NHP)
imaging platform and exploited it to delineate brain
activities elicited by buprenorphine (0.03 mg/kg iv)
under awake and anesthetized phMRI. We found
buprenorphine significantly activated brain regions
including, thalamus, striatum, frontal and cingulate
cortices (paired t-test, versus saline vehicle, p<0.05,
n=4) in awake NHPs, whilst no significant change was
observed under anesthetized imaging. Additionally,
activated brain areas agree with  -opioid
receptor distribution depicted by [6-O-[ 11C]methyl]buprenorphine
([ 11C]BPN) PET study in baboons and previous
buprenorphine phMRI data in human and conscious rats.
Our work highlights the utility of awake NHP phMRI for
translational research.
2816. |
biodegradable hydrogels for sustained delivery of
therapeutic proteins: MRI-based monitoring of in vitro and
in vivo protein release
Geralda A.F. van Tilborg1, Pavel Yanev1,
Kristel W.M. Boere2, Tina Vermonden2,
Annette van der Toorn1, Wim E. Hennink2,
and Rick M. Dijkhuizen1
1Biomedical MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
Group, Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical
Sciences, University Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Hydrogels have been suggested as novel drug carrier
system for sustained release of therapeutic proteins in
several disorders, including stroke. This study shows
that biodegradable hydrogels, consisting of
thermosensitive triblock polymers and thiolated
hyaluronic acid, release ≥ 80% of their
gadolinium-labeled albumin load within 2 days, both in
vitro and in the brain of living animals. The presented
MRI setup provides a unique opportunity to
non-invasively monitor protein delivery to the brain
through implanted hydrogels in living animals, which
could aid in the development and assessment of such
innovative drug carrier systems for prolonged drug
delivery to injured brain tissue.
2817. |
Assessment of bone marrow
adipose tissue and glucose metabolism in a whole body MR/PET
system: distribution patterns and correlation with
anthropometric data
Nina F Schwenzer1, Marinus Schmid1,
Sergios Gatidis1, Holger Schmidt1,2,
Cornelia Brendle1, Christian la Fougère3,
Claus D Claussen1, Christina Pfannenberg1,
and Christina Schraml1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology,
Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital Tübingen,
Tübingen, BW, Germany, 2Preclinical
Imaging and Radiophramacy, Dept. of Radiology,
University Hospital Tübingen, BW, Germany, 3Nuclear
Medicine, Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital
Tübingen, Tübingen, BW, Germany
Recently introduced whole body MR/PET systems allow for
assessment of MR- and PET-information within one
examination. Furthermore, characterization of tissue
properties is possible with high alignment quality of
PET and MRI. In the present study, the composition and
glucose utilization of bone marrow throughout the human
skeleton in vivo was assessed with respect to the fat
content using a simultaneous MR/PET scanner.
Additionally, the correlation with anthropometric and
endocrinological factors on bone marrow composition and
metabolic activity such as age, body mass index and
blood glucose level were analyzed.
2818. |
Monitoring the Accumulation
of Natural Fruit-derived diaCEST Liposomes in B16 Melanoma
Xiaolei Song1,2, Tao Yu1,3, Deepak
Kadayakkara1, Kannie W Y Chan1,2,
Yuan Qiao4, Jeff W M Bulte1,2,
Peter CM van Zijl1,2, Justin S Hanes3,
and Michael T McMahon1,2
1Division of MR Research, The Russell H.
Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 3Center
for Nanomedicine, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4The
Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics and Therapeutics,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Sidney Kimmel Cancer
Center at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Maryland,
United States
Nanocarriers designed for imaging are becoming a
powerful tool in oncology, allowing not only tumor
detection but also assessment of tumor blood vessel
permeability. Liposomes loaded with non-metallic diaCEST
MR agents enable evaluation of the efficacy of tumor
targeting. Recently a new family of CEST agents was
reported, i.e., salicylic acid (SA) and analogues, which
contain labile protons with large resonance shifts from
water. We developed a series of SA-analogue liposomes
for CEST MRI. Of these, 2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, a
fruit metabolite, showed the best liposomal retention
(>40%) in vitro and also in vivo in mice bearing B16
melanomas, namely 3% CEST contrast.
2819. |
EXCI-CEST: exploiting
pharmaceutical excipients as safe MRI-CEST contrast agents
Dario Livio Longo1,2, Fatima Zzahra
Moustaghfir3, Lorena Consolino1,2,
Giuseppe Digilio4, and Silvio Aime1,2
1University of Turin, Torino, Italy, 2Molecular
Imaging Center, University of Turin, Torino, Italy, 3University
of Vrije Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 4Environmental
and Life Science, University of Eastern Piedmont "Amedeo
Avogadro", Alessandria, Italy
Molecules possessing exchangeable proton pools may be
selectively imaged within the MRI-CEST modality. Due to
the inherent low sensitivity of this technique, high
dosages are required to provide enough contrast, thus
limiting possible in vivo application to molecules with
high LD50 levels. In this study we explored the CEST
properties of several pharmaceutical excipients, due to
their high safety profiles. We found that most of them
were able to generate sufficient CEST saturation
transfer contrast for in vivo applications. Intravenous
injection into two different tumor bearing mice (breast
and melanoma tumor models) showed that it was possible
to monitor their uptake by CEST imaging.
2820. |
Michael Oluwaseun Dada1, Bamidele Omotayo
Awojoyogbe1, Simona Baroni2, and
Samarendra Mohanty3
1Department of Physics, Federal University of
Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria, 2Invento
Laboratory, Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC),
Torino, Turin, Italy,3Department of Physics,
Biophysics and Physiology group, University of Texas,
Arlington, Texas, United States
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder of
hemoglobin structure that has no established cure in
adult patients. The most important pathophysiologic
event in sickle cell anemia, which explains most of its
clinical manifestations, is vascular occlusion; this may
involve both the micro- and macrovasculature1. The
primary process that leads to vascular occlusion is the
polymerization of sickle hemoglobin (Hb) on
deoxygenation, which in turn results in distortion of
the shape of red blood cells (RBC), cellular
dehydration, and decreased deformability and stickiness
of RBC, which promotes their adhesion to and activation
of the vascular endothelium1. SCD has been regarded as a
molecular disease without any established cure. Finding
a realiable cure for this disease may be dependent on
much we know about the molecular processes that lead to
it and how we could possibly represent them in terms of
images for classical observation. This study presents a
contribution to the understanding of SCD using the Bloch
– Torrey equation so that we can easily represent the
associated chemical processes in MRI images. Vascular
occlusion is used to describe any form of blockage to
blood vessels.
2821. |
The effect of loading
nascent HDL with gadolinium phospholipids in the structural
stability of the particles
Pedro Ramos-Cabrer1,2, Francois Fay1,
Brenda L. Sánchez-Gaytan1, Teresa Arias3,4,
Jun Tang1, José Castillo2,
Valentín Fuster3,4, Zahi A Fayad1,
and Willem J. M. Mulder1
1Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute (TMII), Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Department
of Neurology, Clinical Neurosciences Research
Laboratory, University Clinical Hospital of Santiago,
Health Sciences Institute of Santiago (IDIS), Santiago
de Compostela, Spain, 3Department
of Cardiology, Zena and Michael A. Weiner Cardiovascular
Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States, 4Centro
Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC),
Madrid, Spain
Labeling of bio-mimicking molecules such as HDL
lipoprotein with imaging probes is a very interesting
feature of molecular imaging techniques. However,
self-aggregating systems are formed under delicate
balances of non-covalent molecular interactions that are
modified by the introduction of imaging probes. Here we
describe how, over certain thresholds, the introduction
of high amounts of a gadolinium loaded lipids in nascent
HDL nanoparticles do not further increase the magnetic
relaxivities of HDL (as desired), but lead in turn to
the formation of large aggregates, that no longer can be
defined as HDL, and that will potentially present
different in vivo properties.
2822. |
Combining fMRI with optical
Ca2+ recordings
to define the impact of brain states on BOLD 
Miriam Schwalm1, Lydia Wachsmuth2,
Florian Schmid2, Cornelius Faber2,
and Albrecht Stroh1
1Institute of Microscopic Anatomy &
Neurobiology - Research Group Molecular Imaging &
Optogenetics, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz,
Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, 2Department
of Clinical Radiology, University of Münster,
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Revealing the neuronal underpinnings of fMRI requires
monitoring of suprathreshold spiking. We implemented the
combination of optical Ca2+ recordings with BOLD fMRI in
rat somatosensory cortex and recorded Ca2+ and BOLD
signals in two brain states: in Up/Down state, sensory
stimulation did not lead to BOLD activation, despite
initiation of Ca2+ waves. In persistent Up state, we
recorded primary neuronal Ca2+ responses, and BOLD
activation. The duration of the BOLD response depended
on the duration of stimulus trains, even though Ca2+
transients revealed adaptation of the neuronal response.
Our data suggests that neuronal spiking plays a minor
role in BOLD.
2823. |
Ultra fast gradient echo
(GRE), balanced gradient echo (bGRE) and ultra fast spin
echo (SE) PET/MRI vs. PET/CT in abdominopelvic oncological
lesions – initial clinical results 
Diethard Schmidt1, Philippe Appenzeller2,
Martin Hüllner2, Felix Kuhn2,
Daniel Schmid2, Andreas Boss2,
Gustav von Schulthess2, and Patrick
1University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Kanton
Zurich, Switzerland, 2University
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Comparison of PET/MRI and PET/CT for abdominopelvic
oncologic lesions with evaluation of three MR sequences
[Ultra fast gradient echo (GRE), balanced gradient echo
(bGRE) and ultra fast spin echo (SE)]
2824. |
Influence of Collimator
Insertion on Eddy Currents for different Resistivities of
Amine Samoudi1, Karen Van Audenhaege2,
Günter Vermeeren1, Michael Poole3,
Roel Van Holen2, Luc Martens1, and
Wout Joseph1
1INTEC, Ghent University/iMinds, Ghent,
Belgium, 2ELIS,
Ghent University/iMinds, Ghent, Belgium, 3INM-4,
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany
This study investigates eddy currents in the collimator
due to gradient coils, for different resistivities of
tungsten materiel. The system is meant to be used for a
small animal SPECT/MRI. Two electromagnetic simulation
platforms, SEMCAD-X and FEKO, were employed for
simulating the gradient coils with the collimator.
Results showed that for higher values of resistivity,
lower current densities on the collimator are obtained
and thus lower eddy current effects, reducing deviations
from the expected values of the gradient. Characterizing
eddy currents and using an improved design of the
gradient should reduce the eddy current effect on the
2825. |
The effect of mesenchymal
stem cells on vascularization of an artificial transplant
cell site studied by DCE-MR and bioluminescence imaging 
Andrea Galisova1, Daniel Jirak1,
Eva Fabryova2, Vit Herynek1, Eva
Dovolilova2, Jan Kriz2, and Milan
1MR Unit, Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology, Institute for Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech
Republic, 2Center
for Experimental Medicine, Institute for Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech
Sufficient blood supply to the transplanted cells is
crucial for their survival and can be enhanced by
implantation of stem cells. We examined the effect of
stem cells on vascularization of artificial scaffolds
intended for pancreatic islet transplantation by Dynamic
Contrast Enhancement MR. Presence of genetically
modified stem cells was confirmed by bioluminescence
imaging. We observed increased perfusion in the devices
simultaneously with optical signal within 2 months
following stem cells implantation. Our results indicate
that stem cells improve vascularization inside the
chambers what ameliorates the transplantation outcome.
2826. |
Artifacts in the
segmentation-based attenuation correction of MR/PET and
their impact on PET quantification 
Cornelia Brendle1, Holger Schmidt2,
Anja Oergel1, Ilja Bezrukov2, Mark
Mueller3, Christina Pfannenberg1,
and Nina Schwenzer1
1Radiology, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg,
Germany, 2Preclinical
Imaging, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 3Nuclear
Medicine, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
In this study the routinely used segmentation-based PET
attenuation correction map in hybrid MR/PET was analyzed
concerning artifacts in general and in suspicious PET
positive lesions as well as their impact on PET
quantification. Nearly 3 artifacts were found per
patient dataset with significant changes of PET
quantification in the lungs, at the body contours,
around metal implants and in the brain. PET positive
lesions especially around metal implants resulted in
significant changes of PET quantification. We recommend
checking attenuation correction maps for artifacts in
routine MR/PET examinations in order to avoid impairment
of lesion characterization and differentiation.
2827. |
MEMRI of diabetic retinas
during light and dark adaptation at 11.7T 
Bryan H De La Garza1, Chakradhar Velagapudi2,
Hanna E Abboud2, Guang Li1, and
Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, Department of
Radiology/Ophthalmology, Univ. Of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, Tx, United States, 2Dept
of Medicine-Renal Diseases, Univ of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, Tx, United States
Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) was used to investigate
the calcium activity in different layers of the retina
of diabetic retinopathy (DR) rats under light and dark
adaptation 14 and 30 days after streptozocin injection.
In normals, dark adaption lowered inner retina MEMRI
activity, increased outer retina activity, but did not
affect the choroid when compared to light adaptation. In
DR rats compared to controls, MEMRI revealed reduced Mn
uptake in the inner, outer, and choroid layers.
Differential reduced MEMRI activity in dark was observed
in the outer layer in DR rats compared to controls,
suggesting outer retina dysfunction at early DR
2828. |
Odorant stimulation
manganese enhanced MRI for olfactory pathway after
intranasal manganese administration
Byungmok Kim1, Mun Han1, Yongmin
Chang1,2, and Hui Joong Lee*3
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Radiology & Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Radiology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
The aim of this study is to investigate the central
nervous system (CNS) delivery of manganese following
intranasal administration form the nasal passage to the
CNS, response to different olfactory stimulants.
Olfactory bulb in the signal intensity increased about
Formic acid and Linalool. Acetone, Normal saline reduced
the signal intensity, but there was statistically
difference about four stimuli. Change of signal
intensity on cerebral cortex, amygdale, pons and
cerebellum showed statistical differences according to
four stimuli (P<0.05). In conclusion, manganese-enhanced
MRI revealed different manganese uptake on olfactory
pathway according to different olfactory stimuli, which
suggest activity-induced manganese-dependent MRI of
olfactory pathway dependant on olfactory function.
2829. |
Validation of MRI Mn
Concentration Mapping in the Rat Brain 
Geoffrey Topping1, Andrew Yung2,
Paul Schaffer3, Cornelia Hoehr3,
Thomas Ruth3, Piotr Kozlowski2,
and Vesna Sossi1
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2MRI
Research Centre, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 3Nuclear
Medicine, TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Live rats given single injections containing both MnCl2
and Mn-52, and their brains imaged with MRI R1
relaxation rate mapping, as well as positron emission
tomography. Post mortem, autoradiographs were also
acquired of ex vivo brain slices. Per-voxel differences
between baseline and post-injection R1 were converted to
Mn concentration using an in vitro derived Mn relaxivity
calibration factor. Excellent quantitative agreement
between PET and MRI was observed, indicating Mn MRI can
produce accurate Mn concentration maps in live rat
brain, although although localized discrepancies were
observed at high Mn concentrations or when other factors
affected the relaxation rate.
2830. |
Manganese-enhanced MRI
combined with acoustic startle reflex testing would be
useful as an imaging biomarker for tinnitus 
Mun Han1, Da Jung Jung2, Kyu Yup
Lee2, Yongmin Chang*1,3, and Hui
Joong Lee*4
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck surgery,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Radiology & Molecular Medicine, Kyungpook National
University, Daegu, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Animal models continue to improve our understanding of
tinnitus pathogenesis and aid in development of new
diagnosis. However, there are no diagnostic biomarkers
for tinnitus-related pathophysiology for use in animal.
To address this disparity, two complementary methods
were combined to examine reliable tinnitus models:
manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) and inhibition of the
acoustic startle reflex (ASR) test. Salicylate-induced
tinnitus resulted in many manganese uptake compared to
normal model. Relative to that in controls, high signal
intensity is shown in the areas of the cochlea and
cochlear nucleus in salicylate group, displaying clear
difference in six hour and twelve hour MEMRI image. Our
results provide the foundation for future studies
correlating the longevity of tinnitus with neuronal
activity in the cochlea and specific brain regions.
2831. |
Motor and Cognitive
Processing Networks show increased Manganese Accumulation in
Metal Workers 
Chien-Lin Yeh1,2, Elizabeth Zauber3,
Sandy Snyder1, Zaiyang Long1,2,
and Ulrike Dydak1,2
1School of Health Sciences, Purdue
University, West lafayette, Indiana, United States, 2Dept.
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, United
States, 3Dept.
of Neurology, Indiana University School of Medicine,
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
While the paramagnetic properties of Mangnaese (Mn) are
highly used as contrast agent for MRI, little is known
about the spatial distribution of Mn accumulation in
human cortical brain areas due to occupational Mn
exposure. This study uses 3D T1 mapping to analyze whole
brain Mn deposition in a group of welders. Findings of
significant Mn accumulation in motor regulation and
visuospatial networks are consistent with
neuropsychological studies on the neurotoxic effects of
Mn exposure, suggesting that the location of Mn
accumulation affects the function of the corresponding
brain networks.
2832. |
MEMRI Reflects Human
Neuropathology in a Murine Model of neuroAIDS
Aditya N Bade1, Santhi Gorantla1,
Prasanta Dash1, Edward Makarov1,
Larisa Y Poluektova1, Howard E Gendelman1,
Michael D Boska1,2, and Yutong Liu1,2
1Pharmacology and Experimental neuroscience,
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha, Omaha, NE, United States
Progressive HIV infection commonly leads to cognitive
impairments. Disease complexity for what is commonly
called HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) is
reflected by co-morbid conditions including substance
abuse, psychiatric disease, aging, society and
environment factors. To date, no reliable diagnostic
tests for disease are available. In this study, we used
MEMRI to evaluate changes in the brains of humanized
mice due directly to HIV-1 infection. We analyzed data
in individual neurostructures using a MEMRI-based brain
atlas. We showed that decrease in signal enhancement
suggests neuronal impairments in brain regions of
infected mice, and corresponds to viral load and immune
cell losses.
2833. |
Short duration of AcPAS
treatment accelerates MEMRI signal decline but not manganese
Aditya N Bade1, Biyun Zhou2,
JoEllyn McMillan1, Prabagaran Narayanasamy1,
Ram Veerubhotla1, Howard E Gendelman1,
Michael D Boska1,3, and Yutong Liu1,3
1Pharmacology and Experimental neuroscience,
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, United
States, 2Department
of Anesthesiology, Tongji Medical College, Huanzhong
University of Science and Technology, China, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center,
Omaha, NE, United States
Quantitative manganese (Mn2+) uptake provides measures
of neuronal and glial activities making MEMRI a valuable
test for assessment of neurodegenerative processes.
However, the prolonged half-life of Mn2+ in brain (51–74
days) limits serial quantitative MR assessments.
Previous studies have suggested that
N-acetyl-para-aminosalicylic acid (AcPAS), a chelater of
manganese may provide an answer. Thus, we determined
whether AcPAS could affect Mn2+ enhancement decline and
permit its frequent administration for longitudinal
studies, PBS used as control. The results suggest that
the chelation by AcPAS interfere with the interaction of
water molecules and Mn2+ ions, and therefore suppresses
Mn2+ T1 shortening effect.
2834. |
Variations in intra- and
extracellular water component differentiation using
intrathecal and subcutaneous injections of manganese
Mohammed Salman Shazeeb1,2
1Radiology, University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
MA, United States
Diffusion-weighted NMR techniques have established that
the ADC of cerebral tissue water decreases during
ischemia. However, it remains unclear whether the ADC
change occurs due to changes in the intracellular (IC)
space, extracellular (EC) space, or both. Past works
have measured compartment-specific diffusion
coefficients using gadolinium as an EC MR contrast agent
which reduces the longitudinal (T1) relaxation time of
the EC space. In this study, we investigate an
alternative approach by using manganese (Mn2+), which
acts as a calcium analogue. Mn2+ uptake by cells causes
T1 of IC water to shorten, thus allowing differentiation
between the compartmental MR signals.
2835. |
Transcranial application of
manganese chloride enables neuronal tract tracing using
Tatjana Atanasijevic1, Theodore L. Roth2,
Dorian B. McGavern2, and Alan P. Koretsky1
1LFMI, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 2NINDS,
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
There has been increased interest in neuronal tract
tracing using Manganese Enhanced Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MEMRI). Typically manganese chloride is
administered to an animal by direct injection into the
brain. Here it is demonstrated that manganese chloride
solution can diffuse through the rat scull bone when
applied directly on the exposed scull. Signal
enhancement has been observed in the expected neuronal
pathway. This offers the possibility of much less
invasive manganese delivery method for MEMRI.
2836. |
Polyoxometalates: a new candidate contrast agent for MRI 
Xiaoyong Zhang1, Jie Song1, Sha
Wang1, Brenda Robledo1, Craig L
Hill2, Shuming Nie1, and Xiaoping
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 2Department
of Chemistry, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United
The purpose of this work was to synthesize a new
tetramanganese cluster in a POM chelate frame named
tetra-manganese Polyoxometalates (Mn4POM) and to
evaluate its application as a contrast agent for MRI.
X-ray single crystal diffraction showed Mn4POM has the
tetra-manganese (Mn4) core within its crystal structure.
When cells were exposed to low concentrations of Mn4POM,
no cytotoxicity was caused. MRI demonstrated that cells
incubated with Mn4POM showed significant increase in R1,
compared with cells incubated with MnCl2. Our results
indicate Mn4POM is a new candidate contrast agent with
better MR contrast than free Mn2+, likely due to the Mn4
core within its crystal structure, suggesting that
Mn4POM may also be used for in vivo contrast
2837. |
Deuterium prolonged
relaxation reveals the macromolecular content in MRI
Chin-Tien Lu1, Chih-Ching Lai1,
Sheng-Min Huang1, and Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Recently, the deuterium oxide(D2O) has been
used as a negative contrast agent for perfusion imaging
by indirectly monitoring the infused deuterium via the
conventional protonium imaging. It is also noticed that
the H/D isotope exchange effect of deuterium can prolong
the T1 and
T2 relaxation
of protonium. In this study, we aimed to investigate the
contrast mechanism in an environment with
macromolecules. The r1 relaxivity
of D2O is nearly irrelevant to BSA
concentration, while the r2 has
a linear correlation with BSA concentration. It is found
that the contrast mechanism is sensitive to the
macromolecular content.
2838. |
Quantitative 19F
MRI and CT Tracking of Microencapsulated Stem Cells in a
Rabbit Peripheral Arterial Disease Model 
Guan Wang1,2, Yingli Fu1, Shashank
Sathyanarayana Hegde1, Steven M. Shea3,
and Dara L. Kraitchman1,4
1Russell H. Morgan Dept. of Radiology &
Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Electrical
& Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Corporate
Technology, Siemens Corporation, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 4Molecular
and Comparative Pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Nearly 12% of Americans suffer from peripheral arterial
disease (PAD) with stem cell therapies providing a new
alternative treatment for the most severe cases.
Microencapsulated stem cells (SCs) offer a novel means
to transplant mismatched cells to avoid immunorejection
and enable tracking using conventional imaging
modalities. Using a rabbit model of PAD, we determine
the ability of c-arm CT and MRI to serially measure
capsule persistence and concentration in an
immunocompetent rabbit after xenogenic (Xeno) or
allogenic (Allo) SC microcapsule delivery. XenoSCs were
as well tolerated as AlloSCs and could be accurately and
reproducibly tracked by CT and MRI.
2839. |
Correlation of glucose
metabolism and apparent diffusion coefficient of malignant
disease evaluated with simultaneous hybrid PET/MRI 
Jianhua Yan1, Jason Chu-Shern Lim1,
Hoi Yin Loi2, Ivan WK Tham1,3,
John James Totman1, Arvind Kumar Sinha2,
Swee Tian Quek2, and David W Townsend1,2
1A*STAR-NUS, Clinical Imaging Research
Center, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, National University Hospital,
Singapore, Singapore,3National University
Cancer Institute, Singapore, Singapore
Positron emission tomography (PET) with
[18F]flurodeoxyglucose (FDG) provides quantitative
information regarding cellular glucose metabolism. The
standardized uptake value (SUV) is commonly used to
evaluate tumor glucose metabolism, which is biomarker
for clinical diagnosis of tumor malignancy, disease
recurrence, and metabolic response to therapy.
Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) is also increasingly used
in the evaluation of malignant disease. By combining two
or more images of the same area with different diffusion
weighting, water movement can be quantified as the
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) . Like the SUV from
PET/CT, ADC has been used clinically to differentiate
benign from malignant tumors and to assess tumor grade,
delineate tumor extent and predict survival3. Results of
several studies have suggested an inverse correlation
between SUV and ADC across varying malignancies
including the first study evaluated on a simultaneous
PET/MRI hybrid imaging system4, which has the capability
of eliminating registration error due to separate PET/CT
and MRI examinations and minimizing potential
physiological and treatment changes due to the time
interval between the PET and MRI examinations. The
purpose of this study is to continue to investigate
whether FDG-PET and ADC have significant correlation
evaluated on simultaneous PET/MRI.
Novel & Targeted Contrast Agents
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
10:30 - 12:30 |
2840. |
Fluorescein - PEI surface
Functionalized Gd2O3 Nanoparticles
for Dual Imaging
Tirusew Tegafaw Mengesha1, Wenlong Xu1,
Badrul Alem Bony1, Cho Rong Kim1,
Sung June Kim1, Md. Wasi Ahmad1,
and Gang Ho Lee1
1Chemistry, Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Korea
Fluorescein surface-modified gadolinium oxide
nanoparticles which were synthesized in triethylene
glycol were nearly monodisperse in diameter and highly
water-dispersible. These nanoparticles can be used as
MRI contrast agent as well as optical imaging. This dual
imaging capability will increase the possibility of an
early observation of disease such as cancer. Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) is primarily a noninvasive
medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize
detailed internal structure and limited function of the
2841. |
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
as Ultrasmall Nanoparticles Carrier: Application to MRI
Contrast Agents
Md Wasi Ahmad1, Wenlong Xu1,
Badrul Alam Bony1, Tirusew Tegafaw Mengesha1,
Cho Rong Kim1, Sung June Kim1, and
Gang Ho Lee1
1Chemistry, Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Korea
Biological molecules are suitable carriers of ultrasmall
nanoparticles for biomedical applications. In this
study, we investigate: (1) BSA is a good nanoparticles
carrier (2) MR relaxivity measurements revealed that BSA-PEG
diacid-ultrasmall Gadolinium oxide nanoparticles (BSA-PEGD-GNPs)
had larger r1 and r2 values than those of the molecular
Gd-chelates (3) The 3 tesla T2 MR images after injecting
the aqueous sample solution of BSA-PEGD-GNPs into the
mouse tail vein showed clear negative contrast
enhancements, confirming that the sample solution
functioned as a T2 MRI contrast agent
2842. |
MRI of myocardial
infarction with Vasovist: A potential marker for
permeability in MI 
Andrea Protti1, Xuebin Dong1,
Silvia Lorrio2, Alkystis Phinikaridou2,
Begona Lavin2, Ajay Shah1, and
Rene Botnar2
1King’s College London British Heart
Foundation Centre of Excellence, London, UK, United
Kingdom, 2King's
College London, London, UK, United Kingdom
Introduction. The pathophysiological and molecular
mechanisms of cardiac remodeling after the onset of MI
have been widely studied with histochemistry techniques
[1] and imaging techniques such as echocardiography [2]
and MRI. Such studies suggest a degradation of the
matrix leading to creation of a collagen-based scar with
some elastin content. Elastin is important because it
may provide a degree of elasticity to the infarcted
tissue thus decreasing the risk of myocardial rupture.
In this study, we investigated the elastin content of
the infarcted myocardium in a mouse model using MRI
after injection of the ESMA contrast agent. Areas of
uptake and relaxation values over a longitudinal study
were estimated.
2843. |
A study of Lactobionic acid
coated GdEuO3 nanoparticles
as MRI-FI dual imaging agent
Wenlong Xu1, Badrul Alam Bony1,
Tirusew Tegafaw Mengesha1, Cho Rong Kim1,
Sung June Kim1, Md. Wasi Ahmad1,
and Gang Ho Lee1
1chemistry, Kyungpook National University,
Teagu, Korea
In this report, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and
cell labeling (CL) contrast agent of single-phase mixed
DyEuO3 and
HoEuO3 nanoparticles
has been synthesized. They were characterized with XRD,
FT-IR, TGA, PL, HRTEM, SQUID magnetometer and MRI
instrument. There is no appreciable cytotoxicity up to
500 ¥ìM concentration. The synthesized nanoparticles
were monodisperse with average diameter (davg)
of 2 nm. Both samples were found to be paramagnetic and
emitted strong red fluorescence. From in vivo MRI
experiment we found that the negative contrast had been
enhancement on mouse liver and kidneys after the
injection of nanocolloid.
2844. |
nanoPARCEL probe : soft
nanoparticles containing MRI and fluorescence imaging probes
Shuhei Murayama1,2, Jun-ichiro Jo1,
Yuka Shibata2, Kun Liang3,
Tomofumi Santa2, Tsuneo Saga1,
Ichio Aoki1, and Masaru Kato2
1Molecular Imaging Center, National Institute
of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 2Graduate
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and GPLLI Program, The
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3Center
for Medical Systems Innovation Summer Internship
Program, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
We developed a simple method to prepare PEG-based soft
nanoparticles that encapsulate dual imaging probes. The
nanoparticles were administrated to mice and the
pharmacokinetics of the nanoparticles was analyzed by
means of MRI, fluorescence spectroscopy, and
transmission electron microscopy. The soft nanoparticles
were excreted by the mice rapidly through the urine
without collapse and without leaking of the probe. The
pharmacokinetics of the nanoparticles was not changed by
the encapsulated molecules and acute toxicity to mice
was negligible. It was expect that these PEG-based soft
nanoparticles will be applicable for use as a safe
diagnostic agent.
2845. |
“Clustering and rationing”
of Gd-enhanced voxels by injection of Gd-labelled RBC, a
tool to quantify functional information from MR images 
Enza Di Gregorio1, Giuseppe Ferrauto1,
Stefania Lanzardo1, Eliana Gianolio1,
and Silvio Aime1
1Molecular Biotechnologies & Health Sciences,
University of Torino, Torino, Italy
Different MRI contrast agents have been developed as
blood pool agents and are currently used in clinical
and/or pre-clinical applications. One of the issues
related to their use deals with their possible
extravasations. Herein, we suggest a new way to get rid
of this problem by using Gd-labelled RBCs that remain
fully confined in the blood vasculature. Since tumor
vasculature is one of the most intensively investigated
aspects of the tumor growth the evaluation of vascular
volume inside tumor region is of huge interest for the
tumor staging and for the evaluation of anti cancer
2846. |
Derivable High Spin Fe(III)
and Mn(II) Phosphonate Scaffolds for Molecular MRI
Chris Lascola1, Talaignair Venkatraman2,
Karel Base3, and Haichen Wang4
1Radiology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC, United States, 2Duke
University Medical Center, NC, United States, 3Radiology,
Duke University Medical Center, NC, United States, 4Neurology,
Duke University Medical Center, NC, United States
Gd(III) complexes have proven invaluable for blood pool
and interstitial contrast, however their use as targeted
intracellular paramagnetic reporters has been less
successful. Paramagnetic ligands ideally must not only
maintain low molecular weight but also possess favorable
chemical properties to enable optimal biodistribution.
To meet this challenge, we have investigated a new class
of low molecular weight, high spin Fe(III) and Mn(II)
chelate complexes based on pyrophosphate and
bisphosphonate ligands, respectively, that demonstrate
excellent chemical stability, strong relaxivity, and
broad potential for derivatization and paramagnetic
2847. |
Gadolinium Complex of
1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N ,N ,N  -1,4,7-triacetic
acid (DO3A) Conjugate of tranexamates: A Quest for a
Liver-specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent
Hyun-Jeong Jeong1, Min-Kyoung Kang1,
Ki-hye Jung2, Soyeon Kim1, Garam
Choi1, Hee-Kyung Kim1, Eun-Young
Jeon3, Tae-Jeong Kim2, and Yongmin
1Department of Medical and Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Applied Chemistry, Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Korea, 3Institute
Biomedical of engineering, Kyungpook National University
Hospital, Daegu, Korea, 4Department
of Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Medicine,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
Gadolinium Complex of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane- N, N , N  , N   -1,4,7-triacetic
acid (DO3A) Conjugate of tranexamates: A Quest for a
Liver-specific Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent
2848. |
Development of a
surface-switching theranostic lipid-PLGA hybrid nanoparticle
Line Hansen1,2, Francois Fay1,
Anita Gianella1, Pedro Ramos-Cabrer1,
Bram Priem1, Brenda Sanchez1,
Aneta J. Mieszawska1, Robert Langer3,
Jørgen Kjems2, Zahi A. Fayad1, and
Willem J. M. Mulder1
1Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States, 2Interdisciplinary
Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University, Aarhus C,
Denmark, 3Department
of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
Surface-swtichable lipid/PLGA hybrid nanoparticles with
an MMP-2 cleavable PEG coating were developed. To enable
near infrared optical imaging and MRI, Cy5.5 dyes and
Gd-DPTA-lipids were incorporated in their polymeric core
and lipid corona, respectively. In vitro studies were
performed to show the protease-induced switching and
utility of this multifunctional nanoparticle platform.
2849. |
Dendrimersomes: a new
vesicular nanoplatform for theranostic applications
Miriam Filippi1, Marisa Ferraretto1,
Gilberto Mulas1, Jonathan Martinelli2,
Lorenzo Tei2, Mauro Botta2, Silvio
Aime1,3, and Enzo Terreno1,3
1Molecular Biotechnologies and Health
Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Turin, Italy, 2Department
of Sciences and Technological Innovation, University of
Eastern Piedmont 'A. Avogadro', Alessandria, Italy, 3Center
for Preclinical Imaging, University of Turin, Colleretto
Giacosa, Turin, Italy
The potential of newly developed nanovesicles, named
dendrimersomes, as MRI reporters was investigated by
encapsulating the contrast agent Gadoteridol inside the
aqueous core or by incorporating a novel dendrimer
covalently conjugated to a Gd-complex into the vesicular
bilayered membrane. Due to the high membrane
permeability, longitudinal relaxivity of encapsulated
probes was subjected only to a limited quenching effect.
On the other hand, membrane-incorporated probes showed
higher relaxivity values that are typical of slowly
rotating Gd-chelates. Stability and imaging studies
suggested that dendrimersomes may have the potential to
act as efficient diagnostic/theranostic MRI agents.
2850. |
Synthesis and
characterization of multi-layered hybrid gold-iron oxide
superparamagnetic nanoparticles. 
Alexei Bogdanov, Jr1, Mohammed S Shazeeb1,
Lejie Zhang2, and Surong Zhang1
1Radiology, UMASS Medical School, Worcester,
MA, United States, 2Biochemical
Pharmacology, UMASS Medical School, Worcester, MA,
United States
We developed a strategy enabling synthesis of hybrid
iron-oxide gold nanoparticles with very high molar
relaxivity in water. Silver-tagged dextran-stabilized
iron oxides (IO-Ag) were formed by reacting iron oxides
in the presence of diamminesilver(I) nitrate. Incubation
of IO-Ag in the presence of tetrachloroauric acid and
citrate resulted in the formation of electron dense
single-core negatively charged IO-Ag-Au which were
stabilized using MPEG-gPLL resulting in stable 65 nm
nanoparticles. At 3T, the increase of r2 allowed
improving the detectability level by a factor of 10. The
obtained nanoparticles could be targeted using antibody
fragments and were forming complexes with
oligonucleotide duplexes.
2851. |
Carboxy-silane coated iron
oxide nanoparticles: a convenient platform for cellular and
small animal imaging 
Sophie Laurent1, Dimitri Stanicki1,
Sebastien Boutry2, Ludivine Wacheul2,
Emilien Nicolas2, Deborah Crombez1,
Luce Vander Elst1, Denis Lafontaine2,3,
and Robert N Muller1,2
1General, Organic and Biomedial Chemistry,
NMR and Molecular Imaging Laboratory, UMONS, MONS,
Hainaut, Belgium, 2Center
for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging, Hainaut, Belgium, 3Laboratory
of RNA Metabolism, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
This study reports the synthesis of USPIO as bimodal
probes for magnetic resonance and optical imaging. These
nanosystems are based on small iron oxide cores
surrounded by a thin polysiloxane shell exhibiting
carboxylic acid functions. Thanks to these functions,
hybrid particles were obtained by conjugating a
fluorophore to the superparamagnetic contrastophore.
Such modification allowed directly following these USPIO
in cellulo, which provided interesting information about
their internalization pathway and cellular distribution
upon mitosis. Finally, their efficiency as probes for
bimodal imaging was emphasized by the observation of
their in vivo behavior in mice using magnetic resonance
and optical imaging.
2852. |
Gd-Complexes of
DO3A-benzothiazole Conjugate for MRI Theragnostic Agents
Ki-Hye Jung1, Hee-Kyung Kim2,
Min-Kyoung Kang2, Soyeon Kim2,
Hyun-Jeong Jeong2, Garam Choi2,
Ji-Ae Park3, Eun-Young Jeon4,
Tae-Jeong Kim1, and Yongmin Chang*2,5
1Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, Korea, 2Department
of Medical & Biological Engineering, Kyungpook National
University, Daegu, Korea, 3Molecular
Imaging Research Center, Korea Institute of Radiological
& Medical Science, Seoul, Korea, 4Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, Kyungpook National
University, Daegu, Korea, 5Department
of Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Medicine,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
We report the synthesis of
1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-trisacetic acid
(DO3A) derivatives of benzothiazole and their Gd(III)
complexes of the type [Gd(DO3A-BTA)(H2O)] (2a,b)
for use as a single molecule theranostic agent. The
complexes are not only tumor-specific but also
intracellular, enhancing MR images of cytosols and
nuclei of tumor cells such as MCF-7, MDA-MB-231,
SK-HEP-1, HeLa, and Caki-2. 2a and 2b reveal
antiproliferative, activities as demonstrated by GI50 and
TGI values obtainable form the cell counting kit-8
(CCK-8) assays performed on these cell lines.
2853. |
Hexameric Mn(II)-EDTA
Complex as Contrast agent for High Field MR Imaging
Jiang Zhu1,2, Eirc Gale1, Iliyana
Atanasova3, and Peter Caravan1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Sichuan
Key laboratory of Medical Imaging, Nanchong, Sichuan,
China, 3Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
Here we describe the synthesis and characterization of a
hexameric Mn(II)-based MR contrast agent. The hydration
state and other kinetic and thermodynamic parameters
were determined by 17O NMR method. The small, compact
size of this hexamer exhibits greater relaxivity at low,
intermediate and high fields compared to its monomeric
analog.The intermediate  R
and relatively rapid water exchange rate make this
Mn-EDTA multimer a good candiate for high-field MRI
contrast agent applications.
2854. |
MRI of Cardiac Function and
Apoptosis in Fas Ligand Mouse Model of Dilated
Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure
Patrick Winter1, Xiaoyang Qi2,
Zhengtao Chu2, Enkhsaikhan Purevjav3,
and Jeffrey Towbin3
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital,
Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Hematology
and Oncology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH,
United States, 3Heart
Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati,
OH, United States
The Fas ligand (FasL) is a signaling protein that causes
programmed cell death, also called apoptosis. An MRI
contrast agent targeted to apoptosis can be formulated
by incorporating paramagnetic chelates onto SapC-DOPS
vesicles. Mice that overexpress FasL in the heart were
imaged at 7T with standard cardiac MRI and molecular
imaging of apoptosis. Cardiac MRI revealed that the
transgenic mice had impaired ejection fraction and left
ventricular hypertrophy. Injection of Gd-SapC-DOPS
vesicles produced higher signal enhancement in FasL mice
compared to the control animals, suggesting myocardial
apoptosis in this animal model.
2855. |
Non-invasive imaging of
deep venous thrombi by 19F MRI using targeted perfluorcarbon
Sebastian Temme1, Christoph Grapentin2,
Christine Quast1, Christoph Jacoby1,
Zhaoping Ding3, Friederike Mayenfels4,
Jürgen Schrader1, and Ulrich Flögel1
1Molecular Cardiology, University of
Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany, 2Pharmaceutical
Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Freiburg,
Freiburg, BW, Germany,3Molecular Cardiology,
University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, 4University
of Freiburg, Freiburg, BW, Germany
Detection of deep venous thrombi which are not
accessible by ultrasound is still a serious challenge.
Therefore a non-invasive technique for unequivocal
identification of those thrombi for diagnosis and
subsequent monitoring of antithrombotic therapy would be
highly desirable. Therefore we applied a novel
sterol-based post-insertions technique to generate
stable  2-antiplasmin
targeted PFC-NE for the rapid, highly specific and
unequivocal identification of freshly developed deep
venous thrombi, which might have a potential clinical
application in detection of rethrombosis or lung
thromboembolism. Moreover, we propose that the
sterol-based post-insertion technique is a promising
platform to equip PFC-NE with different ligands
(peptides, antibodies etc.) for in-vivo 19F MRI of
specific targets.
2856. |
Anti-fouling Poly Ethylene
Glycol Based Copolymer Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Probes
for Reducing Non-specific Uptake and Improving Cell
Yuancheng Li1,2, Run Lin1,2, Liya
Wang1,2, Jing Huang1,2, Lily Yang3,
and Hui Mao1,2
1Department of Radiology and Imaging
Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Center
for Systems Imaging, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States,3Department of Surgery, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States
One of the major challenges in applications of IONPs for
in vivo imaging is the non-specific uptake of the
nanoparticles by the macrophages and reticuloendothelial
system (RES). Non-specific uptake may lead to lower
blood circulation time and introduce interfering
background signal, thus substantial reduction in the
efficiency of target-directed imaging. In this work,
iron oxide nanoparticle molecular imaging probes were
modified with a novel anti-fouling poly ethylene glycol
based copolymer coating to reduce the non-specific
absorption of macromolecules and non-specific uptake by
macrophages, thus improve cell targeting.
2857. |
Simultaneous 19F/1H MR
Molecular Imaging of Neovascularization in Pulmonary
Anne Schmieder1, Huiying Zhang1,
Jochen Keupp2, Shelton Caruthers2,
Samuel Wickline1, Elizabeth Wagner3,
and Gregory Lanza1
1Washington University Medical School, St.
Louis, MO, United States, 2Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 3Johns
Hopkins University, Maryland, United States
Angiogenesis is an important constituent of many
inflammatory pulmonary diseases, which is poorly
understood. Early neovascular expansion in the lungs in
preclinical models and patients is very difficult to
assess noninvasively, particularly quantitatively. The
present study demonstrated that (19)F/(1)H MR molecular
imaging with αvβ3-targeted perfluorocarbon nanoparticles
can be used to directly measure neovascularity in a rat
asthma model. In rats 7, 14, and 21 days after house
dust mite induction of asthma, simultaneous (19)F/(1)H
MR imaging at 3T revealed a marked (19)F signal in
animals 2 h following αvβ3-targeted perfluorocarbon
nanoparticles that was significantly greater than the
signal found in the saline treated controls. Our results
demonstrate that (19)F/(1)H MR molecular imaging with
αvβ3-targeted perfluorocarbon nanoparticles provides a
means to assess the extent of systemic
neovascularization in the lung. This novel application
of dual 1H/19F MR molecular imaging is a clinically
translatable approach for noninvasive temporal-spatial
assessment of lung angiogenesis, which may provide a
better understanding about the role of pulmonary
angiogenesis in asthma.
2858. |
Specific alveolar
macrophage targeting in LPS-induced COPD animal model using
a free-breathing noninvasive MR imaging protocol coupled
with the use of antibody-conjugated SPIO nanoparticles
Achraf Al Faraj1, Asma Sultana Shaik1,
and Rabih Halwani2
1Radiological Sciences, King Saud University,
Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2PNRCIR,
King Saud University, Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In order to improve the identification and long-term
care for patients with COPD, new techniques are required
for better assessment of morphological and functional
impairment and contribution of each aspect to the
patients’ symptoms. Therefore, a noninvasive imaging
modality that enables in vivo inflammatory single cell
population detection to understand the physiological
process in COPD is highly required for both diagnostic
purposes and therapeutic applications.
Antibody-conjugated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles
were developed to allow noninvasive targeting of a
specific alveolar macrophage subpopulation in the lung
of a LPS-induced COPD animal model using a
free-breathing UTE radial MR imaging protocol and
simultaneously detect the inflammation progression.
2859. |
Development of a
mucin4-targeting SPIO contrast agent for effective detection
of pancreatic tumor cells in vitro and in vivo 
Yun-Ming Wang1, Shou-Cheng Wu1,
Chia-Yun Chen2, Gin-Chung Liu2,
and Yu-Jen Chen1
1Department of Biological Science and
Technology, National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, Kaohsiung Medical University
Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung,
In search of a unique and reliable contrast agent
targeting pancreatic adenocarcinoma, new multifunctional
nanoparticles (MnMEIO-silane-NH2-(MUC4)-mPEG NPs) were
successfully developed in this study. Mucin4-expression
levels were determined through different imaging studies
in a panel of pancreatic tumor cells (HPAC, BxPC-3, and
Panc-1) both in vitro and in vivo studies. The in vitro
T2-weighted MR imaging study in HPAC and Panc-1 tumor
cells treated with NPs showed - 89.1 ¡Ó 5.7% and - 0.9
¡Ó 0.2% contrast enhancement whereas in in vivo study,
it is found to be - 81.5 ¡Ó 4.5% versus - 19.6 ¡Ó 5.2%
(post-injection) respectively.
2860. |
Microfabricated High-moment
Iron Particles for In
Vivo Cell
Stephen Dodd1, Gary Zabow1,2,
Nikorn Pothayee1, John Moreland2,
and Alan Koretsky1
1Laboratory of Functional and Molecular
Imaging, NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 2Physical
Measurements Division, NIST, Boulder, Colorado, United
A demonstration of micro-fabricated gold-coated iron
particles, 1 µm in diameter for an in
vivo experiment
is presented. These particles have a higher moment than
iron-oxide based particles, and offer greater contrast
for a single particle in a smaller volume. The
fabrication process is briefly described, and single
particle contrast is shown in phantom images. After
injection into the lateral ventricle, particles were
shown to track from the subventricular zone to the
olfactory bulb in the rat brain, with contrast still
observed after 6 weeks.
2861. |
Nano-thermometer with
Thermo-sensitive Polymer Grafted USPIOs behaving as Positive
Contrast Agents in low-field MRI 
Sophie Laurent1, Adeline Hannecart2,
Dimitri Stanicki2, Luce Vander Elst2,
Sebastien Boutry3, Sebastien Lecommandoux4,
Julie Thévenot4, Colin Bonduelle4,
Aurélien Trotier5, Philippe Massot5,
Sylvain Miraux5, Olivier Sandre4,
and Robert N Muller2,3
1General, Organic and Biomedical Chemistry,
NMR and Molecular Imaging Laboratory, UMONS, Mons,
Hainaut, Belgium, 2General,
Organic and Biomedical Chemistry, NMR and Molecular
Imaging Laboratory, UMONS, Hainaut, Belgium, 3Center
for Microscopy and Molecular Imaging, Hainaut, Belgium, 4Laboratoire
de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Université de
Bordeaux, France, 5Résonance
Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques, Université de
Bordeaux, France
Jeffamine® M-2005 (PEO5-st-PPO37) was grafted onto
USPIO. The resulting polymer-nanosystem exhibits a
temperature-responsive colloidal behaviour, the surface
reversibly changing from hydrophilic below LCST to
hydrophobic above it. This phenomenon was utilized to
design thermo-sensitive contrast agents for MRI. To
illustrate the interest of such polymer-coated USPIO for
MRI thermometry, sample tubes were imaged on low-field
(8.25 MHz) and high-field (300 MHz) MRI scanners with
either T1- or T2*-weighted spin echo sequences. The
positive contrast on low-field MR images and the
linearity of the signal with a T2*-weighted sequence
over the whole temperature range 15°C– 50°C renders
these polymer-USPIO interesting positive contrast
agents, also working as “nano-thermometers”.
2862. |
Glucan Particles as a new
platform for MRI visualization of inflammatory process 
Francesca Garello1, Cristina Chirizzi1,
Francesca Arena2, Sara Figueiredo3,
Daniela Delli Castelli1, Valeria Menchise1,
Silvio Aime1,2, and Enzo Terreno1,2
1Molecular biotechnology and health sciences,
University of Torino, Torino, Torino, Italy, 2Center
for Preclinical Imaging, University of Torino,
Colleretto Giacosa, Torino, Italy,3Department
of Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
and Center for Neurosciences and Ce, University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Glucan particles (GPs) could be considered innovative
and biocompatible microcarriers. Their high affinity for
Dectin-1 receptor, expressed on different phenotypes of
immune system cells, makes them suitable for imaging
inflammatory processes. In this work, GPs were
efficiently loaded with either paramagnetic Gd-based
compounds (for proton MRI) or perfluorocarbons (PFCs,
for 19F
MRI). The carriers obtained showed very high values of
relaxivity and fair fluorine payloads. The limit of
sensitivity related to loaded GPs was explored both by 1H
and 19F
MRI. Moreover, J774.A1 macrophage incubation with loaded
GPs and subsequent MRI of cells at 7 T were performed.
2863. |
Peptide-based MRI contrast
agent and near-infrared fluorescent probe for intratumoral
legumain detection 
Gin-Chung Liu1, Yu-Jen Chen2,
Chia-Yun Chen1, Shou-Cheng Wu2,
and Yun-Ming Wang2
1Department of Medical Imaging, Kaohsiung
Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Department
of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao
Tung University, HsinChu, Taiwan
In this study, we developed a MRI contrast agent
([Gd-NBCB-TTDA-Leg(L)]) and a NIR fluorescence (NIRF)
probe (CyTE777-Leg(L)-CyTE807) to monitor legumain
activity in tumors. The MRI contrast agent was prepared
by introduction of cyclobutyl and benzyl group residues
to TTDA, followed by a legumain-specific substrate
peptide (Leg(L)). The NIRF probe was designed by
conjugating two fluorochromes with Leg(L). Peptide
cleavage of the MRI contrast agent by legumain can
increase its hydrophobicity and promote contrast
enhancements. Similar cleavage effect on NIR probes
relieves the self quench of the probe.
2864. |
Multifunctional GdNPs; from
probe design to imaging targeting of cancer 
Min-Kyoung Kang1, Ki-Hye Jung2,
Soyeon Kim1, Hyun-Jeong Jeong1,
Garam Choi1, Eun-Young Jeon3,
Hee-Kyung Kim1, Tae-Jeong Kim2,
and Yongmin Chang*1,4
1Department of Medical and Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Applied Chemistry, Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Korea, 3Institute
Biomedical of engineering, Kyungpook National University
Hospital, Daegu, Korea, 4Department
of Diagnostic Radiology and Molecular Medicine,
Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, Korea
Amino functionalized silica coated gadolinium
nanoparticle (Gd@SiO2-NH2) based
perfectly soluble potential theranostic agents
formulated as Gd@SiO2-NHCO-DO3A-BTA. The
preparation initially requires the formation of Gd@SiO2-NH2 through
self-condensation on the surface of GdNPs in DEG to
react with TEOS and APTES. In order to increase
solubility as well as used by theranostic agents, Gd@SiO2-NH2 was
further conjugated with DO3A-benzothiazole to give the
desired product. Gd@SiO2-NHCO-DO3A-BTA
reveals high MR relaxivity (R1 =
8.74 mM-1s-1) and in
vitro and in
vivo monitoring
provides high uptake affinity to tumor. Therefore, this
system may be put into a new family of multifunctional
theranostic CAs.
2865. |
Copper Ions Responsive
Bimodal (optical/MRI) Contrast Agent for Cellular Imaging
Sankarprasad Bhuniya1, Jongeun Kang1,2,
and Kwan Soo Hong3,4
1Division of Magnetic Resonance Research,
Korea Basic Science Institute, Ochang Eup, Chungbook,
Korea, 2Graduate
School of Analytical Science and Technology, Chungnam
National University, Daejeon, Korea, 3Division
of Magnetic Resonance Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Ochang -Eup, Chungbook, Korea, 4bGraduate
School of Analytical Science and Technology, Chungnam
National University, Daejeon, Korea
We have synthesized a Cu2+ triggered bimodal MRI
contrast agent (1) comprising 1,8-naphthalimide as a
fluorescence reporter and a diethylenetriamine
tetraacetic acid (DTTA) unit as a chelator for Gd3+
ions. In the presence of Cu2+ ions, the fluorescence
intensity of 1 decreased because of the paramagnetic
nature of Cu2+ ions. In contrast, with the addition of
Cu2+ ions, first, the total number of water molecules
coordinated to 1 increased, and then the T1-weighted MR
signal increased. The new bimodal contrast agent was
nontoxic and able to provide bimodal, i.e., fluorescence
and T1-weighted MRI imagings in the cellular medium in
the presence of Cu2+ ions. This new contrast agent can
be used to detect free Cu2+ ions in living cells and
inspire researchers to develop new probes to detect free
metal ions in vivo.
2866. |
Magnetic Nanoparticles
extracted from magnetotactic bacteria as contrast agents for
Pasquina Marzola1, Leonardo Ghin2,
Stefano Tambalo3, Giamaica Conti3,
Silvia Mannucci3, Alice Busato3,
Elvira Fantechi4, Claudia Innocenti4,
Claudio Sangregorio4, Alessandro Lascialfari5,
Tomas Orlando5, Roberto Bassi2,
and Andrea Sbarbati3
1Department of Computer Science, University
of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Department
of Biotechnology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 3Department
of Neurological and Movement Science, University of
Verona, Verona, Italy, 4INSTM-LaMM,
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Florence,
Italy, 5Department
of Physics, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Naturally occurring iron-oxide nanoparticles, namely
Magnetosomes (MS), are here proposed as theranostic
agents for imaging and thermotherapy of tumors.
Magnetosomes, produced by magnetotactic bacteria, are
organized in chains that are used by bacteria as a
compass for geomagnetic navigation. In this paper ,
several techniques have been used to characterize
magnetic nanoparticles and we demonstrate that MS
extracted from Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldence strain
MSR-1 have high transversal relaxivity and high
hyperthermal efficiency.
2867. |
DOTAlaP: Single amino acid
Gd complex with accelerated water exchange rate leads to
increased relaxivity at higher fields
Eszter Boros1, Shima Karimi2,
Nathaniel Kenton1, Lothar Helm2,
and Peter Caravan1
1Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital/
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massachusetts,
United States, 2EPFL,
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at high magnetic fields
benefits from an increased signal to noise ratio,
however T1 based MR contrast agents show decreasing
relaxivity (r1) at higher fields. For this purpose, we
have successfully explored the Gd(DOTAla) complex and
its derivatives. It was our aim to design new
Gd(DOTAla)-like agents with a shorter water residency
time (τM), higher relaxivities at high magnetic fields,
and subsequently test them in vivo. A new compound,
based on the phosphonate analogue DOTAlaP represents a
Gd-based agent with improved properties for high field
imaging compared to the currently clinically used agent
2868. |
Influence of phospholipid
enriched 19F
nanoparticles on fluorine uptake in dendritic cells 
Stefano Lepore1, Karl Sydow2,
Susanne Drechsler1, Min-Chi Ku1,
Helmar Waiczies1,3, Conrad Martin1,
Irene Schuetz2, Bettina Purfürst4,
Margitta Dathe2, Thoralf Niendorf1,5,
and Sonia Waiczies1,5
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Medicinal Chemistry/Chemical Biology,
Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 3MRI.Tools
GmbH, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Electron
Microscopy, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine,
Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 5Experimental
and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Berlin, Berlin,
Studying the migratory behavior of immune cells is
pivotal to better understand the development of
immune-mediated pathologies, It has been already
demonstrated that fluorine (19F) MRI enables
spatio-temporal tracking of dendritic cells (DC) in
vivo. The aim of this study is to overcome the 19F
sensitivity barriers by increasing the uptake of19F
nanoparticles in DC. Therefore we explored the impact of
aminophospholipids incorporated into the 19F
nanoparticle on uptake by DC and on labeling. We show
how this incorporation resulted in fluorine uptake
increase confirmed by 19F
spectroscopy and microscopy, with minor changes in the
migration capability of DC.
2869. |
Developing Pan-cancer
targeting MRI contrast agents that self-assemble in
malignant tumors
Joshua E Goldberger1, Arijit Ghosh2,
Christian Buettner2, Michelle Williams3,
and Michael F. Tweedle3,4
1Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, United States, 2Chemistry,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 3Wright
Center of Innovation in Biomedical Imaging, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 4Radiology,
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biophysics, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, United States
FDG PET targets Warburg metabolism (including low pHe)
but suffers low spatial resolution-based sensitivity (~1
cm). We developed a strategy for controlling the
self-assembly transitions of Gd-PA molecules in the 10 –
1000+ nm range as a function of pHe and concentration,
measured the transitions in serum, and biodistributions
in mice, uncovering significant differences in behavior
among transitioning examples. If we can harness the
power of self-assembly to trap Gd chelates in the acidic
tumor environment, we should be able to image tumors at
the < 1 mm spatial resolution of MRI using Warburg
metabolism as the target.
2870. |
Shrinking microfabricated
multispectral MRI contrast agents to the nanoscale
Gary Zabow1,2, Stephen Dodd1, John
Moreland2, and Alan Koretsky1
1NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, United
States, 2Physical
Measurements Division, NIST, Boulder, Colorado, United
Newly developed microfabricated multispectral MRI agents
offer multispectral contrast that is tunable over broad
frequency ranges allowing for the possibility of highly
multiplexed imaging. However, such agents has thus far
been limited by their relatively large sizes. To
overcome this limitation and expand their biological
utility, this work shows how it is possible to shrink
these agents to sub-micron and nano size scales. The
nanofabrication techniques involved, and the NMR
spectral signatures that result from agents over a 100
times less massive than any previously published
equivalent are presented, and future benefits and limits
to further agent miniaturization are discussed.