Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
fMRI Acquisition & Analysis Methods
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
2977. |
Multi-Echo Simultaneous
Multi-Slice fMRI: Reliable High-Dimensional Decomposition
and Unbiased Component Classification
Prantik Kundu1, Valur Olafsson2,
Souheil Inati3, Peter Bandettini1,3,
and Thomas Liu4
1Section on Functional Imaging Methods, NIMH,
Bethesda, MD, United States, 2UCSD,
San Diego, CA, United States, 3fMRI
Core Facility, NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4Center
for Functional MRI, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States
We demonstrate that a multi-echo (ME) approach to
simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) fMRI acquisition (TR<1s)
enables robust solutions to current challenges in SMS
data analysis using spatial ICA for connectivity
analysis and denoising. Unlike single-echo SMS
acquisition, which currently requires arbitrary
dimensionality estimation and denoising that is
dependent on a group-level templates, the ME approach
instead uses direct BOLD/non-BOLD dimensionality
detection and component classification. We show here
that: ME-ICA on ME-SMS data enables stable high
dimensionality estimates for resting and video
paradigms; BOLD components of cortex and subcortex show
clear TE-dependence; and importantly, SMS related
artifacts show clear [non-BOLD] TE-independence.
2978. |
Optimize the sampling of
volumetric magnetic resonance inverse imaging
Ruo-Ning Sun1, Ying-Hua Chu1,
Yi-Cheng Hsu1, and Fa-Hsuan Lin1,2
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Aalto
University, Finland
Volumetric magnetic resonance inverse imaging (InI)
typically only samples the central partition in a 3D
k-space in order to achieve massively accelerated
acquisition. However, considering the physiological
noise scaled with the image pixel size, sampling InI at
the central partition, corresponding the largest voxel
size, may not be optimal. Using empirical data and
quantifying the InI reconstruction by time domain
signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR), we found that the optimal
sampling partition for about 35% of the cortical
locations is the first slow spatial harmonic (1/128 mm-1
with 256 mm FOV and 4 mm partition thickness).
2979. |
Does multivariate pattern
analysis (MVPA) of BOLD fMRI data benefit from higher
resolution at 7T? 
Hendrik Mandelkow1, Jacco A de Zwart1,
and Jeff H Duyn1
1Advanced MRI, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
Information-theoretic approaches to BOLD fMRI analysis,
like multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA), suggest that
distinctive local patterns of BOLD signal on a spatial
scale of millimetres carry information that allows the
classification or decoding of perceptual stimuli. In
this study high-resolution BOLD fMRI experiments at 7T
indicate that the single-trial discriminability of
naturalistic movie stimuli peaks at a spatial resolution
of 2-3mm, well above the resolution limit for BOLD fMRI,
but below the resolution of most fMRI experiments.
2980. |
Multiband EPI in brain
functional mapping – an fMRI study with rhyme judgment tasks
Xiujuan Geng1, Hong Gu2, Yihong
Yang2, and Li-Hai Tan1
1University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Maryland, United States
Recent multiband EPI acquisition techniques show
advantages in spontaneous brain functional connectivity
analyses and diffusion imaging. In this work, we
investigated the potentials of fast imaging in
task-based fMRI studies. Particularly, we utilized
conventional and multiband (MB) EPI techniques to study
brain functional mapping under phonological processing
with rhyming judgment tasks. Despite the lower spatial
SNR per image volume due to the faster TR acquisitions,
the MB EPI produces stronger statistical power in
activation detection because of higher temporal sampling
rate. Results also demonstrated that the MB technique
produces stronger or similar detection power with much
reduced acquisition time.
2981. |
Disentangling physiological
and task related information in fast multiband data using
temporal ICA 
Klaudius Kalcher1,2, Roland Boubela1,2,
Christian Nasel3, and Ewald Moser1,2
1MR Center of Excellence, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department
of Radiology, State Clinical Center Danube District,
Tulln, Lower Austria, Austria
Functional MRI at 3 T has become a workhorse for the
neurosciences, e.g., neurology, psychology, and
psychiatry, enabling non-invasive investigation of brain
function and connectivity. However, BOLD-based fMRI is a
rather indirect measure of brain function, confounded by
fluctuation related signals, e.g. head or brain motion,
brain pulsation, blood flow, intermixed with
susceptibility differences close or distant to the
region of neuronal activity. Here we explore recent
technical and methodological advancements aimed at
disentangling these various components, employing fast
multiband sequences to critically sample them and
temporal ICA to separate these different signal sources
from the measured data.
2982. |
Simulation of BOLD
Sensitivity of Single-Shot Multi-Echo EPI versus
Sample-Induced Susceptibility Gradients 
Brice Fernandez1 and
Michael Czisch2
1Applications and Workflows Europe, GE
Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 2Neuroimaging
Research Group, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry,
Munich, Germany
For functional MRI, the use of a single-shot multi-echo
EPI (MEPI) has been shown to be an advantageous
acquisition scheme. Among others factors, MEPI increases
fMRI BOLD sensitivity and offers increased robustness to
sample-induced susceptibility gradients. In addition,
parallel imaging has been shown to significantly reduce
EPI distortions but suffers from SNR loss. However, the
limit of BOLD sensitivity as a function of the
susceptibility gradients is unknown. Here, we
investigate the BOLD sensitivity as a function of the
susceptibility gradients using simulations and
considering a MEPI acquisition protocol with a high
acceleration factor, and an echo combination method.
2983. |
Dynamic Multi-Coil
Technique (DYNAMITE) Shimmed EPI of the Rat Brain at 11.7
Christoph Juchem1, Peter Herman1,
Basavaraju G Sanganahalli1, Terence W Nixon1,
Peter B Brown1, Scott McIntyre1,
Fahmeed Hyder1, and Robin A de Graaf1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, United States
The in vivo rat model is a work horse in neuroscientific
and preclinical MR research, however, excellent magnetic
field homogeneity is required for meaningful results.
The benefits of Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique (DYNAMITE)
shimming for echo-planar imaging (EPI) of the rat brain
at 11.7 Tesla are presented. Improved field homogeneity
along with the achievable large brain coverage will be
crucial when signal pathways, cortical circuitry, the
brain's default network or multi-modal integration are
studied. Along with the efficiency gains demonstrated
recently, DYNAMITE shimming has the potential to replace
conventional shim systems in small bore animal scanners.
2984. |
Evaluation of spiral
imaging variants for high-resolution fMRI in human superior
Vimal Singh1 and
David Ress2
1Electrical Engineering, University of Texas
at Austin, Austin, TX, United States, 2Neuroscience,
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States
Functional MRI in human superior colliculus (SC)
requires high resolution. Dual-echo spiral has been used
for high-resolution applications in cortex. Here we tune
and evaluate various dual-echo spiral variants for
sub-cortical application: single-echo spiral in, and
dual-echo spiral in-in, in-out, and out-out. The
functional signal-to-noise ratio of the activity evoked
by visual stimulation was used as a performance metric.
This metric was first used to find the optimal echo time
for each variant. Then, using the optimal TE, each
variant was compared to single-echo spiral out as a
reference. Best performance was obtained for dual-echo
spiral out.
2985. |
Using wholebrain, high
temporal resolution, 3D-EPI-CAIPI to observe multisensory
interaction in primary sensory cortices
Wietske van der zwaag1, Mayur Narsude1,
Roberto Martuzzi2, and José P Marques3
1CIBM, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2LNCO,
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3UNIL,
Lausanne, Switzerland
This study aimed to demonstrate that with a fast BOLD
sensitive fMRI acquisition, 3D-EPI-CAIPI with TR=400ms,
subtle temporal effects, such as those involved in
multisensory facilitation in the primary sensory
cortices, can successfully be investigated. Differences
in time-to-peak for the BOLD responses mono- or
multisensory stimulation could be shown in auditory,
visual and motor cortices, with audiovisual stimulation
always leading to a faster response than auditory-only
or visual-only stimuli. No such effect could be
demonstrated for the same stimulus paradigm in otherwise
comparable TR=2s data.
2986. |
Variable Flip Angle
3D-GRASE for Increased Spatial Coverage and Improved Point
Spread Function in High Resolution fMRI at 7T 
Valentin G. Kemper1, Federico De Martino1,
An T. Vu2, David A. Feinberg3,
Essa Yacoub2, and Rainer Goebel1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 3Helen
Wills Institute of Neuroscience, University of
California, Berkeley, United States
Variable flip angle (VFA) refocusing schemes for
Inner-Volume 3D-GRASE were designed to improve spatial
coverage and point-spread along the partition direction
in high-resolution functional MRI at 7T. Phase graph
theory was used to calculate signal contributions from
spin-echoes and stimulated echoes along the echo train.
The simulations yield point-spread functions, which are
in good agreement with such estimated from non-phase
encoded acquisitions. In a simple visual activation
experiment, almost twice the number of slices were
acquired per echo train while maintaining the temporal
signal to noise ratio, functional sensitivity, and
point-spread properties of a reference acquisition with
conventional 180° refocusing.
2987. |
Evaluation of Point Spread
Function and Functional Sensitivity of 3D-GRASE and 2D
Spin-Echo EPI for Sub-Millimeter-Resolution fMRI at 7 T 
Valentin G. Kemper1, Federico De Martino1,
An T. Vu2, Benedikt A. Poser1,
David A. Feinberg3,4, Essa Yacoub2,
and Rainer Goebel1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 3Helen
Wills Institute of Neuroscience, University of
California, Berkeley, United States, 4Advanced
MRI Technologies, California, United States
3D Inner Volume GRASE (3D-GRASE) and Spin-Echo EPI (2D
SE-EPI) sequences were compared with regard to
sensitivity and resolution in the context of
sub-millimeter functional MRI at 7 T. Theoretical
simulations, acquisitions with phase encoding turned
off, and analysis of residual noise correlations showed
that the point spread in slice direction in 3D-GRASE is
comparable to the point spread of 2D SE-EPI in phase
encoding direction with commonly employed acquisition
parameters and reconstructions. t-values of functional
activity in a simple visual activation experiment were
higher in 3D-GRASE acquisitions due to better temporal
signal to noise ratio.
2988. |
Multiband Echo-Shifted
(MESH) EPI for improved acquisition efficiency of T2*
weighted EPI 
David G Norris1,2, Jenni Schulz1,
and Rasim Boyacioglu1
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and
Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Erwin
L Hahn Institute, University Duisberg-Essen, Essen,
We demonstrate the application of echo shifted EPI,
combined with in plane acceleration using GRAPPA, and
multiband imaging. GRAPPA reduces the echo train length,
so that the effective TE is close to the optimum for
performing fMRI at 3T. Using an isotropic spatial
resolution of 3.5mm, GRAPPA factor 3, and MB3 whole
brain coverage at 3T was possible with TE 30ms, and TR
224ms. Image quality was comparable to that obtained
using multiband but no echo shifting. This approach will
greatly improve the efficiency of fMRI, particularly at
lower field strengths and course to intermediate spatial
2989. |
Application of k-t FASTER
for rank-constrained acceleration of in vivo FMRI data
Mark Chiew1, Stephen M Smith1,
Nadine N Graedel1, Thomas Blumensath2,
and Karla L Miller1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2IVSR,
University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire,
United Kingdom
In this abstract, we demonstrate the k-t FASTER method
for rank-constrained acceleration of FMRI data
acquisition on prospectively under-sampled in vivo data.
A 3D EPI acquisition scheme with 4.27x acceleration via
pseudo-random under-sampling of the kz dimension was
used to achieve whole brain sampling at 2mm isotropic
resolution with TR = 975 ms without the use of coil
sensitivity information. Results show high fidelity
reconstructions of resting state networks in comparison
to an un-accelerated 3D EPI acquisition of equal
2990. |
Employing Wideband
Gradient-Echo MRI to Map the Functional Activation in Rat
Somatosensory Cortex with Enhanced Spatial Resolution
Yun-An Huang1,2, Shih-Hsien Yang3,
Tzu-Hao Harry Chao4, Edzer L. Wu5,
Der-Yow Chen6, Kuan-Hung Cho7,
Yeun-Chung Chang8, Changwei W. Wu3,
Li-Wei Kuo9, and Jyh-Horng Chen1,2
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Neurobiology
and Cognitive Science Center, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Central
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4Department
of Life Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 5Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 6Department
of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
Taiwan, 7Institute
of Brain Science, National Yang Ming University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 8College
of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 9Institute
of Biomedical Engineering and Nanomedicine, National
Health Research Institutes, Miaoli County, Taiwan
Functional MRI (fMRI) has been widely used to discover
the brain functions by examining the T2* weighted
blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals. However,
higher spatial or temporal resolution is urgently needed
for investigating the hemodynamic responses from subtle
neural activities. In this study, single carrier
Wideband MRI with 2-fold acceleration was employing on
the conventional gradient echo sequence (WB-GRE) in rat
fMRI experiments with electrical stimulation to
forepaws. Our preliminary results show WB-GRE could
provide higher spatial or temporal resolution. Also, the
capability of using Wideband technology on fMRI to map
the functional activation with enhanced spatial
resolution has been demonstrated.
2991. |
Interleaved EPI Based fMRI
Improved by Integration of Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding
(MUSE) and Simultaneous Multi-band Imaging
Hing-Chiu Chang1, Shayan Guhaniyogi1,
Ying-Hui Chou1, and Nan-Kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina,
United States
Interleaved EPI based fMRI is highly susceptible to
unstable aliasing artifacts across the FOV as a result
of B0 drifting over time, physiological noises and
subject motion. The recently developed multiplexed
sensitivity-encoding (MUSE) post-processing algorithm
can suppress the in-plane aliasing artifacts resulting
from time-domain signal instabilities during dynamic
scans. In this study, the MUSE algorithm is further
developed and generalized to accommodate high-throughput
fMRI data obtained with multi-band interleaved EPI pulse
sequence, suppressing both in-plane and through-plane
aliasing artifacts and improving image throughput.
2992. |
3D Radial GRE-EPI with up
to 8-fold acceleration for functional imaging at 9.4T
Philipp Ehses1,2, G. Shajan1, and
Klaus Scheffler1,2
1High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute
for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tübingen,
Tübingen, Germany
Increasing acquisition speed is beneficial in fMRI since
it increases statistical power and allows the separation
of physiological noise from the time series. An
effective means to achieve this speed is to combine EPI
with parallel imaging. 3D EPI allows very high parallel
imaging factors since acceleration can be performed in
both phase-encoding directions. Non-Cartesian parallel
imaging can potentially allow even higher acceleration
by exploiting coil sensitivities in all three
dimensions. To this end, a 3D radial EPI sequence was
developed and first results with up to 8-fold radial
GRAPPA acceleration are presented from finger tapping
experiments at 9.4T.
2993. |
Robust BOLD activation
outside visual and motor cortex during a simple visual and
motor task detected by whole-brain T2-prepared spin-echo
(SE) BOLD fMRI at 7T
Jun Hua1,2, James J Pekar1,2,
Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2, Qin Qin1,2,
Craig K Jones1,2, and Jeffrey M Yau3
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Division of MR
Research, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
Localized BOLD activations in visual/motor cortex are
typically observed during visual/motor tasks. Recent
studies show that BOLD activities can be detected in
many other regions during such tasks. Here, we performed
whole-brain fMRI experiments with simultaneous
flashing-checkerboard and finger-tapping using GRE-EPI,
SE-EPI and T2-prepared SE-BOLD fMRI. Robust activations
outside visual/motor cortex can be detected by
T2prep-BOLD, but not GRE/SE-EPI. CNR in these regions
was greater in T2prep-BOLD, mainly due to much reduced
dropout and distortion compared to EPI. This implies
that important information might be missed in these
regions with GRE/SE-EPI, especially for cognitive fMRI
studies with sophisticated tasks.
2994. |
Longitudinal Measurement of
CBF and CBV Using Arterial Spin Labeling and Steady State
Contrast Enhancement fMRI
Iris Asllani1,2, Shazia Dharssi3,
Richard P Sloan3, and Scott A Small3
1Biomedical Engineering, Rochester Institute
of Technology, Rochester, NY, United States, 2Rochester
Center for Brain Imaging, University of Rochester, NY,
United States, 3Columbia
University, NY, United States
To study the effects of normal aging and disease
progression on the brain function, we need to develop
fMRI methods that provide both quantifiable and reliable
measures of metabolism over the time-scales involved in
these processes. To this end, we have developed an fMRI
method that combines ASL perfusion fMRI with steady
state contrast enhanced (SSCE) fMRI to image CBF and CBV,
concomitantly. Here we report on the test-retest
reliability of this method by comparing CBF and CBV
images acquired on older subjects at two time-points, 90
days apart.
2995. |
Complex interactions of
physiological noise and acceleration on tSNR in 3D EPI
Nadine N Graedel1, Mark Chiew1,
Stuart Clare1, and Karla L Miller1
1FMRIB Center, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
3D EPI provides a number of advantages over 2D
multi-slice acquisition for high-resolution fMRI.
However, the temporal signal characteristics of 3D
sampling have not been fully characterized, particularly
with respect to the interaction of physiological noise
and acceleration. In this work we looked at the effect
of varying slice acceleration factors on temporal SNR at
different resolutions for in vivo and phantom
acquisitions. We found a significantly different
behavior of the in vivo tSNR compared to predictions
based on thermal noise considerations alone. We present
an investigation into potential sources of these
2996. |
Comparing Functional
Contrast and Pattern Information across fMRI Resolutions 
Marta Morgado Correia1, Arjen Alink1,
and Nikolaus Kriegeskorte1
1MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit,
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
High resolution fMRI has the potential to reveal brain
activity patterns in greater spatial detail, which
promises more precise localisation and the elucidation
of population-code information residing in fine-grained
columnar patterns of neuronal activity. However, there
are significant challenges of acquiring high resolution
data at 3T. In this study we compared three fMRI
resolutions (1.6mm, 2mm, and 3mm isotropic) in terms of
their decoding accuracy of checkerboard-like response
patterns in early visual cortex at different spatial
2997. |
Improving the specificity
of R2 to
mesoscopic magnetic field inhomogeneity by compensating for
through-slice magnetic field gradients during image
Nicholas P Blockley1
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neuroscience, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxon, United Kingdom
The reversible transverse relaxation rate, R 2 ,
is sensitive to mesoscopic magnetic field inhomogeneity
resulting from subvoxel differences in magnetic
susceptibility. This sensitivity has been exploited to
measure tissue iron concentration, resting oxygen
extraction fraction (qBOLD) and changes in oxygen
metabolism (calibrated BOLD). However, R 2 is
also sensitive to macroscopic magnetic field
inhomogeneity that left uncorrected will reduce the
specificity of these applications. In this work we
combined an echo planar Asymmetric Spin Echo (ASE) pulse
sequence with the Gradient Echo Slice Excitation Profile
Imaging (GESEPI) technique to provide compensation for
through-slice magnetic field gradients during image
2998. |
Respiratory Volume Over
Time Effects in Resting-State Gradient-Echo and Spin-Echo
Yasha Khatamian1 and
J. Jean Chen1
1Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, ON,
This study investigated the effects of respiratory noise
on gradient-echo vs. spin-echo BOLD acquired in the
resting-state. Correlations were calculated between
gradient-/spin-echo scans and the raw respiration volume
over time signal as well as this same signal convolved
with a respiration response function. Spin-echo showed
weaker and less structured correlations to the
respiration volume over time signal, supporting the idea
that the effects of this signal are more prominent in
gradient-echo scans and have a potential macrovascular
origin. The findings presented here further support the
benefits of using spin-echo BOLD as an alternative in
resting-state functional MRI studies.
2999. |
Sub-Millimeter Conventional
fMRI at 3T With Dense, Shape-Optimized 32-Channel Posterior
Head Coil
Boris Keil1, Filip Grigorov2,
Andre J van der Kouwe1, Lawrence L Wald1,3,
and Reza Farivar2
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA,
United States, 2McGill
Vision Research Unit, McGill University, Montreal, QC,
Canada, 3Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
MA, United States
A dense, form-optimized 32-channel visual cortex array
coil was constructed and compared to a commercial
32-channel brain coil at 3T. The array coil provides
substantial gain in cortical SNR in accelerated imaging
acquisitions. The coil allows for sub-millimeter
functional imaging using a conventional sequence, and
the resulting images empowered high-resolution mapping
and measurement of visually-driven activity with minimal
3000. |
Impacts of Single Carrier
Wideband Gradient-Echo Sequence in BOLD Contrast 
Shih-Hsien Yang1, Yun-An Huang2,
Tzu-Hao Harry Chao3, Der-Yow Chen4,
Kuan-Hung Cho5, Li-Wei Kuo6,
Jyh-Horng Chen2, and Changwei W. Wu1
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, National Central University, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Life Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 4Department
of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
Taiwan, 5Institute
of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 6Institute
of Biomedical Engineering and Nanomedicine, National
Health Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan
The blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI has
been widely implemented to study brain functions.
However, the BOLD contrast still suffers the low
temporal resolution and low sensitivity. Here, we
applied single carrier Wideband (WB) MRI technique on
gradient echo imaging (GRE) sequence in fMRI studies, in
order to reduce the scan time and enhance the T2*
sensitivity. By examining the simulated BOLD contrast
from different inhaled gas, this study demonstrated the
reduced scan time and enhanced sensitivity of the
Wideband MRI technique.
Inferring millisecond-scale
functional connectivity from tissue microstructure 
Alexandru V Avram1 and
Peter J Basser1
1Section on Tissue Biophysics and Biomimetics,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Quantifying voxel-averaged measures of cytoarchitecture
and tissue microstructure can provide valuable
information about functional organization of normal and
pathological brain tissue. In this study, we apply the
recently developed MAP-MRI framework to derive
microscopic descriptors of brain tissue and estimate
average axon diameters (AAD) in healthy volunteers. We
quantify AAD variations along white matter pathways and
discuss the feasibility of estimating conduction delays
along these fibers. Finally, we propose a new measure
for quantifying whole-brain functional connectivity at a
millisecond-scale called Latency Matrix.
3002. |
Inhomogeneity of signal
intensity is a potential source for BOLD signal inaccuracy
in ultra-high field fMRI
Satomi Higuchi1, Ikuko Uwano1,
Kohsuke Kudo1,2, Jonathan Goodwin1,2,
Fumio Yamashita1, Kenji Ito1,
Taisuke Harada1,2, and Makoto Sasaki1
1Division of Ultrahigh Field MRI, Iwate
Medical University, Yahaba, Iwate, Japan, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hokkaido
University Hospital, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Ultra-high field MRI offers potential benefit for
functional imaging due to enhanced BOLD effect. However,
signal intensity inhomogeneity is severe at ultrahigh
field MRI. Therefore, we tested the effect of signal
inhomogeneity correction for detection of BOLD signal
changes, and found that brain regions affected by coil
insensitivity and susceptibility artefact showed
underestimated BOLD signal, whereas regions closest to
the surface coil such as visual cortex, showed
overestimated BOLD signal. These results highlight the
need for pre-processing of ultra-high field fMRI data to
correct for inhomogeneity of signal intensity, prior to
model estimation.
Multimodal Imaging Brain
Connectivity Analysis Toolbox 
Luis Miguel Lacerda1,2, André Santos Ribeiro2,3,
Nuno Andre da Silva2,4, Rafael Neto Henriques2,5,
and Hugo Alexandre Ferreira2
1Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute
of Psychiatry, King's College London, London, Denmark
Hill, United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of
Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 32Centre
for Neuropsychopharmacology, Division of Brain Sciences,
Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, London,
London, United Kingdom, 4Forschungszentrum
Jülich GmbH, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4,
Jülich, Germany, 5Cognition
and Brain Science Unit, Medical Research Council,
Cambridge, United Kingdom
In this work we present the Multimodal Imaging Brain
Connectivity Analysis (MIBCA) toolbox. This application
is an easy-to-use interface for automatic MRI and PET
data pre-processing, group analysis, and visualization
of connectivity and complexity data using graph theory
analysis. Here, software features are demonstrated using
a multimodal dataset comprised of volumetric
T1-weighted, DTI, BOLD and FDG PET data for studying
anatomical, structural, functional and effective
connectivities. We believe this toolbox can greatly
accelerate research in brain connectivity.
fMRI: Neuroscience
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
3004. |
An fMRI Study of a Written
Version of Phoneme Fluency Task: Distinct Role of LPFG and
Confirmation of Cerebellar Activity
Laleh Golestanirad1,2, Tom Schweizer3,
Sunit Das3, Fred Tam4, and Simon
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Laboratory
of Electromagnetics and Acoustics, Ecole Polytechniqe
Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 3St
Michael Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Sunnybrook
Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Neuropsychological tests involving word generation are
very commonly applied in patients with brain disease. In
this work we present, for the first time, an fMRI study
of a written version of the phonemic fluency task that
can reliably reproduce all the previously reported
activation. AS additional validation we also show that
the cerebellar activation foci associated with the
written phonemic fluency task which is agree with
previously reported lesion analysis results.
3005. |
Brain activation and
paralimbic-limbic cortex functional connectivity during
human slow wave sleep: an fMRI study 
Jun Lv1, Dongdong Liu2, Jing Ma3,
JUE ZHANG1,2, Xiaoying Wang1,4,
and Jing Fang1,2
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2College
of Enigneering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 3Dept.
of Pulmonary Medicine, Peking University First Hospital,
Beijing, China, 4Dept.
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
Beijing, China
Graph theoretical analysis of functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) time series has revealed a
small-world organization of slow-frequency blood oxygen
level dependent (BOLD) signal fluctuations during
wakeful resting. The purpose of this study was to use
this approach to explore the changes of paralimbic-limbic
cortex during slow wave sleep which are reflected in
small-world properties and functional connectivity of
our brain network. Our result suggested that paralimbic-limbic
cortex was getting more independent when human sleep. It
means that our brain owns a kind of defense mechanism
responsible for suppressing the external environment
interference which may strongly explain why sleep
insufficiency has adverse impact on memory. Thus, our
study provides a new insight for revealing the
significance of sleep on memory process.
3006. |
The neural correlates of
celebrity power on car favorableness; fMRI study
Jong-Su Baeck1, Yang-Tae Kim2,
Yeon Sung Jung3, Jeehye Seo1,
Seong-Uk Jin1, Mun Han1, and
Yongmin Chang1,4
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Psychiatry, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical
Center, Daegu, Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Marketing, School of Business Administration, Dankook
University, Gyeong-gi, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, College of Medicine, Kyungpook National
University, Daegu, Korea
The strong point of the advertising strategy using
celebrity power is to imprint the products in minds of
consumers quickly and to attract attention. In this
study, we examined the neural response to have an effect
of celebrity on favorableness toward the car.
Combination of a celebrity face and a car showed higher
activation in orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), temporal pole
and insula compared to a combination of ordinary face
and a car. Our fMRI findings therefore support celebrity
power on car advertising and provide neural mechanisms
in relation to it.
3007. |
Neural Activation
Differences between Viewing Rural and Urban Images 
Marie-Claire Reville1, Ian Frampton2,
Jonathan Fulford3, Matthew Holland2,
Shanker Venkatasubramanian4, Benjamin Rock5,
Michael Depledge6, and Mathew White2
1Psychology, University of Exeter, Exeter,
Devon, United Kingdom, 2European
Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of
Exeter Medical School, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom, 3MR
Research Centre, University of Exeter Medical School,
Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom, 4University
of Exeter Medical School, European Centre for
Environment and Human Health, Truro, Cornwall, United
Kingdom, 5Department
of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust,
Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom,6European
Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of
Exeter Medical School, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom
Why do people prefer rural environments and feel better
in them? To explore this, 28 participants viewed rural
and urban images while their brain was scanned with a
fMRI scanner. Results indicate that there are brain
regions with significant additional activation in
response to urban as opposed to rural image viewing.
When images were matched on attractiveness ratings, the
amount of activation difference in urban over rural
image viewing generally decreased. This suggests that to
some extent features of the images are influencing the
activation differences. Future research should
investigate this further by focusing on factors
associated with attractiveness.
3008. |
The difference of neural
correlates of text comprehension between with and without
picture: fMRI study
Jang Woo Park1, Sungmook Choi2,
Yang-Tae Kim3, Jeehye Seo1,
Seong-Uk Jin1, Mun Han1, Kyung Eun
Jang1, Kyung Jin Suh*4, and
Yongmin Chang*5
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of English Education, Kyungpook National University,
Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Keimyung University,
Daegu, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, College of Medicine, Dongguk University,
Gyungju, Korea, 5Department
of Molecular Medicine and Radiology, School of Medicine,
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
In recent decades, several behavioral research studies
have demonstrated that use of text-congruous
illustrations help to reading comprehension, whereas use
of text-incongruous illustrations leads to unfavorable
outcomes. However, the neural underpinning of such
text-illustration effects is still poorly understood.
This study performed fMRI for comparison of the brain
activity while 30 Korean female university students read
45 short passages in English with text only and with
text-congruous and text-incongruous illustrations. The
result of this study show that text-congruous
illustrations increase brain areas of attention,
motivation, and reward, but text-incongruous
illustrations reduce reader's attention and motivation
to read text.
3009. |
The Duration and Extent of
effects of Neuronavigated Low-Frequency rTMS to Primary
Motor Cortex using fMRI in Healthy Subjects
Seong-Uk Jin1, Jang Woo Park1,
Jeehye Seo1, Jong Su Baeck1, Mun
Han1, Kyung Eun Jang1, and Yongmin
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Molecular Medicine & Diagnostic Radiology, Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, Korea
Neuronavigated low-frequency repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation is known to produce local and
interhemisperic neuromodulatory effects on cortical
excitability with accuracy in targeting of a given
cortical region. However there have been few studies
about the duration and extent of neuromodulatory effect
in neuronavigated rTMS using functional magnetic
resonance image (fMRI). Navigated rTMS on primary motor
cortex lead to robust modulation not only at the
ipsilateral motor network, but also at the contralateral
(unstimulated) hemisphere for more than 20 minutes. Our
findings highlight the duration and extent of
interhemispheric neuromodulation effects of rTMS with
serial consecutive fMRI for the first time.
3010. |
The Neural mechanisms in
relation to transfer effects of intensive shooting training
to enhanced visuospatial working memory 
Kyung Eun Jang1, Jeehye Seo1,
Seong-Uk Jin1, Jang Woo Park1, Mun
Han1, Yang-Tae Kim2, Kyung Jin Suh*3,
and Yongmin Chang*1,4
1Department of Medical & Biological
Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu,
Korea, 2Department
of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Keimyung University,
Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Radiology, College of Medicine, Dongguk University,
Gyungju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology and Molecular Medicine, Kyungpook National
University, Daegu, Korea
Recently, there is a growing interest in training effect
of working memory. It has been demonstrated that
training induced improvement in working memory was shown
in several domains such as updating, shifting, and
inhibition. Furthermore, some studies suggest transfer
effects of working memory training to cognitive
reasoning and fluid intelligence. These findings could
be attributable to improvements in general working
memory capacity by training program. To the best of our
knowledge, the plastic changes in neural networks
associated with visuospatial working memory after sports
training have been seldom studied. In the present study,
we are aimed to investigate the dynamic neural changes
in neural activation related to transfer effects of
shooting training on visuospatial working memory, using
fMRI. We used the difficult version of the judgment of
line orientation (JLO) task, which is a well-established
visuospatial task to assess angular orientation of
lines. Overall, our finding of greater activations in
fronto-parietal networks and basal ganglia during the
JLO after training suggest not only dynamic neural
changes in relation to training but also transfer
effects of training to visuospatial working memory.
Transfer effects of training to non-trained tasks might
be explained by the underlying similarities neural
networks as well as neurotransmitter. Thus, higher
activity of fronto-parietal networks in this study might
provide the basis for transfer effects of shooting
training to the JLO task and increased activity of
striatum together with increased release of dopamine
might also provide a more general mechanism that
mediates transfer effects of shooting training to the
JLO task.
3011. |
Semantic access by
dual-route model during visual word processing
S. Senthil Kumaran1, Sunita Gudwani1,
and Rajesh Sagar2
1Department of NMR, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, Delhi, India
The grapheme (text) to phoneme (sound) conversion
involves both fast and slow routes functioning parallel
while reading meaningful words. Lexical decisions to
pseudowords proceeds slowly and exhaustively than that
to words. Neural processing while reading pseudowords
involves successful mapping of orthographic forms that
recruits inferior frontal gyrus (BA44 and 45), insula,
thalamus and caudate nucleus. The current study not only
documents the role of these areas but also provides
evidence that the need for exhaustive search of mental
lexicon during pseudoword reading does not affect the
reaction time supersedes the slow.
3012. |
Cerebral dominance of
phonological awareness in developmental dyslexia
S SENTHIL KUMARAN1, Sunita Gudwani1,
Sambhu Prasad2, and Rajesh Sagar2
MEDICAL SCIENCES, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Dyslexia is primarily reading problem in children with
normal intelligence. The text interpretation is affected
due to uncoordinated interface between phonological and
orthographic decoding. Our study aims at exploring the
intricacies of these aspects by non-meaningful,
meaningful and rhyming tasks. The clinical information
when complemented with these results would aim towards
more precise, efficient and targeted therapeutic
3013. |
Effect of temporal lobe
epilepsy on language function revealed by fMRI
Kapil Chaudhary1, S SENTHIL KUMARAN2,
Poodipedi Sarat Chandra3, and Manjari
1Neurology, All India Institute of Medical
Science, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
Delhi, Delhi, India,3Neurosurgery, All India
Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and malformations of cortical
development (MCDs) are most common structural
abnormalities in patients with chronic intractable
epilepsy. Chronic intractable epilepsy is common cause
of mesial temporal sclerosis which can affect mesial
temporal structures and mesial frontal region associated
language areas. Our result has suggested that LTLE
patients showed atypical language reorganization in
comparison to RTLE and ETLE group after surgery. In this
study we used maximum componants of language (semantic,
semantic decision task, lexical and comprehension
language). Study is helpful for determine effectiveness
of fMRI language paradigm, surgery planning, language
reorganisation (Pre & post surgery) in LTLE, RTLE and
ETLE patients.
3014. |
Working memory deficit in
children treated for cerebellar medullobastoma: An fMRI
Duc Ha Hoang1, Anne Pagnier2,
Emilie Cousin3, Karine Guichardet2,
Isabelle Schiff2, Fanny Dubois-Teklali2,
and Alexandre Krainik4
1Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences,
Grenoble, France, 2Department
of Pediatrics - Grenoble University Hospital, Grenoble,
France, 3Laboratoratory
of Psychology and Neurocognition - University Pierre
Mendès, Grenoble, France, 4Department
of Neuroradiology and MRI - Grenoble University
Hospital, Grenoble, France
Survivors with medulloblastoma demonstrated working
memory (WM) deficit, leading to an impairment of school
performance. The purpose is to describe the cerebellar
involvement in specific cognitive deficits observed in
children with medulloblastoma • 9 healthy volunteers
children and 5 patients with cerebellar medulloblastoma.
Using BOLD fMRI, SPM8 • 4/5 patients had a WM deficit
following a resection of left posterior cerebellar lobe
(CrusI/II, lobule VIIb/VIII) and inferior vermis; the
only patient without WM deficit was the only one without
cerebellar hemispheric lesion. BOLD activations were
found in the left posterior cerebellar lobe • The left
posterior cerebellar lobe may involve the visuospatial
3015. |
Paola Valsasina1, Maria A. Rocca1,
Alvino Bisecco1, Khaled Abdel-Aziz2,
Frederik Barkhof3, Christian Enzinger4,
Franz Fazekas5, Antonio Gallo6,
Hanneke Hulst3, Xavier Montalban7,
Nils Muhlert2, Gianna C Riccitelli1,
Alex Rovira8, Gioacchino Tedeschi6,
Giancarlo Comi9, and Massimo Filippi1
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific
Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan,
MI, Italy, 2Dept.
Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, Institute of Neurology,
UCL, London, GB, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, Free University Medical Centre, Amsterdam,
NL, Netherlands, 4Division
of Neuroradiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AT,
Austria, 5Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AT,
Austria, 6Department
of Medical, Surgical, Neurological, Metabolic and Aging
Sciences, Second University of Naples, Naples, NA,
Italy, 7Department
of Neurology-Neuroimmunology, Vall d’Hebron University
Hospital, Barcelona, CT, Spain, 8Department
of Radiology, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital,
Barcelona, CT, Spain, 9Department
of Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, MI, Italy
Functional MRI (fMRI) during a n-Back task was applied
in a multicenter study to assess the functional
correlates of frontal lobe dysfunction in multiple
sclerosis (MS) patients with/without cognitive
impairment. Twenty MS patients (47%) were cognitively
impaired (CI). With increasing n-back load, CI patients
had a distributed reduced fMRI activity (in bilateral
parietal and frontal regions, and bilateral insula) and
fMRI deactivations (in the bilateral precuneus,
posterior cingulate cortex and parahyppocampal gyrus)
compared to healthy controls and cognitively preserved
patients. Preserved fMRI activity of the frontal lobe is
associated with a better cognitive profile in MS.
3016. |
The interaction of APOE
genotype by Age in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a
voxel-based morphometric study
Jiu Chen1 and
Zhi-jun Zhang1
1Neurologic Department, Affiliated ZhongDa
Hospital, Neuropsychiatric Institute and Medical School
of Southeast University, nanjing, jiangsu, China
The study showed that amnestic mild cognitive impairment
(aMCI) had the deficits of gray matter (GM) volume on
the network of cerebellum-limbic system, and suggests an
apolipoprotein E (APOE)-specific effect of age with GM
volume on the occipito-insula-frontal neural circuit.
Moreover, the results suggest that GM deficits could be
accelerated by the combined effect of the aging process
and the presence of the APOE ¦Ĺ4 allele. Conversely, the
APOE ¦Ĺ2 possibly reflects a protective morphometric
main effect, which increases with age in aMCI. The
relationship of GM alterations with neuropsychological
test supported that GM atrophy was the basis of
cognitive impairment in aMCI.
3017. |
Gaussian process
classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive
impairment from resting state fMRI
Edward Challis1,2, Barbara Spano3,
Laura Serra3, Marco Bozzali3, Seb
Oliver1, and Mara Cercignani2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex,
Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom, 2Clinical
Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton and Sussex Medical
School, Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom, 3Neuroimaging
Laboratory, IRCSS Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy
Statistical machine learning techniques are seeing
increased interest by the neuroimaging community.
Simultaneously clinicians and researchers are also
studying the functional connectivity patterns of brains
and how these relations might change in conditions like
Alzheimer’s disease or clinical depression. In this
study we investigate the performance of Gaussian process
classifiers to perform patient stratification from
functional connectivity patterns of brains at rest. The
majority of previous approaches to such problems have
focused on using support vector machines to perform
classification in this setting. Our results confirm that
Gaussian process classifiers form a promising direction
for future research.
3018. |
Self-regulation of rACC
activation in patients with Postherpetic Neuralgia:A
preliminary study using Real-time fMRI neurofeedback
Lijia Ma1, Min Guan1, Liang Li2,
Li Tong2, Yong Zhang3, Dandan
Zheng3, Bin Yan2, Meiyun Wang1,
and Dapeng Shi1
1Radiology, People's Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, ZhengZhou, HeNan, China, 2National
digital swiching system engineering and technological
research center, HeNan, China, 3GE
Healthcare, Beijing, China
Previous studies found that by using real-time
functional MRI (rtfMRI) neurofeedback, subjects could
learn to control activation in the target brain
region.We hypothesize that through rtfMRI
neurofeedback,PHN patients could learn to control the
activation in rACC,a region involved in pain perception
and regulation.5 PHN patients performed a corresponding
imagery task and were instructed to increase and
decrease activation in rACC using rtfMRI
neurofeedback.3/5 patients learned to change their fMRI
signal with intermittent feedback training.Also there
was a corresponding change in the perception of
pain.This investigation may provide an alternative way
for treatment of severe, chronic clinical pain in the
3019. |
Relating cognitive adverse
events of antiepileptic drugs to functional network
Tamar M van Veenendaal1, Dominique M IJff2,
Richard HC Lazeron2, Walter H Backes1,
Paul AM Hofman1, Marielle CG Vlooswijk3,
Anton de Louw2, Albert P Aldenkamp2,
and Jacobus FA Jansen1
1Radiology, Maastricht University Medical
Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Epilepsy
Centre Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, Netherlands, 3Neurology,
Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht,
Cognitive adverse events often arise when antiepileptic
drugs (AEDs) are used to treat epilepsy. We hypothesize
that these cognitive problems are accompanied with a
less efficient brain network and test this using graph
theoretical measures on resting-state fMRI data. The
normalized characteristic path length and clustering
coefficient of a ‘low risk’ group (epilepsy patients
using AEDs associated with mild cognitive side effects)
was compared to a ‘high risk’ group (patients using AEDs
associated with more severe cognitive side effects). A
significant association was found between risk group the
clustering coefficient of the frontal areas, but not of
the whole brain.
3020. |
Therapeutic Effect and fMRI
Study on the Acupuncture combined with Language
Rehabilitation to Aphasia Patients from Brain Stroke
Jun Chen1, Jinhuan Liu1, Zihu Tan2,
Ni Li2, Yilin Zhao1, Dongjie Huang1,
Qizhong Xu1, and Liang Zhang1
1Department of Radiology, Renmin Hospital of
Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, 2Department
of Geriatrics, Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
Sudden changes of the brain could signify some
underlying dangers for the patients with aphasia from
apoplexy. Therefore, rapid detection of sudden changes
of the brain is crucial for survival. Acupuncture is a
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modality
that is practiced in many parts of the world for a
variety of ailments1. The efficacy of acupuncture is
already accepted for postoperative and chemotherapy
nausea and vomiting and in postoperative dental pain.
The acupoints are arranged on so-called ˇ°meridiansˇ±,
which represent a network of channels each connected to
a functional organic system. However, the scientific
basis of acupuncture remains unclear. Functional MRI
(fMRI) is an established clinical diagnostic method as
well as an indispensable tool in clinical research2. It
has been utilized for language and other cortical
function localization3, which can significantly improve
our understanding of the functions of different language
center. This work focused on analyzing the
rehabilitative action involved in acupuncture and the
early phase fMRI signal to evaluate the underlying
neural recovery.
3021. |
Parametric event related
fMRI to investigate non-linear BOLD effects in motor task 
Adnan Alahmadi1,2, Rebecca Samson1,
David Gasston3, Matteo Pardini1,4,
Karl Friston5, Ahmed Toosy1,6, and
Claudia A.M. Wheeler-Kingshott1
1NMR Research Unit, Department of
Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Institute
of Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Applied Medical
Science, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3Department
of Neuroimaging, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom,4Department of
Neurosciences, Ophthalmology and Genetics, University of
Genoa, Genoa, Italy, 5Wellcome
Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 6NMR
Research Unit, Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL, London,
United Kingdom
We have investigated non-linear responses in BOLD using
a parametric fMRI power grip motor experiment with five
target grip force levels in healthy volunteers. We have
demonstrated the ability to detect a complex BOLD
response to grip force modulation, affecting different
brain regions. The study showed linear and non-linear
BOLD responses to varying grip forces in the primary
motor cortex and non-linear responses (up to the 4th
order) in other motor and non-motor areas. We concluded
that BOLD signal and force have a complicated
relationship that is far from a simple correlation and
further physiological confirmations are warranted.
3022. |
Age-Related Change of Brain
Activation During Virtual Performance of Combined Operation
Task is Most Detected at Task Switching Timing – An ER-fMRI
Toshiharu Nakai1, Ayuko Tanaka1,
Mitsunobu Kunimi1, Sachiko Kiyama1,
and Yoshiaki Shiraishi2
1NeuroImaging & Informatics, NCGG, Ohbu,
Aichi, Japan, 2Computer
Science and Engineering, NITECH, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
An event-related fMRI using virtual performance of a
hand manipulation test for elderly was designed to
investigate the neural basis of potential cognitive
decline. Precise timing of three visuo-motor operations
to transfer a target object to the goal was recorded by
using turnkeys to define the time series of the events.
It was demonstrated that activation of dorsal visual
pathway was augmented in the elderly group when the
visuo-motor performance was switched, suggesting
that‘switching cost’ may be a more sensitive index as
age related change than the other cognitive processing
used for three steps of visuo-motor task.
3023. |
Self/other Discrimination
in Schizophrenia: Functional MRI Study. 
Jan Rydlo1, Filip Spaniel2,
Ibrahim Ibrahim1, and Jaroslav Tintera1
1Institute for Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, 2Prague
Psychiatric Center, Prague, Czech Republic, Czech
Our study deals with differences in activation of
self-reference patterns between patients with first
episode of schizophrenia and healthy subjects. The
paradigm to activate self-reference pattern, performed
by a joystick, allows to manipulate the experience of
movement control by visual feedback. Controls showed
increased activation compared to patients in anterior
cingulate, mediofrontal cortex, precuneus. Patients did
not activate midline cortical structures during the
self-reference experiment.
3024. |
Mapping the tonotopic
organization of auditory cortex in awake marmoset using fMRI
Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen1, Camille Toarmino2,
David A. Leopold3, Cory T. Miller2,
and Afonso C. Silva1
1CMU/LFMI/NINDS, National Institues of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2Psychology,
University of California San Diego, La Jolla,
California, United States,3SCNI/LN/NIMH,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
United States
The tonopotic organization of the auditory cortex has
been a great interest for neuroscientists to understand
the encoding of sounds in the brain. An auditory
experimental design consisting of three random frequency
ranges and a continuous sampling scheme was presented to
study the tonotopic organization in awake marmoset,
which had been shown to have great potential as a novel
animal model for auditory studies. For the first time,
we demonstrated the robust BOLD fMRI response as well as
the tonotopic map in auditory cortex of awake marmosets.
3025. |
Orientation mapping in
visual areas at Ultra High Field 
Keren Yang1, Rosa Sanchez Panchuelo1,
Denis Schluppeck2, Richard W. Bowtell1,
and Susan T. Francis1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2School
of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
We use ultra-high field (7 Tesla) fMRI to assess
orientation mapping in dorsal and ventral visual areas
(V1, V2, V3). Within visual areas, the phase value of
orientation maps are compared with those of
angular-position from retinotopic maps, and are shown to
display a high correlation (P<0.0001). Repeatability is
shown to be high for both retinotopic and orientation
maps. BOLD CNR is assessed as a function of number of
repeat scans of orientation maps, with CNR being a
factor of ~4 lower for orientation maps compared to
retinotopic maps.
fMRI: Activation
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
3026. |
Auditory Midbrain Encoding
of Ultrahigh Frequency Sound 
Patrick P. Gao1,2, Jevin W. Zhang1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, Joe S. Cheng1,2,
Dan H. Sanes3, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
HKSAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, 3Department
of Biology, New York University, New York, NY, United
Ultrahigh frequencies (UHFs) are important for social
communication of many species (e.g. higher than 40/60
kHz for rats/mice, respectively). While lower
frequencies are known to be represented as tonotopy in
the auditory system, it remains largely unclear how the
UHFs are encoded and processed. In the auditory pathway,
the inferior colliculus (IC) is a midbrain nucleus
targeted by both ascending and descending auditory
projections, thus a key station for auditory information
processing. In this study, non-invasive BOLD fMRI was
applied to investigate the underlying mechanisms of UHF
encoding in the IC.
3027. |
Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging of the Rat Central Auditory System
Following Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia 
Condon Lau1, Jevin W Zhang2,3,
Wing-Ho Yung4, and Ed X Wu2,3
1Division of Biomedical Engineering, HKUST,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,3Laboratory
of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4School
of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong
The brain depends on an adequate oxygen supply and
hypoxia occurs when the supply is inadequate. Chronic
hypoxia is a significant feature of multiple health
conditions and occupations that have been associated
with hearing disorders. We employed BOLD fMRI to
investigate the effects of chronic intermittent hypoxia
on central auditory physiology in an animal hypoxia
model. Larger fMRI responses are observed in both
auditory cortex hemispheres of hypoxia subjects. This
difference may be related to earlier auditory evoked
potential observations which suggested an abnormal
stimulus classification response. Future fMRI studies
can examine auditory physiology changes in human
subjects at risk of chronic hypoxia.
3028. |
Texture and depth
processing in Early, late Blind and sighted controls by
haptic stimulus: An fMRI study
Ankeeta Sharma1, Senthil Kumaran1,
and Rohit Saxena2
1Department of NMR, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Dr.
Rajendra Prasad Centre For Ophthalmic Sciences, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi,
Objects have characteristic attributes (such as two or
three-dimensional shape, textute, depth etc) that can be
perceived both visually and haptically. Therefore,
object-related brain areas may hold a representation of
objects in both modalities. Humans have an exceptional
ability to estimate the shape of objects from a
combination of visual cues such as shading, texture etc.
In the human brain, the ventral object visual pathway
can generate distinct representations for a virtually
unlimited type of texture and depth cues. Haptic
perceptionof object or shape categories evokes distinct
patterns of neural activation in ventral occipito-
temporal cortexthat are widely distributed.
3029. |
Naturalistic fMRI of
Clinical Computerized Paired Associate Learning Test with
Visual Feedback of Hand Position
Mahta Karimpoor1,2, Fred Tam3, Tom
Schweizer4,5, Corinne Fischer6,7,
and Simon Graham1,2
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 4Neurosurgery,
Keenan Research Centre in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,5Neuroscience
Research Program, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 6Keenan
Research Centre in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 7Geriatric
Psychiatry, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ontario,
Neuropsychological (NP) tests are commonly used to
detect abnormal brain function. Functional MRI may help
to characterize brain activity underlying NP test
performance, toward increasing test sensitivity and
specificity. Here, we refine an fMRI-compatible tablet
device for studying NP tests which require a touch
screen computer. Using the paired associates learning
(PAL) NP test as an example, it is shown that
integrating video data to provide users with visual
feedback of hand position during tablet responses,
instead of having them rely primarily on proprioceptive
inputs, produces activation maps where the learning and
memory contributions to PAL are more readily identified.
3030. |
On the age effect of the
BOLD signal in rat fMRI using electrical mystacial
Shin-Lei Peng1,2, Lin-Yi Huang1,
Sheng-Min Huang1, Yi-Chun Wu3,
Fu-Chan Wei4, Chih-Jen Wen4,
Hui-Yu Cheng4, Chih-Hung Lin4, and
Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States, 3Molecular
Imaging Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 4Department
of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
In this study, we investigated the age-related change in
the BOLD response to whisker pad stimulation by
including 3- and 9-month-old rats. Results showed that
BOLD responses to a whisker pad stimulus were similar in
the spatial extent, signal changes and hemodynamic
response between 3M and 9M rats. These results indicate
that rodent fMRI studies are feasible in populations
composed of rats aging up to 9-month-old. The further
age-related correlation is not needed in the rodent fMRI
3031. |
Investigating possible fMRI
responses in the median nerve during wrist stimulation by
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) 
Shwan Kaka1 and
Martyn Paley1
1Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
The aim of this study was to investigate whether fMRI
responses can be measured during median nerve activity.
The median nerve was stimulated at the threshold of
action potential generation using transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Evidence of fMRI
responses in the median nerve during wrist stimulation
by TENS was observed at relatively high stimulation
frequencies (2.5 and 3.5 Hz).
3032. |
Study of the linearity in
BOLD response in spinal fMRI 
Michela Fratini1, Marta Moraschi1,2,
Bruno Maraviglia1, Federico Giove1,3,
Paul Summers4, Stefania Favilla4,
and Carlo Adolfo Porro4
1Fermi Center, Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Fondazione
Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy, 3Dipartimento
di Fisica, Sapienza Universita` di Roma, Rome, Italy, 4Dipartimento
di Scienze Biomediche, Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia,
Modena, Italy
Spinal cord fMRI may be of immediate application in
neuroradiology, and in particular for the assessment and
follow-up of spinal injuries, pain, and
neurodegenerative diseases. However, the exact features
of functional response, and the biophysical origin of
the signal, are still unclear. In this framework, we
parametrically studied the connection between
stimulation strength and functional response using
controlled motor task (isometric task). We observe a
strong parametric dependence of functional response in
the spinal cord on the stimulation strength. Such a
dependence confirms the physiological origin of the
response, and is of great help in model-based fMRI
3033. |
Phenotyping assay of
neuropathic pain models using selective stimulation for
peripheral nerve fibers
Yuji Komaki1,2, Keigo Hikishima1,2,
Shinsuke Shibata1, Masaya Nakamura1,
and Hideyuki Okano1
1Keio University, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, 2Central
Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Kanagawa,
For better understanding of the neuropathic pain, one of
the crucial tasks is to develop the evaluation of the
pain with high objectivity. The neuropathic pain model
with surgical manipulation and with inheritable genetic
modification was compared with intact mice using tactile
like stimulus for peripheral nerve fibers. The resulting
analysis showed, for intact mice, the only S1 was
activated. In comparison with intact model, models of
neuropathic pain showed the significantly high BOLD
activities in ACC and thalamus. Therefore abnormally
connection of A  -fiber
was considered as a possible cause of neuropathic pain.
3034. |
Validation of the temporal
signal change caused by acupuncture stimulation with
Multi-band acquisition .
Tomokazu Murase1, Masahiro Umeda2,
Masaki Fukunaga3, Katsuya Maruyama4,
Yuko Kawai2, Yasuharu Watanabe2,
Chuzo Tanaka1, and Toshihiro Higuchi1
1Neurosurgery, Meiji University of Integrated
Medicine, Nantan-shi, Kyoto, Japan, 2Medical
Informatics, Meiji University of Integrated Medicine,
Kyoto, Japan, 3Biofunctional
Imaging, Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka
University, Osaka, Japan, 4Research&Collaboraton,
Siemens Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan
We used MB-EPI and deconvolution analysis to examine the
temporal signal change, at a high time resolution, in
brain activity caused by acupuncture stimulation. For
statistical analysis, 3dDeconvolve, which is part of the
AFNI package, was used to extract the impulse response
functions (IRFs) of the fMRI signals on a voxel-wise
basis. Delayed and long-sustained increases of the
signal induced by the real acupuncture were observed
after stimulation. Especially, in real acupuncture,
significantly delayed and long-sustained increases of
BOLD signals were observed in several brain regions
related to pain perception than those observed in sham
acupuncture and palm scrubbing.
3035. |
Combined fMRI of the human
brain and the cervical spinal cord to investigate pain
Christian Sprenger1, Jürgen Finsterbusch1,
and Christian Büchel1
1Department of Systems Neuroscience,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
With blood-oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI
(fMRI) the central nervous system can be investigated in
vivo, e.g., to study the representation and modulation
of pain. Many fMRI studies on the brain'’s role in pain
processing have been performed and recently interest in
the spinal cord’'s involvement has increased. However,
to study the functional interplay between the brain and
the spinal cord in pain processing, both regions must be
covered in a single measurement. Here, first results of
a combined fMRI study to investigate the processing of
painful thermal stimuli in the brain and the spinal cord
are presented.
3036. |
A BOLD-fMRI study of
allodynic pain evoked by green laser stimuli of rats 
Naoya Yuzuriha1, Sosuke Yoshinaga1,
Makoto Hirakane1, Kazunari Kimura1,
Shigeto Iwamoto1, Hiroshi Sato2,
Akihiko Fujikawa3, Masayasu Takahashi4,
and Hiroaki Terasawa1
1Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto
University, Kumamoto, Japan, 2Bruker
Biospin K.K., Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 3Bioimaging
Research Labs, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
Japan, 4Pharmacology
Research Labs, Astellas Pharma Inc., Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
The aim of this study is to establish an experimental
system applicable for the elucidation of the pathogenic
mechanism underlying allodynia. Using a BOLD-fMRI
method, the brain activation caused by allodynic pain
with green laser stimuli of fibromyalgia-model or normal
rats was evaluated. In the fibromyalgia-model rats,
positive BOLD responses were observed in the cingulate
cortex, the primary somatosensory cortex, the secondary
somatosensory cortex, the insula cortex, and the
thalamus. We successfully observed allodynia in the
animal model of fibromyalgia. The green laser greatly
facilitates the elucidation of the allodynia-specific
neural circuits.
3037. |
Comparative analysis of
cortical activation associated to voluntary and
electrically-evoked contractions 
Jennifer Wegrzyk1, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva1,
Sylviane Confort-Gouny1, Hélčne Boudinet1,2,
David Bendahan1, and Julien Gondin1
1Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, CRMBM
(Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale)
UMR 7339, Marseille, France, 2CEMEREM,
APHM, Pôle Imagerie, Marseille, France
In this BOLD fMRI study we illustrated that cerebral
activation patterns in healthy subjects were
significantly different between two neuromuscular
stimulation protocols (using either “conventional” or
“wide-pulse, high-frequency” parameters) and voluntary
contractions. Plantar flexions were performed under
isometric conditions at a given submaximal intensity
level inside a 1.5T scanner. The results show that the
brain activation was higher for “wide-pulse,
high-frequency” as compared to conventional
neuromuscular electrostimulation and closer to the
physiological brain activation pattern of voluntary
3038. |
Effects of Temporal
Resolution on Granger Causality Analysis in Auditory-Motor
I-Jung Chen1, Yeh-Hsiung Cheng2,
Tzu-Cheng Chao1,2, and Ming-Long Wu1,2
1Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Medical Informatics, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan
In most fMRI studies, repetition time (TR) of 2-3
seconds is typically used to detect neuronal activities.
However, for fMRI studies targeting effective
connectivity (EC), such long TR might be unfavorable for
detecting causal relationship among brain regions. In
this study, effect of TR on detectability of EC using
conditional Granger causality analysis (CGCA) is
investigated. Results from auditory-motor fMRI
experiments show that short TR (<1 second) is preferred
for analyzing effective connectivity among brain
regions, which gives an important hint that current fMRI
protocols might need to be adjusted to better study
causal relationships in human brain.
3039. |
Robust kalman filter based
incremental activation detection for real-time fMRI
Liang Li1, Li Tong1, Bin Yan1,
Ying Zeng1, Linyuan Wang1, and
Jianxin Li1
1China National Digital Switching System
Engineering and Technological Research Center, zhengzhou,
Henan, China
We propose a new activation detection method for rt-fMRI
data based on robust kalman filter. The This method adds
a variation to the update step in the extended kalman
filter to fit the unexpected noise in the general linear
model, then solving the variation using the convex
optimization, finally and use the solved variation to
modify the kalman filter . The method can be used in the
Functional localization run to find the brain regions
associate with the tasks in real time. In clinical
application, The method can be used in the functional
localization run to obtain the brain regions associate
with the tasks in real time, the algorithm can be used
in the functional location run especially for the
subjects who could not keep peace during the experiments
3040. |
Perfusion changes
associated with real-time fMRI neurofeedback training
targeting motor cortex
Yong Zhang1, Dapeng Shi2, Min Guan2,
Lijia Ma2, and Chunyan Shen2
1GE Healthcare, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2Henan
Provincial People's Hospital, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
This preliminary study investigated perfusion changes
associated with real-time fMRI neurofeedback training
targeting motor cortex. Six right-handed healthy
volunteers underwent five daysˇŻ neurofeedback training
to self-regulate the brain activity within the left
motor cortex using the finger tapping imagery task for
the dominant right hand. Pre- to post-training
comparison revealed increased CBF in the left motor and
somatosensory cortex as well as the visual cortex but
decreased CBF in the right anterior dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which might provide
interesting insight into the mechanism of neurofeedback
3041. |
Functional hippocampal
networks changes in relation to spatial learning in
hemispherectomized rats
Willem M Otte1,2, Pascal Bieleveld3,
Eric van Diessen2, Umesh S Rudrapatna4,
Kees P Braun2, and Rick M Dijkhuizen1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Pediatric Neurology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Swammerdam
Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Diagnostic
Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New
Haven, Connecticut, United States
Using resting-state fMRI and minimum-spanning tree
analysis the functional hippocampal network organization
was characterized in relation to the extent of spatial
memory, following experimental hemispherectomy in rats.
The data sheds new light on patterns of change in
functional network organization in the contralateral
hippocampus in relation to changes in spatial memory
after hemispherectomy. Improved spatial memory after
hemispherectomy related to decreased diameter and
increased leaf number of the network’s minimum-spanning
tree, indicating a shift towards a more star-like
network. This supports the hypothesis that
reorganization of hippocampal neural networks
contributes to consolidation of spatial learning and
memory after hemispherectomy.
3042. |
Investigation of
microscopic functional specificity using multi-echo-train
Daehun Kang1,2, Yul-Wan Sung1,
Uk-Su Choi3, and Seiji Ogawa1
1Kansei Fukushi Research Center, Tohoku
Fukushi University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 2Graduate
School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan,3Neuroscience Research
Institute, Gachon University of Medicine and Science,
Incheon, Korea
A functional area of a human brain is usually activated
by multiple stimuli, and category-selective areas (i.e.
fusiform face area & parahippocampal place area) are
also activated by a non-preferred stimulus as well as
the preferred stimulus. With using conventional fMRI
method, it is difficult to know whether all of the
neurons in activated areas respond to both the preferred
and non-preferred stimuli or whether a part of neuronal
population is separately activated by each stimulus. In
the present study, we measured fMRI responses using
multi-echo-train echo-planar-imaging to discriminate the
neuronal populations in a functional area.
3043. |
Two hour-sustained brain
activation in the anesthetized rat
Sarah Sonnay1, Joăo M.N. Duarte1,2,
Rolf Gruetter1,3, and Nathalie Just1,2
1LIFMET, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Radiology,
University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Radiology,
Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, Geneva/Lausanne,
Brain circuitry can be studied with BOLD fMRI, but long
stimulation paradigms might be needed to investigate
long-term neuronal modifications. The aim of the study
was to develop a method to activate the rat brain for 2
hours. SD rats (n=10,322±13g) under α-chloralose
anesthesia underwent electrical stimulation of the
forepaw. BOLD fMRI was performed at 9.4T using GE-EPI.
We observed sustained and localized BOLD responses with
minimum activated volume loss during 2 hour-stimulation
in varying the frequency at regular intervals and in
using small ISI. We conclude that the applied paradigm
increases the statistical power for connectivity
3044. |
Auditory fMRI study of
frequency-modulation direction selectivity in the rat
Joe S. Cheng1,2, Jevin W. Zhang1,2,
Patrick P. Gao1,2, Adrian Tsang1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, and Ed X. Wu1,3
1Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, 2Laboratory
of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, the
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, 3Laboratory
of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, the
University of Hong Kong, hong kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The direction of frequency-modulation (FM) sweep is an
important acoustic cue for human language and animal
vocal communications. To investigate FM direction
processing in development and disease models, an in vivo
and non-invasive technique with high spatial resolution
is desired. Therefore, we investigated the FM direction
selectivity in the rat subcortex using. The BOLD signal
changes during upward sweeps were significantly higher
than those during downward sweeps in the dorsal CIC,
while dorsal nuclei of later lemniscus didnˇ¦t show any
directional selectivity. Therefore, fMRI proves a
feasible tool to probe the FM sweep direction
selectivity in the subcortical structures.
3045. |
Bilateral Auditory Cortex
Ablation Alters the Tonotopic Organizaiton of the Inferior
Jevin W. Zhang1,2, Shu-juan Fan1,2,
Patrick P. Gao1,2, Joe S. Cheng1,2,
Dan H. Sanes3, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3Center
for Neural Science, New York University, New York, New
York, United States
bSSFP fMRI with swept source imaging paradigm was
applied on the experimental and age-matched control
group to examine the effect of bilateral auditory cortex
ablation on the tonotopic organization in inferior
colliculus (IC). The differences between the changes of
encoded frequency along the tonotopic axis suggested the
tuning curve bandwidth center was shifted toward
different directions for neurons at different portions
of the IC. This study clearly demonstrated that cortical
input can modulate the tonotopic organization in IC.
Resting State fMRI
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
3046. |
A new model-based intrinsic
connectivity measure: global functional connectivity
Erik Beall1, Mark Lowe1, and
Mingyi Li1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States
Intrinsic connectivity is attractive over seeded
connectivity methods as there is no need for
localization. However, to-date the measures used for
intrinsic connectivity as described in the literature
suffer several limitations. We were inspired to apply a
Gaussian normalization process by a recent method using
the distribution of correlation at each voxel. The new
method is very attractive from a theoretical standpoint,
as it only depends on the shape of the t-score
distribution at each voxel and an appropriately-fitted
theoretical Gaussian. Our results support the use of
this new measure.
3047. |
Hub identification in
dynamic resting-state functional connectivity of the default
mode network
Soroosh Afyouni1,2, Joanne R Hale2,
Stephen D Mayhew2, Theodoros N Arvanitis1,3,
and Andrew P Bagshaw2
1Institute of Digital Healthcare, WMG,
University of Warwick, Coventry, West Midlands, United
Kingdom, 2School
of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
West Midlands, United Kingdom, 3Birmingham
Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham,
West Midlands, United Kingdom
This study investigated the dynamics of hub regions
within the default mode network (DMN) of the human
brain. Volunteers underwent a 15-minute fMRI scan and
dynamic functional connectivity (FC) was calculated
using a 240s sliding window within eight DMN regions of
interest. To identify hub regions, both binarized and
weighted degree and betweenness centrality metrics were
calculated from adjacency matrices obtained using
regularized inverse covariance and integrated over a
range of thresholds. The posterior cingulate cortex had
the highest centrality across the entire scan,
consistent with studies using stationary FC which have
identified it as the primary DMN hub.
3048. |
Postherpetic neuralgia
alters small-world brain functional networks
Yue Zhang1, Jing Liu2, Longchuan
Li3, Minyi Du4, Wenxue Fang4,
Dongxin Wang4, Xuexiang Jiang2,
Xiaoping Hu3, Jue Zhang1, Xiaoying
Wang2, and Jing Fang1
1College of Engineering, Peking University,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
Beijing, China, 3Biomedical
Imaging Technology Center, Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 4Department
of Anesthesiology, Peking University First Hospital,
Beijing, Beijing, China
Understanding the effect of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)
pain on brain activity is important for clinic
strategies. This is the first study, to our knowledge,
to relate PHN pain to small-world properties of brain
functional networks. Functional magnetic resonance
imaging was used to construct brain functional networks
during the resting state. Sixteen patients with PHN pain
and sixteen age-matched controls were analyzed (8 males,
8 females for both groups). Decreased local efficiency
for PHN in comparison with the healthy controls was
found. Moreover, regional nodal efficiency was found to
be profoundly affected for PHN.
3049. |
Spatial dynamics separates
higher order from primary resting state networks 
Ashish Anil Rao1, Ek Tsoon Tan2,
Rakesh Mullick1, and Suresh Emmanuel Joel1
1General Electric Global Research, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India, 2General
Electric Global Research, New York, United States
Investigation and understanding of both intra and
inter-subject variability of functional connectivity
metrics is critical to be able to use it meaningfully in
research and the clinic. Here we report an investigatoin
of intra and inter-subject reproducibility of functional
networks obtained using spatial ICA. We find that
higher-order networks and primary networks have
different characteristics of reproducibility and may
have implications for their use in studying state, trait
or disease.
3050. |
A New Approach to
Functional and Structural Connectivity in Human Brain Based
on Anisotropic Correlations in Resting State MRI 
Zhaohua Ding1,2, Ran Xu1, Victoria
L Morgan1,3, Adam W Anderson1,3,
and John C Gore1,3
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging
Science, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 3Biomedical
Engieering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
Synopsis: Resting state functional magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) has been conventionally used to study
functional connectivity between cortical regions. We
present here a novel technique that may be used to
depict functional pathways of the human brain. A key
concept proposed is spatio-temporal correlation tensor,
which is constructed on the basis of spatio-temporal
analyses of resting state MRI signals. Our in vivo
experiments demonstrate that the technique holds a great
potential of directly mapping structure-function
relations in the human brain.
3051. |
Rethinking correlation in
the brain: a resting-state fMRI study on the progression of
cognitive decline
Mauro DiNuzzo1,2, Daniele Mascali1,2,
Marta Moraschi1,3, Michela Fratini1,3,
Tommaso Gili3, Girolamo Garreffa1,3,
Bruno Maraviglia1,3, Laura Serra3,
Marco Bozzali3, and Federico Giove1,2
1MARBILab, Enrico Fermi Center, Rome, Rome,
Italy, 2Department
of Physics, U Sapienza, Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Santa
Lucia Foundation IRCCS, Rome, Italy
We computed the maximum positive and minimum negative
values of the cross-correlation to obtain a
delay-independent measure of the correlation between
brain voxels and a seed region. Using standard
delay-sensitive analysis based on correlation
coefficient, we confirmed previous studies that
demonstrated decrease in spatial extension and amplitude
of the default-mode network (DMN) areas in Alzheimer’s
disease patients. However, this trend could not be
observed with cross-correlation analysis, indicating
that the loss of correlation of the DMN is possibly the
result of an increase in the delay of the propagation of
oscillations rather than a decrease in the strength of
mutual responses.
3052. |
Structured networks
observed in resting fMRI “noise” 
Molly G Bright1 and
Kevin Murphy1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom
We observe structure similar to functional connectivity
networks within the data we typically remove from fMRI
time series during noise correction. Physiological and
head motion regressors were used to extract “noise”
variance from resting-state BOLD fMRI data in a general
linear model. Independent component analysis identified
several key networks, including the default mode
network, in the noise datasets. These structures are
also observed when using random noise regressors
uncoupled to physiology or motion, indicating that this
phenomenon is inherent to the removal of any regressors
of similar frequencies.
3053. |
Hierarchical network
analysis: Is activity in node A necessary or sufficient for
activity in node B?
Luis Hernandez-Garcia1, Alejandro Veloz-Baeza2,
and Magnus Ulfarsson3
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States, 2University
of Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile, 3University
of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
We present a novel framework for analyzing the
hierarchical relationships between nodes in a brain
network in terms of how 'necessary' and 'sufficient'
they are for each other. Here, we characterize and
demonstrate the feasibility of this framework in
simulated and experimental BOLD FMRI data.
3054. |
Development and
Optimisation of Resting State fcMRI in the Mouse Brain at
Arun Niranjan1, Jack A. Wells1,
and Mark F. Lythgoe1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Resting state functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) has
been applied in humans and rats, in order to gain a
deeper understanding of brain function. Despite a degree
of reported application of fcMRI in the mouse brain,
significant technical challenges remain that are
currently holding back the widespread utility of fcMRI
to investigate functional changes in genetic mouse
models of neurological disease. In this work, we aim to
provide an experimental platform for investigating
resting state fcMRI in the mouse brain, and show both
phantom and in vivo evidence for parameter choices.
3055. |
Reliability of Resting
Brain Networks in BOLD and ASL fMRI across Time and
Kay Jann1, Dylan Gee2, Emily
Kilroy3, Simon Schwab4, Tyrone
Cannon5, and Danny JJ Wang1
1Department of Neurology, University of
California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United
States, 2Department
of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California, United States, 3Division
of Occupational Science, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California, United States, 4Department
of Psychiatric Neurophysiology, University Hospital of
Psychiatry / University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 5Department
of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,
United States
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
similarity and reliability of resting brain networks
between BOLD and ASL based rs-fMRI. A 2x2x2 factorial
design was applied where 10 subjects underwent repeated
BOLD and ASL rs-fMRI scans on two occasions on two
separate MRI scanners respectively. While BOLD-networks
showed excellent test-retest-reliability across sessions
and scanners in their spatial pattern, ASL-networks
showed reduced yet still adequate repeatability as well
as highly reproducible network CBF measurements. The
combination of ASL and -BOLD rs-fMRI provides a powerful
tool to fully characterize the spatiotemporal and
quantitative properties of resting brain networks.
3056. |
Investigating the Coherence
between Brain Structural and Functional Networks at Multiple
Hengtai Jan1, Shih-Yen Lin1,2,
Kuan-Hung Cho3, Yi-Ping Chao4, and
Li-Wei Kuo1
1Division of Medical Engineering Research,
National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Miaoli
County, Taiwan, 2Department
of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3Institute
of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
Taipei, Taiwan, 4Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chang
Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Taoyuan County, Taiwan
Previous brain network studies have widely reported both
structural and functional brain networks show
small-world characteristics. However, the strengths of
small-worldness may vary due to several factors, such as
cortical parcellation number (scale), connectivity
measure, and selection of sparsity. The relationship
between small-worldness and these factors is still
unclear. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to
investigate (1) the dependence of small-worldness on the
sparsity in either structural or functional networks at
multiple scales and (2) the correlation of small-worldness
between structural and functional networks. Our results
suggest the coherence between functional and structural
networks may exist under certain sparsities.
3057. |
Use of a neural mass model
to investigate the disruption of functional brain networks
by simulated focal lesions
Xiaoyun Liang1, Alan Connelly1,2,
and Fernando Calamante1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey Institute
of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC,
Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, Austin Health and Northern Health,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
In this study, a neural mass model has been employed to
simulate brain activity at two different levels: neural
and BOLD signal. Disrupted network efficiencies have
been systematically investigated by simulating each
lesioned brain region separately. The relationships
between disrupted network efficiencies and degree,
betweenness centrality and vulnerability have been
studied. Our simulated results indicate that damages to
‘hub’ regions lead to lower global, but not local
efficiency. Overall, our simulated results show that the
NMM can predict disrupted network efficiencies and
unravel their relationships with network metrics.
3058. |
Dynamic Resting-state
Functional Connectivity in Awake Animals
Zhifeng Liang1, Xiao Liu2, and
Nanyin Zhang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA,
United States, 2Laboratory
of Functional and Molecular Imaging, National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD,
United States
Little is known about the dynamic properties of
resting-state functional connectivity in animals. Here
we studied nonstationary properties of spontaneous BOLD
fluctuations in awake rat brains. Averages of 15%
resting-state fMRI frames based on the BOLD amplitude of
primary somatosensory and infralimbic cortices closely
resembled seed-based functional connectivity patterns.
k-means clustering further revealed distinct time
varying co-activation patterns. Importantly, those CAPs
have consistent temporal evolutions. Therefore, the
current study revealed robust spatial and temporal
patterns of dynamic neural circuitries in awake rat
3059. |
A novel method for robust
estimation of group functional connectivity based on a Joint
Graphical Models approach
Xiaoyun Liang1, Alan Connelly1,2,
and Fernando Calamante1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey Institute
of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC,
Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, Austin Health and Northern Health,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
In this study, we proposed a joint sparsity constraint
method, JGMSS, to directly estimate networks at
group-level. Simulated results demonstrate that JGMSS
can achieve consistently higher accuracy and sensitivity
than the previosuly proposed elastic net (EN) method.
Estimated functional connectivity from in vivo data
shows much less network variability across the selected
range of threshold than EN does, suggesting that JGMSS
is largely independent of threshold. Overall, JGMSS can
robustly and reliably estimate functional connectivity
at group-level.
3060. |
Is heart rate variability a
hidden factor in resting-state functional connectivity? 
Chantal Delon-Martin1,2, Hugo Lafaye de
Micheaux1,2, Sonia Pellissier1,3,
Amandine Rubio2,4, Bruno Bonaz1,5,
and Sophie Achard6
1U836, INSERM, Grenoble Cédex 9, France, 2GIN,
UJF, Grenoble, France, 3LPPA,
Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac, France, 4Gastro-entérologie
pédiatrique, CHU, Grenoble, France, 5Hépato-gastroentérologie,
CHU, Grenoble, France, 6GIPSA-Lab,
CNRS, Grenoble, France
Aim : Does autonomic nervous system impact on
resting-state functional connectivity ? Methods : We
acquired the heart rate variability as a measure of ANS
simultaneously with rs-fcMRI. We measured the
correlation between LF-component of HRV and each region
time-course. We measured the HRV impact on the
connectivity of each region with all other regions.
Results : We evidenced that the HRV correlates
negatively with the time-course of brain regions and
biases the connectivity measures between brain regions.
Conclusion : In rs-fcMRI, the impact of ANS has to be
taken into account for proper interpretation of results
from group studies.
3061. |
Removing instantaneous
correlations between BOLD fMRI time series to improve
connectivity estimation 
Roberta Sclocco1, Elisa Marchetta2,3,
Viviana Casaleggi1, Marco Tettamanti4,
Anna Maria Bianchi1, and Giovanna Rizzo3
1Department of Electronics, Information and
Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Milano, Italy,3Istituto di Bioimmagini e
Fisiologia Molecolare, CNR, Segrate (MI), Italy, 4Nuclear
Medicine Department & Division of Neuroscience, San
Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy
The investigation of brain connectivity through spectral
Granger causality indices relies on the estimation of
the coefficients of a multivariate autoregressive model
(MVAR). In the original formulation, though, the
estimated model only includes lagged terms, therefore
omitting the potential contribution of instantaneous
correlations between the analyzed time series. In this
work, we applied a method for removing zero-lag
interactions on BOLD fMRI time series from a public
dataset, and our results showed how this procedure is
able to improve the estimation of the causal
relationships, allowing to correctly identify the
driving node of the network.
3062. |
Clinical benefits of
resting-state networks identification using high-temporal
resolution fMRI sequence
Renaud Lopes1, Pierre Besson1,
Patrice Jissendi1, and Xavier Leclerc1
1CLAIR "Center of Lille Advanced Imaging
Research" - IMPRT Platform, University hospital of
Lille, Lille, France
Recently, ultrafast fMRI sequences significantly
increase the temporal resolution of whole brain fMRI but
they decrease the spatial signal-to-noise ratio. The aim
of this study was to investigate the benefit of
ultrafast acquisitions to be used to substantially
shorten the total acquisition time. This study showed
that ultrafast fMRI sequence can be useful to decrease
the acquisition timing without loss of information. The
reduced scan time could help the clinical acceptance of
resting-state fMRI protocols.
3063. |
Region and Frequency
Dependent Coupling Between Resting-state Power and Task
Induced Activity 
Hongjian He1, Song Chen1, Han
Zhang2, and Jianhui Zhong1
1Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
China, 2Hangzhou
Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Correlation between task-induced activity amplitude and
resting-state signal sub-frequency band power as a
function of frequency is investigated across subjects.
The preliminary shows that rest-task coupling
relationship is is both non-stationary over frequency
and region-dependent.
3064. |
Temporal Dynamics of the
Default Network: Evidence from High-Temporal-Resolution
Resting-state fMRI
Tianyi Qian1 and
Hesheng Liu2
1Siemens Healthcare, MR Collaborations NE
Asia, Beijing, China, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
The multiband/slice acceleration EPI technique can
provide high temporal or spatial resolution BOLD image
for fMRI study. By analyzing the resting-state fMRI in
high temporal resolution (TR=645ms), the temporal
dynamics within the DMN and the behavior of its
subsystems has been observed in this study.
3065. |
Caffeine alters the
integration of relay and attention-associated areas in the
functional connectivity of the visual cortex
Wen-Chau Wu1,2
1Graduate Institute of Oncology, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Medical
Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
Several recent studies showed that caffeine altered BOLD
signals and some examined the effect from a perspective
of signal processing and global contrast modulation.
Since caffeine has known pharmacological effects on
human behavior, we hypothesized that in addition to the
reported global effect, caffeine's influence on
resting-state BOLD signals might be spatially
differential and could be detected. In this study, the
hypothesis was tested in the visual cortex under the
eyes-open condition. Results showed that caffeine
slightly decreased the connection between visual cortex
and the lateral geniculate nucleus whereas the
integration of extrastriate visual areas was increased.
3066. |
Robust Correlation between
volume based connectivity and functional connectivity in rat
Zhifeng Liang1, Ziyu Cao2, Liqin
Yang2, Fuchun Lin2, Nanyin Zhang1,
and Hao Lei2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA,
United States, 2State
Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and
Molecular Physics, Wuhan Institute of Physics and
Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei,
It is intriguing to explore the relationship among
different connectivity measures in the brain. The
current study compared the volume based connectivity and
functional connectivity from 152 (volume based dataset)
and 42 (functional dataset) rats, and revealed
significant correlation between those two connectivity
measures. Although both connectivity measures were
negatively correlated with physical distances between
ROIs, their robust correlation still remains after
regression of physical distances.
3067. |
Physiological and
System-induced Field Fluctuations in EPI time series in vivo 
Saskia Klein1, Lars Kasper1, S.
Johanna Vannesjo1, Simon Gross1,
Benjamin Dietrich1, Christoph Barmet1,2,
Maximilian Haeberlin1, David O. Brunner1,
Bertram J. Wilm1, and Klaas P. Prüssmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 2Skope
Magnetic Resonance Technologies LLC, Zurich, Switzerland
We used concurrent magnetic field monitoring in-vivo to
measure system and physiological fluctuations in the
encoding fields of multiple EPI time series. Principal
component analysis disentangled these fluctuations based
on their frequency components in the projections.
Despite the robust detection of physiologically induced
field fluctuations, the observed SFNR losses are small
at 3T. However, correcting for system-induced
fluctuations in the encoding fields using concurrent
magnetic field monitoring increased the SFNR
3068. |
Catching Physiological
Noise: Comparison of DRIFTER in Image and k-Space 
Arno Solin1, Simo Särkkä1, Aapo
Nummenmaa2, Aki Vehtari1, Toni
Auranen3, and Fa-Hsuan Lin1,4
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Computational Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Advanced
Magnetic Imaging Centre, Aalto NeuroImaging, Aalto
University, Espoo, Finland, 4Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan
We present how the DRIFTER method for removal and
modeling of physiological noise can be extended to
complex-valued images and raw k-space
data. We compare the amplitude maps of the reconstructed
cardiac noise component in fast fMRI data. The
experiments suggest that catching the noise at an early
stage of data processing can give better estimates of
the noise influence in the data. Consequently, also the
actual data component can be improved by removing the
physiological noise before image reconstruction, which
eliminates aliasing of the structural noise in the image
3069. |
Estimating the
Physiological Response Functions in Resting-State BOLD: The
Effect of Acquisition Speed
Ali M Golestani1,2 and
J Jean Chen1,2
1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 2University
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Physiological signals have an effect on resting state
BOLD, that typically described by transfer functions,
estimated from datasets with typically repetition times
of 2 s, preventing accurate sampling of all signal
components. In this study we assess whether such
limitations affect the estimation of the BOLD
hemodynamic response function to physiological signals
by using typical (TR = 2 s) and high temporal resolution
(TR < 400 ms) data. We found that data acquired at
typical temporal resolution produced transfer functions
that are similar to those based on high temporal
resolution data, suggesting the estimation to be
insensitive to sampling rate.
3070. |
Differences in resting
state fMRI in rat under five different anesthetics
Jaakko Paasonen1, Raimo Salo1,
Joanna K Huttunen1, and Olli Gröhn1
1Department of Neurobiology, A.I.Virtanen
Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern
Finland, Kuopio, Finland
Resting state fMRI is an attractive tool in preclinical
research, but translational value of results may be
hindered by anesthesia. Our aim was to investigate the
possible differences in the resting state of rat brain
under five different anesthetics. Data were measured
from n = 52 rats and analyzed with independent component
analysis. Three cortical and one striatal component were
chosen for further comparison. Significant spatial and
spectral differences were seen between groups in all
cortical components, but not in striatal component.
Therefore the anesthetic in animal resting state studies
should be carefully selected, especially when
investigating the cortical networks.
3071. |
Brain Activity in Ateles
geoffroyi: Resting-state fMRI of working memory in medial
prefrontal cortex. 
Diana Platas1,2, Benito de Celis Alonso3,
Silvia Hidalgo Tobón4,5, Fernando Chico4,
Jairo Muńoz-Delgado6, and Kimberley Phillips2
1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Mexico DF, Mexico DF, Mexico, 2Trinity
University, Texas, United States, 3Faculty
of Physics and Mathematics, BUAP, Puebla, Mexico, 4Hospital
Infantil de Mexico, Federico Gómez, Mexico DF, Mexico, 5Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, Campus Iztapalpa, Mexico DF,
Mexico, 6Instituto
Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muńiz, Mexico
DF, Mexico
Resting state functional images (RsfMRI) measured in
absence of a task, aim at detecting low frequency
fluctuations (LFFs, less than 0.1 Hz) in the Blood
Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signals [1]. Functional
connectivity is defined for these studies as the
temporal correlations between different brain regions
[2,3]. Functional communication between brain regions
plays a fundamental role in cognitive processes. Here we
have used resting-state areas of the brain to examine
intrinsic connectivity networks in a seldom-used primate
species, the spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). Human
working memory has been intensively studied but little
is known about its evolution. Comparison of connectivity
maps in spider monkeys is an initial stage to approach
working memory evolution in primates, and thus closes
the gap between RsfMRI and cognitive data.
3072. |
Seasonal changes in the
auditory network of female starling assessed with rsfMRI
Elisabeth Jonckers1, Geert De Groof1,
and Annemie Van der Linden1
1Biomedical Sciences, Bio-imaging Lab,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Antwerpen, Belgium
Songbirds show extensive neuroplasticity over the
seasons in the song control system related to their song
behavior. In this experiment we used resting state fMRI
to asses plasticity in the auditory network. The fact
that female starlings select mates based on song
characteristics possibly indicate an increased relevance
for auditory discrimination in breeding season compared
to non-breeding season. In this study we investigated if
this increased discrimination is reflected in an
increased local functional connectivity (FC) within the
major auditory areas.
3073. |
Postoperative Brain Tumor
Resting State and Task fMRI Study for Radiotherapy Planning 
Noora Pauliina Tuovinen1, Andac Hamamci1,
Francesco de Pasquale1, and Umberto Sabatini1
1Radiologia, Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome,
Lazio, Italy
For studying integration of fMRI into radiotherapy
planning, rest and finger tapping scans were acquired on
a tumor patient. Glioblastoma multiforme and surgical
cavity were near the motor cortex. We hypothesized that
resting state could complement information gathered
during task. The data was analyzed and registered using
tools provided by FSL. On the unaffected hemisphere
motor areas overlapped, whereas the affected hemisphere
motor area was only easily recognizable from
resting-state. Tumor's proximity to activation region
sometimes complicates the identification. Resting state
might be able to give information not otherwise
available. This study will be further validated with
larger patient sample.
3074. |
Altered resting-state
functional connectivity of cerebellum in Parkinson's disease
Hu Liu1, Guoguang Fan1, and Ke Xu1
1Department of Radiology, The First
Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University,
Shenyang, Liaoning, China
An improved understanding of the cerebellum, especially
the cerebello-thalamo-cortical (CTC) circuit in
ParkinsonˇŻs disease (PD)-related changes, is essential
for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of the
disorder. Previous study describes a relationship
between the anterior lobe of the cerebellum and motor
function, and between the posterior lobe and executive
function. Using functional connectivity method we found
increased functional connectivity of the cerebellar
posterior lobe in the resting state. This alteration may
play a compensatory role in cognitive or executive
functions of PD patients.
3075. |
Altered resting-state
functional connectivity of the insular system in chronic
cocaine users
Yuzheng Hu1, Hong Gu1, Betty Jo
Salmeron1, Xia Liang1, Elliot
Stein1, and Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD, United
Accumulative evidence has indicated the involvement of
the insular system in drug addiction by its fundamental
role in interoception. However, relationship between the
interoception, neurobiological measures of insula and
addiction behaviors remains unclear. To address this
question, the current study employed Toronto Alexithymia
Scale and resting-state functional connectivity method
to cocaine dependents and well-matched controls. Altered
insula-cingulate and insula-frontal functional
connectivity, abnormal alexithymic trait and
dis-association between insula-cingulate functional
connectivity and alexithymia were observed in chronic
cocaine users. These findings may shield insight on the
neurobiological bases of drug addiction.
3076. |
Effect of Single Ischemic
Lesion on Cortical Networks 
Yanjun Diao1, Xiaojing Long1,
Chunxiang Jiang1, Li Yi2, Yu Chen2,
and Lijuan Zhang1
1SIAT,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 2Neurology,Peking
University Shenzhen Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Extensive involvement of brain functional networks as a
result of single IS lesion was observed in this study.
The clinical relevance of the network involvement needs
further investigation. This preliminary study may
provide valuable reference into the cerebral functional
network research during the rehabilitation of ischemic
3077. |
Dynamic Property of Network
Centrality Revealed with Resting-state fMRI of Healthy Human
Chunxiang Jiang1, Yanjun Diao1,
Xiaojing Long1, Dai Shan1, Weiqi
Liao1, and Lijuan Zhang*1
1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
We explored the diurnal alteration of human brain in the
aspect of network degree centrality based on
resting-state functional magnetic resonance
imaging.Functional connectivity of human brain manifests
a dynamic property.The pattern of diurnal network
centrality provides an informative reference for
characterizing the functional substrate in
neuropsychological and psychiatric disorders that
circadian rhythm matters.
3078. |
Mapping the Resting State
Functional Connectivity in the GPR88 KO mouse brain
Tanzil Mahmud Arefin1,2, Anna Mechling2,3,
Sami Ben Hamida4, Hsu-Lei Lee2,
Dominik V. Elverfeldt2, Jürgen Hennig2,
Brigitte Kieffer4, and Laura-Adela Harsan2
1Computational Neuroscience, Bernstein Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Medical
Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 3Department
of Biology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4IGBMC,
Illkirch, Alsace, France
Functional communication between brain regions plays a
key role in complex cognitive process. Emerging studies
show that rsfMRI can reveal the modifications in
functional brain connectivity due to psychiatric
disorders or drug effects. This study was aimed to
scrutinize the functional connectivity modifications in
GPR88 Knock Out (KO) mice using rsfMRI technique, which
has not been examined yet and might be interesting in
the perspective of neurological or psychiatric disorders
and drug research.
3079. |
Resting State Connectivity
in the Teleost Fish: An Exploratory Study
Alex TL Leong1,2, Russell W. Chan1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, Adrian Tsang1,2,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,
China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
This exploratory study is done to expand the possibility
that vertebrates other than mammals possess similar
primitive brain functions that has withstood the rigors
of evolution. Resting-state modality which is commonly
used to explore such a possibility in mammals is
employed on the crucian carp, cyprinus carpio L.
Long-range networks which are key to resting-state
networks has been discovered and with very close
anatomical specificity to previous axonal projection
studies. This provides us motivation to believe that
resting-state network is a basic global brain phenomenon
in vertebrates.
3080. |
Foregoing Anesthesia
Entirely: Resting-State Functional MRI of Completely Awake
Axel P. Mathieu1,2, Maxime J. Parent3,
Blandine Courcot1,2, Jamie Near1,2,
and Pedro Rosa-Neto3
1Brain Imaging Centre, Douglas Mental Health
Research Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Department
of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Translational
Neuroimaging Laboratory, McGill Centre for Studies on
Aging, Montreal, QC, Canada
Functional connectivity as measured by resting-state
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rsfMRI) is a
promising early biomarker for several neurodegenerative
diseases. Since anesthesia is known to affect this
measure, it is preferable when studying animal models to
forego anesthesia entirely. Here, we demonstrate the
feasibility of acquiring rsfMRI data in conscious rats
by training them in a custom-designed restraining
apparatus. After 4 days of training, head movements did
not differ significantly from those observed while the
rats are under isoflurane anesthesia. Additionally,
rsfMRI connectivity was demonstrably stronger in awake
rats. This shows great potential for completely
conscious animal rsfMRI acquisition.
3081. |
Hemispheric asymmetry in
the hippocampus of birds assessed with rsfMRI
Elisabeth Jonckers1, Verner P. Bingman2,
Geert De Groof1, Onur Güntürkün3,
and Annemie Van der Linden1
1Biomedical Sciences, bio-imaging Lab,
University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2Department
of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling
Green, Ohio, United States, 3Department
of Biopsychology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Both brain hemispheres exhibit strong, but not complete,
bilateral symmetry in both structure and function.
Nevertheless some brain functions are lateralized.
Earlier we have shown the usefulness of rsfMRI to study
lateralization in the brain by applying this technique
to a well-known model of lateralization, the visual
system of the awake pigeon. In this study we wanted to
extend this application to another avian brain region,
the hippocampus, of which a large body of data has
accumulated demonstrating its functional lateralization.
3082. |
Highest cross-hemisphere
correlations of resting-state FMRI in the awake macaque
exhibit high correspondence to the pattern of callosal
synaptic connections
Hang Joon Jo1, Stephen J Gotts2,
Brian E Russ3, David A Leopold3,
and Peter A Bandettini1
1Section on Functional Imaging Methods,
Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, National Institute of
Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Section
on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Laboratory of Brain and
Cognition, National Institute of Mental Health, MD,
United States, 3Section
on Cognitive Neurophysiology and Imaging, Laboratory of
Neuropsychology, National Institute of Mental Health,
MD, United States
In our previous study, we reported that the resting
brain activity of one hemisphere was maximally
correlated with locations close to the corresponding
anatomical location in nearly half of the cortex in the
human brain, locations which are strongly reminiscent of
the locations of callosal connections revealed by
horseradish peroxidase tracing in monkeys, particularly
in occipital, temporal, and parietal cortex. To examine
this phenomenon more directly in macaque monkeys, we
present that the maximum correlations of resting-state
FMRI for individual monkeys can reflect the locations of
axonal connections that were revealed by the existing
studies of anatomical tracing experiments.
3083. |
Altered Brain Connectivity
during Abstinence in a rat model of Alcoholism investigated
with MEMRI and rsfMRI
Wolfgang Weber-Fahr1, Claudia Falfán-Melgoza1,
Marcus Meinhardt2, Sandra Dieter2,
Santiago Canals3, Alexander Sartorius1,
and Wolfgang Sommer2
1RG Translational Imaging, Central Institute
of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University
of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany, 2Department
of Psychopharmacology, Central Institute of Mental
Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of
Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany, 3CSIC-UMH,
Instituto de Neurociencias, Sant Joan d'Alacant, Spain
In this study we aimed to investigate the brain networks
in a rat model of alcohol abstinence with MEMRI and
rsfMRI. 21 rats of which 11 underwent 8 weeks of Ethanol
exposure were scanned after 2 week withdrawal at a 9.4T
scanner. Additionally to rsfMRI; T1-maps were acquired
for 12 rats before and after subcutanious osmotic Mn2+
pump implantation. ICA showed an increased interoceptive
network component in the cingulate cortex of rats in
withdrawal. Even though both methods rely on
fundamentally different approaches, an overlapping area
of increased Mn2+ uptake was found in the MEMRI data.
3084. |
Mapping the genomic
influence of a single chromosome on the alterations of
functional connectivity before and after somatosensory
stimulation using fMRI and fcMRI
Zhixin Li1 and
Christopher P Pawela1,2
1Plastic Surgery, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Biophysics,
Medical College of Wisconsin, WI, United States
Mapping the genomic influence of a single chromosome on
the alterations of functional connectivity due to
somatosensory stimulation using fMRI and fcMRI
3085. |
Temporal reliability of
functional lateralization of resting-state language network
Yang Fan1, Linlin Zhu2, Qihong Zou1,
Zhendong Niu2, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1Center for MRI Research, Peking University,
Beijing, China, 2School
of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of
Technology, Beijing, China
A fundamental feature of the human brain is the presence
of both structural and functional asymmetries between
two hemispheres at both macroscopic and microscopic
dimensions. Previous studies have revealed the
functional lateralization of language network. This kind
of functional brain asymmetry was stable among different
group of subjects. However, whether it is reliable in
the same subject across time, which may be important to
a few neuropsychiatric disorders, is still undetermined.
In the present study, we examined the test-retest (TRT)
reliability of the asymmetry of language network and
prove its temporal stability.
3086. |
Modular organization of
mouse brain functional connectivity
Carlo Nicolini1, Adam Liska1,
Francesco Sforazzini1, Alberto Galbusera1,
Angelo Bifone1, and Alessandro Gozzi1
1MRI Laboratory, Istituto Italiano di
Tecnologia, Centre for Neuroscience and Cognitive
Sciences, Rovereto, Trento, Italy
We recently described the presence of distributed
intrinsic connectivity networks in the mouse brain
homologous to those observed in primates and humans.
Here we used complex network analysis to describe the
functional topology of the resting mouse brain. We found
that the mouse brain can be segregated into four stable
and anatomically plausible communities that can be
associated to known distributed brain functions and
related to known connectional partitions of the human
brain. These initial results suggest that the mouse
brain conserves fundamental topological properties that
are also seen in higher species.
3087. |
Intrinsic rsfMRI
connectivity networks in the human spinal cord 
Oscar San Emeterio Nateras1,2, Carlos Bazan
III1, Fang Yu1, Jinqi Li2,
Cristal G Franklin2, Wei Zhou1,2,
Sunil K Valaparla1,2, Jack L Lancaster1,2,
and Timothy Q Duong1,2
1Radiology, University of Texas Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States
This study demonstrates a novel rsfMRI application to
investigate the spinal cord. We found extensive
functional networks in the spinal C1-C4, and they
included some unilateral, bilateral and top-down
functional connectivity. Future studies will improve
spatial resolution and to map connectivity of the entire
spinal cord to the brain.
3088. |
Comparison of Power
Spectrum in Resting Brain Networks of Human and Rat using
Seed Regions and Independent Component Analysis
Yu-Han Hong1, Hui-Yu Wang1,
You-Yin Chen2, Yeu-Sheng Tyan1,3,
and Jun-Cheng Weng1,3
1School of Medical Imaging and Radiological
Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang-Ming
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
At present, resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) is
increasingly used in human and rodent neuropathological
research. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
find a stable and reliable analysis method of rsfMRI for
human and rat, and to compare the region correlation and
power spectrum in human and rat brain networks using
seed regions and independent component analysis (ICA).
By acquiring rsfMRI data with a comparable protocol
(e.g. anesthesia for rat), scanning and analysis, in
both humans and rats we were able to compare findings
obtained in both species. The outcome of rsfMRI is
different for humans and rats and depends strongly on
the seed position in the seed regions functional
connectivity analysis, and the applied number of
components in the ICA. The most important difference was
the power spectrum of several networks, such as visual,
motor, default mode, amygdala, hippocampus and thalamus,
in the rat shifted to lower frequency regime compared to
human brain. Furthermore, a higher number of components
was needed for the ICA analysis to separate different
cortical regions in rats as compared to humans.
3089. |
Differentiating neuronal
and non-neuronal contributions in BOLD signal using
multimodal recordings and multi-echo EPI
Han Yuan1, Callen Johnson1,2,
Raquel Phillips1, Vadim Zotev1,
Masaya Misaki1, and Jerzy Bodurka1,3
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research,
Tulsa, OK, United States, 2Department
of Physics, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, United
States, 3College
of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,
United States
We investigated the resting state brain dynamics using
single-shot multi-echo EPI sequence with simultaneously
acquired electroencephalography (EEG) and respiratory
data. Multi-echo EPI images were decomposed into
linearly weighted components based on differentiated
TE-dependent signals using spatial independent component
analysis (ICA). The BOLD signal of neuronal or
non-neuronal/physiological origin was differentiated by
comparing the time course of EPI independent components
with the variations of EEG alpha power and respiratory
volumes. Results show that the multi-echo ICA approach
based on the multimodal data is able to decompose the
BOLD signals into components of neuronal and
non-neuronal origin, and thus can be used to remove the
physiological noise of BOLD signals.
3090. |
The differential
progression of functional and structural connectivity in a
mouse model of demyelination and remyelination
Yi-Ching Lynn Ho1, Way Cherng Chen1,
Hui Chien Tay1, Fatima Nasrallah1,
and Kai-Hsiang Chuang1
1Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Agency for
Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), Singapore,
The increasing use of resting-state fMRI to study brain
development and disease progression raises the question
of how functional connectivity changes in response to
alterations in structural connectivity. Using the
cuprizone mouse model of reversible demyelination, we
tracked the relationship of S1 functional connectivity
to corpus callosum myelination, which was assessed with
histology. Results showed different temporal progression
of the impairment and the recovery of structural and
functional connectivity.
BOLD Modeling & Physiology
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
3091. |
New model and confirmatory
measurement of the BOLD hemodynamic response function 
Jung Hwan Kim1 and
David Ress1,2
1Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX, United States, 2Neuroscience,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United
We present a novel convection-diffusion oxygen transport
model to understand the BOLD hemodynamic response
function (HRF). A lumped-linear flow model described the
CBF response produced by arterial dilation. The CMRO2
response was assumed to have a gamma-function form. The
model successfully fit the HRF evoked in human visual
cortex and measured using high-resolution fMRI. Results
show how CBF and CMRO2 compete with each other to shape
the BOLD HRF. The predicted flow and CMRO2 amplitudes
agree with previous measurements. Our model provides a
detail theoretical framework to understand neurovascular
and neurometabolic coupling in the brain.
3092. |
FMRI using non-Gaussian -stretched
exponential maps 
Marco Palombo1, Emiliano Macaluso2,
Marco Bozzali2, and Silvia Capuani1
1Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Rome, Rome, Italy, 2NeuroImaging
Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy
We investigated the signal source and spatial
specificity of DW fMRI changes in the visual cortex
using Gaussian and non-Gaussian diffusion methods. In
particular we exploited the strong dependence of
non-Gaussian parameter
on local magnetic susceptibility in order to show: 1)
vascular contribution (in capillaries and small veils)
is predominant in the ADC variations found in Gaussian
diffusion fMRI; 2) non-Gaussian diffusion fMRI is more
sensitive and spatially localized to the signal source
than Gaussian diffusion fMRI ; 3) it is possible to use
non-Gaussian diffusion fMRI to localize brain activation
areas more accurately than usual BOLD fMRI.
3093. |
Towards a vascular model of
layer specific activation 
Irati Markuerkiaga1, Markus Barth1,
and David Norris1
1Donders Institute for Cognitive
Neuroscience, Nijmegen, Netherlands
In this work we present a cortical vasculature model
based on reported experimental data and simulate the
fMRI signal across layers for examining the depth
dependent point spread function (PSF). This is necessary
to determine the spatial resolution achievable by high
resolution fMRI sequences for identifying layer specific
functional activation.
3094. |
Folded cortical orientation
influences the amplitude of BOLD-fMRI: evidence from
simulations and experimental data
Louis Gagnon1,2, Sava Sakadzic1,
Frederic Lesage2, Joseph J Musacchia1,
Joel Lefebvre2, Qianqian Fang1,
Meryem A Yucel1, Karleyton C Evans1,
Emiri T Mandeville1, Julien Cohen-Adad2,
Jonathan R Polimeni1, Mohammad A Yaseen1,
Eng H Lo1, Douglas Greve1, Richard
B Buxton3, Anders Dale3, Anna
Devor3, and David A Boas1
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachussetts General
Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de
Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Department
of Radiology and Neuroscience, UCSD, LaJolla, CA, United
We modeled the BOLD response using a set of in vivo
vascular measurements obtained with oxygen-sensitive
two-photon microscopy. Our model predicted that the
folded cortical orientation relative to the main
magnetic field can affect the amplitude of the BOLD
response by up to 40%. Experimental BOLD measurements
during a hypercapnic challenge confirmed this
hypothesis. We proposed a method to correct for this
confounding effect.
Trial-wise Investigation of
Cerebral Blood Volume Change in Human Brain at 7T 
Laurentius Huber1, Aneurin Kennerley2,
Dimo Ivanov3, Claudine Gauthier1,
Harald E. Möller1, and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Department
of Psychology, The University of Sheffield, United
Kingdom, 3Psychology
and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Inter-trial variation of stimulus-induced fMRI signal
response is investigated with respect to BOLD and its
underlying CBV changes with a recently developed
multi-echo VASO sequence. The most striking result is
that the post-stimulus CBV has a post stimulus
undershoot (PSU) followed by an overshoot in an
oscillating manner. The characteristic time course of
the well described BOLD PSU appears only after averaging
across trials. Mechanisms underlying inter-trial
variations can be investigated by means of correlating
several separate features of individual trials, e.g.
initial response vs. PSU amplitude.
3096. |
Investigating the
spatiotemporal characteristics of the BOLD and the non-BOLD
response across cortical layers in awake marmosets
Cecil Chern-Chyi Yen1, Daniel Papoti1,
and Afonso C. Silva1
1CMU/LFMI/NINDS, National Institues of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
The spatiotemporal characteristic of the BOLD signal
across cortical layers has not been well understood due
to the neurophysiological effects of general anesthetics
in animal model or the limitations of spatiotemporal
resolution of the human fMRI. To bridge the gap, a
dual-echo EPI sequence with high spatiotemporal
resolution was used to separate the laminar BOLD
response and non-BOLD response in awake marmoset model.
We had shown the spatiotemporal characteristic of the
laminar BOLD response without complications of
anesthesia and non-BOLD contribution.
3097. |
Combining bimodal
optogenetic control with BOLD fMRI for causal analysis of
the cortico-thalamic circuitry 
Florian Schmid1, Lydia Wachsmuth1,
Miriam Schwalm2, Albrecht Stroh2,
and Cornelius Faber1
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University
of Münster, Münster, Germany, 2Research
Group Molecular Imaging and Optogenetics, Johannes
Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany
We utilize optogenetic tools for a temporally and
spatially defined modulation of components of the
cortico-thalamic and the thalamo-cortical neuronal
network in naďve rats and use BOLD fMRI as a global,
noninvasive readout. Our results show positive BOLD
activation of S1 sensory cortex upon optogenetic
stimulation of S1 or the posterior thalamic nuclei
group, and negative BOLD response upon inhibitory
3098. |
To Investigate the
Hemodynamic Response Function Alterations in Hypercapnia
Using Visual Stimulus fMRI 
Teng-Chieh Cheng1, Yi-Jui Liu1,
Yi-Hsiung Lee2, Kuo-Fang Shao3,
Chao-Chun Lin4, Chia-Wei Lin4, and
Wu-Chung Shen4
1Department of Automatic Control Engineering,
Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2Ph.D.
Program of Electrical and Communications Engineering,
Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 3Master's
Program in Biomedical Informatics and Biomedical
Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 4Department
of Radiology, China Medical University Hospital,
Taichung, Taiwan
Neuron activity can be measured by BOLD signal in fMRI
study, but BOLD signals could be altered solely by
hypercapnia. However, no reports have explored the
changes of hemodynamic response function (HRF) in terms
of the degrees of hypercapnia. In this study, we
investigated the HRF variate from short to long time
stimulus within different CO2 concentration inhalation.
Our results show the peak of HRF curve is decreased and
time-to-peak is ascended with inhaled CO2 fractions. We
conclude the restriction of HRF by cerebrovascular
reserve is related to CO2 concentration and independent
with visual stimulus duration under the steady-state
The Effect of Dissolved
Oxygen on Relaxation Rates of Blood Plasma
Yuhan Ma1, Avery J.L. Berman1, and
G. Bruce Pike1,2
1McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal
Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 2Hotchkiss
Brain Institute and Department of Radiology, University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
We investigated the effect of dissolved oxygen in
arterial blood plasma on BOLD signal during the
hyperoxia calibrated BOLD method by examining the
relaxation rates of bovine blood plasma under various
partial pressures of oxygen. The R1 of
plasma linearly increases with oxygen concentration,
whereas R2 and
R2* are
unaffected. Therefore, dissolved oxygen in arterial
plasma should not induce significant BOLD contrast
through R2 and
R2* effects.
This study verifies that under hyperoxia, BOLD signal
contrast arises from dHb in venous and capillary blood -
the fundamental basis of the calibrated BOLD method -
and not dissolved oxygen in arteries.
3100. |
Contributions of excitatory
and inhibitory neural activities to BOLD and CBV fMRI 
Alexander Poplawsky1, Mitsuhiro Fukuda1,
Xiaopeng Zong2, and Seong-Gi Kim1,3
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Biomedical
Research Imaging Center, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC, United States,3Biological
Sciences, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research,
Institute for Basic Science (IBS), SKKU, Suwon, Korea
We used high-resolution fMRI in the olfactory bulb model
to determine whether inhibitory neurons contribute to
the hemodynamic response. Odor and micro-stimulation of
the anterior commissure (AC) were used to preferentially
evoke excitatory and inhibitory processes, respectively.
For both BOLD and CBV fMRI, we measured hemodynamic
responses in bulb layers corresponding to inhibitory
neuron activity. Of particular interest, the combined
odor plus AC stimulations revealed a relative increase
in fMRI changes at layers corresponding to the net
increase in total synaptic activity (excitatory +
inhibitory). Our data show that excitatory and
inhibitory activities contribute to hemodynamic
responses in the bulb.
3101. |
Repeatibility of M, BOLD,
CBF and CMRO2 for
cognitive tasks at 7 Tesla 
Steffen N Krieger1,2, Claudine J Gauthier2,
Dimo Ivanov3, Laurentius Huber2,
Elisabeth Roggenhofer2, Bernhard Sehm2,
Robert Turner2, and Gary F Egan1
1Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash
University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2Max-Plank
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany,3Maastricht
University, Netherlands
Calibrated BOLD might be a powerful alternative to
classic functional MRI techniques especially as CMRO2
has been found to be more spatially specific when
mapping cerebral functional activation compared to BOLD.
However, the application of calibrated BOLD at
ultra-high field strengths and in combination with more
complex cognitive study designs might have been
inhibited by the limited knowledge about stability. This
study provides evidence that CMRO2 is a reliable
biomarker for cognitive studies even when used at
ultra-high magnetic fields. The calibrated BOLD
technique might be a viable alternative to classic BOLD
3102. |
Reproducibility of M, CMRO2
and OEF measurements using QUO2 MRI and dual-echo pCASL 
Isabelle Lajoie1, Felipe B Tancredi1,
Danny J Wang2, and Richard D Hoge1
1Centre de recherche de l'IUGM, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 2Neurology,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We describe here an optimized protocol for the
acquisition and processing of MRI data for the
quantification of oxidative metabolism (CMRO2) using the
QUantitativeO2 (QUO2) method with fixed concentrations
of respirator gases and a DE-pCASL sequence. We assessed
the reproducibility of the method and obtained
respective inter-session coefficients of variation (CV)
of 10%, 15%, and 17% for M (extrapolated maximum BOLD
signal), OEF0 (Oxygen Extraction Fraction) and CMRO20.
In future work, we will extend the protocol to MRI
scanners from multiple scanner vendors and verify that
equivalent results can be obtained at different scanning
3103. |
A breathing apparatus
providing improved control of FiO2 and FiCO2 for calibrated
Felipe B Tancredi1,2, Isabelle Lajoie1,2,
and Richard D Hoge1,2
1Institut de génie biomédical, Université de
Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Centre
de recherche de l'IUGM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Respiratory manipulations inducing global changes in CBF
and BOLD have been used to measure cerebral vascular
reactivity and metabolism. Respiratory stimulus is
commonly achieved by delivering predetermined
concentrations of gases for inspiration, yielding
end-tidal (ET) values that are used for retrospective
normalization of the fMRI signal. The simplest method
has been to administer O2/CO2 mixtures through low-cost
oxygen masks. However, control over the administered
dose have been difficult using this approach – which
hampers reproducibility of ET responses. We have
designed a breathing apparatus allowing precise
adjustments in FiO2/FiCO2 and good intra-subject
reproducibility of ET levels.
3104. |
Full-brain Blood Volume,
Oxygenation and Hematocrit Imaging using T1 and T2 Prepared
Velocity Selective Labeling 
Esben Thade Petersen1,2, Jill De Vis1,
Thomas Alderliesten3, C.A.T. van den Berg2,
and Jeroen Hendrikse1
1Department of Radiology, UMC, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiotherapy, UMC, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Department
of Neonatology, UMC, Utrecht, Netherlands
In this work we present a method which allows
simultaneous full brain measurement of blood-volume,
oxygenation and hematocrit. The sequence is based on a
T1 and T2 Prepared Velocity Selective Labeling Module.
Blood oxygen saturation is an important parameter in
neuroscience and for the management of diseases such as
stroke or cancer. The sequence was tested using a
hypercapnic challenge, which alters the oxygenation
levels across the brain. Initial results are promising
and further validation work is ongoing in healthy
subjects using the reactivity challenge while
simultaneously monitoring frontal lobe oxygenation by
means of Near InfraRed Spectroscopy.
3105. |
Dynamic estimation of
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen from BOLD and flow signals
Farshad Moradi1, Aaron Simon2, and
Richard B Buxton1,2
1Radiology, UCSD, San Diego, California,
United States, 2Center
for Functional MRI, University of California, San Diego,
California, United States
BOLD dynamics is complicated by nonlinear changes in
vascular volumes and saturations linked to blood flow.
We introduce a theoretical framework by integrating a
detailed model of BOLD signal (Griffeth & Buxton 2011)
with multi-compartmental balloon model of vascular tree.
Simulations were used to examine the effects of vascular
viscoelastic properties and transit time of blood. The
new model is then used to estimate dynamic oxygen
metabolism changes from experimentally measured flow and
BOLD signals. Taking into account transient changes in
blood volume distribution increases temporal accuracy of
CMRO2 estimates compared to applying steady-state
analysis to dynamic data.
3106. |
Acquisition of Basal and
Evoked Potential CBF Response During Hyperbaric Exposure
Damon P Cardenas1, Eric Muir1,
Shiliang huang2, and Timothy Duong1
1Radiology, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas,
United States, 2MRI,
Research Imaging Institute, San Antonio, Texas, United
There are substantial interests in the effects of oxygen
availability on neurovascular coupling and the response
of cerebral blood flow (CBF) to neural activation. We
evaluated forepaw-evoked CBF responses in rats under i)
normobaric air, ii) normobaric oxygen, iii) hyperbaric
air, and iv) hyperbaric oxygen (HBO). Basal CBF was not
different under the four conditions, despite substantial
increase of oxygen. Stimulus-evoked CBF was increased at
moderately high [O2] compared to normobaric air, but
returned to normal at very high [O2] under HBO,
suggesting CBF responses are in some way regulated by
oxygen-sensitive mechanisms.
3107. |
CBV-Based Resting-State
fMRI: Detecting Intrinsic Brain Activity Using Whole Brain
3D-VASO Imaging
Xinyuan Miao1, Hong Gu2, Lirong
Yan3, Hanzhang Lu4, Danny JJ Wang3,
Xiaohong Joe Zhou5, Yan Zhuo1, and
Yihong Yang2
1Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2National
Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
MD, United States,3Department of Neurology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United
States, 5Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research and Department of
Radiology, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago,
IL, United States
We developed a CBV-based imaging technique to detect
intrinsic brain activity. Spontaneous fluctuations of
CBV-weighted signal were measured by whole-brain,
3D-GRASE VASO imaging. Brain networks were detected
reliably by the VASO technique. Frequency analyses
showed that the VASO signal appeared to contain more
high-frequency oscillations, compared to BOLD.
Susceptibility artifacts were substantially alleviated
in the VASO images and functional connectivity between
striatum and orbital frontal cortex was detected
robustly by the VASO but not BOLD. These results suggest
that the 3D-GRASE VASO imaging may become an attractive
technique for assessing brain functions in regions that
precluded by traditional BOLD techniques.
3108. |
Magnetohydrodynamic effects
in MRI studies of ionic-current phantoms: dependence on
field strength and conductivity 
Mukund Balasubramanian1, Robert V. Mulkern1,
William M. Wells2, Padmavathi Sundaram1,
and Darren B. Orbach1
1Department of Radiology, Boston Children's
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States
Understanding the behavior of ionic volume currents in
strong magnetic fields could facilitate efforts to use
MRI to detect signals more tightly coupled to neuronal
activity. However, studies on this topic are
controversial: two competing mechanisms have been
proposed to account for the behavior of these currents.
One of these mechanisms, magnetohydrodynamic flow,
predicts a slow evolution of phase signals (on the order
of one minute for 0.9% saline at 3T) that is dependent
on both field strength and conductivity. Here, we test
and confirm these predictions using 0.9% and 3.6% saline
current phantoms scanned at 1.5T and 3T.
fMRI & Electrophysiology
Thursday 15 May 2014
Traditional Poster Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
3109. |
Reducing the error:
Regional effects of HRF basis functions on EEG-microstate
informed fMRI 
Simon Schwab1, Yosuke Morishima1,
Thomas Koenig1, Thomas Dierks1,
Andrea Federspiel1, and Kay Jann2
1University Hospital of Psychiatry,
Department of Psychiatric Neurophysiology / University
of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Department
of Neurology, University of California, Los Angeles,
California, United States
In the present work, we aimed to compare two sets of
HRFs for microstate-informed resting-state fMRI
analysis: the standard canonical HRF (CA), and the HRFs
extended by the two temporal and dispersion derivatives
(CA+). Fourteen healthy subjects underwent simultaneous
EEG/fMRI. We have found that the extended model CA+
shows lower residuals for visual and right auditory
areas across subjects. These findings provide further
support that the canonical HRF alone may be insufficient
to explain BOLD responses varying across brain regions
and subjects. However, further investigation is needed
to reduce residuals by using more flexible HRF models.
3110. |
Partial least squares
regression of dynamic functional connectivity and EEG
reveals the epileptic network activity
Maria Giulia Preti1,2, Nora Leonardi1,2,
F. Isik Karahanoglu1,2, Frédéric Grouiller3,
Mélanie Genetti4, Margitta Seeck5,
Serge Vulliemoz5, and Dimitri Van De Ville1,2
1Institute of Bioengineering, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, VD,
Switzerland, 2Medical
Imaging Processing Lab, University of Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Geneva University
Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, 4Functional
Brain Mapping Lab, University Hospital and Faculty of
Medicine of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 5EEG
and Epilepsy Unit, Neurology and Functional Brain
Mapping Lab, University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine
of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Focal epilepsy is characterized by a not yet fully
understood abnormal brain network organization that can
be addressed with the integration of EEG, revealing the
epileptic activity, and dynamic functional connectivity,
exploring the connections’ dynamics during resting-state
functional magnetic resonance imaging. We proposed a new
method to combine the two techniques using partial least
squares regression, aiming to assess the functional
subnetworks related to epileptic activity. Results for
one subject were consistent with previous literature,
encouraging a new spectrum of future analysis with this
3111. |
Functional MRI and
deep-brain stimulation: Impact from distortion artifacts 
Štefan Holiga1, Karsten Mueller1,
Dušan Urgošík2, Robert Jech3, and
Harald E. Möller1
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 2Department
of Radiation and Stereotactic Neurosurgery, Na Homolce
Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, 3Department
of Neurology and Center of Clinical Neuroscience, First
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech
Deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is a rapidly evolving
neurosurgical treatment approach for a variety of
disabling neurological and psychiatric symptoms,
offering a range of fundamental research questions.
Several functional MRI (fMRI) studies already revealed
neural correlates of its striking therapeutic benefit on
patients with fully-implanted and active DBS-hardware
under strictly controlled safety standards. In this work
we underline the importance of adhering to rigorous
data-analysis standards, too. In particular, we
demonstrate the DBS-hardware-related signal distortion
artifact problem empirically, present the risk of
false-positive fMRI findings and accordingly call for
extremely cautious means of analyzing fMRI of patients
with implanted electrodes.
3112. |
An optimized setup for
simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultra-high field in a head-only 7T
Joao Jorge1,2, Frederic Grouiller3,
Robert Stoermer4, Christoph Michel5,
Patricia Figueiredo2, Wietske van der Zwaag1,
and Rolf Gruetter1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, University of
Lausanne/Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Department
of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Geneva University
Hospital, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 4Brain
Products, GmbH, Gilching, Germany, 5Geneva
University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
Simultaneous EEG-fMRI acquisitions are prone to specific
artifacts that can seriously compromise data quality. In
particular, mechanically-propagated scanner vibrations
can significantly affect EEG recordings performed at
ultra-high fields. In this work, we explored the
advantages of a head-only MRI scanner for simultaneous
EEG-fMRI acquisition, at 7 Tesla, using an optimized EEG
setup with short cable lengths (~12cm from cap to
amplifiers). The effects of cable length and type on EEG
noise sensitivity were assessed. Following tests on
safety and MR image quality, simultaneous acquisitions
were performed on human subjects under visual
stimulation, yielding reliable VEPs and occipital BOLD
3113. |
Self-Regulation of the
Thalamus with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback Enhances
Correlation of Thalamic BOLD Activity and EEG Alpha Rhythm
Vadim Zotev1, Kymberly D Young1,
Raquel Phillips1, Han Yuan1,
Masaya Misaki1, and Jerzy Bodurka1,2
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research,
Tulsa, OK, United States, 2College
of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK,
United States
We have performed the first study utilizing real-time
fMRI neurofeedback (rtfMRI-nf) with simultaneous EEG to
elucidate correlations between BOLD activity of the
thalamus and posterior EEG alpha rhythm. Ten healthy
participants learned to self-regulate fMRI activity of
the anterior and mediodorsal nuclei of the thalamus
using rtfMRI-nf during a task involving retrieval of
happy autobiographical memories. We observed a
significant enhancement in temporal correlation between
thalamic BOLD activity and EEG alpha rhythm during the
rtfMRI-nf training. Our results suggest that rtfMRI-nf
with simultaneous EEG is a powerful tool for studying
relationships between electrophysiology and hemodynamics
of the human brain.
3114. |
The helium Pump artifact in
simultaneous EEG-fMRI does not affect ERP signal-to-noise or
topological consistency.
Johan N van der Meer1, André Pampel2,
Jennifer R Ramautar3, German Gomez-Herrero3,
Jöran Lepsien2, Harald Möller2,
and Martin Walter1
1Clinical Affective Neuroimaging Laboratory,
Department of Behavioral Neurology, Leibniz Institute
for Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Unit, Max Planck institute for human
cognitive and brain sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 3Department
of Sleep and Cognition, Netherlands Institute for
Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Netherlands
During simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements, investigators
routinely shuts down the helium pump to avoid the pump
artifact in the EEG; however, this potentially harms the
scanner. In this work, we investigate if this He pump
artifact is really detrimental for the EEG. We performed
EEG-fMRI with a reversal checkerboard task while the He
pump was off and on and compare EEG quality markers
between these two conditions. We also recorded EEG
outside the scanner. We found (1) the He pump did not
have discernable impact on EEG quality, (2) The quality
during scanning is much lower during scanning as
compared to outside.
3115. |
Optimized fMRI pulse
sequence for simultaneous EEG-fMRI: Spiral pseudo REal TIme
Ana Beatriz Solana1,2, Juan Antonio
Hernández-Tamames3,4, José Luis Ortiz1,
Elena Molina3, Eva Manzanedo3,
Fernando O. Zelaya5, and Francisco del Pozo1
1Center for Biomedical Technology, Pozuelo de
Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, 2DBT,
Global Research Center, General Electric, Munich,
Munich, Germany, 3Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 4Fundación
Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, 5King's
College London, London, United Kingdom
A new spiral fMRI sequence, called SpRETI, is developed
to include the following characteristics: 1) reduced EEG
gradient-induced artifacts during simultaneous EEG-fMRI;
2) real time data storage to avoid loss of data; and, 3)
acquisition of an optimized B0map inside the pulse
sequence. SpRETI performance was tested calculating the
gradient-induced artifact characteristics in the EEG,
and its removal, and the BOLD contrast in a motor and
visual tasks. Results were compared with EPI and other
two spiral EPI sequences. SpRETI showed the best
performance for simultaneous EEG-fMRI: lowest EEG
gradient-induced artifact and a similar BOLD contrast.
3116. |
Quadrimodal localisation of
epileptic focus using simultaneous EEG, MRI and PET imaging 
Frédéric Grouiller1, Suzanne Heinzer2,
Bénédicte Delattre1,2, François Lazeyras1,
Giannarita Iannotti3,4, Laurent Spinelli3,
Francesca Pittau3, Margitta Seeck3,
Osman Ratib1, Maria Isabel Vargas1,
Valentina Garibotto1, and Serge Vulliémoz3
1Department of Radiology and Medical
Informatics, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva,
Switzerland, 2Philips
AG Healthcare, Zürich, Switzerland, 3EEG
and Epilepsy Unit, Department of Neurology, Geneva
University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, 4Functional
Brain Mapping Laboratory, University of Geneva, Geneva,
We report the feasibility to record in a single session
combined EEG-PET, MRI, EEG-fMRI and ESI using
high-density EEG and a PET-MRI hybrid scanner. This
whole multimodal procedure could be performed in less
than two hours with good patient comfort. This
single-session quadrimodal imaging could be of great
interest for epilepsy presurgical mapping and may
replace four separated exams usually performed to
identify the epileptic focus. It may improve
significantly the patient workflow in epilepsy unit and
reduce the cost of presurgical epilepsy evaluations.
3117. |
Identification of whole
brain correlation patterns between resting-state fMRI signal
amplitude and EEG vigilance in eyes-closed and eyes-open
Chi Wah Wong1, Valur Olafsson1,2,
Omer Tal1, and Thomas Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Neuroscience
Imaging Center, University of Pittsburgh, PA, United
A prior study has shown that the global signal amplitude
in resting-state fMRI is negatively correlated with a
measure of EEG vigilance in the eyes-closed (EC)
condition but not in the eyes-open (EO) condition. In
this study, we used simultaneous EEG-fMRI to identify
brain regions in which the BOLD signal amplitudes are
correlated with EEG vigilance. We then compared the
spatial distribution between the EC and EO conditions.
We found that the BOLD signal amplitude in the motor
cortex, middle temporal gyrus, basal ganglia and cuneus
are more negatively correlated with EEG vigilance in EC
than EO.
3118. |
Simultaneous intracranial
EEG-fMRI of a seizure
David Carmichael1, Umair J Chaudhary2,
Rachel C Thornton2, Roman Rodionov2,
Serge Vulliemoz3, Andrew W McEvoy4,
Beate Diehl2, Matthew C Walker2,
John S Duncan2, and Louis Lemieux2
1Imaging and Biophysics, UCL Institute of
Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 3EEG
and Epilepsy Unit, University Hospital and Functional
Brain Mapping Lab, Geneva, Switzerland, 4Victor
Horsley Department of Surgery, National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom
We used the recently developed method of combined
intracranial EEG and fMRI (icEEG-fMRI) in a patient with
epilepsy who had a focal electrographic seizure during
scanning. We used an expert visually coded model and a
quantitative model of spectral dynamics during the
seizure obtained by frequency transformation followed by
convolution by a haemodynamic response function and
principle component analysis (PCA). Both models gave a
similar widespread network of changes including in the
right temporal lobe where the seizure onset was
recorded. The quantitative model had greater statistical
power and included a cluster proximal to the electrode
that recorded seizure onset.
3119. |
Ballistocardiogram Artifact
Removal with a Reference Layer and Standard EEG Cap
Qingfei Luo1, Xiaoshan Huang2, and
Gary H. Glover1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
The previous ballistocardiogram (BCG) artifact removal
methods based on a reference layer used either a
customized electrode system or complicated experimental
procedures. In this work, we propose a practical and
efficient reference layer method and compare its
performance with the most popular method (optimal basis
sets (OBS)) on alpha-wave and sensory-evoked EEG
signals. By designing the reference layer as a reusable
cap, this method can be used directly with a standard
EEG cap and without any hard modification. The
comparison results showed that it has better performance
than the OBS in removing the BCG artifact.
3120. |
Temporal variations in the
resting-state fMRI global signal amplitude are correlated
with time-varying measures of network topology parameters
and EEG vigilance
Chi Wah Wong1, Valur Olafsson1,2,
Omer Tal1, and Thomas Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Neuroscience
Imaging Center, University of Pittsburgh, PA, United
A prior study has shown that the resting-state fMRI
global signal amplitude is inversely correlated with a
measure of EEG vigilance. In this study, we applied a
sliding window approach to examine how the temporal
dynamics of the global signal amplitude are related to
the dynamics of network topology and EEG vigilance. We
found that the temporal variations in the global signal
amplitude are positively correlated with the
time-varying clustering coefficient and negatively
correlated with time-varying measures of characteristic
path length and EEG vigilance.
Investigating the
electrophysiological fingerprints of spontaneous fMRI
Catie Chang1, David A Leopold2,
Marieke L Scholvinck3, and Jeff H Duyn1
1Advanced MRI Section, Laboratory of
Functional and Molecular Imaging, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 2Section
on Cognitive Neurophysiology and Imaging, Laboratory of
Neuropsychology, NIMH, MD, United States, 3Ernst
Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience in Cooperation
with Max Planck Society, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The neural correlates of spontaneous hemodynamic
fluctuations (“resting-state fMRI”) are not fully
understood. Using simultaneous LFP-fMRI data acquired
from awake macaques in the resting state, we examined
the relationship between the low (< 8 Hz) and high
(40-80 Hz) frequency bands of the local field potential
in terms of their correlations with the fMRI signal. We
observed that fluctuations in the power of the low and
high frequency bands were weakly correlated with one
another and provided complementary information about
fMRI signals, suggesting that the correlation of LFP
with BOLD arises from at least two distinct processes.