ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MR Physics for Physicists
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate to Advanced
ORGANIZERS: Jürgen R. Reichenbach, Ph.D. & N. Jon Shah, Ph.D.
Saturday, 30 May 2015
This one-day course will systematically describe basic theories of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) physics and electromagnetism, and their connections with major aspects of MR. It will provide an in-depth understanding of major topics of MR from the basic physics principles, laying the foundation that underlies research and development for MR imaging and spectroscopy, and prepare the audience with the physics and mathematical foundations of MRI and MRS needed to advance to advance both basic science and applied clinical research projects. Lectures cover basic principles of NMR and its implication for relaxation, contrast, RF excitation and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), and Maxwell’s equations and their implication in static fields, gradients and RF coil design and pulse design. Each 25-minute lecture will be given by an accomplished Ph.D. scientist-teacher and is followed by a 5-minute discussion.
Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D. graduates in natural sciences, applied mathematics or engineering, as well as medical physicists, established physicians and Ph.D. scientists. Individuals who will likely benefit most from the course are those who have recently completed or will complete a graduate educational program in MR physics, chemistry, applied mathematics or engineering and those practitioners of MR with extensive practical experience but seek to obtain a more systematic physics foundation.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Apply the fundamental physical bases of MR;
  • Relate the quantum mechanical nature of NMR;
  • Employ the Bloch equations and classical description of NMR;
  • Identify the interaction between spin-bearing particles and electromagnetic fields; and
  • Recognize behavior of electromagnetic fields (as described by Maxwell's equations) and their effects in MRI.


Moderators: Jürgen R. Reichenbach, Ph.D. & N. Jon Shah, Ph.D.

    NMR Physics: Firming Up the Foundations
08:30 Quantum Mechanical Description of NMR
James Tropp, Ph.D.
09:00 Problems in MR That Really Need Quantum Mechanics: The Density Matrix Approach
Robert V. Mulkern, Ph.D.
09:30 Multiple Quantum Coherence, Editing & Multidimensional NMR
Jianhui Zhong, Ph.D.
10:00   Break & Meet the Teachers
10:30 From Bloch Equation to MR Contrasts: Relaxation & Physical Bases of Tissue Contrast
Greg J. Stanisz, Ph.D.
11:00 Other Contrast: Polarization Transfer, Chemical Exchange, & Magnetization Transfer
Penny A. Gowland, Ph.D.
11:30 Bloch Equation in the Rotating Frame, Multidimensional Excitation
John M. Pauly, Ph.D.
12:00 Bloch-Torrey Equation & Diffusion Imaging (DWI, DTI, q-space Imaging)
Dmitry Novikov, Ph.D.
12:30   Lunch & Meet the Teachers
    Electromagnetic Fields in MRI: From Theory to Practice
14:00 Maxwell Equations & EM Field Modeling for MRI
Andreas Bitz, Ph.D.
14:30 Static Magnetic Field: Magnetic Field (In)Homogeneity, Susceptibility-Related Contrast & Artifacts
Ferdinand Schweser, Ph.D.
15:00 Understanding Gradients from an EM Perspective: (Gradient Linearity, Eddy Currents, Maxwell Terms, & Peripheral Nerve Stimulation)
Johan A. Overweg, Ph.D.
15:30   Break & Meet the Teachers
16:00 RF Coils & B1 Mapping
Pierre-Francois A. Van de Moortele, M.D., Ph.D.
16:30 B1 Shimming & Parallel Transmission
Martijn A. Cloos, Ph.D.
17:00 Signal Detection, Reciprocity, Noise, & SNR
Klaas P. Prüssmann, Ph.D.
17:30 Discerning Electrical Property & Electrical Field Distributions from MR Images
Ulrich Katscher, Ph.D.
18:00   Adjournment & Meet the Teachers