ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 07-13 May 2016 • Singapore

Sunrise Educational Session: Multiparametric MR for Cancer

Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

Organizers: Guanshu Liu, Ph.D. & Mark D. Pagel, Ph.D.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

MRI of cancer now involves many different sequence and protocol options. This session will discuss diffusion, perfusion and spectroscopy as multiparametric options. In addition, it will discuss the potential of combining multiple methods in one paradigm to improve tumour detection and monitoring.

Target Audience
This will benefit PhD and MD's who are interested in novel MRI methods for detection and monitoring of cancer.

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the potential of diffusion MRI for detection and monitoring of cancer;
  • Understand the potential of spectroscopy for detection and monitoring of cancer;
  • Understand the potential of perfusion MRI for detection and monitoring of cancer; and
  • Understand the options for using a multiparametric analysis to identify and monitor cancer.

Moderators: Jeong Min Lee, Taro Takahara
Tumor Diagnosis with Diffusion - Permission Withheld
Nandita deSouza1
1The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) exploits the incoherent motion of water molecules within tissues to generate contrast.  Many solid tumours exhibit restricted diffusion of water molecules compared to many normal tissues, leading to bright signal on diffusion-weighted images and low values of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC).  Increase in necrosis/cell death after treatment increases ADC which has been shown to be predictive of response to chemotherapy in various tumour sites.

Multiparametric MRI Therapy Response in Bone
Anwar R Padhani1
1Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, UK,
Multimodal bone marrow imaging has the potential to address the unmet need for a robust imaging methodology that allows understanding of tumor biology, lesion detection and therapy evaluation of advanced metastatic disease. This means that there is a clearer categorization of bone metastases response. Multimodal bone imaging could be used for both clinical practice and can be incorporated into clinical trials, generating new biomarkers that in turn will require independent validation.

Adjournment & Meet the Teachers

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.