Educational Course
ORGANIZERS: Jenny T. Bencardino, M.D., Eric Y. Chang, M.D., Christine Chung, M.D. & Philip Robinson, M.D.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Room 316A |
13:45 - 15:45 |
Moderators: |
Emily McWalter, Edwin Oei |
Skill Level: Intermediate
Slack Channel: #e_msk
Session Number: M03
This course will provide an in-depth discussion on current and advanced MR imaging techniques in the evaluation of pain including applications of MR neurography and novel approaches including 3D nerve reformatting and DTI.
Target Audience
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Identify MR neurographic techniques;
-Develop MR protocols geared to assess pain syndromes; and
-Interpret MR findings of neuropathy.
Update on MRI Imaging of Low Back Pain 
Lawrence Tanenbaum
DWI is a powerful addition to the arsenal of MR imaging techniques for the detection of bone marrow tumor dissemination, improving sensitivity to involvement in a variety of tumor types (2). DWI increases confidence in monitoring treatment response and assisting in the differentiation of treatment related changes from tumor Distinguishing between benign and malignant etiologies of vertebral fracture with MRI is problematic, particularly if only one vertebra is affected. The value of DWI in discriminating between osteoporotic and metastatic vertebral fractures is controversial and by consensus insufficiently reliable (4-6). DWI is useful for differentiation of degenerative and infectious endplate abnormalities (7-9). Symptomatic degenerative vertebral endplate signal changes (Modic type 1) can be difficult to differentiate from acute spondylodiscitis using conventional MRI techniques. Several studies have shown that DWI adds value in differentiating degenerative and infectious endplate abnormalities. The role of MRS in identifying the painful disc and PET MR in localizing back pain will be discussed
MR Imaging of Brachial Plexus 
Kimberly Amrami
Current Concepts on MR Neurography 
Gustav Andreisek
MR Neurography has stepped out from being an emerging technique into clinical retort routine. This lecture will review current concepts on MR neurography and will provide an impression on how it may be used on a day-to-day basis.
MR US Fusion Guided Intervention for Pain Syndromes - permission withheld
Christopher Burke
Ultrasound (US) systems equipped with position sensors can acquire three-dimensional spatial data allowing registration with previously acquired magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for fused real-time sonographic imaging. Co-registration and fusion of alignment involves sequential algorithmic transformations minimizing the error between the output and target image. An electromagnetic field generator is used to track transducer orientation to simultaneously map real-time US with corresponding anatomy on pre-acquired MR. The potential utility of this technology in the treatment of various pain syndromes in particular certain joint, tendon and perineural therapies will be described.
Adjournment |