Educational Course
ORGANIZERS: Alex L. MacKay, D.Phil.
Monday, 24 April 2017
Room 315 |
16:15 - 18:15 |
Moderators: |
Alex MacKay, Rebecca Samson |
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Slack Channel: #e_neuro
Session Number: M04
This session is designed to provide a broad review of the roles of magnetic resonance in multiple sclerosis including routine clinical management, clinical trials and emerging MR techniques. Topics to be discussed range in scale from basic physiology of disease to current clinical practice, advanced MRI methods, and emerging techniques.
Target Audience
Both physicians and MR scientists.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Compare the various pathological processes underlying MRI changes in MS;
-Describe how MR is involved in diagnosis and management of MS in the clinic as well as in clinical trials; and
-Evaluate current literature on advanced MR techniques in MS.
Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis - permission withheld
Bruce Trapp
We describe postmortem characteristics of individuals with multiple sclerosis that have spinal cord demyelination, cortical demyelination, and an absence of cerebral white matter demyelination. Despite the paucity of cerebral white matter demyelination, cortical neuronal loss, cortical atrophy, and cerebral white matter MRI abnormalities were similar to those found in multiple sclerosis brains with abundant cerebral white matter demyelination. We identify myelinated axonal swellings as the pathological correlate of the focal white matter MRI abnormalities and establish that degeneration of cortical neurons and cerebral white matter demyelination can be independent events in individuals with �myelocortical multiple sclerosis.�
Role of MR in MS Diagnosis & Management 
Yukio Miki
MR imaging has been established as the most important tool for diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS). In addition, this modality is increasingly being used to monitor disease activity, disease progression and therapeutic effects, and is therefore now recognized as an �imaging biomarker� for MS. Furthermore, MR imaging is also useful for diagnosing the side effects of pharmacotherapies. This lecture focuses on the role of MR imaging in the diagnosis and management in MS.
Role of MR in MS Clinical Trials 
Anthony Traboulsee
Advanced MR Techniques for Characterization of MS Pathology in Brain & Spine 
Claudia Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott
In this teaching talk I will present how MRI can be used for investigating multiple sclerosis using advanced methods in the brain and spine. Two distinct approaches are focusing on investigating microstructural characteristics or network-based damage. Overall, the message will be that MRI is offering a widespread diversity of methods for assessing the multi-facet aspects of MS pathology.
Adjournment |