Plenary Session
ORGANIZERS: Kristine Glunde, Ph.D. & Natalie J. Serkova, Ph.D.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Plenary Hall |
10:45 - 11:45 |
Slack Channel: #plenary
Session Number: P03
This plenary session will provide an overview of the dual nature of theranostic agents for MRI applications. Theranostics consist of a therapeutic (drug-delivery) function (e.g., liposomal doxorubicin) in addition to MR contrast properties (e.g., iron oxide or fluorine nanoparticles). Theranostic MRI-based applications in oncology, inflammation, diabetes and arthritis will be covered.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Explain the design of theranostic agents for MRI applications;
-Compare MRI techniques used in theranostic nanomedicine;
-Discuss current theranostic MRI applications and novel developments in oncology;
-Describe current theranostic MRI applications in diabetes;
-Discuss current theranostic MRI applications in inflammation; and
-Apply cutting-edge tracers and techniques in theranostic MRI of arthritis.
Magnetic Nanoparticle Theranostics for Brain Tumors  - Video open to the Public
Constantinos Hadjipanayis
Magnetic nanoparticle theranostics will be discussed as a novel method to target brain tumors with MRI guidance. Both antibody conjugated magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) and free IONPs will be discussed. MRI-guided convection-enhanced delivery (CED) will be introduced as an optimal delivery method for magnetic nanoparticle theranostic targeting of brain tumors in multiple rodent glioma models. Preliminary feasibility and efficacy results of an antibody conjugated magnetic nanoparticle theranostic utilized in a canine spontaneous glioma trial will be shown. Future work involving a magnetic nanoparticle theranostic with trimodal functionality (targeted cell therapy, hyperthermia, and MR imaging) will be introduced.
Theranostic MRI in Oncology  - Video open to the Public
Zaver Bhujwalla
Theranostic imaging is a rapidly expanding field that is showing significant promise for precision medicine of cancer. Innovations in the development of novel nanoparticles that can be used to deliver therapeutic cargo to cancer cells, stromal cells, and microenvironments, are providing exciting new roles for MRI and MRS in combined detection and therapeutic strategies for cancer-specific treatments.
Theranostic MRI in Inflammation & Arthritis  - Video open to the Public
Thoralf Niendorf, Jason Millward, Sonia Waiczies
Recent advances in fluorine MR (19F MR) foreshadow some of the potential benefits to be expected for diagnosis and treatment of inflammation and arthritis. In this plenary lecture we survey the emerging technologies and opportunities for discovery that accompany theranostics with 19F MR, providing examples of current strategies and frontier applications, and considering potential directions for the future. The goal of such predictions - which in the past have typically underestimated the potential and value of new imaging technologies - is to provide an exciting destination to aim for and push the capabilities of MR-guided theranostics of inflammation and arthritis.
Adjournment |