ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 22-27 April 2017 • Honolulu, HI, USA

Plenary Session: Brain at Work: Understanding Neural Circuits through Advancing Neuroimaging

Plenary Session

ORGANIZERS: Gregor Adriany, Ph.D., Hanzhang Lu, Ph.D. & Ed X. Wu, Ph.D.

Thursday, 27 April 2017
Plenary Hall  10:45 - 11:45

Slack Channel: #plenary
Session Number: P04

In April 2013, U.S. President Obama announced the launch of the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative – a new initiative focused on revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. The initiative will accelerate the development and application of new technologies that will enable researchers to produce dynamic pictures of the brain that show how individual brain cells and complex neural circuits interact at the speed of thought. Several months later, Human Brain Project (HBP) was launched as a European Commission Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship, which aims to put in place a cutting-edge scientific research infrastructure that will allow scientific and industrial researchers to advance our knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine. 

This plenary session will review visions of these initiatives and showcase emerging technologies that are likely to have an major impact in basic science and clinical practice.

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:
-Describe recent international efforts related to brain technologies;
-Illustrate emerging technologies of imaging neural circuits; and
-Explain cutting-edge human brain mapping techniques.

Visions of the BRAIN Initiative
 - Video open to the Public
Walter Koroshetz

Launched in 2013, the Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative® is a large-scale effort funded by the NIH, other government agencies, and private organizations to equip researchers with new tools to interrogate and modulate brain activity.  Technologies that offer a window to the brain in action will transform the diagnosis and treatment of neuro/mental/substance abuse disorders of brain circuits.

Imaging at the Level of Neural Circuits
 - Video open to the Public
Anna Roe
Human Brain Mapping: Challenges & Opportunities
 - Video open to the Public
Heidi Johansen-Berg
Adjournment & Meet the Teachers



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