ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 22-27 April 2017 • Honolulu, HI, USA

Sunrise Educational Session: MR Imaging of Small Joints: Fingers & Toes
Sunrise Session

ORGANIZERS: Jenny T. Bencardino, M.D., Eric Y. Chang, M.D., Christine Chung, M.D. & Philip Robinson, M.D.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Room 312  07:00 - 07:50 Moderators: Kimberly Amrami, Edwin Oei

Skill Level: Intermediate

Slack Channel: #e_msk
Session Number: SW02

This course will provide an in-depth discussion on the challenge of MR imaging of small joints including recommendations on MR protocols and technique.

Target Audience

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Review current MR techniques in the evaluation of small joints;
-Describe MR imaging findings characteristic of the most prevalent conditions affecting the small joints of the body; and
-Compare the usefulness of MR versus US in the assessment of small joints.

MR of Finger Injuries
Catherine Petchprapa
Imaging of the fingers has come a long way in the past decade.  Higher field strength MR scanners, specialized coils and advances in scanner and coil technology allow very high resolution imaging of the small structures of the hand.  MRI is routinely used to diagnose injury, determine the location, severity and extent of injury and help direct the type and timing of treatment.   At the conclusion of this activity, participants will understand the basic challenges of MR imaging of the fingers, know the basic MR imaging strategies for imaging the fingers, and know the important anatomy and common pathology encountered in MR finger imaging.   

Turf Toe & Lesser Metatarsal Joints
Jana Crain

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.