Educational Course
ORGANIZERS: Priti Balchandani, Ph.D. & Elena A. Kaye, Ph.D.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Room 315 |
08:15 - 10:15 |
Moderators: Rebecca Rakow-Penner, Matthew Robson |
Skill Level: Basic
Slack Channel: #e_crosscutting
Session Number: W01
Discussion of the paths a new acquisition or reconstruction methods can follow to become product on clinical scanner. What are the developers expected to do and what responsibility do the vendors assume?
Target Audience
MRI engineers and physicists, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and anyone else who is interested in understanding how a new method of image acquisition or reconstruction can become a commercial product.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Identify the mechanisms involved in translating a sequence from your research project into a product available on the scanners; and
-Recognize the perspective and role of various stakeholders: vendors, NIH, consensus committees.
Historical Perspective 
Manojkumar Saranathan
Case Study: FOCUS 
Emine Saritas
FOCUS is the product name for the technique that achieves reduced FOV imaging using a 2D spatially selective RF excitation. This technique provides increased image resolution while significantly reducing off-resonance induced artifacts for single-shot echo planar imaging (ssEPI) in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). This presentation will cover the technical details and the product development stages of FOCUS.
Simultaneous Multislice 
Kawin Setsompop
This talk outlines the path to commercialization of “Simultaneous MultiSlice EPI acquisition with blipped-CAIPI”; a technology that is now being used widely for diffusion, fMRI and perfusion imaging. Historical perspective, and key developments and insights important for the commercialization of this sequence will be described, along with key lessons learned.
Case Study: Skope 
Christoph Barmet
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective 
Anja Brau
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective 
Holger Eggers
Numerous MR image acquisition and reconstruction methods are devised each year, notably by researchers in academia. Only a few of them can be commercialized by industry, a prerequisite for them to become available on many MR scanners and to have significant impact on clinical care. In this presentation, some of the main criteria applied in this selection process and some of the key steps involved in the subsequent development process are outlined. In addition, some subjective suggestions are made to researchers interested in improving the chances of success of their methods in this respect.
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective 
Andreas Greiser, Edgar Mueller, Lars Lauer
Siemens Healthineers is the MRI vendor with the largest market share in MR. Our main goal is to facilitate advances by providing a reliable platform for MR applications and research to generate added value to users and patients. Here we want to outline important criteria to leverage product integration of new methods and trends. Using prototypes, multi-center testing can be employed to validate new methods. Based on collaboration, a Works-in-Progress can be developed for wider validation and as input for productization. Siemens Healthineers just recently reemphasized its commitment to actively support 3rd-party integration as integral part of clinical solutions.
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective - permission withheld
Mitsue Miyazaki
The experience of commercializing a non-contrast MRA technique, named fresh blood imaging (FBI) into Toshiba product is introduced.
Panel Discussion |
Adjournment |