ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting & Exhibition • 22-27 April 2017 • Honolulu, HI, USA

Weekend Educational Course: The Basics of Perfusion & Permeability Imaging
Weekend Course

ORGANIZERS: Linda Knutsson, Ph.D. & Steven Sourbron, Ph.D.

Saturday, 22 April 2017
Room 312  13:15 - 16:45 Moderators:  Thomas Okell, Ashley Stokes

Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

Slack Channel: #e_diff_perf_fmri
Session Number: WE04

This half-day, intermediate course is designed for scientists and clinicians who want to learn about MR imaging of perfusion and related parameters. The course will begin with a description of the physiology of perfusion and tracer-kinetic measurements, followed by the theory and methodology of the main classes of perfusion imaging techniques (dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI, dynamic contrast enhanced MRI, and arterial spin labeling). The complementary nature of techniques will be emphasized and illustrated using concrete clinical examples.

Target Audience
This course is designed for basic research scientists and clinicians. It is expected to provide attendees with an understanding of fundamental as well as practical aspects of perfusion MRI, and a solid background upon which to base decisions about choice of perfusion imaging methods for their own applications.

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Define and explain the relationships between perfusion and related parameters such as transit times, blood volume, capillary permeability, and interstitial volume;
-Describe the basic principles and assumptions underlying common tracer-kinetic analysis models for perfusion and permeability measurement;
-Describe the basic principles of arterial spin labeling, dynamic susceptibility contrast, and dynamic contrast enhancement;
-Assess which parameters each of the above methods are inherently sensitive to and why;
-Describe the key issues in the extraction of physiological parameters from ASL, DSC, and DCE data; and
-Identify applications for which each of the above methods are well suited.


The Physiology of Perfusion & Permeability
Charles Cuenod
This presentation will describe the mechanisms of microcirculation within the capillary network, as well as the microvascular parameters.

This knowledge is useful the understand dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), design acquisition protocols and analyze the data.

Tracer-Kinetic Analysis
Matthias Schabel
This seminar is intended to provide a broad overview of tracer kinetic modeling. While the basic underlying concepts are quite simple, there are innumerable details which bear close consideration when electing to utilize these methods to characterize the physiologic properties of various tissues in vivo. Multiple steps are involved in optimization of data acquisition and modeling, all of which must be appropriately adapted to the underlying unknowns. Participants should come away from this seminar with an understanding of these steps and a grasp of what considerations arise in planning and executing tracer kinetic studies.

Break & Meet the Teachers
Contrast Agent Methods: Data Acquisition & Image Reconstruction
Ricardo Otazo
This lecture presents the main data acquisition and image reconstruction techniques for DCE-MRI and DSC-MRI, and discusses strengths, limitations and opportunities.

Contrast Agent Methods - Post -Processing
Ganesh Adluru
Post-processing methods for dynamic contrast agent acquisitions offer an improved understanding of the underlying tissue.  Post-processing methods encompass a number of image processing and pharmaco-kinetic modeling techniques that lead to the estimation of physiologically relevant semi-quantitative and quantitative parameters from the acquired dynamic set of images.  Some of the post-processing methods are broadly applicable to several clinical applications that include cardiovascular, tumor, and kidney imaging.

Break & Meet the Teachers
ASL - Data Acquisition
Sophie Schmid
This talk will outline the basic principles of arterial spin labelling (ASL) data acquisition. The different labeling approaches are compared, the compromise in post labeling delay duration is discussed, why background suppression pulses improve the ASL-signal stability is explained, readout options are described, acquisition parameters are explored and examples of both basic and advanced ASL-techniques are shown.

ASL- Post-Processing
Andr� Ahlgren
This educational talk will cover common ASL post-processing steps. The talk includes (1) pre-processing of image data, (2) from general to basic models for perfusion quantification, (3) partial volume correction, and (4) advanced perfusion quantification. Focus will be put on the pre-processing and basic perfusion quantification.




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