Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Ichio Aoki, Ph.D. & Guanshu Liu, Ph.D.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Room 314 |
13:15 - 17:15 |
Moderators: |
Ichio Aoki, Kevin Bennett |
Skill Level: Basic
Slack Channel: #e_cancer_mol_mrs
Session Number: WE08
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of current MR tracers, including both cutting-edge new responsive and targeting molecular imaging agents and those are readily to be used in patients. The topics will include chemical structure and MR physical properties; T1 relaxation contrast agents and tracer kinetics; Iron oxides and paramagnetic nanoparticles; 19F MRI agents; and Future translation potential and clinical applications.
Target Audience
Physicians, Imaging scientists/engineers, technologists and other health professionals who are interested in performing MR molecular imaging using MRI contrast agents.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-List and explain current uses of molecular agents;
-Describe structure and physical properties of pre-clinical and clinical MR contrast agents;
-Evaluate safety and risks of MR contrast agents; and
-Describe the approval and regulation processes for MR contrast agents.
Chemistry of MRI Tracer 
Daniela Delli Castelli
Nanoparticulate Agents for Imaging in Diabetes 
Anna Moore
Diabetes is a devastating disease hallmarked by high levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia). While blood glucose measurement is considered a standard procedure for diabetic patients, it does not reflect a true status of functional beta cells and cannot be used for disease monitoring and evaluating the therapeutic response. The development of strategies for the noninvasive assessment of molecular events associated with diabetes constitutes an important healthcare priority. This presentation will focus on the development of imaging agents and techniques that could provide real time non-invasive data of biological parameters and their functions as they relate to diabetes progression and treatment.
Hyperpolarized MRI & MRS Tracers - permission withheld
Leif Schröder
MRI relies on detecting signals in the radiofrequency range that are related to very small energy transitions of the detected molecules. While this is a blessing with regard to the harmless character of MRI, it imposes a serious problem in terms of the low sensitivity caused by almost vanishing spin polarization at ambient temperature. Increasing the sensitivity through special preparation of the spin system prior to the encoding and detection is therefore a powerful approach. The achieved hyperpolarization has enabled various applications for molecular and cellular imaging. This tutorial will summarize aspects of polarization methods, probe design and signal encoding.
Beyond Proton MRI: 19F MRI & More 
Ralph Mason
19F NMR offers exceptional insights for diverse physiological and pharmaceutical investigations. High sensitivity and lack of interfering background signal in the body have enabled the observation of exogenously administered agents and their metabolites. 19F exhibits a large chemical shift range, which is exquisitely sensitive to the microenvironment. In addition to chemical shift, relaxation processes (R1 and R2), and chemical exchange may be tailored to be responsive to a parameter of interest such as pO2, pH, metal ion concentrations, transgene/enzyme activity or hypoxia. I will review 19F NMR/MRI as a foundation for diverse applications and recent innovations.
Break & Meet the Teachers |
MRI Biosensors 
Kannie WY Chan
The role of MRI contrast agents is evolving, from enhancing tissue contrast to sensing physiological changes. New generation of MRI biosensors can detect and response to biomarkers such as small molecules, metabolites, metal ions, proteins, enzymes or pH. The major hurdles in translating these biosensors from bench to bedside are their insufficient sensitivity and specificity in vivo. Various biosensors have addressed these issues in specific biomedical applications. In this talk, we will discuss the frontier MRI biosensor designs for imaging biomarkers in vivo, such as using nanomaterials and MRI contrast mechanisms to improve the sensitivity and specificity, and their features to overcome barriers in biomedical applications.
Current Clinical Applications & Future Translation Potential 
Zahi Adel Fayad
Dual-Mode Cellular Imaging for Immunotherapy & Cancer Vaccine Development 
Jeff Bulte
Using magnetoGVAX and MRI for serially monitoring the afferent arm of the immune response (DCs), and bioluminescent imaging (BLI) for monitoring the efferent arm (T cells), one can apply dual-mode imaging to better understand the time course of antigen capture, lymph node delivery, and clonal T cell expansion. Depending on the timing of administration, immunoadjuvants either reduce or enhance antigen capture and delivery to the lymph nodes. The lack of antigen delivery to lymph nodes can be consistent with the lack of T cell BLI signal in the lymph nodes. In those cases, a massive extranodal T cell proliferation occurs in the liver and spleen. These types of studies can show how dual-mode imaging can be used to evaluate and optimize combinatorial cancer vaccines.
Adjournment |