Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Kristine Glunde, Ph.D. & Natalie J. Serkova, Ph.D.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Room 316BC |
08:15 - 12:45 |
Moderators: |
Kristine Glunde, Natalie Serkova |
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Slack Channel: #e_neuro
Session Number: WE11
The session is focused on clinical and pre-clinical imaging of brain tumors (mostly high-grade gliomas). The state-of-the art for MR acquisition and quantitative imaging end-points for diagnosis and treatment assessment of brain tumors will be presented. The material to be covered in this course ranges from from basic introductory discussion on imaging in the treament-naive subject to more advanced techniques in the post-treatment brain.
Target Audience
Clinical researchers (neuroradiologists, neurooncologists), medical physicists and imaging scientists, at various levels of their careers (from graduate students to faculty) will benefit from participating in this session.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
-Interpret existing clinical radiological assessment and criteria for brain tumor detection and monitoring;
-Explain concepts underlying advanced MR techniques for tumor physiology, metabolism, and inflammation; and
-Evaluate MR imaging end-points for the treatment response to radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted agents.
Introduction to Brain Cancer Imaging (incl. RANO Criteria) - permission withheld
Martin Leach
This presentation provides an introduction to brain cancer and major treatment options. An overview of current imaging methods is given, including approaches to diagnosis, characterisation and response assessment. The major MR methods available are briefly described, as an introduction to the following more detailed presentations on specific MR imaging Methods. Current approaches to objective imaging based response assessment are discussed.
Conventional Imaging: T1, T2 Bright Signal 
Noriko Salamon
From Brain Tumor Angiogensis to MRI Biomarker - permission withheld
Arvind Pathak
The devastating consequence of a brain tumor on a patient’s quality of life and survival has sparked a widespread search for novel therapeutic approaches (e.g. antiangiogenic therapies) to arrest cancer progression. This in turn has galvanized the development of new biomarkers capable of assessing the efficacy of such drugs in vivo. This lecture will provide an overview of how, why and which MRI-derived biomarkers are ideally suited for assessing the angiogenic status of brain tumors, noninvasively and safely in patients. Specifically, this lecture will introduce core concepts about the blood vessels of brain tumors, their role in disease progression, and how one can image them with certain MRI contrast mechanisms, in the preclinical and clinical setting.
Diffusion & Perfusion Imaging Protocols for Gliomas 
Kathleen Schmainda
We have much to gain by greater incorporation of advanced physiologic MRI methods such as diffusion MRI (DWI) and dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MRI (DSC-pMRI) methods into the treatment management protocols for patients with glioma. To motivate greater use this course will describe how these methods can be used at several critical junctures in the management of patients with glioma. Current questions and limitations, both scientific and technical, will also be discussed.
Break & Meet the Teachers |
How Helpful is Neurochemical Characterization - permission withheld
Carolyn Mountford
MRI for Surgical Planning/Intraoperative MRI 
Hiroyoshi Akutsu, Eiichi Ishikawa, Yosuke Masuda, Tomohiko Masumoto, Masahide Matsuda, Akira Matsumura, Ai Muroi, Tetsuya Yamamoto
Usefullness of intraoperative MRI foe gloma surgery, Akira Matsumura et al.
Integrated Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in the Assessment of Pre- & Post-treatment Gliomas 
Ji Eun Park
Radiogenomics in Neurooncology 
Olivier Gevaert
Adjournment |