27th ISMRM Annual Meeting • 11-16 May 2019 • Montréal, QC, Canada

Educational Course
MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians (2)

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MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians
Weekday Course

ORGANIZERS: Bernd Jung, Marcus Alley, Dong-Hyun Kim

Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Room 710A  15:45 - 17:45 Moderators:  Marcus Alley, Se-Hong Oh

Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate

Session Number: TU-01

This two-hour course will be a basic and comprehensive review of MRI physics and techniques. The presentations will be non-mathematical and suitable for clinicians and physicists new to the field. The course will cover the basic principles of MR physics (signal generation, encoding, and relaxation) and image quality.

Target Audience
This course is primarily designed for the clinician who will benefit from an understanding of the "hows" and "whys" of MR imaging. While it requires no prior experience with MR, those with some familiarity and experience will also benefit. Those interested may include: radiologists and clinicians relatively new to MR imaging (including residents and fellows), experienced radiologists and clinicians wanting a refresher course in MR physics, and physicists and engineers wanting an introduction to the field.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Define and describe the fundamental principles of MR imaging including the definition of spin magnetization;
- Explain the Larmor relationship, relaxation phenomena, and the process of using the spin magnetization to produce an image; and
- Describe how changing acquisition parameters impacts on the image quality and understand the parameter relationships.


  Spin Echo Imaging
Valentina Taviani
The spin echo pulse sequence is one of the most important pulse sequences in MRI. Fast spin echo imaging is routinely used due to its robustness to tissue susceptibility variations and local field inhomogeneities, as well as for its ability to produce excellent T1, T2 and PD contrasts. The aim of this lecture is to describe the basic physical principles governing spin echo imaging and to illustrate how key imaging parameters, such as TE, TR and ETL (echo train length) can be selected to achieve the desired contrast while maximizing image quality and imaging efficiency.

  Gradient Echo Imaging
Armin Nagel
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques can usually be classified into spin-echo (SE) and gradient-echo (GRE) pulse sequences. In this presentation, the basic physical principles of GRE imaging, as well as different mechanisms to generate image contrast will be explained. Differences between SE and GRE MRI will be discussed. Additionally, the influence of different pulse sequence parameters (e.g. echo time, repetition time, flip angle; as well as spoiling techniques and preparation pulses) on the image contrast will be covered. Clinical applications of GRE imaging techniques will be shown exemplarily.

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.