MSK Disease: Current Status & Potential Applications of Advanced Imaging - Morning
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Jung-Ah Choi, Emily McWalter, Riccardo Lattanzi, Miika Nieminen, Edwin Oei, Jan Fritz
Sunday, 12 May 2019
Room 513A-C |
08:00 - 11:50 |
Moderators: Chiara Giraudo, Jan Fritz |
Skill Level: Intermediate
Session Number: WE-18A
The aim of this session is to bring together clinicians and scientists to learn about and discuss current MR imaging practice and unmet imaging needs of musculoskeletal diseases including muscle disorders, musculoskeletal complications of diabetes, inflammatory arthropathy, osteoarthritis, sports injuries, osteochondrosis, and osteonecrosis. Promising advanced MRI techniques will also be proposed.
Target Audience
Radiologists, clinicians, technologists, and scientists interested in translational research.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the disease(s) and summarize the current standard imaging techniques;
- Identify the current unmet imaging needs of several musculoskeletal diseases; and
- Discuss potential solutions based on novel/advanced imaging techniques.
Muscle Disorders: Diagnosis & Clinical Biomarkers

Pierre Carlier
Muscle Disorders: Emerging Biomarkers

Eric Sigmund
Outcomes/Objectives · Summarize quantitative biomarkers of skeletal muscle function (specifically relaxometry and diffusion-weighted imaging) that access novel physiologic properties
· Describe the role of quantitative modeling for increased specificity
· Describe examples of exercise as a controlled clinical challenge
MSK Complications of Diabetes: Present

Mark Schweitzer
1. Pathophysiology of DM 2. Why MSK system?
3. tendons
4. ligaments
5. joints
6. osteomyelitis
Self Assessment Module (SAM) |
MSK Complications of Diabetes: Future

Prodromos Parasoglou
Individuals with long-standing diabetes are at high risk for developing devastating musculoskeletal complications including plantar ulcers, and Charcot arthropathy that can lead to amputation. A major obstacle for the development of effective treatments for musculoskeletal complications of diabetes is the lack of objective and reproducible tests to detect small changes in symptoms and signs seen in intervention studies. In this lecture, we will discuss how quantitative MRI methods can be help delineate the specific pathophysiological mechanisms that mediate the effectiveness of a treatment and identity patients who are responsive to an intervention.
Break & Meet the Teachers |
Inflammatory Arthropathy: Present

Tamotsu Kamishama
Inflammatory Arthropathy: Future

Chiara Giraudo
This lecture is for radiologists and clinicians, technologists, and scientists interested in musculoskeletal imaging with a special focus on inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The presentation will address how we may improve the diagnostic process in adults and pediatric patients affected by this heterogeneous group of inflammatory arthropathies. It will be discussed not only how the MR protocols can be further optimized considering the constant new technological improvements but also the role of hybrid imaging applying PET/MR. Indeed, PET/MR combining specific tracers and sequences via a whole-body approach may provide simultaneously acquired metabolic, functional and anatomical information characterizing the injured areas at diagnosis and after treatment. Furthermore, the role and application of qualitative and quantitative analyses will be addressed, including the use of machine learning and the assessment of radiomics features in the era of biological therapy.In conclusion, after this presentation, the audience should have a comprehensive overview about promising novel MR and PET/MR applications and the research aspectsthat should be further investigated in inflammatory arthropathies.
Osteoarthritis: Present

Alissa Burge
Osteoarthritis is an extremely common cause of morbidity, affecting an estimated 30.8 million adults in the united states, and is cited as the 5th most common cause of disability and the most prevalent form of musculoskeletal pathology worldwide, contributing to tremendous human and economic burden. MR imaging can provide valuable information regarding a variety of characteristics relevant to the natural history of osteoarthritis, including risk factors, diagnosis and severity of disease, and complications of both disease and treatment, thereby facilitating clinical decision making.
Osteoarthritis: Future

Stefan Zbyn
Compositional MRI techniques have gained increasing attention in Osteoarthritis (OA) research over the recent years, as they allow detection of early biochemical alteration in musculoskeletal tissues prior to appearance of the morphological changes. This presentation will provide an overview of basic technical principles, biochemical correlates, recent technical developments and in vivoapplications of compositional MRI techniques for early detection, monitoring and prediction of OA progression in the knee joint.
Lunch & Meet the Teachers |