ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference • 08-14 August 2020

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SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves

The Essentials of MR Physics: The Fast & The Furious Q&A

Session Topic: SMRT Live Q&A 20
Session Sub-Topic: SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 6 - The Essentials of MR Physics: The Fast & The Furious Q&A
SMRT Ed Session
ORGANIZERS: Claire Mulcahy
SMRT Parallel Room 20 Live Q&A Thursday, 13 August 202020:15 - 21:00 UTC Moderators: 

Session Number: SMRT-40

The ‘2020 SMRT Masterclass Series - The Essentials of MR Physics’ will provide a comprehensive course for MR professionals covering ‘Essential MR Physics through to Application’. The ‘SMRT Masterclass Series' will include seven 60-90mins lectures by Dr Martin Graves. The seven lectures focus on key aspects of MRI that include: 1. MR Physics & basic concepts behind MRI, 2. The phenomenon of resonance and how it relates to the production of the MR signal, 3. Concepts to the principles of k-space, 4. The physics and engineering of MR hardware, 5. Image contrast in Spin Echo & Gradient imaging, 6. The principle of Fast/Turbo Spin Echo and Echo Planar imaging, and 7. The causes of various MR artifacts. In addition, Dr Graves will also be hosting daily live Q&A sessions for MR professionals to support the 2020 SMRT Masterclass Series, and to provide teaching sessions to those motivated to fully understand the concepts, principles and applications presented.

Target Audience
Radiographers, MR technologists, radiologists, clinicians, and scientists interested in learning about the fundamentals of MR imaging.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Explain the principle of Fast/Turbo Spin Echo
• Appreciate the basics of Echo Planar Imaging
• Make "sense" of parallel imaging
• State the basic principles of compressed sensing

    Session 6: The Fast and the Furious
Martin Graves

Watch the Video

Masterclass session 6 of 7: The Fast and the Furious