Characterization of Brain Tumors using Amide Proton and Nuclear Overhauser Effect at 3 Tesla MR Scanner.
Yuki Kanazawa1, Masafumi Harada1, Mitsuharu Miyoshi2, Takashi Abe1, Yuki Matsumoto1, and Yasushi Takagi3
1Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan, 2Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare Japan, Hino, Japan, 3Department of Neurosurgery, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan
CEST imaging with multi-pool Bloch equation model was demonstrated for brain tumors. Distinguishing APT to NOE signal may lead to more
detailed characteristics of metabolism in brain tumors than that of MTRasym
Fig. 4 A 70-year-old male with glioblastoma WHO
grade IV (patient No. 4). T2w imege, MTRasym at
3-4 ppm, estimated CEST parameters map, and Z-spectrum were shown. Z-spectrum
shows at upper-raw of left side. Yellow allows indicate lesion of tumor and a
yellow ellipse ROI.
Fig. 2 Scatter
plots of mean MTRasym at 3-4 ppm and each estimated parameter of
CEST for each brain tumor.