Better Background suppression with GRASE-MRCP using MSDE
Mamoru Takahashi1, Yasuo Takehara2, Takuya Matsumoto3, Yoshikazu Nagura3, Tomoyasu Amano3, Norihiro Tooyama1, Katsutoshi Ichijo1, Yasutomo Katsumata4, and Satoshi Goshima5
1Radiology, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2Nagoya University, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, 3Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japan, 4Philips Electronics Japan, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 5Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan
Incorporating MSDE into breath-holding 3D GRASE-MRCP made it possible to suppress the background signals without extending the image time and reducing the image quality.
Full MIP image of GRASE-MRCP and MSDE-GRASE-MRCP On the GRASE-MRCP image, signals from veins and portal veins in the liver remained, but they were well suppressed on the MSDE-GRASE-MRCP image. There was no significant difference in image quality.
Raw image of GRASE-MRCP and MSDE-GRASE-MRCP On the GRASE-MRCP image, the intrahepatic portal vein along with a biliary duct had high signal but was well suppressed on the MSDE-GRASE-MRCP image.