Mitigating spurious transit time artifacts in background-suppressed multi-delay 3D pseudo-continuous ASL using inflow suppression
Tianye Lin1,2, Jianxun Qu2, and John A. Detre2
1Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College, PUMCH, Beijing, China, 2University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Inflow fluctuations of
arterial blood can cause artifacts resembling arterial transit artifacts in background-suppressed
multi-PLD pCASL. Using inflow saturation or examination of individual PLD data can
help clinical interpretation of multi-PLD ASL.
Figure 2. Perfusion weighted images from HASL acquired without (top row) and
with (bottom row) inflow saturation (InfSat). A single slice acquisition is
shown for each of 3 PLDs in 3 subjects. High signal (yellow arrows) and low
signal (pink arrows) intravascular artifacts were observed in 80% of all acquisitions
in the three subjects. High intravascular signal fluctuating across PLDs
was either eliminated or greatly reduced with inflow saturation. However, stable
artifacts (green arrows) in the distal middle cerebral artery were not
suppressed by inflow saturation.
Figure 1. (A) Schematic diagram of background-suppressed pCASL
sequence with and without optimized inflow saturation. (B) Schematic of
saturated blood by using optimized inflow saturation pCASL.