Motion Tracking using Continuous Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Edward S. Hui1, Di Cui1, Jing Cai2, Queenie Chan3, and Peng Cao1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3Philips Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
We proposed a continuous MRF acquisition and retrospective MRF reconstruction for motion tracking during free breathing. 
Figure 1. Schematic of the retrospective reconstruction algorithm of cMRF. *cMRF_1000 denotes cMRF with 1000 dynamics (or 1000 snapshots) in a single spiral interleave.
Figure 4. T1 and T2 maps at different respiratory bins obtained from 4D Cardiac Torso digital phantom (reference) and our proposed cMRF. The inset in the top right corner of each image shows the region around the tumor in higher magnification. Note that 40 consecutive snapshots were binned together.