Improved pre-surgical causal language mapping combining 3T and 7T fMRI with TMS and E-field modelling in a young tumour patient
Anna-Lisa Schuler1, Georg Widhalm1, Michael Woletz1, Martin Tik1, Roland Fischer1, Karl Rössler1, and Christian Windischberger1
1Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Using a multi-modal approach including language fMRI (3 and 7 Tesla), navigated repetitive TMS, a newly developed software for well-defined targeting and stimulus timings and combined E-field modelling/behavioural analysis we obtained strongly localised pre-surgical language mapping.
Figure 2. Stimulation targets and effective E-field. Depicted on the left side is the stimulation grid above the tumour. On
the right side the E-field difference map (V/m) for “sure impairment” >
“sure none-impairment” ratings is shown.
Figure 3. Comparison
between 3 Tesla, 7 Tesla and E-field causal differentiation. The comparison between correlational and causal methods is strongly
converging towards a functional hot spot inferior to the tumour in the anterior
perisylvian region.