Sunday 23 April
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Don’t Miss Today:

Welcome & Awards by ISMRM President Garry Gold begins at 5pm in the Plenary Hall.

Lauterbur Lecture: Dr. Leon Axel will present “MRI as a Window into Cardiac Function” at 5:30pm in the Plenary Hall. Paul Lauterbur’s seminal contributions to MRI have led to ongoing progress in the evaluation of the heart. While practical challenges remain, MRI has a unique potential for multidimensional quantitative characterization of regional cardiac function.
The ISMRM Opening Reception will take place from 18:15-20:00 in the Exhibition Hall, following the Lauterbur Lecture – Come and get a first look at the Corportate Exhibition!
SMRT: The MRI Safety Forum not to be missed! Join Dr. Frank Shellock, Dr. Michael Steckner & Dr. Sunder Rajan in a panel discussion about implant safety testing, heating issues, and safety concerns for medical Implants in the MRI environment. Sunday, 23rd April 2017 @ 8am.

Education Sessions Continue: 12 different educational sessions on MRI Physics/Engineering topics, Neuro, Cardiac and Cancer applications, and a new course on Biostatistics. Some highlights below:
- Multiparametric Imaging in Cancer: How & Why: (08:15-12:05 in Room 314) will give an overview of how different quantitative imaging approaches can be utilized in oncological imaging. The talks range from how to derive and utilize quantitative information, defining normal, to radiomics.
- Non-Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of the Body: Contrast enhanced imaging in the body is indispensable – except when it can be disposed of! Don’t miss Dr. Ruth Lim on Sunday, April 23 at 9:15 AM in Room 315. This includes a discussion of clinical scenarios and protocols where contrast may not be required.
- Fetal MRI: (by Dr. Daniela Prayer, in Room 315 on Sunday, April 23 at 14:15). Learn about this complex and developing topic, which requires knowledge of rapid imaging, fetal development, interplay of multiple major organ systems, and multi-systemic pathology.
- Biostatistics for Imaging Studies: You’re not alone!! – Statistical analysis in imaging studies is difficult. Learn about ROC Analysis and statistical considerations in assessing quantitative imaging biomarkers from 13:15-16:45 on Sunday, April 23, in Room 316 B.
What’s Hot:

Where are the Secret Sessions? Only in The Resonarium, on the far left as you enter the exhibit hall. (See bottom left of the map in the Mobile App) Details on Secret Sessions are here:

200 ISMRM members were in the First ISMRM 5km Fun Run Sunday morning near Waikiki Beach and Fort DeRussy. The Fun Run raised over $5000 for the Research and Education (R&E) fund.
Stats for the Scientific Meeting:
- 5665 abstracts were accepted from 6781 submissions.
- There are 26 weekend, 36 sunrise, 20 weekday educational sessions
- 22 Power-Pitch sessions will feature some of the best overall abstracts in a 2-minute “pitch” followed by electronic poster discussion.
- 12 Combined Scientific-Educational programs include invited speakers to provide background, followed by oral presentations of submitted abstracts.
- 20 Electronic Poster Sessions and 15 Traditional Poster Sessions offer excellent 1-on-1 discussion time.

Try the ISMRM Mobile App! It has tremendous features this year including a web-based companion version to quickly input your schedule, adding events to your device calendar, linking of sessions to maps, and streamlined note-taking in Evernote. Download here.
Other News:

MR Pulse is Back! The newsletter that used to exist in print form, then online is now a blog-type channel to promote anything within the ISMRM or related to our field. Check it out at

Scott’s Corner
Looking forward to the Opening Ceremonies tonight, including the Gold Medals, Lauterbur Lecture and Opening Reception!
Scott Reeder, 2017 Program Chair

Karla’s Corner
Second day of great educational offerings. New this year: we’ve brought in two external experts for an intensive half-day on Biostatistics.
Karla Miller, 2017 Education Chair
Animations of the Day:
Today’s most popular abstracts, based on number of bookmarks in the mobile app:
- 0391. Optimal control B1-robust T2 preparation
- 1627. Local B0 temporal instability detected using a modified Multi-Echo GRE-EPI sequence with Flipped-Blips (MEPI-FB): application to fMRI with visual presentation of faces
- 0077. Model-based Gradient Impulse Response Harvesting
- 0078. Measurement of Small-Tip RF Pulses using Gradient Reversal
- 0079. Thermal Variation and Temperature-Based Prediction of Gradient Response
- 0036. Quantifying the Influence of Respiration and Cardiac Pulsations on the Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics using Real-Time Phase-Contrast MRI
- 0082. Influence of the gradient delay correction on self-navigated motion resolved reconstruction with golden angle stack-of-stars acquisition
- 0083. Image Reconstruction with Integrated Gradient-Nonlinearity Correction and Constrained Spatial Support
- 0142. 4D Flow MRI for Assessment of Venous Pressure in Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
- 0150. Saccular intracranial aneurysm wall permeability and shear stress distribution: a further insight into rupture pathogenesis