Thursday 26 April
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Don’t Miss Today:
Plenary Session: Brain at Work – Understanding Neural Circuits through Advancing Neuroimaging. Major initiatives have been launched in the last few years, both in Europe and the US, with the aim of revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain. In this session, Dr. Walter Koroshetz will describe the vision of the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Inititative. Dr. Ana Wang Roe will describe emerging technologies for imaging neuroal circuits. And Dr. Heidi Johansen-Berg will discuss the challenges of and opportunities from cutting-edge human brain mapping techniques.

Closing Party: Hawai’i Convention Center, Rooftop Garden, 19:00-21:00. Featuring entertainment by Willie K

Mansfield Lecture: Dr. Penny Gowland will describe how Peter Mansfield’s determination to show the world the value of EPI led her to make a career using MRI to study dynamic processes in vivo.

The Artifacts Game-Show, which has run since the last meeting in Hawaii in 2009, will follow the popular show “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” at 15:30-17:30 in Rm. 316A

Explore TWO timely new study groups today:
Reproducible Research: 15:30-16:30 and
Quantitative MR: 16:30-17:30, in Rooms 317AB

In the Resonarium: Meet and Greet Women@ISMRM (9-10am), Science Communication (1:30-2:30pm), First Impressions Workshop (3-4pm)
What’s Hot:
Take the day off tomorrow! Surf, Swim, Hike, whatever you’d like – just don’t come to the meeting because there are no Friday sessions at ISMRM this year!!
#0704 Measurements of cardiac related pulsatile volumetric strain in grey and white matter brain tissue with high resolution DENSE at 7T: This study is an investigation into the induced volumetric strain from the cardiac cycle and how it differs between grey and white matter. Measuring volumetric strain in the brain may have the potential to assess microvascular function, as passive swelling over the cardiac cycle.
#1145 Cluster analysis of cartilage T2 and T1rho relaxation times: Can the contralateral knee be used as a control in the ACL-injured population? This study questions the traditional use of the uninjured knee as a control in this popular model of post-traumatic knee OA
#1148 Intratissue strains increase in a full thickness and critical sized ovine cartilage defect model. This study at 9.4T demonstrates that MRI-based strain assessment in the presence of a full thickness condylar defect affected the femoral but not the tibial principle strains, underscoring the chondroprotective effect of the meniscus
Other News:
Women’s Forum: Last night was our annual Women’s Forum, which brought together numerous women and men of ISMRM for networking, discussion of ideas, and exploring leadership opportunities.
MRM Highlights Party tonight! Please join the MRM Highlights team at 10pm, following the closing reception at Rumfire Lounge (2255 Kalakaua Avenue) to learn more about science communication and MRM Highlights.

Scott’s Corner
Can’t believe we are in the last day of the Annual Meeting. Be sure to come to the Young Investigator Awards, Mansfield Lecture, and our Closing Party, featuring Hawaii’s best – Willie K!
Scott Reeder, 2017 Program Chair

Karla’s Corner
Lots on in the Resonarium today – sessions on Science Communication, two workshops from Women @ ISMRM and a discussion on Reproducible Research. Great way to finish up the meeting!
Karla Miller, 2017 Education Chair