Magnetic Resonance Coherence Pathway Unraveling
Nikolai Mickevicius1 and Eric Paulson2
1Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
This is a framework to simultaneously acquire and reconstruct spin echo images arising from different coherence pathways.
(a) Acquisition timing diagram between (top) applied RF pulses (middle) crusher gradients $$$G_C$$$, and the crusher gradient-induced phase for the five pathways relevant to this 4-pulse experiment. (b) The RF phase cycling scheme used in this work modulates the phase of $$$E_3$$$ and $$$E_5$$$ by $$$\pi$$$ between k-space segments, but does not modulate the phase of $$$E_2$$$ and $$$E_4$$$. Here, $$$F^H$$$ represents the adjoint Fourier transform operation, and $$$\Phi^H_{E_e}$$$ adds the complex conjugate of the RF-induced phase to the $$$e^{th}$$$ pathway.
In vivo MR-CPU results from the brain of a healthy volunteer. Multi-coherence pathway images were reconstructed successfully with both Cartesian and radial k-space trajectories. Each image is windowed separately for display. The arrow indicates the presence of barely visible streaking artifacts in the radial image that are not present in the Cartesian image.