Detectable velocity range in single-cell tracking by time-lapse MRI
Enrica Wilken1, Felix Freppon1, Max Masthoff1, and Cornelius Faber1
1Translational Research Imaging Center, Clinic of Radiology, University Hospital Muenster, Muenster, Germany
Repetitive T2*-weighted imaging of mice brain and simulations of velocity-dependent
blurring of contrast were used to show that single iron-labeled cells can be
resolved and tracked non-invasively by time-lapse MRI. Cell dynamics up to 1 µm/s
are detectable.
Figure 1: Principle of how image contrast of moving cells
with different velocities is simulated by creating synthetic k space.
Figure 3: Image sections of an overlay of a T2*-weighted
image obtained by the time-lapse MRI protocol and the contrast simulation for
different cell motion velocities, showing a real (red arrowhead) and a
simulated (blue arrowhead) cell in the brain cortex. Simulations used a (a)
cartesian and (b) radial sampling scheme.