Single-shot simultaneous diffusion and T2 mapping based on overlapping-echo detachment planar imaging
Lingceng Ma1, Xinran Chen1, Jian Wu1, Lijun Bao1, Shuhui Cai1, Congbo Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
A single-shot method through overlapping-echo detachment planar imaging (DT2M-OLED) was proposed for simultaneously delivering diffusion and T2 mapping within around one hundred milliseconds.
Figure 3. In-vivo rat brain experimental results. The rats were under deep anesthetic. Four regions of interest (ROI) were chosen on each rat brain for analysis, which are marked on SE-EPI images.
Figure 4. In-vivo rat brain experimental results. The rat was recovering from deep anesthetic during acquisition. (a) Reference ADC maps from SE-EPI. (b) Reference T2 maps from SE-EPI. (c) Temporal ADC maps from DT2M-OLED. (d) Temporal T2 maps from DT2M-OLED.