Fast Adiabatic Spin-Echo MRSI Sequence for Whole-Brain 5mm-isotropic metabolic imaging
Antoine Klauser1,2, Sebastien Courvoisier1,2, Michel Kocher1,2, and François Lazeyras1,2
1Radiology and Medical Informatics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Geneva, Switzerland
Whole-brain High-resolution data were measured on volunteers with a 1H 3D Adiabatic Spin-Echo MRSI sequence and compared to FID-MRSI measurement. The overall spectral quality are equivalent but usage of spin-echo enable further spectral editing technique.
Comparison between 3D metabolite volumes resulting from ADISE-MRSI and FID-MRSI acquisition sequences acquired subsequently in one volunteer. Bottom, two sample spectra at same location for both sequences are shown on the same scale and exhibit a slightly lower signal with ADISE-MRSI sequence, consequence of the longer TE. Signal loss due to B0 inhomogeneity in frontal lobe is present with both sequences.
Comparison of spectral quality parameters between Fast ADISE-MRSI and FID-MRSI sequences on the same session. Left, the signal loss due to the longer TE for ADISE-MRSI is visible over the whole brain in the SNR map. FWHM maps exhibits no marked difference. Right, the histograms of the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) resulting from both sequences are displayed side to side. Most metabolites show a slight shift towards higher CRLB values for ADISE-MRSI. This is particularly visible for Glu+Gln that are known to be more difficult to quantify at longer TE due to J-coupling modulations.