T2* of human brain metabolites estimated from a single proton MRS acquisition
Chloé Najac1, Marjolein Bulk1, Hermien E. Kan1, Andrew G. Webb1, and Itamar Ronen1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
Quantification of cell-specific brain metabolite T2* values
using a set of time-shifted data from a single 1H magnetic resonance
spectroscopy acquisition in vivo in the human brain.
Figure 1:
Illustration of the T2* calculation procedure. (A) A set of FIDs with different time-shifts (Δt)
was generated (shift between 0ms and 30ms in 5ms interval) by
progressively discarding the first points (represented in grey) of the originally
acquired FID. (B) FIDs were Fourier transformed (spectra shown in black) and
fitted with LCModel (fits shown in red). A basis-set was generated using a Matlab® routine
for each Δt. (C) A linear regression was used to fit the logarithm of
the signal of five brain metabolites as a function of Δt. T2* values
were estimated as -1/slope of the fit.
Figure 3: (A) Logarithm of the signal of metabolites was quantified at all
time-shifts (Δt)
and fitted with a linear regression. The data (circle) and fit (black line) for
the mean over all participants is shown. The error bars represent the standard
deviation over subjects and the dashed grey line indicates the 95% confidence
interval. (B) T2* values of five brain metabolites are shown, suggesting lower
values in astrocytes cells. Paired Student’s t-test was used to estimate
differences (*p< 0.05, ***p< 0.001). The error bars
represent the standard deviation over subjects.