Liver Stiffness in a Single Breath-hold Using Wave Polarity-Inversion Motion Encoding and Compressed SENSE: Coverage Equivalent to 5 Slices
Amol Pednekar1, Deep B. Gandhi2, Hui Wang3, Jean A. Tkach1, Andrew T. Trout1, and Jonathan R. Dillman1
1Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Imaging Research Center, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 3MR Clinical Science, Philips, Cincinnati, OH, United States
In 19 volunteers, mean liver shear stiffness
values measured with SC_2D_4BH and
3D_5sl_SBH correlated very strongly (ICC=0.96) with mean bias of 0.13 kPa (<5%). 3D_5sl_SBH
MRE provides similar stiffness estimates as SC_2D_4BH with increased coverage
in a single breath.
Figure 1: Schematic pulse sequence diagrams. (A) SC_2D_4BH: The polarity of MEGs is
reversed (blue and yellow) every RF excitation. The mechanical wave polarity
(green) stays the same across RF excitations. Each RF excitation triggers 3 motion
cycles. (B) 3D_5sl_SBH : The polarity of MEGs remains the same (blue) across RF
excitations. The mechanical wave polarity inverts (green and red) every RF
excitation. Every 4th RF excitation triggers 7 motion cycles. Each
sequence starts with dummy excitation of 1 s that ensures both acoustic and magnetization
Figure 3: Comparison of liver shear stiffness values
in individual slices for SC_2D_4BH and 3D_5sl_SBH techniques by Linear Regression and Bland-Altman Analysis. Values
are based on manual analysis informed by a 95% confidence mask with matching
ROIs on images from both techniques and maximal possible ROI in each. SC_2D_4BH:
standard of care two-dimensional 4 slices through mid-liver with 13 second
breath-hold per slice; 3D_5sl_SBH: 3D wave polarity-inversion motion encoding plus
compressed SENSE acquisition in single breath-hold of <16s.