Microstructure of grey matter nuclei in early Parkinson’s disease: longitudinal study using diffusion kurtosis imaging
Thomas Welton1,2, Septian Hartono3, Yao-Chia Shih3, Samuel Y-E Ng1, Nicole S Y Chia1, Weiling Lee3, Say Lee Chong3, Eng-King Tan1,2,3, Ling-Ling Chan1,2,3, and Louis CS Tan1,2
1National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore, Singapore, 2Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, Singapore, 3Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
We found elevated mean kurtosis in specific basal ganglia regions, which was maintained over two years and negatively correlated with worsening motor function in Parkinson’s disease.
Figure 1. (A) Substantia nigra mask (orange region) from the CIT168 atlas. (B) Mean kurtosis in each region of interest compared between groups. Bars show the raw uncorrected data while p-values and adjusted R2 values given are for the corrected model controlling for age, sex and education. (C) Radial plots of diffusion kurtosis indices for each region and both groups. (D) Plots of the estimated marginal means from repeated-measures ANOVA. Error bars show 95%CI. * Significant for p<0.05.