Quantitative muscle-MRI correlates with histopathology in skeletal muscle biopsies – a pilot study
Lara Schlaffke1, Robert Rehmann1, Anja Schreiner1, Marlena Rohm1, Johannes Forsting1, Martijn Froeling2, Martin Tegenthoff1, Matthias Vorgerd1, and Anne-Katrin Güttsches1
1Neurology, University Clinic Bergmannsheil Bochum gGmbH, Bochum, Germany, 2Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
parameters from human leg muscles correlate to fat fraction and inflammatory or degenerative changes as derived
by gold-standard histopathological examination of biopsy samples.
Figure 1: Histopathological features and the
corresponding qMRI Map
Figure 2: Overview of the quantitative maps of all
patients (axial slice of the leg muscles)