Figure 4. Case examples with impeded correlation between Delta-VDP and Delta-LCI. (See red dots in figure 2 and 3)
A) At baseline a large ventilation defect, due to mucus plugging is visible (red arrow). At 14 months follow-up, the VDP has reduced, but LCI stayed stable. Baseline (delta) FEV1: -1.7 (+0.9), LCI: 9.6 (-0.2), VDP: 28.4% (-7.9).
B) At follow-up, an increased VDP is visible (red arrowhead). The LCI decreased (improved). Due to possibly more mucus plugging the LCI is “blind” to closed lung areas. Baseline (delta) FEV1, z-score: -0.1 (-0.7), LCI: 10.4 (-1.8), VDP: 20.4% (+5.6).
Figure 3. Arrow plot of baseline LCI (x-axis) and VDP (y-axis) to follow-up LCI and VDP. Redline marks the upper limit of normality. The arrow points from baseline to follow-up. Overall good agreement in the delta-VDP and delta-LCI is visible. Two outliers are marked as red dots and are shown in figure 4.
Note. – VDP: ventilation defect percentage; LCI: Lung clearance index