VASO-fMRI with Nordic-PCA for laminar sensory testing at 7 Tesla
Nils Dennis Nothnagel1, Alison Symon1, Andrew Tyler Morgan1,2, Renzo Huber3, John Riddell1, and Jozien Goense1
1Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
We demonstrate the successful extraction of laminar brain activity of a complex-valued BOLD- and VASO-fMRI time series during a somatosensory task using NORDIC-PCA denoising.
Figure 2. Brain activation in response to somatosensory stimulation tasks. Top: BOLD and VASO activation with and without NORDIC denoising in response to a pin-prick stimulus of 256 Nm. Bottom: BOLD and VASO activation during finger tapping. Without NORDIC, VASO activity is below the signal detection limit. With NORDIC, VASO activity becomes visible
Figure 3. Laminar activity. Subject 1: Pin-prick stimulus. Without NORDIC, both BOLD and VASO activity remain in the noise floor for this task. After NORDIC denoising, BOLD and VASO activity can be detected, with the signal peaking in upper layers for BOLD and in middle layers for VASO. Subject 2: Finger tapping is known to produce strong activity in the motor cortex. With and without NORDIC, both VASO and BOLD contrast can be seen across layers.