3D choline metabolite imaging in the liver by MRSI with selective excitation using spectral-spatial RF pulses at 7T
Lieke van den Wildenberg1, Arjan Hendriks1, Wybe van der Kemp1, Dennis Klomp1, and Jeanine Prompers1
1Radiology Department, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
the application of a spectral-spatial RF pulse, we were able to map total
choline using a 3D 1H-MRSI
with full liver coverage at maximum intrinsic sensitivity
(short TE and TR).
5: In-vivo 3D 1H-MRSI SPSP liver data of one volunteer. A) Transverse,
coronal and sagittal MR image of the liver overlaid with the 1H-MRSI
grid. Spectra of three different voxels indicated in panel A are shown in the green (B-SPSP
water, E-SPSP choline), orange (C-SPSP water, F-SPSP choline) and blue (D-SPSP
water, G-SPSP choline) frames below.
3: Coronal image of the
spherical phantom (d=10cm) (A) and
the liver (E) with a normal
excitation pulse, but without slice selection, and with the spectral-spatial
pulse (B and F), showing the transversal slice excited by the spectral-spatial
pulse. Panel D shows a normal
coronal image of the body with coronal slice selection as a reference. Line
profiles through the images acquired with the spectral-spatial pulse (blue
lines in B and F) in the phantom (C) and
in the liver (G).