Radiomics Based Classification of Ependymoma and High Grade Glioma Using Multimodal MRI
Apoorva Safai1, Sumeet Shinde1, Manali Jadhav1, Tanay Chougule1, Abhilasha Indoria2, Manoj Kumar2, Vani Santosh2, Shumyla Jabeen2, Manish Beniwal2, Subhash Konar2, Jitender Saini2, and Madhura Ingalhalikar1
1Symbiosis International University, Pune, India, 2National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India
Quantitative radiomic markers such as texture and first order statistics from multimodal MRI can capture intricate and complementary information and thus aid in a robust multiclass tumor classification of STEE and HGG subtypes.
Fig-2:Processing pipeline implemented for
radiomics analysis and classification of tumor subgroups
Fig-5: Feature
importances obtained using SVM coefficient scores on multimodal feature set