Investigation of Motion as a Source of Error in MR Elastography
Emily Chan1, Daniel Fovargue1, Matt Kelly2, Ralph Sinkus1,3, and Julia A Schnabel1
1School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Perspectum, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3INSERM U1148, Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science, University Paris Diderot, University Paris 13, Paris, France
Care should be taken to account for motion between breath-hold acquisitions in magnetic resonance elastography.
Figure 5: Magnitude images for one extreme case for each breath-hold at the highest simulated motion level and the original magnitude image for reference. The average Dice score over the breath-holds was 0.58. The elasticity maps before and after motion are also shown.
Figure 4: Violin plots comparing elasticity for all cases within each region to the ground truth (GT) for increasing motion. The average Dice overlaps between regions before and after motion are shown in blue. A table of the bulk motion and deformation applied for each motion level is also shown.