Effect of Spatial Inhomogeneity Models on Performance of Machine Learning Based Inversion Algorithms for Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Jonathan M Scott1, Joshua D Trzasko1, Armando Manduca1, Matthew L Senjem1, Clifford R Jack1, John Huston III1, Richard L Ehman1, and Matthew C Murphy1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
While the specific spatial inhomogeneity assumption
used in training machine-learning MRE inversion algorithms affects stiffness
estimates, our in vivo results show only
modest impact on repeatability and observed biological effects when relatively
small spatial footprints are used.
The piecewise smooth
inversion produces the best contrast to noise ratio (CNR) for inclusions in the
brain simulating phantom. The piecewise smooth inversion produces the best
CNR in 4 of the 6 inclusions and is a close second in a fifth. The only
inclusion where the piecewise smooth inversion did not perform well was
difficult for all inversions, as no inversion produced a CNR better than 1.
Different inversion material property
assumptions produce no difference in repeatability. While stiffness maps in an individual case are
appreciably different (bottom row), there is no significant difference in
coefficient of variation (CV) between the inversions in any of the 35 gray
matter regions of interest. The box plot (line=median, box edges = 25th/75th
percentiles, whiskers=extremes, +=outlier) shows the mean of the mean CVs in
the 35 regions for the four inversions in 10 subjects.